Road to truth   




Find yourself on the road you have found

Waite for yourself on the doorstep you have already mounted

Make the step and come down from the doorstep to the New World,

loving this World

And behold the God in the human and recognize yourself in this God 


   Prophetic dream or a little bit of myself 

   When I was a just, well, quite a little child, I had a dream which become my guiding star. All the best I have ever done or I am doing I owe to this dream. It is difficult to describe it with words –the language of images is preferable here – but I will try.

   I remember the time when I did not exist. There was no my «EGO», or rather this  «EGO» was EVERYTHING, and EVERYTHING was LIGHT. Yes, That`s the way it was – I remember the time when I was the LIGHT. I had no any feelings, problems, doubts: as there was no one to feel or be unhappy, as I was HAPPYNESS. In other words there was no my «EGO», but there was EVERYTHING and that EVERYTHING was me, or I was EVERYTHING... However it does not matter.

   I remember the waves which I could not sway on: because I was the waves myself and did not know what WE are, as I did not distinguish MYSELF.

   And suddenly something happened! I saw myself, or rather that what or who I was from outside. It was a wavy line of light of unusual beauty and harmony. Its free lines seem the perfection itself, to be more exact the perfection itself came out of those magic lines. One gaze on them could make one happy. Gradually, I became aware that I see THAT from outside and, consequently, now I is «EGO». I did not know how to think about that and I don`t remember whether I felt sad.

   And then the things happened that helped me to understand what is going on. Free lines started breaking and I saw the AGONY OF LIGHT. The feeling of absolute happiness was substituted by the feeling of absolute catastrophe and I was shocked with the KOWLEDGE that THIS WORLD could be saved just by “ME”! Which world? –you will ask.

   The one where Your and my «EGO» were born. A baby was crying in its cradle fluttering the dove-cotes in the kindergarten. A night nanny was hustling about  and the baby was calming down slowly and looking  about.

    The baby grew up and became a boy he asked himself: "How can such a complicated world work so consistently?"

   Then the boy became a youth, but he did not forget about the dream. The dream itself urged him to become a poet to express the things he saw and felt. Hó or I knew just the only thing – it should be expressed through the language. Here`s one of his poems: 

The orient calendar is in fashion

And the New Year is staying like a mouse in the corner
And scratching in the keyhole
Let the rodent go

As by the ancient mythology
Or ancient calendar
Will make your efforts rat races
And it seems or maybe it`s just a dream

The clock has stopped
The mouse lexicon is fashionable
And the wheel for the squirrel is lack.
I take the ads at the stall

And see in the ads of the week:
"I change my little burrows
For two the same outside the city".
I can`t believe my eyes. You are joking!

Such ads to give you as example
"I am ready to give you a grey mouse
My wife whom I think is shrew.
But the new day began over
And the sun is ramming the sky...

And I awoke with the cry:
  “God havens
I won`t forgive the perfidy to East

And armed with ability and skills,
I will revenge the superstitions and..
And buy a mousetrap.


   Thanks to poetry the young man (I don`t want to overload the pronoun «EGO») turned out to be in Moscow: as he passed the literature contest in the institute named by Gorky. But he did not become a professional poet. Once he decided to write a work where his imagination was not restricted by anything. Taking out all the secondary from his work the young man discovered with surprise that the ART disappeared from it (from the work), and the work itself transformed into  SCIENTIFIC treatise in a mysterious way. The treatise was taken notice of and his author was invited to the Academy of Science of the USSR. That`s how the poet turned into the scientist but he did not start to deal with the science although all conditions were offered that.

   What was further? Further the young man became a mature man, who did not forget that child dream and that`s why he decided to write the book again. And again he gave free play to his thinking and took away all secondary. And this time the SCEINCE left his work. What happened there? The things that remained was "noticed" by the God and hope with the help of the God will by noticed by You.


P.S. "Scientific treatise " which was mentioned in the message is in the archive file.




   The boy


   I gazed into the space abyss with and it looked at me with all myriads of its  flickering worlds and I have made the date with one of them. I, the person from Earth will get to know soon whether there is a life there I looked at.  

  Thus, I concentrated on my inner feelings and imagine that the warmth in the tips of my fingers is accumulated and spread over my body. I am lying and do not think about anything, or rather I think that I do not think about anything. And I did not manage… The human brain is built so that it is always busy with some thoughts and imaginations. But if I want to enter the door, I have to make myself not to think. Do you want to know what would I do if I know what is waiting for me over that door? I would throw away the book of Shree Aurobindo in the ventlight. And yet I would think, think and enjoyed the very process of thinking. Do you really think that the God became so silly  not to offer you the informative tour in his world. “Thank you” to Indian guru who invented how to deceive the God. Though guru did not warn that one had to deceive the Devil. Who was I then?  A self-confident boy-who undertook a scientific experiment and decided to step into the world where supercategories and superideas rule which accessible just to the superbrain (remember that in New Testament is said that the human cannot contain the Divine Providence?). I played everything like clockwork. I knew exactly what and how to do. I imagine a giant information and energetic system governed by artificial intelligence which is based on signs as a computer system. And it`s not for nothing that in all esoteric sciences such a big attention is paid to cabalic symbols. But first I made myself not to think. It was a mistake from the point of view of a man but it was a right move from the point of view of the boy who did not become a man but who was going to become a “whipping boy” (how do you think what will Other World will decide if some human on the Earth will stop thinking?! Yes, The other world will decide that the human died and it`s time for his soul to go to the next world. The contact is guaranteed in this case). I don`t remember how long this state of spiritual silence went on before the state of contact started. One cannot confuse it with anything. It came once and forever. Why? Because the contact is the jurisdiction of  Supersanity and the human cannot stop it because the human do not decide here anything and he has to learn to live with it. The first thing that callow contactee met, the contactee that will never stand on a steady ground until he knows the Truth  – is the state when your body contact with this world and your soul – with another. The second «surprise» - is that all your thoughts and internal dreams are under control and even commented! Would you still like to become a contactee?

   The first thing I understood was- that the door is opened and I am swimming somewhere. I was in bed and at the same time was swinging on the waves. In my mind I imagined the tunnel and draw a Christian symbol I trust most of all at the entrance. As they say – "God helps those who help themselves»… And then I saw the Universe, the very Universe with the web of galaxies I wrote about earlier. I understand immediately that this was the Universe, or rather I felt. There was such an incredible, relict puissance coming from it. It was fascinating wonderful and quite different from what we see in the sky. We see cluster of stars and here I saw the cluster of galaxies which reminded the thinniest silver cloths afar wrapped over the thing that put me in awe. In the center of all that there was a huge even for that macrocosmic scope spinning funnel and white-hot hosts of worlds disappeared in it while somewhere at the immense edge new hosts of worlds were born from the cosmic protosubstance…

  The next place I appeared at I cannot describe as there are no any analogs on Earth. I remember just a huge screen and myself in front of it. This screen looked lika a widow "to there  – I don`t know where" and there was "something – I don`t know  what" as in a good Russian folktale. Yes, the things that I saw there could be named as a folk tale. And still for you I will try to describe that for you to feel a little bit what I felt. Understand, please, that the worlds that I will use are conditional – and they are not for the world that saw. In oorder to tell about need one need a special language. Earth categories are quite helpless here. Even the "sheep" from the proverb who looks at the "new gate" somehow or other see something familiar in them. The things I saw were not just unfamiliar. It did not remind of anything. The only thing was clear – it had nothing to do with the Earth. The only thing I have memorized and give more or less acceptible explanation – are lines. I had the impression that they are alive. But those lines did not exist separately from each other but they formed in something else, in some incredible with its beauty and harmony which in its turn was something different. As an example, please, imagine the pencil of the artist which he draw the line with. Then one more, and more  and more... and gradually a picture appeared in front of you, sparkling with all rainbow dyes. You know that this picture consists of those lines, but you do not notice the lines now as you see the picture. The same is here. And now imagine that there is not pencil but the lines appear and create the picture themselves but by this each line lives its own life and together they form something… That all!.. Here the words stops and emotions reign. Seeing the perfection which is impossible to express with words, which was not just beyond the screen but also beyond the human understanding, fragile dam of the human did not sustain and to give free play to my emotions I shouted… Anyone at my place would cry.  Imagine the folk tale and something in this folktale that will look like a folk take even in a folk tale, and some unknown fairy composer who creates his fairy masterpiece even in this fairy tale of the fairy tales. The symphony of paints, music of lights, inconceivable perfection of forms… What was that?..

   - Boy, - someone said and I turned out to be at my home.

  Just then I understood the method of "mind silence", practiced by esoterics of all times and peoples with the help of which I penetrated "there - I don`t know where" - it`s a picklock key but not the key. The alive should not be among "the dead" and those who taste "the forbidden fruit" of Superlife being a human will get CABALA. If you don`t know what it is, then you would better not to know.

   But there is another - LEAGAL and spiritually safe way of communication between the worlds which is widely practiced by religion- the pray. What`s the point of it? The sense in it is that it`s not you who enter the "door" opened legally but your words - information. If the information will not reach the addressee- it`s much better than it will be you who will not reach the addressee. Just later I found the key from that door: as I would not come back without it. Guess, how long I was absent, or rather my superbody - soul? By my rough guess- about ten years,  but maybe more. Yes, I have something to tell. But it`s not the main thing. It`s just necessary to understand that Other World is a place where one should not be in a hurry to and no one can be late there. And if some egghead began to prove that he knows (!) the Other World you just have to ask whether he knows his own world. How to make so that there will be no wars and unemployment, so that the old folks and children were not turned adrift, how to solve ecological problems and so on. Or just ask him how the fruit on the bible "tree of good and evil" look like, without which there was nothing to do in God`s World. If he did not see it, then he does not anything about his world, where there are so many mysteries. I saw that fruit and there is a picture of it in my diary. Besides it looks like an atom model.



   The first meeting with archenemy 

   As if derisively, the bell to the door rang on Christmas Eve. Just before that I record on video play recorder the service with Patriarch of all Russia whom I met personally by a strange coincidence.  He came to one of the priests in the village in a Moscow area and the priest was in a friendly terms with my the father of my former boss whom I was in a friendly terms with. That`s the strange entwinement of fates.  The meeting was fleeting. Patriarch just called out the church officer from the house, get in the car with him and drove off to settle the  successive conflict of the restless priest with authorities. Why am I writing this? It was just interesting to see the person who took part in subsequent events even if it was indirectly.

   "We cannot foresee what the next day has prepared for us".  But it was not the day, it was the evening, if I am not mistaken before Christmas. Over the door the "Christmas present" was waiting for me which I was did not expect to get. There was the Prince of Darkness waiting for me there.

   No, of course, I did not see anyone but a pale, dressed in something light brawn person who stroke me with how he looked like. He stroke me with absolute absence of the feeling of self -possession. I swear you have not yet seen such people. He was quite sober but he did not govern himself as a drunk. He diligently uttered the words but his throat and convulsively pressed mouth refused to pronounce them. With all his look he was trying to show that he rang in the door accidentally and just rang the wrong door, and there was a desperate struggle for life inside him. And it seemed to me then that he turned from me to rang in a neighbors door apparently disingenuously and there was a feeling of unspeakable relief on his face. Inside of him he was already escaping. I do not blame him in anything. Anyone could be on his place. But the fact remains the fact. He knew that he led the arch-enemy to the house of the Person, but he hardly knew that this person would be able to escape.

   The things that happened later reminded of a nightmare: as I was sure that such things just cannot happen. I did not believe in Devil then. I thought that in a superior world in comparison with ours there is no place for personages of medieval superstitions. It was not even a shock. It was a treacherous and that`s why a fatal blow which I could not miss. Now I would laugh him in the face but I was in no laughing humor. Something invisible and endlessly foreign separated from that person  and entered my door. I forgot about that person at once. I just remember that at the same time the neighbors came and how the neighbor- a strong man, suddenly hunched, chriped something plaintively and jumped into his door  practically dragging his wife into it.  I also hurried up home trying to understand on the way what happened. And the following happened - on the Christmass night the Devil came to my home and examined me for courage and quickness in such a way that maybe there is no such devil who could envy me. My mind should- it cannot be! But I quickly understood that if I did not admit the fact I would lose. What was that? It was… No, it was not so.  Imagine that someone collect all rage and hate, all horror that exist on Earth and put in some alive hypostasis – some supernatural field which penetrate in everything . This field is put down on the person and paralyzes his will and gradually penetrates in the mind of the victim infected him with insanity. There is no corner in your body, no nerve which do not feel the foreign intrusion, literally sink the victim with animal horror. You are suddenly aware of you absolute helplessness, but simultaneously understand that to acknowledge that is to die. And thoughts, what thought come into mind! "Here is the balcony. One step from the seventh floor and the end". From one side you cannot do anything, from the other side you need to do something. Otherwise you should step out of the balcony: because such torments, not physical but mental, and that `s why quite unsupportable cannot be sustained for a long time. On other words I had a short haul that I could use: as a human mind is not just counted for more. 

   Seconds pass and to my horror I discovered that with each moment my mind as if slow down and my brain refuse to obey, the helpless thoughts are changed with the feeling of fatality. Here is the edge of my existence, here is the border line that separates the Mind from Insanity. I have to do something, but what can a human do in such a situation  when even the brain refuse to obey and there is no even spiritual power to pray. What can a human do in such a situation? The human can become the God in such a situation. First anger was born. Then the words which unfortunately I also don`t` remember. I just remember that I started to threaten the Devil. For some moment he kept quiet and I got a respite. The brain that took off its fetters started working hard and I suddenly remember that I have the cassette with Easter service set for the beginning. That is I have a weapon beside as if specially prepared for that case and I had just to stretch the hand and push the button. I knew that I  am the human and this knowledge made me weak and helpless. And again I felt the hostile presence and pushed the button. The sounds of the Easter service and church hymns filled the room but dissapeared at once. I was shocked and I did not understand at once that the HANDLESS turned off the video tape recorder! I pushed the button again… He turned it off again…  I pushed again and discovered with surprise that situation was tragicomical and add with some malevolence:

   - It would be useful for you to listen to it.

