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If the Tea Party Reps Believe God Runs the Government, Why are We Paying Them Good Salaries for Whining? Governor of Oregon, Who as a Physician Took an Oath to Do No Harm, Halts Executions in the State The Billionaire Stumbles: Bloomberg Uses "Terrorism" Charge as Distraction and Gets Pepper Sprayed by the FBI Newt Gingrich is a "Stupid Man's Idea of What a Smart Man Sounds Like" Congress May Pass a Bill Similar to China's Internet Censorship, With Corporations in Charge![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Nation of Consumerism Update: Black Friday weekend 2011 sees record turnout Approximately 226 million shoppers visited stores and websites as spending also rose. Now the pundits will crawl out of the woodowork about an economy on the "rebound"! "There is Nothing Like a Sale, Nothing Like a Sale!"
- LA Times: Co-ops may be a path out of poverty From Spain to California. The Biggest Threat to Wall Street. Jobs Created by the People for the People.
- Can There Be Solidarity Between Movement Activists and Police Officers?
- Policy-Making Billionaires Privatizing Public Policy
- Walker appointee says workplace harassment of gays is legal
- Why Do Liberals Keep Sanitizing the Obama Story?
- UAE: Investigate Threats against ‘UAE 5’
- ‘Black Friday’ Champs Walk Over Dying Man To Buy Target Crap
- Recall Walker Drive Surpassed Halfway Petition Signature Total of 270,000 To Oust Wisconsin Governor
- Fox Nation bashes President Obama for campaign store items
- DC as ATM: Newt, the Ultimate Beltway Swindler
- Pakistan tells US of 'rage' over attack
- Walker Recall a success, all neccesary signatures already collected.
- Fox News Commentator Calls Mitt Romney’s Obama Ad ‘An Out And Out Lie’
- Pakistan closes key NATO supply route to Afghanistan after alliance’s airstrike
- Merchants on the rise: Small shop owners counter Black Friday hoopla
- Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, Thought Crime in Washington
- The True Meaning of Black Friday?
- US Senate To Vote On Bill That Will Allow The Military To Arrest Americans On American Soil And Hold Them Indefinitely
- Why Do All Election Forecasters, Political Scientists, Academics and Media Pundits Avoid the Systemic Fraud Factor?
- Pakistan orders US to leave airbase in row over deadly Nato assault
- How Gingrich went from flameout to fortune
- Arab League Approves Unprecedented Sanctions Against Syria
- Chile: Student Protests Spread Throughout Region
- Pakistan’s Ambassador to U.S. Resigns amid Clash between Government and Military
- Food Justice Wins We Can Be Thankful for This Year
- Tanks in Small Towns
- Occupy California: San Francisco, Los Angeles Negotiating To Close Occupy Encampments
- Global Occupy Protests Going Strong
- Anger Soars Over Pakistan Attack
- If the Tea Party Reps Believe God Runs the Government, Why are We Paying Them Good Salaries for Whining? -- Steve Jonas for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Banks Build Contingency for Breakup of the Euro
- Provocative Article in Washington Post on Why Black Americans are Not, in Large Numbers, Out on the Streets with the "Occupy Movement"
- BREAKING: Arab League Imposes Unprecedented Sanctions on Syria
- Occupy L.A.: Mayor, LAPD Won't Discuss Tactics for Removal
- What Happened to the Tea Party?
- Perry ad features SuperPAC footage
- The magic of diasporas
- Military Detention Versus We the People
- Bailouts and Austerity Measures Aren't Working: Is This the Euro's Last Stand?
- Herman Cain: What High-Tech Lynching?
- Last Stand at American Apparel
- $4.1 million question: Why did Detroit incinerator deserve tax credits
- 5 Reasons the Religious Right Should Stop Whining About Being Persecuted
- Climate Change: Vulnerable Countries Consider "Occupying" Durban Talks
- UN chief slams rich nations' plans to delay climate change treaty
- Rich nations 'give up' on new climate treaty until 2020
- Does Obamacare really cut Medicare Benefits to Senior Citizens?
