Congressional Republicans' proxy war against Solyndra (and the federal loan program that supported it) has put them on a collision course with the Pentagon.
Union Leader endorses Newt in New Hampshire.
The largest and most ambitious Mars rover was launched Saturday by NASA. It is scheduled to arrive on Mars in August.
Here's the launch:
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At this week's debate (and actually before) Newt Gingrich said that mass deportation of all illegal immigrants currently in the United States would be neither feasible nor humane, especially when it involves breaking up families long resident in the US. But for anyone who thought this sounded uncharacteristically sensible, Gingrich has now followed up with the fine print, which will leave to community boards of local worthies to decide who gets the boot and who doesn't.
The boards are to be modeled on the local draft boards of World War II.
Bringing together Gingrich's two great ambitions -- being president and selling books.
Pepper spray isn't the only non-lethal crowd control technique taking off at Wal-Marts today. Now we have a shopper Tasered at a Wal-Mart in Alabama. Watch.
Cop, Shopper turn to pepper spray to brave Wal-Mart Black Friday.
Campaign in 100 Seconds: Whatever Happened to Michele Bachmann.
The office of former Senator and now-Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (R) complains about a critical tweet from a Kansas high schooler, lands the teenage girl in the principal's office.
According to an interview in The New York Times, Mitt Romney's longtime hair stylist, Leon de Magistris, there is no gel, mousse or other 'product' in Mitt's hair.
So either this is a white lie on the part of the stylist or we need to seriously consider the possibility that Mitt's body has naturally occurring shellack-o-genic properties.
Woman uses pepper spray to fight off competing shoppers at Wal-Mart.
Benjy Sarlin does the electoral math.
Is Newt's rise to frontrunner status just the last or latest in the boom and bust cycle of would-be Mitt-slayers in the GOP presidential contest? Or is he the end of it?
TPM Reader MO thinks it's Newt's to lose ...
Read More →After the Bachmann surge and the Perry flameout, the boom and bust pattern of would-be Romney-slayers in the GOP primary battle became familiar to most election observers. After Cain's moment in the sun it became conventional wisdom. And now with Newt it's almost a cliche.
But it's one thing to see it in general and it's another to see it graphed out in front of you. The charts below are from the beta version of the new TPMPolltracker, slated to be released next month.
First is Iowa.
Read More →It starts with a professor mocking a congressman for going to a community college. Then the congressman started ordering the professor around like a servant. And then, well, if it weren't already bad enough, it went down hill from there. Watch.
The top 5 turkeys of the 2011 pre-campaign season.
The Feds moved in this morning and arrested seven members of the so-called 'Bergholz Clan', a cult-like breakaway Amish group responsible for a harrowing wave of beard-cutting incidents in Amish Country aimed at religious backsliders. Federal charges are under the Matthew Shepard-James Byrd Hate Crimes Prevention Act. The FBI affidavit also alleges additional 'cult-like' practices such as leader Samuel Mullet "'counseling' the married women in the Bergholz clan and taking them into his home so that he may cleanse them of the devil with acts of sexual intimacy."
If you watched closely, the questioners at the GOP debate were like a walk down memory lane of the Bush foreign policy and national security team. David Addington, Paul Wolfowitz and more.
UC Davis students reflect on the pepper spray incident that has transfixed the country and transformed the campus.
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