I don`t know whether he was persuaded with my words but he did not touch the button any more. I knew that he was there, but aggression disappeared. I came up to the bed and fell down on it listening to myself. I felt ill but the crisis disappear. I was lying and murmured the prays until I fell asleep.

   And then there was a morning. Having woken up I understood two things. The first one -I lived to see the morning. The second – I became a Christian.



   The book of my life


   I needed about ten years to formulate the laws and five years more to draw them and get the contact symbol that way. Having cognized the Truth I understood how to win the Devil. But between that knowledge and that belief where I was looking for salvation are years which I cannot live through twice even having obtained the Truth. Don`t think that all that time I stayed in a cozy office and created some abstract theory. Everything was quite on the contrary. Have you ever manage to write something  being aflamed? It happened to me. You would tell that the flame was not real. Oh, no, it was more real than the real flame: as it was not my body that burned in it but my soul. If you are so clever - go to hell and get out of it yourself. No one told me that, but how else could I explain what happened to me. And how I can explain such words: “We wanted to lock the Devil in Russia”. I feel somehow offensive for the state... Well., everything is in it`s order.

   Once in the morning I felt that I could nor or rather I am afraid of getting up. My field that I felt as a cloths on my body increased gradually and became more intensive. Probably, that`s the feeling of a person who drive for the first time and who does not think about the way of entering the door but ow to get into the gate. It seemed to me that  the field became my second body and  it is at the  edge of melting, solving in it. If I went somewhere I could not get rid of the feeling that the field cannot  squeeze through the people around me and touching them I could somehow  do them harm. Walking along the streets became a torture and sometimes I found myself thinking that my hands and legs sometimes became longer and incredibly dexterouså. Even stranger thoughts became to my mind. For example: " Whom I am turning into? Maybe it`s a beam of energy from which «EGO» is born? And maybe I become he God, in flesh, just born and who does not understand what is happening to him».

   Lying in bed I could relax. My body did not hinder me any more and let the soul to soar where it wanted. I just laid and looked in the window on the floating clouds. There was a waste ground over my window and there was nothing that shut in the sky and the sun. And then the action began. First all clouds change their form. Each cloud turned into my lying copy: that is I was lying at home and simultaneously I was lying on the clouds floating by and I have to notice that it looked like very silly. As if someone and I guess who was laughing at me. I felt sorry about myself. And here I am lying quite helpless and bewildered with that my odd field in my bed and there to all appearances the God is making jokes on me. And what should I do in such situation? Maybe the God will prompt me? And he heard me. As if by charm all clouds that were in the sky turned into the whitesnow stairecase. It`s one edge bear against the Sun, and the other – in my balcony. Most of all I was struck with the Sun. Instead of dazzling radiant disk I saw a round entrance into the Other World. How can it happen! One should "escape" the evil one from the balcony and the way to the God is also laid through the balcony?! Of course, I did not have in mind to use that staircase. Although I came out to the balcony and made sure that I am the only person who saw that staircase  as down as if nothing had happened the children were playing and the life moved in a groove. Probably if I were a true believer I would use hat stairecase but being a scientist I knew that this information is sent to me with the help of special emission into the brain and decoded in them as these optical sensations. I desired in the remotest to walk to the star and that`s why I start for the bed. However I did not managed to lay also. Having seen that I am not a goods believer the God made something with the clouds again and the words in English appeared in the sky. Unfortunately I learnt German at school. I had to get up and look for the dictionary that was opened on the necessary page. There (that is in the sky) was written: "Rise and go". Don`t think that it was so simply. It`s just now that I consider all that calmly and with humor. Probably I have earned the right for some familiarity as the spirits know me inside out and I happened to communicate with those whom one usually pray in church. You will know about that. When one turns to God, one should not pretend: as your thoughts is an opened book. Do not fall into cheap sentimentality and the same cheap and silly self-abuse which just prove that you don`t know your value and hence the value of other people. And if you don`t know the value of other people you will not be able to treat them so as they deserve. Humiliating yourself – you humiliate the Mankind. Don`t forget about that! And remember the Other World is a Superrational reality, and Superbrain – is Holy with the attention to  coming from here. I specially do not tell you who you are. It will be a pleasant surprise for you, if only you will not guess yourself. But believe you will learn to respect yourself and recognizing that the True World you will never be obsequious to it. Besides, the Truth forbid the predominance of one person over the other, and the true power is spread from below. But you will have to make many steps to reach the Truth and you will get to know everything in your time and then even Father of Lies could not be a sharpie.

   By the way, do you know what the God wrote to Tsiolkovsky (hope I have not to indroduce Tsiolkovsky)? I knew that from the book about him. And also by the clouds and also in English. He wrote to him "RAY". And to me he wrote "Rise and go", but he did not say where to go. And I thought why not arrange the accelerated march along Moscow as my field, in all appearances, does not threaten the people around. Well, I quite forgot. I was not in a joking mood then. Probably from the outside I looked like zombi, obsessed with my own soul as my body did not go, it soared in the in the field invisible for  those around me and just to be on the safe side I avoided high traffic area and public transport. 

  I remember that day badly. I just remember that it was one of the most absurd and painful days in my life. Probably, it was some notorious morning: the streets were deserted. Deserted and without people. Or on the contrary. There were people but there were no my «EGO» which was absent when my body paced thoughtlessly along Kashirskoye highway, Velozavodsky bridge, then along Varshavskoye highway… Somewhere in the district of Shabolovka I understood that I have to use underground, if I want to come back home some when. Or was it some other district?.. From that travel I have got two the deepest impressions. I have come down into the underground somewhere and got out at Arbat. Having come out I saw the following picture. There were people around and they were motionless. At the entrance to the underground a classical homeless person- the person thrown on the scrapyard of civilization and three militia men were standing around him in a pose "Stop the instance". Arbat died or rather it turned into a giant museum of exhibits-statues which can be given the life back if necessary. And it begs the question- isit worth it? Is it worth to give the second life to those who is able to throw the person to the scrapyard and christened him with contemptuous word "homeless". Does the world where the war is the norm of existence, and the killer is the national hero deserve the second chance? What will democracy give to this world? Cruelty, violence, perversions, pornography, ads insanity that have gushed from TV screens and newspapers over the weak minds of our children forming more new scoundrel and underwits. What else Pandora's box will be opened and maybe there is an image of ugly gargoyle over attractive and grand symbol of democracy  –Statue of Liberty . Gods kept silent and I was overtaken with the feeling of painful immersiveness to everything happening on the Earth. I understood that the life stopped and shrank to the size of this little scene the main hero of which was that frightened person that could not understand what was going on. And the only desire that he had was  just the desire to live. Could not I meet the needs of that simple wish! Live, Human!

 As if by command the sigh rushed over Arbatand the militia men together with the passers-by came to life and moved to the homeless person. Looking at them dragging him to the militia car I felt that it was not the end of the story, it`s the beginning.

   And yet I felt very tired and understood that it`s time to go home. Changing to the circle line I got to Shabolovka station and suddenly at the exit from the underground I stopped in horror. Something was wrong here. People around were moving by something remained still. My field has grown to an unbelievable size and became so heavy that it seemed it was going to crush me. I had to do something and did not guess anything better but to say in my thoughts: "Live everybody". Probably it looked like insanity but the field suddenly became so easy and my adventures finished for that day.

   Here I would make a digression. Don`t hurry to make conclusions: as you don`t know yet what I also did not know at that time. You could have an impression that this person decided the fate of the person and the mankind but it is not so. The problem is that the person in that state sometimes feels himself as God  but the person himself does not decide anything here. He can be God in this situation but God knows about it. It`s easier for the scientist to cope with such situation. He never takes anything on trust. In order something will become knowledge it should come through the inevitable stage of idea-hypothesis-working hypothesis. All those stages imply the corresponding conscientious work with facts which confirm the correctness of the chosen way. Moreover analysis of the problem imply its synthesis – interaction with other similar phenomena which will never coincide if the decision of the problem is not true. Metaphorically speaking if one can imagine some decision of the problem as a fragment of mosaic, the mistaken decision will never coincide with other fragments which comprise the holistic picture of this knowledge. In other words a real scientist- professional will not give the slyness any chance. What is Science (with capital letter)? The science – is a qualitative new, Context Form of Cognition of qualitative new – Perfect Mankind. If the religion is based on belief, then the science is based on Truth, but don`t try to quarrel the science with religion as one cannot be born perfect- one become perfect and until there is no knowledge the mankind need belief. That`s why the scientist can easily be called priest of heathen cult or even a priest of the Truth who thinks that to find the truth is his main task. The true belief is now afraid of true knowledge even if a believer denies the knowledge and the science therein then his belief is not true but sly. We will come back to the talk about belief when you will know the Truth t check the Truth for validity (“trust, but check”). Now to understand better what was going with me at Arbat I will tell you about my Moscow acquaintance Pasha- banker as well as about Pasha`s decision to chat with God.

   We got to know each other with Pasha (I decided not to mention the surname not to make him feel uncomfortable) in one élite addiction clinic where I got through good connections after regular hard drinking (it was long before all these events). It`s interesting that I was in a bed where Vysotzky and shukshin slept at their time. The nurse told me about that as well as about the fact that Vysotzsky ran away before his complete treatment. As a model son of Altai I underwent the course of treatment to the end ànd at the same time I acquired a new friend – the member of board of directors of one of the big bank. The doctors of the hospital were for some reason surprised with  our habit to jog in the park in the mornings or play football. Probably, it`s not often that they me the patients that were in love with a healthy way of life. There is quite simple explanation to that. Hard drinking – is a professional illness of merchants (whom I turned to put against my will) in the age of perestroika as daily business meetings with “necessary” people imply daily gathering according to the principle: the more is drunk- the more true the friendship. It`s interesting that all my acquaintances  who are not merchants now but businessmen have farewelled safely with that harmful habit and turned into the prophets of sober way of life: as they understood that drunkenness and business are incompatible. And really why should one pay and poison oneself for money when nature give the person everything to lead a health life free of charge. Is it bad to be sportive bon vivánt, being in love with own wife, your child and your business instead of drunk likeness of a human who has just two thoughts: what was yesterday and how to take a drink "the morning after" so that tomorrow come.

   Besides Pasha was  a follower of a fashionable (at that time) teaching of Porfiriy Ivanov and – pluralistically – very pious person. I have politely refused his tries to train me to bathe in ice hole but I refused politely but too the idea to start for communion è remission of sins to church with enthusiasm. My parents were not fervent believers and just my grandmother sometimes reminded me when I was little and not obedient that there is God in the sky who sees and notices everything.

   In childhood I liked to go to church but not as a believer (as teachers at school insisted on atheism based in its turn on a silly thesis that there is no God but there are objective laws which ancient “fools” did not know. Why have they decided that objective laws deny the existence of God. I don`t understand even now. If it goes about the laws that do not exist in real world and the laws that were invented by them then it`s quite other thing. So the famous law of entity and struggle of contradictions does not exist at all in reality. The struggle is contradiction, and contradiction is antilaw. That`s why the law of entity of the law and antilaw cannot exist in principle. Meanwhile the whole theory of class struggle is based on that sacramental misapprehension that has its roots in biblical ancientry of sly paradigm of evil and good. Hence we will not hurry to criticize those philosophers who were not able to overcome the paradigm invented by “ the fools” 20-40 thousand years ago. (However I distracted…).

   But there was another reason. Just now I understand what it was. It was the first completely clear and touching love of the boy to the work of the icon painter with Mother and Child on it. It`s now that I know that it goes about  God`s mother, but then I met the Perfection and since then I necessarily ran into the church when I was in an old city and was standing near the icon for a long time  absorbing heavenly beauty and tragic tenderness of the beatific holy face. If I said that my first love was the Mother of God, I would not be understood. Now when male bonding is associated with homosexuality and love with hasty connubium of a male and female when sex symbols are looking at us from TV screens and they are not able to formulate plainly any worthy ideas, when mental poverty appeal to you from the sittings of the government and parliament -it really frightens but not for own future (I saw a lot) but for the future of our children. Maybe that`s why the powers that be prefer to get their children out of the country they rule to give them a normal education and upbringing abroad. What are they so busy with here? To scold the powers that be is not an occupation that has not perspectives. It is so and it will be so until the Mankind will not become Perfect, and just the knowledge of the Truth will make it perfect. I know that by my own experience: as earlier I was the same as they are. The knowledge of Truth tears off the bandage from eyes and Imperfection of surrounding reality suddenly appears in all its ugliness that shocks the mind. It turns out that the EVIL IS LEGALIZED in our social and economic life in almost all fields of human activity. The whole system needs to be reformed: whether it is education, medicine, justice, industry etc.. You don`t believe me? You don`t need to believe me. You will know the Truth and you will understand and see everything yourself. One more thing I can say with dead certainty: the most powerful modern democratic states (we will not point fingers) will turn out into piteous, rickety freaks in comparison with the first state which social structure will be TRUE. These are not the empty words. I know that and you will know that. But everything in its time.

   Our joint going to church with Pasha is memorable to me with the feeling that it was for the first time when your sins are released. As I did not kill or rob anyone and I never revenged or abuse (although my belief in human were exposed to severe trials. I even thought out an aphorism: "the question is not -whether I believe in God but whether I believe in Human"). I consider my first confession and my first communion as an adventure and interesting ritual from a cognitive point of view which high point was "Body of Christ" as a bit of bread and his "blood" as a sip of Cahors wine.

   The say that cannibals in order to become familiar with the wisdom of the former enemy ate his brain, but here cruel heathendom were changed with  revolutionary symbols- "body" and "blood". Right here there is a qualitative border which separate the heathendom  of Homo Habilis from civilized Homo Sapiens: this was the first one who created the language, and the second one created Civilization. The intellect of Homo Sapiens in order to raise its quality had to shake down the substance having exchanged it for conditional symbols. It is easier to operate with the help of them in the process of knowledge and creation. Just the substance which the humane was eager to transform trying to imitate the Nature was the reason of his spiritual enslavement. Having released its mind from the fetters of substance and changed it with symbols, Homo Sapiens raised on the new step in spiritual evolution. I am talking about that because the ritual using holy "body" and "blood" can tell much to the scientist including about the belief itself.

   We have stayed the whole service conscientiously, left the church and in several days we left the hospital having promised each other to keep in contact.

   Between this and the next meeting everything that I have described above happened to me. What was my surprise when I met Pasha in  at the entrance of my house and knew that he became my neighbor, just the floor below. Moscow – is a very big city and the fate brought two people out of two million of its inhabitants together again. Why? One more accident?

   We have resumed out tradition to jog in the morning along Chertanovsky park this time. On one of such jogging Pasha suggested y to take off the shoes so that "negative energy" goes down to earth through the bare feet and then after managing breathing we sat on the bench. And here Pasha surprised me, He suddenly became utterly self-collected. Have thrown a heart-searching look to my side he soughed and asked me the question which did not surprised me as I felt my field and there was anything humane in it.

   I will not be able to produce the said by words but the sense was  approximately the following: Pasha applied to me but asked the God for some reason, when the inevitable would happen and if it is not the God he would live in Ukraine and he had nothing to do here.  There was an evident reproach to the God who in all appearances promised something to Pasha or to the one who asked the question though him, but was not in a hurry to follow his promise. I opened my mouth hoping that the God will tell a pair of words to human but the God kept silent and I understood that I had to answer myself. I understand how silly it looked from aside as if two patients of nut hospital were communicating but I felt my field and knew that it does not belong to this world and this argument was enough to overcome all conventionalities.

   - Pasha, the things you are talking about will happen obligatory and from the point of view of the history it will happen rather soon. But from the point of view of the human life you need have plenty of patience. We are now living through the crisis of conditional intellect. The world around us is becoming more contextual while human cogitation remains conditional. Conditional intellect together with context reality arouse insane ideas and similar insane social, economic and political actions. We live in a terrible time as mankind never had possibility to destroy itself. Now he has such possibility. The Bible warned about that and the true understanding of Bible give the contextual reading. Of course it was written by people but those people were contactees. This time came.  Anti-Christ was born and died already. He announced the war to religion and it was Lenin. He already embodied the prophecy about three "six" which in reality are three whorls of evolutional spiral and show the beginning of the third epoch The Age of Mind (Homo Habilis, Homo Sapiens, Homo Perfect). And the new age always begin with the crisis of the old one –from the spiritual Doomsday: as imperfect mankind is doomed physically. It will not survive in any circumstances and disappear as homo habilis disappeared in its time. It`s the truth and it`s senselessly to argue about it. Where is the way out of this situation?! There is a way out. The way that homo habilis was changed with  Homo Sapiens about 40 thousand years ago, the same way Homo Sapiens will be changed by Homo Perfect. In other worlds Mankind have to become Perfect. Knowledge of Truth – if the beginning of the Way. In order the conventional intellect was not enslaved by contextual knowledge, Mankind will create contextual language and with the help of contextual thinking it will create a new world and acquire the mystery of eternal life. Those people having created the Superlife will become Gods.

And what about those who will not live till this time? They will live thanks to parallel World of the Earth if they are not  complete scoundrels. And they will live to it thanks to God whom you blame in sluggishness. Or do you think that he will create your world instead of you? Then what you are for, Pasha? Will you be happy , if God deprives you the joy of creation and knowledge? Have I answered your question?

   I will not assert that I told that to Pasha exactly with this words. Too much time passed and there were so many such talks from that time. The main thing is that I did not know much at that time and could not explain him in details as I could do it now. That`s why I write this book now so that you could get full knowledge opposed to Pasha, and now as a lecture of the teacher but as lessons of my life when the right answer is sometimes awarded with the life itself. Soon there was the time for me when I lost everything I had and the life itself was at stake and I could lose it is not for the supporting belief and knowledge that I acquired in tortures.



   The story about the homeless who composed saga about the drunk


   Gradually uncertainty and duality of my existence started depressing me and I allowed myself to relax with the help of alcoholic drinks under the circumstances that I do not remember at all. It was a tragic mistake. My field got into a rage. Whether it was this time or another but I got to know much new and interesting about myself. About the thing, for example, that I am a monkey. The threatens and abuses came into my address, and my nights were spent in  heart-piercing talks with the dead who wished me the worst and assert that a maniac with the knife was waiting for me in the street. As a true scientist I checked that version ("he that fears every bush must never go a-birding") and made sure that it was not working. I finished with hard drinking to come to myself quickly and started to an old man to the village (to the farther of my former boss). In the village we mowed, went to bath house and talked much about the things that could be talked over among  two educated men, besides one was educated and the other one was educated not very much -that`s I say about myself. We were talking about Altai that refused to build hydroelectric station. I defended the opposers of the construction as I was afraid of grand buildings in one of a really virgin corners of the planet. Then the night came and I went to the closed veranda where there was my bed and over the window there were dead who calling me to them as in a cheap thriller. It is now that I am so brave and then I was in a joking mood. Gradually my filed calmed down and a new friend of the old man began to come to us often. He was a local priest. Being young he adopted the vow of chastity. Hi visits ended with baptizing the old communists here at home. Maybe it was not just me who heard the dead? It is not usual things to talk among normal people otherwise they would twist their finger near the temple, but for the priest-it`s like for the God. One way or anotherthe third one appeared in our team with the old man – the priest. As the result the talks became more distracted character until the priest was not taken from us by the very Patriarch and I followed him to Moscow almost immediately. The old man trusted me so much that  he gave me the keys from his Moscow flat as it was far way to Chrtanovo from Arbat.

   There was peace  in the village and in Moscow there was ware. Arbat met me with rather a large-scale theft at one of my branches. I have caught hotfoot the thieves who were the people from the company. The goods disappeared and money were wasted. After some consideration I allowed them to work out the stolen. Although later the worst happened. Local authorities have sold out our premises that we rented to some company behind our back. It was the second blow that I also coped with. The thieves were not able to work out the stolen as our branch remained without work. We had to leave the premises during three days. The rent of the new premises and all commissions connected with that I paid from my own pocket that emptied tragically. The dream about my own studio of computer graphics remained the dream. And then I made the mistake. Having resumed the work in a new place I trusted the place of the partner who went on the booze as if intentionally to a young but smart guy. But the guy lacked experience and character. His "Friend "came" to him to ask for goods for realization swearing to pay for them in time. The guy did not know that they needed money urgently to pay back with the other. They just carted him off. The supplier came to the warehouse and found that there were neither goods nor money…

   I had to lend money from my friend and ask the "friends" (in quotes) to pay for the goods. The "friends" swore to pay but did not pay in the set time. I had to relend money that is not a usual thing for commerce as that the way the grifters did. Naturally, I did not "cart off" the friend I just explained the debtors that next time they will have to pay with percents. This time they gave money back but reputation of the company was lost and our constant supplier left us. In other words, my branch went bust and to save the situation I had to lease the new premises to another company. Having paid all the debts I discovered that my financial situation is zero. With that zero in my pocket I left for Chertanovo, gave my IBM – 386 as a pledge and started drinking...

   I was got out from hard drinking by the telegram from my motherland with which I was informed about the worsening of the health of my mother. Feeling myself as a bad son and a complete failure I urgently went to Barnaul.

   This time I came to myself at my motherland. My mother felt better and my relatives explained me well that as I am the only child of my mother it would be better if I take her to Moscow or move to Barnaul myself. Taking into account my family status – I was single and my flat belonged to my former wife who temporarily lived near the place of her work and I decided in case of necessity to leave Moscow and to pass to my daughter as an inheritance. In course of time I did that. Having stayed with my mother about a month (my boss gave me  indefinite leave and promised to take me back to work whenever I come back- that`s the boss I had!). I came back to Moscow and started working in another branch and I was there on rise. But very soon another telegram came. And again I left everything and started for Barnaul. That time I spent several months in Altai and coming back to Moscow I knew that it was the last trip at least to the city where I still had home. The first thing I did was to sign out from the flat. At the same time I worked at company as money has run out long ago and as parting with the city where for that time I spent the major part of my life was sad I decided to make it merry… That`s how I became homeless. Being tipsy I came to Chertanovo and discovered that I don`t have home any more (there was a new lock and I was not let in as there was a renovation  there). Taking into account that before signing out of the flat some big , robust guys came to me and insistently recommended to disappear from Moscow I understood that I have to stay at street overnight. It`s easy to explain about those guys. I have clearly explained them that that was the reason why I came back and that they are worried about me in vain, that is it was my wife who was worried. She was never scrupulous about the means for reaching the goal. Actually that was the reason of our divorce. Neither that strange person to me, nor those mafioso-like guys knew that I had a possibility to handle it with the help of other robust guys and completely free of charge. But my daughter was as a guarantee of safety for that woman and I decided that the rat races about the flat is not worth the senseless showdown,  especially as everything will remain for my daughter.

   The farewell with Moscow was merry! Sometimes I woke up in militia station, sometimes at my friend`s, sometimes at some occasional acquaintance, sometimes in the attic or at the entrance. Gradually I became a social outcast which is called a homeless. Being a social outcast and homeless who was known to  all local alcoholics  and they took him to the ranges of their unofficial brotherhood I got acquainted with the guy the same social outcast  as myself who by a lucky chance was not a homeless and lived next to the place of my sin. It was he who gave me a refuge and let me to collect my thoughts. We were at the last stage of exhaustion. I at last remembered that my student mate was living not far from me and started to him to get some food and money. Of course Yurka did not refuse me, moreover he fed me so that I felt bad. We worked out the plan of actions together with him. I come to myself and make an order in the flat of my new acquaintance and he goes to boss to organize and finance my safe return home. To tell the truth I always knew that if necessary I always have someone to apply to. But not everyone thrown away to the street has such possibility and he has to spend long winters in damp stinky basements together with homeless cats and fleas. Hallelujah to you, Gargoyle of Democracy! Remember the homeless is always a victim and alcoholism- is illness. I am a scientist by vocation and I know that and I am not going to prove anything to the fools. I have a spiritual allergy for them. Yes, I had a rear and even having become a homeless I knew that. But more victims of the Evil legalized in this world there is no rear. The average man does not know about that. They are doomed and thrown away. The average man with conditional type of thinking does not know about it also, but the scientist know about that. In course of time, I became quite another man who hates hard drinking and faint-heartedness. Nut I was ready to become an advocate of all alcoholics and homelesses on Earth to help them to find themselves. I will tell you and better “sing saga” about one person from Chertanovo ruined himself by drinking who found me in the street and gave me refuge at his home.

   It seems his name was Sasha, maybe Tolik… It was long ago, and what is the odds. He was tall and violent  in the state of drunkenness. His fists and face always had the traces of street battles. He was afraid just of one person – his neighbor who was the captain of militia and thanks to him he could get away with many things. But he was not cruel or unjust otherwise the captain would not be blind to his tricks. That`s what he was from the side. What was he in reality? Under close acquaintance  Sasha or Tolik was a cook of one of the restaurant of Moscow ruined with drinking. He was still in love with his former wife and told about her with demonstrative hate and evident admiration. I was shocked with another thing. My new friend had a unique sense of humor that cannot be compared with anything and it did not leave him in any even desperate situations. It was a real gift. We told each other  incredibly silly stories noticing in them even  more silly nonsense and roared with laughter. Nothing made people closer than common trouble and laughter. We laughed at that trouble and laughed it in face (democrats with untraditional orientation are asked not to trouble – it was a real male bonding if they know these words, and I don`t know other bonding). But Tolik struck me with his insane confession that he was from Centaurus constellation. I swallowed my laughter and asked:

   - How do you know?

   - I was told.

So there is spiritual kindred. I was also told that I was from Centaurus. I stretched the hand to him and told him solemnly:

   - Hello, little Centaurus. I was also told that I was from Centaurus  that`s why we are both little Centaurus.

And we started laughing again asking each other where we hid flying saucers and the former cool reasonable answered that he hid all his saucers in the kitchen.

   - In all appearances, Tolik, we have to save this world from communists and democrats  but how we will save it if we do not save ourselves. So I have a suggestion I will go to my friend and buy something to eat and take a hair of the dog that bit us and then I will leave…

   - Will you leave me? Will you leave me here along.

   - You are quite a grown up person and if I don`t leave I will leave my mother.

   That`s how we parted.

  Thinker –democrats, I am angry with you as democracy is the synonym of the imperfection appealing to heaven. And if you are so clever, please, tell me what`s the difference between unbridled freedom from uncontrollable despotism? In reality these are two sides of one false medal for stupidity. Because Freedom without Necessity is Evil. Because Necessity without Freedom is also the Evil. You go from one extreme to another. Have you ever seen a bird with one wing? But this is the society - cabinet of curiosities  you are creating. And would you like me to sing praises for you ?! No I would better sing saga about my occasional friend who picked me up and nursed me. Or rather I have already sang saga about him.



  Spiritual war


   Barnaul met me with “deafening” provincial silence so unusual for the inhabitant of the capital  inhabitant and feelings of some holiday placidity. The first thing I paid attention to was that no one was in a hurry. There is no crowds of people usual for the center of Moscow and nervousness aroused by it.

   Here was singing of birds, rustle of leaves. There was no the feeling of isolation of the man from Nature which part we are. It`s not without reason that just looking at the sight of virgin corner of nature our soul stands still and peace come to our heart.  Calm and silence. But “still waters run deep”.

   I settled in a house of my mother. The house consisted of two separated halves and there was no problem with accommodation. I had just to find the job. I came back to my native town, but felt as a stranger here: as the major part of my grown –up life was spent out of it. The problem with job taking into account the coming economic crisis and unemployment connected to it was practically unsolvable. There was a job but there was no constantly laid off wage and if there were places where one was paid then there was no job places. In all places which suited me more or less there was decrease of the staff and soon I remember about my working origin that allowed me to find the job in city emergency service as a mechanician. Probably it was not the best decision but it was the only for that time, if not unique: as emergency service was that rear place where there was still a tradition to pay money for work and even to pay the advance.  Having got this job I felt as if I won a million.

