This week, Egyptians braved brutal beatings in Tahrir Square in search of democracy and freedom while Americans braved violence in Wal-Marts in search of cheap Black Friday appliances: #resetyourvalues. On the campaign trail, latest GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich came under fire for using the word "humane" in a debate answer about illegal immigration and suggesting we should adopt a policy to avoid tearing apart families. Apparently, erring on the side of humanity doesn't sit well with "family values" voters. And, in a demonstration of the kind of real-time, crowd-sourced creative commentary only possible on the Internet, the UC Davis campus cop who heartlessly pepper-sprayed peaceful protesters became a viral meme, depicted spraying everyone from Gandhi to George Washington to a baby seal to Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel God. It got so big, even the Hitler Reacts meme felt compelled to weigh in. Very meta. And wickedly funny.
Whether it is in Cairo's Tahrir Square or elsewhere, Egypt's protestors are asking the Supreme Council to complete the ongoing political transition more quickly. They will not settle for half a revolution. Neither should anyone else.
As a father of four daughters, I've learned that cool is a gift that only comes occasionally; but for a short time, Marilyn Monroe, and the movie I made about her, made dad cool.
The Occupy movement has been a test -- a national MRI -- that has allowed us to check-in on the health of our democracy by allowing us to see what's going on underneath the surface of America's power structures. And the results are dire.
Today's political journalists think the world would work much better if political leaders would simply govern the way the journalist thinks they should. Tom Wicker knew that his job was not to govern: his job was to provide a conscience for those who governed.
Here are 15 ways the media would be different if it were run by 97% women and only 3% men.
The war by America's carbon and nuclear energy industries and their right wing allies against our country's burgeoning cleantech industry is damaging our economy and subverting our national security, just as it has in the past led us into oil wars.
I like knowing names. We each have one of our own and our parents obviously thought about our moniker and its meaning and import and rarely do we each use them. So, I am proposing name tags for everyone.
In the midst of our "30 Rock" grind, a producer says, "We need something special for this Kristin Wiig sketch -- something upbeat!" Before I can respond, I feel the smartphone vibrating in my pocket. I've been informed that my man Lil' Mark is no more.
As a kid I was thankful for my Barbie and her "house". As a teenager I was thankful for a career in acting that kept me busy. Now, as a Post50 woman, I am thankful for all the ups and downs along the way, all the seeds that have been sown that have led me to this new season of gratitude.
Progressives don't often battle the concentrated forces of corporations and armies of lobbyists to a stalemate. For that, we can stop, reflect on a job well done, and thank the congressmen and women who stopped the worst from getting through. But we're not out of the woods yet.
What's the connection between Simpson and Sandusky, who is charged with assaulting eight boys? Both men's statements are devastating to their defense.
Sarah's story doesn't need embellishment or a funny line to draw you in, just the facts. Sarah is an elephant with a chronic infection and symptoms of arthritis and she's being forced to travel and perform with the Ringling Bros.
For a government that spends $1.9 billion every single day on the military, Washington's unwillingness to follow through on a $1.33 billion pledge to the Global Fund to save millions of lives is a new depth of cynicism and recklessness.
Adbusters and their fellow Occupiers see Americans -- or, in their own lingo, 'the 99%' -- as gluttonous, obese pigs. What a joyful holiday message.
While science and religion operate with different methods, criteria, aims and subject matter, neither has to dominate the other... Creation is an excellent example of why readers need to examine the varied expressions of a theme in the Bible.
Rome and Athens, epicenters of the economic and financial storm currently shaking Europe and the world. You read it right: Rome and Athens. In other words, the two cradles of Europe.
For a few years, we had a great time playing mother and daughter on Friends. But far from a Hollywood TV studio, we forged a bond that was even more lasting for us -- by joining together to help families who are fighting for the lives of their children.
After nearly two months of allowing the movement to establish their presence there, the decision to evict stands as an abrupt about-face. What happened?
This Adoption Day, 120 foster kids were officially accepted into their new families in Los Angeles. Across the country more than 4,000 adoptions were finalized.
If we resolve to Occupy Ourselves -- to acknowledge all of ourselves -- especially our darkest aspects -- only then can we stop the fear that is running ourselves and our society.
In the wake of the Congressional super committee's collapse, we finally have consensus on both sides of the aisle: the lawmakers orchestrating the partisan drama are, behind the scenes, happy to collaborate on destroying economic security for all but the wealthiest Americans.
It's hard to see the forest for the trees. And it's hard to see a movement when it is happening. That's where we are with Occupy Wall Street. So it's time to look back in time and read about successful campaigns by individuals that changed the course of human history.
I think we have an indestructible hope that as bad as things get, if we work hard enough and talk long enough, we'll find our way out of the forest. It's who we are. And I'm thankful for that.
During this period of economic frustration and limited political horizons, when do we allow ourselves to feel gratitude for what we do have?
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