- When the World Outlawed War: An Interview with David Swanson
- Naomi Wolf’s ‘Shocking Truth’ About the ‘Occupy Crackdowns’ Offers Anything but the Truth
- Washington Leaves Millions to Die
- Finn Takes A Deal While Donohue Defends the Indefensible
- Liberals are not uniquely “unreasonable”
- EU court rules against web filters to block file sharing
- Occupy Wall Street: A Leader-full Movement in a Leaderless Time
- The Prosecution’s Case Against DNA
- Yet Another Absurd Airport Indignity: The Red Carpet Rolled Out for the Wealthy
- Chris Christie? The Answer is Just NO
- Canada's Chronic Asbestos Problem
- Can There Be Solidarity Between Movement Activists and Police Officers?
- Time to Occupy Durban's COP17 climate summit
- The November 30 Strike: Will Britain Shutdown?
- The Obama Non-Spending Surge
- What's Fit to Print? The Mainstream Media's Misguided Obsession With "Objectivity"
- Will Shopping Save Us?
- How gossip took over the news Salacious reporting used to be the freak show of journalism. Now it's everywhere. How did this happen?
- Eighteen Newt Gingrich Quotes That Disqualify Him from Ever Being President
- What Happened to the Tea Party?
- Next up, Occupy Christmas
- What Not to Ask the Occupiers
- Clarence Thomas, Elena Kagan Asked To Sit Out Supreme Court Health Care Case
- Canadian Police Chiefs Back Anti-Mask Bill
- At LAPD, Predicting Crimes Before They Happen
- Cutting and Pasting to the Constitution
- Which States Were Job Winners or Losers in October 2011?
- Nine Reasons to Wear Tinfoil Hats
- Walmart Touts Crowd Experts It Used to Develop Black Friday Plans
- Assassinating the Rule of Law: President Obama Has Carried On Where George W. Bush Left Off
- "A Strong Military Appearance": Are These the NYPD's Disorder Control Unit Guidelines?
- Richard Grossman's Long Fight Against Minority-Rule Governance
- Occupy Moves Us Into a New Era
- Arizona Lawmakers Say They Will Build Border Fence, Work to Be Done by Prisoners
- The Looming GOP Tax Hike
- UK: Cruel New Punishment for Hackers: Twitter, Facebook Bans
- Governor, Not Police, Informed of Recall Petition Destruction
- Do We Have Any Right to Privacy Outside Our Homes?
- Vermont Towns Vote to Arrest Bush and Cheney
- Seven Surveys Make A Trend For Fox And Viewers
- Campaign Trail Tears: The Changing Politics Of Crying
- The Republican ‘Myth of Myths:’ The Stimulus Did Not Work
- Occupy the Democratic Party? No Way!
- 'Tis the Season for Cause-Marketing e-Tail: This Holiday Season Will See a Bounty Of Social Media-Propelled Campaigns Tying In Charitable Elements — Coke, Pepsi, Pepto-Bismol, Arby's and Groupon Spread the Goodwill
- Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not
- Biden to Hit Swing States to Rally White Working-Class Support
- O Christmas Trees, O Christmas Trees, Will A Bad Drought Make Us History?
- Obama Granted Fewer Requests for Clemency Than Any Other President in the Last Century
- The Fascinating History of How Corporations Became "People" - Thanks to Corrupt Courts Working for the One Percent
- Glenn Greenwald: The Fruits of Liberation
- Dutch Ban Foreigners from Cannabis Cafes in Maastricht Area; A Nation-Wide Ban Could Be Next.
- Millions Spent in Albany Fight to Drill for Gas
- Democracy or Plutocracy? A Chart
- Rolling Sympathy Strikes Harass Food-Service Giant
- From Alexandria to Zuccotti Park: They've Been Destroying Books for 2,000 Years
- Occupy Black Friday: An Antidote to the Guns, Pepper Spray, and Madness of This Shopping "Holiday"
- This Year's Top Five Moments of Conservative Crazy
- The GOP Candidates Want Never-Ending War on Terror
- How Do We Know OWS Is Winning? Elites Are Desperate to Suppress It
- Hunger in America, By the Numbers
- Thousands of Egyptians Press Demand for Military Council to Step Down
- Why Brown Spin Keeps Beating Green Spin
- Texas Court Refuses to Hold GOP-Contested Redistricting Map
- Arizona Lawmakers Say They Will Build Border Fence, Work to Be Done by Prisoners
- Ask the Candidates Real Questions — Like These
- Naomi Wolf: The Shocking Truth About the Crackdown on Occupy
- Arrested US Students Leave Egypt
- Glossary: Decoding the Police Jargon Overheard at Occupy
- After One Victory, Ohio Democrats Take Aim at GOP Redistricting Map
- Oil Industry Batting for Survival of Tax Breaks
- FEC to Tell Mike Lee He Can’t Form His Very Own Super PAC
- Politico Assists Pentagon Scaremongering
- Why Egyptians Are Trying to Topple Their Former Military Saviors
- Occupy L.A. to be Evicted Monday
- Conservatives Dominate Religious Advocacy in DC
- Kansas School Unconstitutionally Disciplines Student For Criticizing Governor Sam Brownback
- Goldman Sachs Announces Presidential Run
- Officials: NATO chopppers kill up to 28 Pakistani troops NATO commander expresses condolences to relatives of any Pakistani soldiers who 'may have been killed or injured'
- Eric Cantor's Extreme Makeover
- Five Ways that Financial Elites are Destroying Democracy
- Romney: "I'm Not Trying to Put Money's in People's Pockets." So Says the Man Who Made His Fortune Cutting Jobs.
- Occupy Movements Nationwide Celebrate Thanksgiving
- Netanyahu is Holding the Palestinians' Tax Money Hostage
- US Congress Seeks to Cut Food Stamp Program
- The Death of Middle-Class Neighborhoods
- Newt Gingrich: Big Baby
- Muslim Patriot, Representative Keith Ellison
- GOP Forced To Confront Shifts On Gay Marriage In New Hampshire
- Occupy California: San Francisco, Los Angeles Negotiating To Close Occupy Encampments
- Paul Krugman: "So should the 99.9 percent hate the 0.1 percent? No, not at all. But they should ignore'all the propaganda about 'job creators” and demand that the super-elite pay substantially more in taxes."
- Governor of Oregon, Who as a Physician Took an Oath to Do No Harm, Halts Executions in the State -- Chester Kulis for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Medical Marijuana Industry Is Unnerved by U.S. Crackdown. Mistaken White House Priorities and Use of Taxpayer Resources.
- Activist Bill Ayers to Speak to Occupy Harrisburg
- Michele Bachmann dodges question about dominionism from the flagship magazine of evangelicalism, Christianity Today
- Harold Meyerson: The growing tension between capitalism and democracy
- Rep. Giffords serves Thanksgiving to troops
- State of the Nation, Florida: "So far in every month of 2011, the number of people in Manatee and Sarasota counties seeking food, shelter, medical care and other aid — because they were homeless or on the verge of homelessness — has been higher than it was in 2010. The total number of people — women, men, children and families — who sought help from relief agencies in 2010 was higher than it was in 2009. The number in '09 was higher than it was in 2008. Now, five years after America's per-capita income began to decline, the needs of thousands of people in our region — and the charitable organizations that serve them — continue to rise."
- Report: The city of Los Angeles has told Occupy L.A. leaders to move their encampment away from City Hall by Monday.
- Thanksgiving dinner political arguments guide
- Massive global health fund says it's broke The world's biggest financier in the fight against three killer diseases says it has run out of money to pay for new grant programs for the next two years — a situation likely to hit poor AIDS patients around the world.
- Members of Congress Still Legally Profit From Insider Training
- The Billionaire Stumbles: Bloomberg Uses "Terrorism" Charge as Distraction and Gets Pepper Sprayed by the FBI -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Newt Gingrich is a "a Stupid Man's Idea of What a Smart Man Sounds Like"-- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Glenn Greenwald: The biggest media myth isn't "The Liberal Media"; it's the "objective journalist"
- Torture Used on Protesters in Bahrain, Report Says
- Mike Bloomberg's Dictator Style: He Has NYPD Arrest, Intimidate and Injure Journalists "In Order to Protect Them."
- William Rivers Pitt: In the Shadow of the Mountain
- Occupy Wall Street Thanksgiving
- For Many "Occupy" Students, It's a Matter of Life and Debt
- Benedict Norquist (Satirical Illustration)
- An Occupy Wall Street supporter literally slipped President Obama a note today while shaking hands on the campaign trail in Manchester, New Hampshire. The tiny piece of paper read as follows: "Mr. President: Over 4,000 peaceful protesters have been arrested. While banksters continue to destroy the American economy with impunity. You must stop the assault on our 1st ammendment [sic] rights. Your silence sends a message that police brutality is a [illegible]. Banks got bailed out. We got sold out." Great photograph.