   I kept in touch with civilization through the TV where I get to know rather interesting things from. For example, how Boris Nikolayevich Eltsin –the President of the Whole Russia -swore to people that there will be no inflation. Then the meeting of the government was called where the discretionary decision  on the increase of prices for utilities was taken. The increase of prices for utilities aroused a chain reaction of increasing the prices for transport services. The transportation of the goods increased in price –the goods increased in price and hence the prices for the goods on the shop shelves also increased. As a result-there was a new jump of artificially prepared inflation which should have been and could have been avoided. And again there was a kind and surprised, full of noble indignation face on TV screen that promised to organize the commission for investigating the fact of economic problem. Just in case, I would notice that utilities are not the subject of privatization and hence stable and reasonable price for untilities is a guarantee of the stable market and is guarded by the state. Or rather it should be guarded by the state. The stable prices for state property – raw materials under the condition of the private commodity  production are the necessary factor of stabilization and decreasing of the prices on the private market. Rendering of the private raw material deposits to joint stock – private property –is not just insanity but crime against the own people. This is the direct way to economic chaos and inflation. Raw materials belong to people who reside on the territory of the given state and to render raw materials into private property is to rob own people by stealing money from the state treasury and putting millions and billions into pockets of the so-called oligarchs.

   And here is another example. Eltsin in his office in Kreml is staying near the map of the Russia and say pointing out at it with wide gesture: "That`s what is worth living!" Tell who one can be to acknowledge openly that the sense of your life is not the benefit of Russia but the power over it. Who one can be to start the useless war with Chechen people (referendum – self-determination – state boundary –these are three steps that would not allow to happen for the things that happened). How would you treat the soldiers of other country on your territory? That how they treated us and you know well the consequences of the war intrusion to Grozny. Believe, all Evil comes from fools.

   The list of such glaring with its shameless stupidity samples one can go on. Their description in itself could turn into encyclopaedia of human imperfection, but I will give just one more example. The camera of the operator took out impartially the photo of (no, not of the wife or a loving child) the president on the table of the minister (does not matter which one). The minister did not even understand that it was uncovered confession in careerism.

  But the insanity ruled not just this world. “When Mind does not have Power ad the power does not have Mind – Mind does not rule, and the Power raves”. This words belong to the representative of the Other World of the Earth whose name I don`t know. Calm judging by human level Barnaul turned out quite different spiritually. I don`t remember when I was aware of it. Probably I got the job not at once or it was a little bit later.… In any case there was a period of time when I was turned out of the earth life. In other words having come to Barnaulå I came to the epicentre of the future battles which did not made us waiting. The only thin I know for sure – I could survive just at my motherland and I need that move more than my mother because it not quite clear who nursed whom.

   The collision with  ñ Parallel World of the Earth or rather with those its representatives who felt pathological strange hatred to me that was mixed with pathological arrogance which was quite unclear and inappropriate when it goes about the relationship of the human and superhuman – and this collision happened right after my arrival. It was a collision of the ant with the railway locomotive who happened to my on its way which cannot be even called collision. Of course, I was crashed, destroyed. I was doomed. My house, my street, my town was swarmed with ghosts who turned my life into hell. It was the hell that was organized specially for me on Earth, in my own house, so to say the hell with all its inconveniences. You think that it`s delirious nonsense more over just I saw and felt it? Don`t be in a hurry with conclusions. I met my future wife through the Other world and if you don`t believe me she can confirm that. There are many other samples and ways to convince the most distrustful, if there was no fear for its fragile psyche. Just there are things that one cannot know ahead of time. I do not call myself neither contactee nor the person with extrasensory perception, nor some guru, but I will be very surprised if they tell me something new and interesting. I am a usual man on this Unusual Earth which I love very much and which surprises me till now. Have you ever thought why notwithstanding the incredible variety  everything in Nature is in harmony? ÎIt turns out this harmony is also regulated by the Law with the help of which it can be transferred to our social reality. Why do we have so many newfangled guru per soul and so few wisdom? Don`t believe those who tell that he knows the Other World: because human mind and human psyche will not sustain that knowledge as one need superbrain and superpsyche for that. Do you remember what Jesus told in New Testament about the Divine Providence which the human cannot “comprise”? You would better ask those who “knows everything” what he knows about  his own world, examine him in physics, astronomy, economics, law.… Just on the point, That`s what I am talking about. Neither human can know the Other World but each man should know or learn its own world. There are many things that human can learn from the most great “mothers”- Nature.

   The first thing that they let me know is that the human is the dirt under the foot of the Parallel World. Those whose bodies became dust long ago hated me for my being alive and breathing, eating and drinking, talking and thinking. But it is not hatred that led them here. The hatred to that one who dared to look into the future.

   - There is no person that cannot be broken –these were  perhaps the first words that were told me from the Parallel World.

   The fact that the hatred came from the World which on definition should be Higher, Purer, more perfect that human world shocked me. That`s when I evaluated the world of Visotsky`s song: “The angels are singing with angry voices”. I could not believe that. I talked with Supercreatures whose age made me a just born baby. But the age is the ally of wisdom!.. or Insanity?..

   - I like you. I am from Greece, I am thousand yours old and my name is  … tempter.

I don`t remember the exact words but I remember the sense of the said and my horror under the thought that someone who did not exist for about thousand yours is communicating with me. But how could not he be dead! I did talked to him.

   I was constantly talked with. They were commenting my thought and mocking at them. Gradually I could not think I could just listen what criminals and sadists told their victims. I could not slept if did not fall into a safe oblivion  caused by physical fatigue and nervous exhaustion. Trying my best I wanted not to show my state to my mother when she came to my half . Then she told that she often caught me sitting still and staring in one point. I went out from stupor just doing some housework that I did with special pleasure inviting my tormentors to make such earthy matter as splitting birch firewoods.

   Gradually I got used to spiritual aggression and even to give rebuff in some cases. Pysically invulnerable visitors were not so protected spiritually. They could be touched by caustic remark on obvious age and doubtful mind  and spirits can confirm that it is not pleasant to get to my tongue – is not a pleasant occupation and if to add that availability of the supermind gives them a superstupidity, you understand that I just have to put woods to the fire to be “burn” on it later. Of course, I tried not to irritate my executioners, but I was not going to confess them my love also. You probably know the proverb: «Speak well of the dead».  I had to revise that rule.

   One can break the human without physical tortures. It is quite enough to keep him keyed up observing how his nervous system was destroying, the system that was not meant for contradiction of supernatural aggression. But it was not enough for my  tormentors. They could not set the fight but they but they made my body to feel the flame that burning me from inside and outside. What is it if it is not the hell? But it is not the hardest test. The hardest is to observe how your soul dies, how you lose control over your thoughts, words and deeds and consciousness  which does not understand that is fading away slowly. I called that state as «donut hole» and now this definition seems to be strange and improper, but it does not seem like that to the one who felt that. Out of the things I came through this state is the most horrible and painful. The spirit can overcome the physical distress but how to overcome psychic pain?!

   In course of time, I began to name my tormenters as Gestapo people and I acquired  a natural habit in this situation to start arguing with them. I can give you the fragment of one of it from memory:

  - Have you notices that I have no hatred to you? I will explain why. The matter is that I near had enemies and I don`t treat you as my enemies. You are not my enemies, you are the enemies to yourself: because you will be judged by your own evil and no one even the God will not release you from responsibility. The victim will be saved by God, but who will save the criminal from his own evil? Your true enemies are you yourself. It`s paradox but think who could tell you that? Just a true a friend could tell you that: because the true enemy would keep silence knowing that your way leads to abyss. It means that you act as a executioner of the friend and helps the enemy in everything.

  They  knew that I tell the truth: as it is impossible to lie to those who read your mind.

   Right than I started thinking about the nature of the Evil: as the Evil I encountered although was coming from Parallel World but was of earth origin – so cognizable and almost «native» it was. In other words, Imperfection on Earth gives the birth to the wickedness in Other World, where the souls of people leave for together with their mistakes and contradictions. Probably, that`s why it is called Parallel. It`s not for nothing that ancient Greece priest and philosopher Trismegist said once: «The things that above is similar to those that below». Probably, I would believe to the objective laws of the Evil if I would not choose the way of serving the Truth…

   I remember how it was. I am twenty five years old. There was a spring over the windows of the Moscow tram. I look at the cheerful faces of the passers-by and suddenly I clearly understand that there are two ways in my fate now. The first way is to go with those people and live the same calm and regular life and find the happiness near the hearth and home. I imagined myself that way and it was clear and cloudless. But there was another way – high and threatening, as a mountain pass and it did not promised anything and guarantee nothing besides shining and inaccessible peaks over the head and dark, yawning abysses under it. At that time I decided with fearlessness of dilettante to sit down to the theory of the language. I did not know that I will write the book about the thinking and the language, but I felt with all particle of my soul that there will be such step and this step will be to this second way. I sighed deeply and stated sadly understanding that I was hearing the call of my mission: «Do I have the choice?»

   I was working on that theory about eight years and it was eight years of instant happiness. Just first steps were difficult. I had to read lots of books on psychology, physiology and higher nervous activity, archaeology, anthropology, art history, history, philosophy, linguistics, semiology etc. Gradually I got my direction and each morning coming down to the desk I foretasted new discoveries in this fascinating world of ideas. Most of all I hated weekends until I invented simple and effective solution – I have turned them into working days and the weekends became holidays. Of course, I understood that it would not last long that way and very soon. Of course, I understood that those who could not rest effectively –that one could not work effectively. Having decided the problem with the regime I discovered with surprise how qualitative and pleasant the work has become. 

   I finished the book thanks to the Law of the Qualitative Conformity of Contradiction which I discovered in the course of work on the book. Though I did not discover anything intentionally. The Law appeared itself when it went about the symbol Identity of the Substance and Form. I saw that if the Quality of the Substance changed, then the Quality of the Form changed also. Gradually I got to used to it so that raised it to the rank of the Law, and it “thanked” in response with the number of new discoveries. The most amazing thing I understood later. This Law is higher than the Quality and hence it is not just the Law- this “His majesty”- Principle. You will know later what principle I am talking about. Now I would say simply: quality can be different, and Principle of the qualities is always the same. What is the difference between a “simple” physical law from the Principle? It differs, for example, in that the law of universal gravitation does not influence on the Language, Thinking, Idea and the Principle influences on them! It really subordinates everything. So there will be not Language without Identity of the Substance and Form and hence there will be no Mind, and without Qualitative Conformity of the Contradiction there will be no Identity itself. I did not know about the Law of Identity at that time and I was more involved in the question that looked simple on the first sight – what are the contradictions and what that for? And the thing that those contradictions “devour the philosophers for breakfast, lunch and dinner» I, of course, also knew. Of course, I was not a dilettante any more, but the question also seemed so mysterious and harmless – as a cheese in the mousetrap for such «specialist» as the mouse on cheese. Meanwhile that very question became the damnation for Adam and for the Reasonable Mankind: as The Good and the Evil – are Contradictions and that one who cognizes those contradictions, that cognizes The Good and the Evil. That`s how I stepped on my second road and it is not for nothing that my heart and intuition warned me about the seriousness of the chosen way.

   Instead of theorizing, arguing and roaming in the jungle of the formal logic, lets imagine an unhappy (or happy?) rope-walker who is balancing over the abyss. Just imagine and ask him a silly question: «Listen, my good man, sorry to distract from such a small problem as saving your own life, but tell us what Is the Good for you?

   The answer of the rope-walker is quite evident: «Are you blind?! The Good – is the balance!»

   Here is the answer for the sacramental question of the mankind. Let`s paraphrase the said to get the ready formulation. The Good – is the Identity of the Opposite: because Identity of the Opposite – is the Principle of the Existence. Look around. The bird has two wings, the blood-vascular system of the human – venous and arterial, the human itself is divided into two opposite genders, and magnetic field has a positive and negative charge. But tell what it will be  if one wing of the bird will be long than another one, or a handsome man would decide to marry a chimpanzee … Of course, it will not be good. Or imagine, that our rope-walker decided to use a balancing pole which one end was made of lead and the other one is  empty. I should not go on, I think. For the balance – the Identity of the Opposite one need the parity – Qualitative Correspondence of the Opposite. If there is no Conformity – there will be parity, if there is no Identity – there will be no balance.

   What will happen if the rope-walker would decide to use that lead-empty pole? Qualitative Discrepancy of the Opposite would call the Contradiction between the Opposite – the balance will disappear and our long-suffering rope-walker, cursing philosophers and Philosophy, will disappear in the abyss. There is a Law if Evolution in action in front of us, where the DISCREPANCY if denied by its own Opposite and on the contrary, the Correspondence is confirmed by its own Identity. In other words, Evolution is the Identity of Confirmation and Negation. But in this case the Evil is Natural: as in the process of Evolution we have to not just confirm but also negate something outdated. Probably, the example will seem to you too simple and even primitive, but there will be no “images- mental presentation” of the said without those examples and we will not be able to evaluate from the simple to the complicated. The trouble of the conditional language is in its discrepancy to the context Substance. Because very often we speak the same language but understand quite differently. These simple examples will be of service to us.

   And now the most interestingå! There is an unknown circus magician on the arena of the intellectual “ circus”. He demonstrates you easily and naturally the   disappearance of not even the plane but also the part of the Chinese wall ( Copperfield is just a child) – he will demonstrate you the DISSAPPEARANCE OF THE EVIL PARADIGM of the Good and the Evil. The drum roll beats, the audience (and the audience audience is the whole Reasonable Mankind, at that the upper deck is occupied by the Parallel World of the Earth) caught its breath. The circus magician came to the arena and having made a deep breath he asked in a grand manner:

   - Do you still insist that the Evil is natural and hence the Paradigm of the Good and the Evil will not be made to disappear by anything?!

