Best Liberal Blog

Vote for your choice for Best Liberal Blog.

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Add to any feed reader  Hullabaloo
Add to any feed reader  Think Progress
Add to any feed reader  Sadly, No!
Add to any feed reader  The BRAD BLOG
Add to any feed reader  Blue Gal
Add to any feed reader  Orcinus
Add to any feed reader  Truthdig
Add to any feed reader  Wonkette
Add to any feed reader  Taylor Marsh
Add to any feed reader  Shakesville
Add to any feed reader  Crooks & Liars
Add to any feed reader  The Confluence
Add to any feed reader  Glenn Greenwald's Unclaimed Territory
Add to any feed reader  Talking Points Memo

Polls close Tuesday January 13, 2009 at 10:00 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is 5:00 p.m. (EST) and 2:00 p.m. (PST).

Notes: Do you have questions about voting? First see the voting rules. Second, check the the daily Weblog Award Notes for the latest news and issues with this years Weblog Awards. Third, read the FAQ, as many questions are answered there. Finally, if you still have questions ask questions in The Weblog Awards forum.

IMPORTANT - Users on home networks with multiple computers, behind corporate firewalls, or at educational institutions should avoid voting at the same time or one right after another for the same finalist. Read this note about how to successfully vote in these environments.

Please note that to reduce the load on our server when you cast your vote the counters are incremented on your display and the vote is recorded in the database. If you refresh your browser it will appear as if your vote has disappeared. That is not the case, it's simply a caching issue. Your vote is safely recorded and everyone else sees your vote. If you close your browser completely the next time you load the poll the totals displayed will include your vote.

Nominations for The 2008 Weblog Awards were, as always, open and public. There were over 5,000 nominations in the 48 categories. You can navigate all of the nomination via the master list of nomination posts here.

All polls are subject to correction for overvoting, or other identified cheating, prior to the finalization of the results. Polls that hava vote totals adjusted will be listed here.

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Requirements: You will need a 480px wide by 720px high space to show the poll.

You must the code in the extended entry text of an individual post or on its own dedicated page. You may not have the poll displayed on the front page of your blog. If we find (or learn of) sites showing polls on their main page we will block the poll from loading on their site at all. The IFRAME provides protection for your site in the event our site experiences slow load times.

We can't really help you in your embedding, but we have put together a couple tips for popular bloggging systems. In WordPress, click on the "Insert More tag" button, which will put a divider in your post. Paste the code after the divider. In Movable Type, Typepad, and Expression Engine use the extended entry section on the posting screen. Movable Type and Typepad users may have to use the "customize" option on the posting screen display to add the extended entry area to their posting screen. Blogger users will need to create a backdated post that doesn't appear on the front page and post the code into that post. If you don't have any of those systems, or can't do extended entries you can setup a dedicated page on your site to host the poll. Basically we just don't want the poll on your front page.

We can't really provide support if things don't look right. The most common mistake is that the an cuting and pasting the code introduces a stray line break in the code block. If you're having problems head over to the forums to see if you can get peer support. With that warning, here's the code to embed this poll on your site:

<iframe align=center src= frameBorder=0 width=480 scrolling=no height=720></iframe>

Copy and paste the code into the extended entry area of a blog post, publish, and you should see this poll. Be kind and provide links to the other finalists sites since we could not include them in the IFRAME.

We reserve the right to block polls from appearing at any site, for any reason.

Return to the The 2008 Weblog Award Poll Navigation Page.

About The Weblog Awards

The Weblog Awards are the world's largest blog competition with over 545,000 votes cast in 2007 edition and nearly two million votes cast in all editions since 2003.

For The 2008 Weblog Awards open and public nominations in 48 categories began on November 3, 2008.  Voting for selected finalists is expected begin in early December 2008.

Signup for our newsletter for press releases and to keep up to date on general information about The Weblog Awards. It's the best way to stay abreast of the schedule for this year and future editions of The Weblog Awards.

Once the polls open comments will be disabled on the site, but you are invited to join us in The Weblog Awards discussion forums if you want to talk about the awards, the nominees, or ask questions.

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Recent Entries

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  • Daily Notes - January 13

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  • Daily Notes - January 12

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  • Daily Notes - Weekend Edition

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  • Daily Notes - January 8

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