- UK: A Conservative party college student association in Britain will send a written apology to Barack Obama after its members burned an effigy of the U.S. president, it was announced Thursday.
- Honoring Richard Trumka, Honoring the American Worker on Thanksgiving
- Did Michele "Loose Lips" Bachmann Reveal Classified Info at CNN Debate?
- Report About Discovery Channel: "Climate change episode of Frozen Planet won't be shown in the U.S. as viewers don't believe in global warming."
- Two Scandals, One Connection: The FBI link between Penn State and UC Davis
- "Trying to prevent an increase in tax rates on the richest 1% of Americans looks to me like a losing strategy for the Republicans."
- "Think Walmart uses 100% clean energy? Try 2% Walmart claims that it wants to be powered entirely by renewable energy, but it's been moving very slowly toward that lofty goal, unwilling to put up the money to make it happen anytime soon."
- Kingdom of Bloomberg Update: “What the police have done is made 79th Street between 5th and Madison a no-First-Amendment zone,” said Norman Siegel, a civil liberties lawyer. “The Constitution doesn’t say you have First Amendment rights except where Mayor Bloomberg lives.”
- Michael Moore | Don't Sit This One Out - What's Your Vision for Occupy Wall Street?
- Egyptian Military Using "More Dangerous" Teargas on Tahrir Square Protesters
- Congress May Pass a Bill Similar to China's Internet Censorship, With Corporations in Charge -- Elliot Cohen for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- 13 Political Turkeys for the Groaning Board -- Will Durst for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Unmentionable: Land Mines in Afghanistan Sexually Mutilate US Troops -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Yemeni Leader Signs a Deal to End His 33-Year Rule
- UC Davis to Pay Medical Bills of Pepper Spray Victims
- The Cop Group Coordinating the Occupy Crackdowns
- The Corporatization of the American University
- Thousands Rally in Tel Aviv in Support of Israel Democracy -
- What will climate change mean for California?
- The GOP's dual-trigger nightmare
- Mainstream Economic Media Cry Wolf
- Violence Goes to College
- The Senate's Detainee Disaster - How the pending defense bill could impede a US withdrawal from Afghanistan.
- Five Troubling Things About the For-Profit Industry’s Self-Policing Standards
- Inside the Corporate Plan to Occupy the Pentagon
- Report: Bahrain Using Excessive Force in Crackdowns
- Herman Cain Signs Susan B. Anthony List's "Pro-life Presidential Leadership Pledge"
- Glenn Greenwald: What Endless War Looks Like
- BPA Levels Soar After Eating Canned Soup
- Egypt Protests: Death Toll Rises As Clashes Between Police, Protesters Continue
- The GOP Debate: Six Takeaways
- Financier, Tax Thyself -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Matt Taibbi: UC Davis Pepper-Spray Incident Reveals Weakness Up Top
- Democrats Lobby Against Any Broader Exceptions to Contraceptive Coverage
- Jerry Sandusky Case Sees Two New Child Sex Abuse Investigations Where Alleged Victims are Under 18
- Gainesville, Florida Goes Solar
- The labor board’s sole Republican member, Brian E. Hayes, has threatened to resign to deny the NLRB the three-person quorum it needs to make any decisions.
- South Carolina Supreme Court Upholds Presidential Primary Date
- Feds Sue Utah Over Illegal Immigration Enforcement Bill
- Did Newt Gingrich Really Say That Pepper-Spraying Students Was "Bull"? (Satire)
- James Murdoch Resigns From UK Newspaper Boards
- Obama Turns Anti-Tax Message on GOP
- State legislators have scheduled a December 14 hearing in Sacramento to look into the controversial use of pepper spray by UC Davis police against nonviolent student protesters last week and other recent instances of force used by UC Berkeley police against demonstrators.
- Violent police crackdowns on Occupy camps are real threat
- The Damning Video Tape that Shows That the UC Davis Police Chief Lied About "Justification" for Pepper Spraying -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Sexual Child Abuse and Anal Rape at Penn State and Elsewhere Should Trump Tailgating Parties -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Here’s What the Attempted Co-Option of OWS Looks Like
- Former Head Of Godfather's Pizza Gets Secret Service Protection - Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - The GOP's Last Chicken In The Shop
- Supercommittee on Suicide Watch
- Report: Military Contractor Overcharged Pentagon For Torturing Iraqi Citizens
- Casually Pepper Spray Everything