   - Yes, we insist on that as well as on that you are not a magician but a clown! – cried some of the people.

   - Monkey, - someone from the Parallel World said.

   - Wonderful! -  nodded the illusionist. – Your attitude to me just underlines your confidence in your own rightness. This Paradigm is about forty thousand years and before appearing in front of you I have appeared in front of the God. It turned out that the God also like the tricks and if I did not make the tricks and did not made the Paradigm to disappear, I would not speak in front of you. And now look!

   Here is the Solar System. Tell what will happen, if the Identity – the balance of the opposite forces (centrifugal and centripetal) will disappear?.. You keep silence but I hope that you understand that in this case the Solar System will also disappear –it will just stop to exist. Why? Because the Identity of the Opposite – is the Principle of the Existence. The loss of Identity – if the Contradiction between the Opposites is the reason why the things that exist will become Non-existent.

   Attention! You have defined everything having made the non-existent things into existent but just in your imagination. Answer my simple question – what is Non-existence? How does it look like? Did someone of you saw that very Non-existence?

   - It looks like nothing. – There were chuckles in the audience.    

   - Right, because you have named with this world the things that do not exist. Hence, Non-existence – is the Non-existent Evil Opposite with the help of which one can  reach just the  Non-existent – Evil Identity. Try to make the rope-walker to balance the existed pole by the non- existent  carrying the pole by the end and not by the middle. You will understand everything. When the rope-walker carries the pole by the middle the opposite end of the pole exist and thanks to it there is the state of the balance. What is the Evil? The Evil – is the Lost – Non-existent Identity, which we call Contradiction and which is Antisubstance of the Non-existence. Thereby, the Evil – is the Evil Non-existent, with the help of which one can reach just the Non-existent Evil Identity. And where is your famous Paradigm, ladies and gentlemen?! Paradigm, halloo!!  It does not exist and it ever existed: because it was always your illusion which I have just dispelled. Of course, someone on the strength of conservatism and traditional thinking will try to catch on it and insist on its existence but try to imagine the fortune of that rope-walker who will decide to balance the existing pole by non –existent and maybe you will not be so insistent in your delusion.

   Now when you, probably, understand what you had to understand and without what our further steps are just senseless, I will tell you what was the surroundings where I cognized and formulate all that. I was happy when I wrote a book about the language and the thinking but now it was the matter of a voluntary choice, but about the struggle for my life. Squirmed from the invisible flame, I tore the paper bags that I found in the wardrobe of my mother with the trembling hands into the even strips and wrote the Identity, about the Conformity and Evolution. I had no neither the forces, nor the time to go to the shop and buy the notebook. I just did not have time for the long and vast reasonings and had to find formulations that concentrated vast thoughts. Very soon I learnt to talk simply about very complicated things understanding that the volume of the stated information is far bigger than the length of the human life. In my urge towards brevity  that was dictated by the situation and the desire to have time to formulate what was not stated yet I even invented the graphic  image of everything I was writing about and I did not know that this image will save my life. I did not know what I was doing.

   I just created and created and when I created I stopped to think of myself as a worm on the red-hot sand. My thoughts tangled and when they refused to obey I draw the image and perfecting it constantly and correcting the mistakes. I wanted to tell everything with this symbol and I wanted to create such symbol so that to look on it I would understand that not more words are needed. And then when I create the symbol that says everything I will have to explain to those who will step on this road after me, very shortly and simply what I wanted to tell with this image. Do you want to know how much time I need to create and edit  just one of such symbol? About ten years! Thereby first I finished with comments to it and after comments I understood that I wrote the Testament for a new – Perfect Mankind. The Perfect Human of my kind will need just one image to understand everything. The comments will be necessary for those who will be just going to become Perfect. And the Symbol and comments themselves I will place at the end of the book.   

   How many words!.. The Other World was talking constantly. The contact field seemed to be a melted lead which came through my veins. But there was no knowledge then. When it became unbearable at all I prayed standing on my knees in front of the icon with Mother and Child.

   The voices laughed and demanded so that I fall in front of the icon on the knees running. I was ashamed. I understood that it`s silly and was trying to keep off the shame from me explaining to myself that it is not a shame to fall on the knees in front of the Mother and Child. There was no knowledge and it went to the rescue again.     

   In Moscow I was present at the church service and in Barnaulå the very Patriarch through the Other World appeared to baptize me. Someone draw the protective cross- amulets. Why? Mysterious “friends” offered me to leave my body and to go with them there where I will obtain everything I was dreaming about. I was taught how to do that. The most interesting thing is that I believed them... Or maybe I have checked? The temptation was so huge. Or it was quite another matter? There is He. He sees and knows and almost never intrudes. Evidence? All right. On one pleasant moment when the regular punitive clouds  were gathering over me He or They, probably, remember about me. My field created one amazing thing. It suddenly started to reproduce everything that was happening to me for the last time. It looked like as if someone decided to listen to the tape recording. It turned out that my field has such interesting specialty! And if only this one. A it was cleared out later this field has an absolute power over the human mind and the human in such situation feels as a laboratory rat: because this field could turn your field in an empty vessel in the twinkling of an eye  and fill it with whatever. It happened to m just once and this step, in all appearances, was forced. To that I trust then like a child trust the grown-ups. You would ask who are those they? I would answer very simply: «They – is Him, the only God of all the World Religions. When you understand whom I am talking about you will also learn to trust. Just don`t pretend atheist. I know the value of that atheism that is peeled off under the first serious ordeals. And the matter is not in that. Just each Perfect Human can act as a safe contact with those who created the Other World with the help of the mentioned symbol. What is it for? Because those who know the Truth will know the God, and any knowledge need the prove which will get without mediators from the God`s hand who is Holy and will never do you harm. At that time I knew Him and I was brave and impudent with those whom one usually is afraid of till the mortal tremble, but at that time I was still doubt it made me vulnerable. That why I had the courage to make the experiments with leaving my body: because I knew that there is That one who will set on the right path.

   I remember with shame how I tried to leave my body. Never do what you do not understand. If you “do not know what you do” then it `s not the mind that rules you but insanity. The leaving should be realized though the mind and here right on your forehead. I feel quite distinctly someone`s cool palm. I understood that the leaving will not be realized and was sure that that was the palm of the Mother of God.

  The unfamiliar friends were vexed. Òhe tone of the their words turned from the friendly, concentrative and business into hostile  and after saying some nasty for farewell they disappeared. And the then metamorphoses with the field began. Very slowly but steadily it turned into positive.

   There were many of them! If I am not mistaken I even saw a swarthy face of Pushkin in that endless train of faces who told someone something and then he was changed by the others. It reminded me of the war without weapon. That reminded the war without weapon. The enemy evidently did not want to let even the span of its space without the struggle, but positive majority implacably forced out the negative minority from that space. There were no explosions of shells, and no whistle of bullets, no clank of the swords. It was the struggle of two armies where numerical superiority played the decisive role: as the total power of the combined filed increased. Its concentration turned out to be unbelievable and it was friendly and brought relief as if it washed out the melted lead from my body. How much time it was going on? It is difficult to say. Maybe several days, or maybe several weeks and maybe months. Too much information and emotions came through me. If to describe everything that I saw I would never finish this book. I remember just the endless fatigue and peace. I remember that thing that could be called by the contemporaries as a space portal and there was a still guard around it as in front of the Mausoleum. This portal led somewhere and someone should go into it and it reminded of the swimming pool of the irregular form with very beautiful and still water. I remember myself sitting at table and was sure that it was just the beginning. I remember that something was wrong and I cannot be satisfied with what has already been achieved and I tell to Jesus knowing that he was here and that he heard: «Sorry, but I have to go further». The answer to me was the cold inside my chest. It was out first argue. I warn you immediately – if you love Jesus, do not judge! Who told you that you love him more than I. But exactly this love will be trialed when you knew what I got to know. And don`t judge again! In the Other World I was told about the disposition of God  and I understood that I will not be able to keep everything said in my head and I will not be able to write it down: because I will forget. Just many years later I found the saving formulation that somehow depict what I heard. Your power will not be in belief but in knowledge also in that why Jesus had to ascend to Golgotha and what deep sense was in that– equal in meaning to the biblical proverbs about the « Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil». I will not break the current of the story, because I will tell just that “the Tree of Knowledge” and “ascending to Golgotha” – are two great lessons for the Mankind and both these lessons are not learnt yet. Christ, if reasoning soundly should not ascend to Golgotha, and ascended t it just because of the Evil Paradigm – because Natural and that`s why Inevitable mistake in its learning. He could not make mistake (it`s not for nothing that “the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge” was “forbidden”), and if he did not make a mistake and was not crucified – there would be Christianity  and hence Saving Belief. Still I could not strain myself and partly I told what I was going to tell later. In any case, find courage and prepare to know the truth about Jesus Christ and when you as in nature of all people find the “scapegoat” or “whipping boy” – that is you will make the step from love to hatred I will give you the medicine in the form of knowledge about the “context mystery of this truth”.

   So I decided to go further. Why? Because Christianity is already two thousand years old and till now Father of Lies rules this world. In other words, the Context Civilization need Context Learning, if of course people do not live on Earth just to wait for the End of the World. And the End of the World will come for sure and very soon if Mankind that intruded into context cause-and-effect Nature will not change qualitatively. Conditional intellect is bound to be defeated when meeting with contextual reality. Mankind created contextual weapon that is connected with ecology: chemistry, nuclear physics, genetic engineering etc.. Yes the human is not perfect. But non perfect Reasonable Human did not have nuclear warhead and bacteriological weapons. At the same time the contextual technologies testifies about the appearance of germinal, but already contextual Thinking without which the human will not be able to orientate oneself in the modern contextual reality. That`s why it is everything`s not so hopeless.

  Secondly, the more I tried to examine in the Laws some evident specialty of all religions became evident to me. Judge yourself. Buddha brought to the judgement of the mankind the Idea of the Golden Mean. If only he was right if not his  recommendation to look for that Golden mean between the Good and the Evil. Buddha! I thank You for that Idea: as it is worth its weight in. I thank you for the Belief that You gave to the East and which, probably, save mane. Your Idea is not Evil – it was just part of  the Truth and without its other parts You became the Victim of its Evil Paradigm. The Truth is inseparable. One wing of the bird is not a bird. One law is not the Truth.

   I say “thank you” to Mohammed who raised the Flag of Justice, but who also became the Victim of the Evil Paradigm: as his Justice needs Humanism of Christ and Golden Mean of Buddha.

   And at last I thanked Christ who appeal to the world with sermon of Humanism and who also became the victim of Evil Paradigm, because there could be no Humanism without Justice and Golden Mean goes between them.

   That why all these three leanings together can become the Truth but not separately. What do I thank them for? For the Idea and the Belief. The Theory will never be born without Idea and for Cognition one need time and this time belong to Belief.

   Although this is now when I thank. That time I did not know about that and just guess that I was just going to meet the real Evil. The more I thought about that  the more uncomfortable I felt. A little crack in my relationship with the Christ and Christians gradually grew and here I made the mistake again. Having decided according to the Russian custom to celebrate my spiritual release I did not thought long and started for the city and got drunk. That was something! Someone in the Other World got very angry and judging by how Jesus Christ talked to him I thought (if I could think than) that it was, probably, He.

   I felt frightened again. Very frightened. So frightened that I did not want to clear anything out. It turned out that one can survive the personal hell. But how to survive a personal End of the World? By the way, then Christ connected to my educational process and sent me for “excursion” to hat place of the Hell where there are alcoholics. The place is very uncomfortable. And there you want just to hang yourself or to get drunk. I remember that I felt offended and the little crack became in a crack. But I have distracted. Someone in the Other World not just made me feel frightened. The whole Parallel World ricked and I decided that it was that very Last Judgment. He or someone asked me: “Do you believe the Bible?”  I was confused and muttered something that I believe in general. The one who asked laughed and said: “Well, as is said in the Bible, so it will be” ad I believe myself an idiot who signed the sentence to himself. And then there was a judgment after which I came out to the street and discovered with the amazement that everybody was still alive. I am joking of course. I am joking now. As I was not in a joking mood than.

   I caught it and, probably, it was just me who caught it. Another thing is more important. One should do something with that silly habit to celebrate something and drink from the grief. I write about it specially: because I could decide that problem only than when I understood something. You probably know that the human organism under physical activity (for example, under jogging half an hour) produces endorphine which is also called the “hormone of joy”. And the human, of course, should lead active way of life as otherwise there will be stagnation in his joints, muscle and blood-vascular system. That is the Nature took care about everything. We do not run any more as our ancestries through the wood to get breakfast or lunch but we so morning exercises, go in for sports or do  physical labor within our powers, which did not do any harm to anyone, and the Nature gives the human together with the health a good mood and totally free of charge. It all quite on the contrary by alcoholics. They pay money, the last as a rule to buy illusion of life, the joy without the reason and constant dependence on the poison substance which is called alcohol, because organism stops to produce a natural alcohol in case it comes from outside regularly.

   The first question is why pay money for the things that are dangerous to the health if the Nature gives free of charge the things that facilitates the health?

   Objection – but all normal people drink moderately and the one who do not drink at all seems to be not quite normal.

   The answer to the objection is – if you cannot eat with appetite without a drink “as an appetizer”, and if without the drink you cannot raise yours and someone`s mood then who told you that you are normal?

  The diagnosis is you are just moderate alcoholic.

   I dropped and started drinking many times. But I managed to drop drinking only then when I get rid from the treacherous thought from my mind that “normal people should drink moderately”. And I did it without any coding and torpedos. Let the one who thinks like that we should explain whom why we should? By the way after getting rid of that stupidity I allow myself to drink just in exclusive case but as less as I can as then I am waiting for that pleasant and heady feeling of sobriety.  

