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The National Committee to Free the Cuban Five at Occupy SF
Statement from the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five on the Release from Prison of René González
René González, one of the five men known as the Cuban Five, today will walk out of Federal Prison in Marianna, Florida. He will walk out with his head held high after more than 13 years in prison, having served his utterly unjust sentence with complete dignity. He has been a model prisoner, even while suffering the indignity of being inhumanely deprived visits from his wife for more than 11 years.
Unable to afford René even the small victory of his release, however, the U.S. government insists on punishing him and his family even more by requiring him to remain in Florida for the three years of his parole, even though René has no family in Florida and his life will be in danger from the very terrorist groups he helped to infiltrate.
Declaración del Comité Nacional Por la Libertad de Los Cinco Cubanos Acerca de la Liberación de la Prisión de René González
René González, uno de los cinco hombres conocidos como los Cinco Cubanos, saldrá hoy de la Prisión Federal en Marianna, Florida. René saldrá con su frente en alto después de más de 13 años en prisión, cumpliendo con completa dignidad su absolutamente injusta condena. Él ha sido un prisionero modelo, a pesar de haber estado sufriendo la vejación de ser inhumanamente privado de las visitas de su esposa, por más de 11 años.
El gobierno de EE.UU., incapaz de permitirle a René incluso la pequeña victoria de su liberación, insiste en castigarlo a él y a su familia aún más, exigiéndole permanecer en Florida durante los tres años de su libertad condicional, aun cuando René no tiene familia en Florida. Su vida estará en peligro, por parte de los grupos verdaderamente terroristas que él ayudó a penetrar.
We have started an online petition campaign to tell President Obama to let René González return to Cuba upon his release from prison on Oct. 7. Please sign the petition by clicking here, and help spread the word on your mailing lists, Facebook, and in every other way you can.
Sept. 12: Press Conference on the 13th Anniversary of the Imprisonment of the Five
A press conference was held this morning, Sept. 12, featuring Richard Klugh, co-counsel for Gerardo Hernández, William M. Norris, attorney for Ramón Labañino, Phil Horowitz, attorney for René González, and Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. Gerardo and Ramón (as well as Antonio and Fernando) are in the process of filing appeals and their attorneys discuss those appeals. René's sentence ends on Oct. 7 and he will be freed from jail. His attorney explains how he has filed a motion for René to be allowed to serve his three years' probation in Cuba, but the government has opposed that motion (!) and is currently demanding that René serve his probation in Florida, where he has no family.
Listen to the conference:
National Committee to Free the Cuban Five Uncovers Secret Government Payments to Journalists Covering the Cuban Five Trial
“I believe that there is no reason to keep the Cuban Five imprisoned, there were doubts in the U.S. courts and also among human rights organizations in the world. Now, they have been in prison 12 years and I hope that in the near future they will be released to return home."
“Creo que la retención de los cinco cubanos no tiene sentido, ha habido dudas en los tribunales estadounidenses y también entre las organizaciones de derechos humanos en el mundo. Ahora, ellos han estado en prisión 12 años y yo espero que en el futuro cercano sean liberados para que regresen a sus hogares."
Forbidden Heroes: The Untold Story of the Cuban Five
An important series of articles on the history of the case of the Cuban Five
by Ricardo Alarcón, President of the Cuban National Assembly of People's Power: