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America Is Not Broke

After this weekend, it seems that the "supercommittee" of 12 Republicans and Democrats have given up on creating a plan to cut $1.2 trillion from the nation's deficit over the next 10 years. The failure of the supercommittee reveals that Congress has become a government of the 1 percent.

While doomsday calls for drastic spending cuts have dominated this debate, we at IPS have a completely different view. In a new report, "America Isn't Broke," we argue that the crisis is an opportunity to harness the country's abundant resources in ways that will make our economy more equitable, green, and secure.

read the report

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World Beat
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November 29 - Inequality has become so extreme that even the foreign policy elite is worried. By John Feffer, published in Truthout and Common Dreams

World Beat
Droning On
November 22 - The CIA's drone war in Pakistan is setting precedents that will one day come back to haunt America. By John Feffer, published in Truthout and Counterpunch and Antiwar.com

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Sequestering Military Spending
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America Is Not Broke: Fiscal Reforms that Washington Needs to Consider
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When J. Edgar Hoover Tapped My Phone
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A Main Street Jobs Agenda
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Durban Diary: #Occupy the COP
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Durban Diary: Repaying Climate Debt
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Durban Diary: What's on the Table?
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Durban Diary: UN Summit's Stormy Backdrop
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A Blizzard of Bad Climate News
November 28 - If you want to get your grandkids something they'll be really thankful for this holiday season, fight to stop climate change. By Janet Redman, published in Straight Goods and The Dedham (MA) Transcript

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