   But this understanding came later. At that time I naïvely thought that one can choose the least from the two evils, although the big Evil starts from the small one. We constantly goes into compromises with that little evil and somethings made it almost the Good as if not noticing that it can in the course of time to be accumulated in something immeasurably  bigger and as a rule we do not notice it. And once we encounter the situation when we cannot cope with the Evil that we grow up ourselves and which cannot be called a small one. God save you not to find the forces to stop in time. It `s good if you have a shoulder next to you that you have to rely on. And if not and your mind is paralyzed? I recall with the terror about that time. Sometimes it seems to me that it could not happen to me and it `s just some bad dream. The life of an alcoholic – is the bad dream itself. Each alcoholic knows that hard drinking is a bad. He heard that thousand times and each time he heard that he wanted to drink hard. “It's no use crying over spilt milk”. It`s silly to call to the mind of the human which is stupefied and in his subconsciousness says: “all normal people drink”.  It is necessary to give the person back the state of sobriety by any accessible ways. Then one should make so that this state will last as longer as possible. And do not panic in case of the breakdown, as the breakdown is inevitable as a rule. The main thing here is  to turn the state of sobriety in a habit. Of course, it will take much time but one becomes alcoholic not at once. One should struggle with the habit to drinking with the help of the habit to sobriety. And in no case one should live in subconsciousness  that treacherous – «“all normal people drink”: because just this is the real reason of alcoholism. We drink out of joy and grief. We drink for appetite and “out of fatigue”. We drink with our quests: because if we offer them tea then they will, probably, never come to us again. And we enjoy so much! We enjoy as if it is the last day of our life and at this time the neighbors over the wall drink tranquilizer. And a simple thought does not come to my mind that if the quests did not come to us our neighbors would live longer and our joy is bought at the price of the killed mood in the nearest future.

   Approximately at the same time I met my future wife. We were grown –up people already and when we met we just started to live together. And it was right.

   We registered our marriage later when we made sure that we fit each other and we should follow the formalities of the birth of our son. When we met I was surprised to know that we knew each other without seeing.

   - I saw your face in a dream, - my wife told me, – and you said: “Believe me” As when I saw you and came up to me I was not surprised.

  By the way before the child was born she was told in the dream: “You will give a birth to a child”.

   The family is a great power is there is peace and mutual understanding between people it is a saving island of the good and  quiet in a storming sea of the modern reality. There are so many swimmers that did not reach the saving shore that were absorbed by the sea.

   So I acquired the family and in its face my social oasis, but spiritually I was still vulnerable. Supermind kept neutrality and in Parallel World of the Earth I had more  “enemies” than “friends”, if one can call friends those who could be your great- great- great- grandmother. The belief forced out the Evil from my inner world but I felt and understood that the Evil is next to me and it is not defeated and ready to counterattack any time.

  I had to do something… 



   About the hen and the egg


   We talk about Identity of the Opposite, about the conformity of the Oppîsite , but what is the opposite itself? If we imagine the absolute start (something like the egg from which the hen appeared), then it will not help us at all on the reaon that the start should have some end that is the start should give birth to the end (and the hen should lay it before appearing from the egg). This notorious paradoxicalness comes out from imperfection of thinking. Look at the situation from the contextual point of view and you will see that there is the end as there is the start, and to have the start one has to have the end. If it is not clear, look at the situation with the hen and the egg. The hen will lay the egg well and out of it the hen will be born... And it is not interested in the paradoxicalness of our imperfect thinking. But if to look at the hen from the contextual point of view, the n we will see that everything is all right- both the hen and the egg exist and the opposites exist. The egg is the beginning and the grown up hen that is able to lay the egg is the end. We know from the biology that both the egg and the hen appeared evolutionally or, metaphorically speaking, the egg and the hen were “laid“be the evolution. You would tell that there should be the beginning of everything before which there were nothing and I would give you not even two with minus but one. It means that you did not understand anything. There WAS NEVER absolute beginning, an there IS always absolute beginning and it exist just when there is absolute end. Look around. The life is the constant train of birth and death. Thanks to that train there is Mankind. Do not consider your personal start and your personal end separately from the Mankind as you would not exist without it (Identity of the Personality and the Society). Or lets recall about the model of the Universe about which I told earlier (if I did not tell then I will). The Universe did not begin some when, it begins each second and constantly from the protosubstance emitted by its center- its end (energy crater). One world appears and the other dies. And if there was no that end, there would be no that start. But we are not born and die at the same time? First we are born and then we die. Yes, but our start means someone`s end. In order the center of Universe emitted some protosubstance some “old” worlds should die in this center. If something appears – then something disappears (It is important to understand here that it goes about the relative disappearance. In reality something transfer from one qualitative state into another. For example, if people disappear when they die than whom would we bury? Moreover, without the START and the end there will be no the process that should begin and hence to end inevitably. You would say that our Universe must have begun some when?! I will answer. Firstly, it starts and it ends not once but right now and constantly. Secondly, if you by Universe you mean the transfer from one quality to the other then this is the other start that imply the other end, but this start and this end cannot exist without each other. Destroy all hens and you will destroy all hens. And on the contrary. To make it more clear I will explain. Just nothing can be born from nothing according to the Law of Conformity. And Universe –is something. That`s why in that something will appear, something should end. That`s when you call this something and we set the qualitative difference of the Universe from that something and we will talk about that. Quite probably that the very category of the Universe give an illusion of primary nature as this category is CONDITIONAL and we talk about CONTEXTUAL things. This way or another the World is the Identity of Micro and Micro worlds and in order to “condensate” such micro object like nuclear one need the macroprocesses of the Universe. It`s not for nothing that under atomic fission so much energy is emitted together “relict" radiation.

   You must have been understood that CONTEXT –it is very difficult and if there is something complicated there should be simplicity which is able to balance that complication. This simplicity is the Truth. You will be sure in that soon. Although let`s come back to our opposites.

Why have we turned to the theme of the absolute start? And we turned to the absolute start just so that we could find the absolute end there and together with it –absolute opposite. There is no sense to look for something else. So at the start of all existing and of course at the end there is an Opposite. Take any object from the surrounding world and you will discover the Opposite. If a Cro-Magnon takes the stone from the land, then he will laugh in our face: “Where did you see the Opposite here?!”

   - You have it in your hand, - we will answer modestly as we remember about crystal lattice of any stone.

   The difference between the Contextual and Conditional vision of the world I will explain you on the simple example so that not to come back to it. What is , fo example, the tree for Homo Sapiens? The tree for Homo Sapiens is the CONDITION – material for its production (house, furniture, wooden  tableware etc). Just of of these CONDITIONS the labor of the farmer consist of. Ploughing – is the condition for sowing, the sowing is the condition for harvest, the harvest if the condition for gathering the harvest, gathering is the condition threshing, threshing is the condition for  milling  etc, until getting the product of labor, of course – the bread. By the way, the symbol structure of labor is qualitatively correspond to the symbol structure of communication which “final” product is the thought.

   What is the tree for the Homo Perfect? The tree for the Homo Perfect  is not the just the condition for the human production: as the tree is a biological object which is SELFPRODUCTIVE for example for such important product of human activity as  oxygen. It`s not the CONDITION, it`s CONTEXT that imply selfproduction which the human saw and invented its analog – machine.

  That`s why Cro-Magnon  and humanoid look at the same worked but see it differently. The Cro-Magnon  can laugh at that strange vision of the invisible with the naked eye, and humanoid, probably would laugh at the last one if it were not so sad. The conditional vision in the world of contextual technologies threaten with the trouble and catastrophe. Hence, the Cro-Magnon  should become the humanoid, all the more there was the precedent about forty thousand years ago when the Neanderthal became the Cro-Magnon. 

   Under this one should remember that between the Neanderthal, the Cro-Magnon  and humanoid is QUALITATIVE, but there is no PRINCIPLE difference. That`s why the merits of Homo Habilis from the point of view of PRINCIPLES are not less than the future merits of Homo Perfect. Everyone is equal in front of the Law. Imperfection – is not a crime, but natural stage in evolution of human Mind which it is time to overcome and the elder from the point of view of evolution should help the younger.    

   Although lets come back to the opposites and suppose that at the start of all starts there is some Creator of the Universe. At one the question arises. In order to create the Universe the Creator should at least Exist as minimum and the Existing is Identical and hence Opposite. Hence the Opposites are more primary than demiurge who himself consists of them. We say “consist”.  Hence the Opposites – is the state or to be more exact some fundamental structure of everything.  To continue the generation  one need the opposite genders. But each gender in its turn consist of  internal opposites (venous  and arterial system, the left and the right cerebral hemispheres etc). So whatever qualitative level we get down we will discover the Opposites everywhere. What is the Opposite? There could be the only answer: the Opposites – it`s the Principle Structure of the Universe, or, in other words, the PRINCIPLE itself! Without the PRINCIPLE there will be no Identity of the Opposite, Qualitative Conformity of the Opposite, there will be no evolution and hence the Truth. Actually, there will be nothing. Remove the Opposites – and you will remove EVERYTHING.

   You will ask if the Opposites – is the Principle of the structure of the Universe that became the Course of its origin? I will answer – if there is the cause of Existence then it preceded the Existence – that is it is situate in non-Existence. As non-Existent does not exist, then there is no cause –Creator of the Existence who can appear and appear just through the evolution. Another thing is that evolutionally the God is in the end of all end (it goes not about Supernatural Universe) and, hence, he can influence on the start of all starts. That`s why we will not be categorical, but remember that according to the Law of Identity, the thing Created by God imply the Creation of God, or in other words, the one who CREATED, He himself should be CREATED (so that the hen lay the egg, it should appear out of it). If the Truth for you is more valuable for you that the desire of the slave to please the master, you will hardly be able not to recognize that the hen and the egg and, hence, the Creator and his Creation could be “laid” just by evolution. If you are not able to take and to understand, then you can fall to your knees and pray to the one who never wanted to see his children to be slaves.

   Don`t take my words close to heart: because under the absence of knowledge we all catch on the saving belief. Maybe the belief saves not everyone but it gives us spiritual power to stand in a struggle with hopelessness. We don`t see the way out but we believe sacredly in his existence and we plod on our way in pitch darkness of our ignorance. In its time I also fell on knees and prayed, because I made myself sure that it is not shameful. But there was an episode in my life (during the shelling of the parliament building), when somewhere near us there was a sniper,  and people fell on the earth and I could not made myself to  bend down. Call me the fool but there was someone who as if stuck an iron rod  in my back and I went straight and understood that it is better to die from the bullet than from humiliation. But in front of the Mother of God fell on the knees because I allowed myself to do that. And just when I allowed that to myself the fear of God came to me. No I did not feel myself “the slave of the God” I felt myself an idiot which makes not the things that mind tell him but what his mind and heart tell him and what the fear of unfamiliar tell him. But no fear would not bend my back, if it did not go the spiritual admiration in front of the Mother of God.

- Is this the Sin to fall on knees in front of Her?! – I asked and answer simultaneously to myself.

But it was not a sin – it was a stupidity: because Homo Perfect should not fall on knees in front of the God. But I did not know that then. Why should not I?  The answer is simple. Do you fall on the knees in front of your father? And if you fall, then you are the slave, but not the son. Well, secondly, (I will tell you later in details), once I talked with the God lying in bed and no one of us had an absurd idea that I had to crawl in front of him on knees and pray hem to give me something. Don`t ask how he looks like. He looks like the way that you want him to see. It`s more simple for him and for you. If he appears in his true look, I think I would just lose my mind. Some when I looked in the God`s world and did not understand anything as I could not say anything clever. I just cry from delight. That`s why I will not be able to tell you anything, except that it was INCREADIBLY WONDERFUL – it was a fairy tale even in the Fairy-tale of the Fairy-tales. Imagine yourself the impossible VARIATY which is in an absolute HARMONY. Have you imagined? And I could not although I saw him “with my own eyes”.

   Well after the talk about the Opposites  we  somehow came over to the talk about the God, and now the time came to talk about You a little bit. I will tell about you the things that you probably don`t know. Whom do you think yourself? The creature who possesses the Mind? And you are quite right! And there is one “BUT” here. When you say: «EGO», -whom do you mean? “What a silly question!” – you will be surprised. Yes, but the matter is that «EGO» is not  the creature, but Supercreature. The whole trick is in that. It means that you are the Supercreature that possesses Mind… As you see everything is not so simple and the question does not seem to be so silly. To whom or to what we have to apply for help? Who will judge us? Well of course the science which those who can hardly write or read scold, but who cannot live even a day without its fruits. In reality the answer is evident. The phenomenon of the Nature is that NATURE – gives birth to MIND – supernature. In this way our quite material although quite complicated nervous system gives birth to the thing which is called CONSCIOUSNESS by science and which cannot be called material. We can write down the thought with the help of material ink on the material paper. But what is the thought? The though t itself appeared in material brain but the thought is not the brain and not even its continuation. We shape the thought in words and fix them on paper. That`s all –the thought is caught and it will not fly away from us anywhere. And the matter is not on the thought itself. The brain think and its substance process the information incoming from the outer world, form some “image and mental presentation fixed with the symbol of the language. Its non-material image is kept in our material storage – memory thanks to the constant work of the brain. But the matter is not even in the image. I will not torture your minds with scientific terms which is capable to cause the lifelong allergy to everything that concerns the science. The science is not guilty. The term that are parasitizing on the context substance of the surrounding worlds. And I do not write the scientific work. Remember, the science is the friend that make your brain boil from overstress. Just the science nee the contextual categorial instrument or to tell more clearly in Virtual Language  which I just burning but does not exist yet.  If to move aside all less artistic details and to compromise with the existing categorial instrument then we can say that the human differs from the other animals by the ability to EMPATHY. What is empathy? Empathy is compassion, ability to put yourself on the place of the another. It`s not for nothing that the human can imitate the monkey but the monkey will never imitate the human. And if it can, one cannot consider it the monkey. Why? Because the essence of empathy is “I-IMAGE», and it means that SUBSTANCE gave birth SUPERSUBSTANCE which is «EGO» itself. This SUPERNATURAL «EGO» does not have its SUPERNATURAL BODY(Th law of Qualitative Conformity) and as it needs it, it begins to create it. First Supersymbol (because there is no objective reality without the symbol), then  Super objective reality (Civilization), then Superlife (The Other World).And creating all that the Supercreature creates the Supernatural Form of Mind Existence which is God. Now you understand who is God? No you understand who you are? There is SUPERCREATURE inside of each of you and this SUPERCREATURE which is the CREATOR OF THE OTHER WORLD is you. In other words, the human is a part of Nature, but human “EGO” is the part of the Other World. That`s why it is silly to fall on knees for the one who MAKE the Other World and is MAKING in it. The God created the Parallel World of the Earth without our prays so that the Mind of the Earth would not die and those who took part in creation of the Other World would survive. 

   - But how can we survive if our body will die? – you would say.

   I think my explanation will be quite simple and understandable. Your Supernatural «EGO» need you natural body until you don`t have a supernatural which is called by the believers- the soul. Just thanks to this Supernatural body (soul) your Supernatural «EGO» will not die with your natural body. As an example, let`s consider the transplantation of organs. Is one change the kidney, liver, spleen or heart to the person, will his «EGO» stay? Of course, it`s not the question. But if the brain is the essence, and «EGO» is superessence than one can change even the brain?! The answer is yes, if under this your «EGO» will not be harmed. It is possible in principle. There is another question. Why should we get something for nothing. Is not it better to create the body which is not subject to physical  influence, capable to  move with incredible velocity and the brain which excels the human brain in all parameters? And what will we get as a result? As the result we will get not the natural body of the human but supernatural body of the God. That`s the matter. Thereby such point of view is quite scientific. As you see the science does not quarrel with the religion. It just explain  and tell what the religion cannot explain. We just are ready to taste the forbidden fruit and will not be cursed.

   You will ask how I understood that? But I had to understand that not to lose my mind. My body was on Earth and my soul was in Other World. It is not important that geographically it was on the same place with my body. My «EGO» with the help of soul constantly communicated with the died, sometimes it empathized with them and I will not tell exactly where I spent more time –with people or with them. Once I went out to veranda to smoke (I kept this habit by way of exception) and… turned out to be in the company of spirits which had to leave the Earth. I asked whether they are frightened. They answer that I cannot understand that. I tried but the human psyche refused to understand that. If you jump into the slough, you would at least know where the road will end. But it was not a slough. It was SPACE. Probably I was more frightened than they were. It was not a fear, it was like spiritual panic. They stepped over the boundary of the life and the death but even they, in all appearances, felt uncomfortable under the thought that they will have to leave their world- their own Universe where your human start and human end is. They left and I came to myself with the cigarette in my hand. It seemed to me that much tome passed but my cigarette did not even burn out to the fingers. Right than I understand how people die. They just leave their body, probably, having not noticed that. I, in any case, did not notice how I left and came back.



   About dreams and insomnia or abstract from one work


  The space seems to be mysterious and frightening for the human in its natural body. “The abyss is opened, it`s full of the stars. The stars are countless, the abyss is bottomless” (Lomonosov Michael Vasilyevich). We like to look at stars but just under the thought that I could turned out there I was thrilled. The space was mysterious but it was not calling. How well to fence from it by the shell of the Earth atmosphere! How beautiful the clouds floating in the blue sky and how pleasant to feel the wind with the smell of just mowed grass. Looking in the dark space indifferent to everything earthly, I often asked myself – whether the «EGO» can overcome the fear of it? I thought that being a human I will never get to know it. But I was mistaken. Probably, my fears seems funny to God ot maybe he decided to finish with my doubts. This or that in one wonderful instance I turned out in the space somewhere between the Sun and the Earth. The first thing I understood was that the vacuum around me was empty. Imagine, that you dived into an absolute clear and transparent water through which you see the bottom. I did not have the human body there, but my supernatural body not just felt the vacuum but enjoy the touching of it as the hot swimmer enjoy the coolness of the surrounding waves. The only analogy that comes to my mind – is swimming on the pool with the size of the space which turned from the foreign and hostile into the native and comfortable. I did not fear of felt lack of anything. The thing that seemed emptiness from the Earth  were filled with the field, air, radiation or something else that caressed my supernatural skin, but did not kill it. It was its element where I felt like at home and then in the distance I saw a charming, blue-eyed lady named the Earth and… hurried into its arms.  

   Have you ever had nightmares? I also thought that I had seen them. Believe me that all your and my nightmares were just “funny pictures” in comparison with those I saw when I came into contact with my symbol. I came to myself not just in a cold sweat. I was awfully happy under the thought that all I saw was just a dream. What did I see? Maybe I should not tell- God save you from seeing the same?! Imagine that the reality around you got into rage and each its object became a monster ready to tear you, crush you and dismember exactly you under the slightest possibility and there is no rescue from it. With trembling hands I crumple the piece of paper with my symbol, took a clear sheet and draw the same symbol just without the point in the middle. The nightmares stopped and I slept calmly at night. There was something wrong in that. Knowing the symbol of the Truth, starting from it one can draw the Symbol of the Reason. The Symbol of the Truth cannot be depicted otherwise. But taking the denotation of the Truth as a base and adding it with the symbolic denotation of Creation (Mind is the Identity of Truth and Creation), we will get the Symbol of Reason. I thought for a long time about the denotation of Creation which laid on the denotation on Truth and I like my variant very much and it seems to me that it is not even real to invent something other. But, probably, I am mistaken. The one thing is clear without formulating the Laws I would not be able to formulate graphically the Truth. That`s why the denotation of the Truth and the Mind one need more time than the process of cognition. And one need years for cognition if not decades. The most interesting is that it takes a plenty of time to cognize the most obvious things. Time passes and you are surprised: “But it is so simple! Why was I thinking so long!” – and especially sharply I felt that I was “crass”, Imperfection  categorial instrument and is being honest, human narrow-mindedness. No, I do not blame on such miracle as Nature (which I worship), as human brain, although this natural “tool” is meant for thinking and have its own limits and resources. One way or another, having finished with the denotation of  Truth element of  Creation, I again put the point in its center (I don`t know how much time I need for that) and again “sent it for consideration”.

   The situation was the same with the difference that the next dream was more frightful that the previous (this time the reality, that was created by people  stopped to obey by this treacherously and sadistically the architectural buildings and cars behaved – each one obligatory pursued you and tried to  cross you).What is the matter?! There is no creative Substance from which the mind starts without human «EGO». I knew that exactly. What was the mistake? I was sure in the symbol too. I have my professional “secrets” too. I have a Great Teacher with which I contacted from time to time to check my conclusions. Although the Teacher (Supermind) never gave me the ready solutions, but he never left me without the answer. His answers always had a unique specialty – I never forget them and never understood until I came to the right solution. Jusr after understanding something myself I suddenly cognized what God showed me. And one more thing – He never answered the same question twice.

   I removed the point and the nightmares stopped again. And then I understood that the matter is in it. In order to decide the problem with the point one should answer the question – what is human «EGO»?  I felt that this question is the key in not just mine misadventures, and it will be maybe not the point in the center of symbol but the point in the center of something important. Running ahead I would tell you that after answering this question you will create the symbol of  Supermind, and it means that you are ready to transfer to jurisdiction of God, having finally defeated the Devil. That`s what the THEORY can do. You can scold the scientist if he deserves it but never scold the science – this is the occupation for fools.

What is «EGO», and who is «EGO» and why me is    «EGO»? From that question my thinking went beyond the limit and I thought that maybe this is the very question that a modern person cannot answer. Nevertheless I thought, searched for and time from time came back to that problem. How to explain you that. Each person has its own «EGO». Tell me have you ever thought that very «EGO» somehow interconnected with God? When I publish my work, you will know my Internet-address and you will be able to answer. And until the question is not decided I will try to answer to myself. I felt that and it seems a mystery to me which I cannot solve, probably. But I was mistaken. As they say: “ if it weren't for bad luck have no luck at all”. 

      Once went to bed but understood that I could not go to sleep. At that time when I was ready to drift into sleep something foreign and hostile to psyche and the sleep went away immediately. Instead of the state of peace I drove into life and death war. Peace came only when I was awake. I understood that it is the end. The human cannot live without sleeping. However, maybe it was not so frightened and I will be able to fall asleep? The sleep did not come. Neither this night, nor the next, nor the third or the forth, the fifth, sixth, seventh…

   I will tell you what the person who did not sleep the whole week feel. I went to the shop. I had a wife and a baby whom I had to care of. A large, glass shop which was next to my house I found without adventures I think. I was struck with the time that I need to find the way back home. Probably, I started to daydream, because several time I passed my house. I came back, went back and …passed again. I started to feel frightened. ÂA grown up person who was born in this district and who knows it from the childhood cannot find the way home… I told to myself: “Don`t go through the yards. Go straight till the crossroad and then turn to the right and again go straight until you see your house.” And I went straight without noticing the crossroad where I had to turn and the cars I could be overrun by a car. I went until clearing up and until the place around became quite unfamiliar. With bewilderment I turned over and moved back repeating to myself: “One should turn on that crossroad”. It was a long way home. Five minute of working turned into an hour trip. What was I looking for? It is difficult to find he way home when you cannot find yourself. It is said not for the sake of a witty remark. Now I know exactly that just the found «EGO» could save me, but then the death knocked at my door and it   and it went about days. “But it is not right, unjust!» - I thought. – “The child should have the father and the mother- the husband”. But did my enemy worried about this incorrectness  and this  unjust?! Was he interested in well-being of my family?! He was merciless and insane in his cruelty.  Right then I stopped my attempts to knock to where Insanity rules. One cannot appeal to Mind whether there is no Mind. I understood that I will not last even several days in such state. But before bury myself I have buried all my illusions. The enemy should know that the human on Earth in front of his, in all appearances, inevitable  death will not ask him for mercy and on the contrary will declare the war to him. Of course, “one soldier does not make a battle”. But at least he will know what I think about his and how deeply I hate him.

   Still I found the way home. At night when all normal people slept I stooâ òóôê the dark window and was looking in the star sky. It was the night of my execution and those who executeâ the sentence did not have mercy. What did I felt that time knowing that the death was waiting for me? I had a quick cowardly thought that it is silly to acquire enemies there where you start for. Timid thought flew by and disappeared hardly had I concentrate on those who made the hell out of my life. Right they were ready to separate the father and the son, the wife and the husband. Had I ask them about something? Forgive me, scoundrel, have a mercy on me, scum, do not kill me, monsters?! Somewhere deep in my unknown «EGO», there was a flash that lighted with absolute trustworthiness all that was happening to me. There was a thunder of understanding and all my being was full with anger. Physically I was a victim but with the power of my spirit I was ready to contradict the Enemy of the Mankind and all its Legions. Right then the fear left me forever. It`s surprising but as soon as I stopped fear I could win and I was at the threshold of my win, but I did not know about that yet. I thought that I was staying at the wall and here it is my  end. But the wall turned out to be the threshold which I had to step over that night and where there was the start – the start of New Age.

   That Night I told my enemy everything I think about him. And then I went to sleep. Before sleep the Enemy threatened me also but somehow sluggishly as if he lost his way in his own slyness. Besides he it was the first time when he introduced himself to me. He named himself the Devil. But there was something strange in it. And that strange thing was that I was not afraid of him anymore. And one more specialty. It was for the first time when I did not hate myself. He made the symbol of the Truth in the labyrinth where judging by his words I had to lose my way and I felt a slight disappointment. To tell the truth, I expect more inventiveness from him. This idea was too unsubstantial for Homo Perfect. Although, from the other side, he used to other people and the one who is from the Earth never saw perfect people. It was a discovery but he did not understand that one cannot threaten with the Truth to the one who wears the Truth inside. Â you understand what I am talking about? Yes, Yes not about the truth around «EGO», but inside! It was also my mistake. «EGO» - is not the point in the center of the symbol of the Truth. «EGO» - is the Spiritual Absolute which can be depicted as a circle, but not as a point. Metaphorically speaking, human ego «embrace», but not attract as if a magnet.

   What was the reason of my strange spiritual calmness even then when the Devil was talking to me? I had a feeling that all that happened were in the past and together fear and together with that something else remained in the past. As if I was listening to someone who was afraid of thousand years but I had nothing to do with that. The only thing that came to my mind is that detachment and even meditativeness could arouse only just because I have released from his influence spiritually long ago. Bu t it was not just me who has changed. He has changed also. There was afeeling that however I treated him the Superbeing talked to me and I don`t know anything about him but he is also from the Earth.

   What have I done? I got up and went to the kitchen, I turned on the light and draw the symbol of Supermind. How did he look like? Very simple. First I draw the Symbol of the Reason, and then I circle its «EGO». And I got the symbol of Supermind. Why Supermind? Because «EGO» denoted on the paper turns the Mind into Supermind, because the denoted «EGO» finish the Age of  Human Mind and the Age of  Superhuman Supermind begins (not in practice but as the theory)  and, at last, because the denoted «EGO» - is the THEORY, practical embodiment of which will turn the human in «just born», but God. That`s why it is so important to cognize  the human «EGO», but the way to cognition of «EGO»  goes through the cognition of the Truth. This symbol does not need the words: as it says EVERYTHING. But maybe it needs the date? I should know when I formulated it! And why should I know that? I should know it as this is the date of birth of the PARADIGM of the perfect  Mankind, and the birth of the paradigm strictly and unambiguously testifies the birth of Homo Perfect. Of course, one cannot be born perfect but one becomes perfect. But just Homo Perfect could create the PARADIGM  of the perfect Mankind. It is axiom. As there are many calendars on Earth (they are different by Christians, Buddhists and Moslem), I decided not to think long and put: «8.8.45.» under symbol. It happened on the eighth day, on the eighth month and on the forty fifth year of my life. Ìîå personal calendar is always the same and it is impossible to change it.  

   That night I slept as a baby but before fallen asleep I talked to God or rather, God talked to me.  

   God appeared to as I imagined him – physically vigorous old man with white beard… Although, no, is it possible to name the person as an old man if you cannot define his age by face. Let`s say it was the age of spiritual maturity. From the other side, he was neither handsome, nor ugly the features of his face were rather massive than tiny but the main impression was that it was a simple face of the man of the people. There was the feeling that one can encounter this man in the street and not to notice him.  There was a huge disk of light golden sun. But it was not just the Sun. Its appearance accompanied with a very distant but distinct  hum of not even  of many thousands and of many millions, but  of many billions crowd and the power embodied by it. That`s why it seemed alive and associated with God`s People.

  There was something like the stalls in front of  God and the dark figures were sitting in the stalls. They were not specified as in life, and it was clear that they were – spirits. There were boundary between God and spirits like between the light and the shadow, between the lighted scene and the auditorium drifted in the semidarkness (now I think that it was the line between the Parallel and True worlds). I was over that auditorium as the body apathetically lying on some hill. Someone was manipulating over me as if wrapping me up in Spiritual cocoon and the mystery of those actions did to evoke enthusiasm in me. But I seared to myself not to intrude in anything and followed it studiously. In all appearances, this word played the strange trick with me later.

   And then the show started! Having notice how curiously I was studying the Sun over his back, God turned and looked at the Sun, looked to my side and smiled mysteriously. Yes, I forgot. He was sitting at the clear table and just his hands were lying on that table. Then one hand was raised and called someone. I did not see who was that. A little, looked like a baby the human figure approached to the table and gave something to him.

   - Here`s your cross, - the God said.

The figure took what it was given and left for the stalls unquestioningly.

 The hand called someone again. Even less figure appeared in front of the stage. God was looking at it investigating.

   - What a costume you have…. You just have to fix the tie and pull up the trousers. – There was irony in his voice. – Ok, here is your cross.

   And again I did not understand what that figure got thinking that it was the cross itself. I forgot that one cannot offer the contextual knowledge in conditional –verbal form. That`s why everything said should be taken as a metaphor. I specially paid attention on that as once I have made a similar mistake- I have taken the said by God literally. Remember that there is always the context behind his word and one need year to understand it.

  That time the hands of God were motionless. He raised his head and I caught his look.

   - And you take your cross, - he said and gave me something.

«Whatever happen I will not intrude in anything» - I remembered the promise that I gave to myself and took what I was given (at that time I was not sure that God – was really the God, and not the Father of Lies). God shrugged his shoulders and gave the «cross» to the one who was closer to him in the stalls.

   - And now guess a riddle. – He stood up from the table and there was my book in his hand about the language and thinking that I published in a little circulation. He turned it so that the front page of it could be seen in the stalls and then took it away and added, evidently meaning symbol, with which I graphically formulated and demoted the objective Laws of Mind. – This symbol is forty thousand years old.

   He turned to me again.

   - Look so that I do not curse you.

   God disappeared but the figures in the stalls remained. I have found the one who carried my “cross”. Alas, curiosity was stronger that the word that I gave to myself. I stretched the hand and the figure gave it to me with readiness. It was not the cross – it was the sword, or rather, my « cross» turned out to be a sword. I had no illusion regarding the sword. The sword is the symbol of justice from ancient time and hence it embodies the Law. How do you think what God gave me? I knew what he gave me and he would not give me the thing that I cannot take or, in other words, to understand. But why God appealed with the threaten to the human. Isn`t it the curse the sign of the powerlessness? Exactly the word-for-word understanding of the words about the cursing was the stumbling block for me for many years. Now I know the answer. Three people – these are three mankind, and each of them has their own «cross» - own fortune.  The first person is the «Adam» of Habilis Mankind. The second person – is the Adam of Sapiens Mankind. The third person is me, and I  am the «Adam» of a new perfect Mankind which there is not on Earth but there will be in the future. 




   So after formulating graphically human «EGO» on paper, ÿ acquired my «EGO» on Earth.

   Of course, the process of my «landing» happened not at once and it took time to get to use to the new acquired nondualism of my existence. Although from that memorable night I forgot about insomnia and the course of my thought began to return to human channel. I think that at that night I really came back to my family: as before that I was rather as human shell that took the place where there was no my invisible «EGO». Probably, it is difficult to understand, but imagine that your body lives under control of reflexes and your mind at this time is in some imaginable dimension where you communicate and argue with someone and you live quite different life there. This life of full of its emotions although the next moment you return to your body and there is another life there where you have to go to the shop, walk with the child or go to work. One adapts to that dual state willy-nilly, but it is not possible to get used to that: as there is always comes the time of conflict between these forms of existence (one should be here and you are there and on the contrary). Here one should also understand that it goes not about the notorious «alternating personality», which can feel itself as Napoleon and simultaneously as Vasya. It goes about the existence of two words. The body belongs to one and the soul to another. Personality is not devided into two, it is the world that is divided and it is your sole and unique personality that roam between them.

   And now the situation has changed. I WAS HERE and I WAS NOT in the other world any more, and KNEW about him. We could know and guess about the existence of the other world, but to know and to be is not the same. A discomfort “to be” turned into  comfort «knowledge», and minuses turned into pluses. I could allow myself to FORGET about the existence of The Other World, and could real and just out of curiosity, «to listen (though vibration of my field),what was going on there».  The only thing that remained unchanged was the field – the nature of which I do not understand even now but I feel it constantly and I get to used to it as the person gets used to his cloths. Once the field saved my life already and maybe not once: that`s why I treat it quite positively.

To be more exact– I just get used to it. When it appeared? It appeared from the moment of my first contact and never disappeared. As far as I know it is individual and do not influence those around and they do not feel it.

   You can ask how a simple depiction of the human «EGO» on paper could change something in reality? I answer:

   First, it is not simple, but incredibly full of science (symbol – is the category that full of nature mostly).

   Secondly, try to create something without imagining what you are going to create. That is symbol – is the idea and I think that you do not doubt that the idea can change the world.



   About Altai


   Altai is the special place for me. Before the army I worked in Gorny Altai  the whole summer in geological party and I remembered forever that  beneficial and positive influence which it affected on me. I was seventeen years old. And right there the creation poured out from me as a river. Inspiration overfilled me. I had to do something with that and I did not invent something better than to write the first and I have to say the last poem in my life. I wrote it on the scraps of paper, during crossings from one place of driving the peg- electrods into the land to another. There were so many funny cases connected with those pegs. I will tell about it later. The poem written by dilettante, of course, I did not keep it. But I have in my memory the lines about Gorny Altai that were written a little bit later I was not the scribbler than any more as I came through creative contest in Literature institute named by Gorky (from the whole Soviet Union just thirty people came though creative contest, I was among them – that`s how I appeared in Moscow).


 I have lost high in a mountain

The wood was thick and dense

I confused the South with the East

 And the night with day.

When I believed in trouble

And lichen have deafened the paces.

And there was a mysterious law

That came from the brake.


   Until now I do not treat myself as a poet as I refused easily from the poetry for the sake of science which gave me the feeling o à happiness and our love turned out to be mutual. I told already that I love Moscow because that was the city where I wrote my first book. I love Altai for it wrote my life. I came to Barnaul filled with some  thirst of unknown  achievements. I think that this inspiration will disappear in the city. But it did not disappear and it never disappear. I had the feeling that Gorny Altai –is some life-giving source that I drank from, this is some primordial Nature Temple and I came clarified from it and this cleanness accompanied you on your lifeway.

   It seemed to me significant to visit Gorny Altai again and spend there the whole summer. Now I could hear the Other World and now I could get to know something new. I would not tell that summer was cloudless (I was not paid well), but I went to Gorny not for money. I was not mistaken and I found in the mountains of Altai the things that I was looking for- spiritual peace.

Negative attitude to me from the side of spirits which I felt in Barnaulå, but here it disappeared here totally. I came from spiritual hell to paradise. Once, to tell the truth, I felt something hostile in the words appealed to me, but that attempt was practically at once stopped by the surrounding field which like invisible surf rushed on the « scout» and hostile presence disappeared. The win in the decisive struggle does not mean that all your enemies became you friends. But here I could rest from my enemies. Gorny Altai was my inaccessible FORTRESS.

But it was not the most surprising.

   From the very beginning I had good relationship with local staff which was working there. Just the cook and several instructors arrived from somewhere. Probably, it is typical for the inhabitants of the villages distant from the center, but their attitude to me was unusually (for the city inhabitant) friendly. They are always ready to go to the rescue. They talk to you as if you were an old friend whom they met at last. I was not inclined to idealize anyone but I automatically thought that these people as well primordial as their surrounding nature. We all heard about notorious «pernicious» influence of civilization. It is lie, of course. Civilization has nothing to do with that. The reason was in  -  LEGALIZED evil in the modern society, that make people to degrade and not to improve themselves. And the more the density of population – the more evident the spiritual degradation. If you think that I exaggerate than take a courage and look in some open basement of the modern block of flats in winter and do not be surprised that among vagrant cats you will find vagrant people that hardly will meet you as an old friend and hardly will forgive the human treachery that MADE THEM IN ANIMALS. If someone say that these are the pitiful  failures or alcoholics that do not deserve pity, then let hem to be judged for his stupidity – the source  of any evil.

   Specially friendly relationship I had with the local instructor. He was the correspondent student of the institute of Culture and was a typical sample of Altai person of natural gifts. I never envied anyone and I assure you that this feeling is unfamiliar to me. But even I had something similar to envy and when I saw how easy and naturally he communicate and get on with different people making them smile. He walked and there was always the laughter – and the stream of his clear wit that was not touched with vulgarity was inexhaustible. You will ask what was his name? What`s the difference?! There are so many  ivans, peters and sergeys scattered in Russia. In all appearances, he did not became the star of the screen. Just don`t feel sorry for him so that he feels sorry for you in answer! Do you know where he lives? He lives in an emerald valley surrounded by whitesnow peaks which slopes are covered with primordial taiga. Even all-terrain vehicle cannot get there just one month in a year. One can get there practically by helicopter. A deep-water crystal clear river flows in this valley. It is surrounded with paradise bushes. Do you think I exaggerate? In any case, if I live in nature paradise, probably, I will never be able to move to the city. And one more thing there are three sites of primitive man. It means that he lives on the place of origin of all Mankind and those places did not change practically. The knowers, probably, guessed already what place I am talking about. It is called with a very beautiful and  mysterious word: «Tegerek». But don`t harm this place as any other place in Altai. Let those places will be closed not only for  evil spirits but also for evil people.

   But it is not the most amazing. Once in the morning my familiar  instructor came up to me and said the following to me: «This night I had a dream. It happened to me for the first time. I cried the whole night through and literally plead you to take my son to you!» He looked at me so as if he guessed that I know the question to his question. But I did not know. I did not know that time. And  the person did not understand how one can plead someone to take his only son even in a dream. To say that he was surprised is to say nothing. It`s for a long time I took his puzzled looks as if he guess something intuitive, but I cannot explain that. Now I know why I had this dream, but here is the question – why it was the dream of the person who was in Altai?

Besides about the dreams and Gorny Altai. When many years ago I came back from  geologic expedition together with my schoolmate we had the same dream in out native town. It turned out when we started to tell it interrupting each other. I dreamed of the steppe Kosh-Àgach and several   trailers. Then where those large whether red or brown monkeys appeared from. He also dreamed of Kosh-Àgach and the same trailers and what is most interesting the same monkeys. Our dreams differed in our individual reaction to the animals. Yura decided to start struggle with them when I decided to escape. Understand right. I do not justify myself – just it was the only right decision. I rescued from them. Yura camó to their paws without any lucky chances. Besides we were face to face with those monkeys. That is I was not in his dream and I was not in his dream. That is no one left someone or no one took a risk on someone. After many years our dream came true. I at last rescue from devildom (first into belief than to the knowledge), and Yura got into à mental home. Do you remember the well known that  «Devil – is the monkey of  God»? Now if I am not mistaken Yura is all rught. We met on returning to Moscow but it was quite different person.

   And now the anecdote from the life of geophysicist. Our geophysical team consisted of mainly from students of the Leningrad institute. Besides them there were two postgraduates – a lad and a girl and the leader of the team was professor of the same institute. There were just two à «aboriginals» from Barnaul – me  and my schoolmate. The team was as you understand educated and intelligent, the relationship were utterly respectful and we did not use foul language at all. The people from Leningrad treated us, former schoolboys as equals and we felt comfortably in a new society. The leader of our team was its official chief who was the professor of those students to that. We were not his students but we felt their respect to him. Moreover it was for the first time in our life that we saw a real intelligent, God knows in what generation, almost from the capital. Besides he was rather a good painter and being free from the main occupation he draw gooâ landscapes. Of course, we thought of those landscapes a of inimitable, although the painter himself often complained that he lacked of mastery to transfer “sunset in Altai”.

   Unfortunately, I do not remember his name, but it is for better: as the said story put him in a favorable light. I can affirm that any other on his place would look like the same or, probably, much worse. Although the story once again confirm the statement  that ÷òî «Homer sometimes nods».

   Kosh-Agachskaya upland is at the height of two thousand meters over the sea level. It is practically bare: as it is completely waterless. Our task was –looking for water. We had to drill the wells to give water for the settlement. During the summer we had to work in many places along the Mongolian border so that to define the exact place where water is. We went to the place stretched a thin  screened wire for five hundred meters and more. The wire was connected with metal peg – electrode which were driven into the land and the current was passed through it. In the center of that electric web there was our chief with powerful accumulators and the device that fixed that results of investigations. It went usually smoothly more or less is of not taking into account little misunderstandings connected with some small electric shocks that were got negligently. The charge was not so strong to deprive of life but strong enough to “get out the soul”. Once dreaming about something I took the pegs when the current ran through them: that`s why I understand well our chief that had to do that by chance several times in a row.

   Once during one of the trip we had some problems. The wire was stretched, the pegs driven but the device kept silence. In all appearances, somewhere in one of the connection of the wire to the peg the contact was breached. As no one of us could find the defect ourselves the chief left the postgraduate instead of him and having agreed with her about the system of signals: «When I raised the hand –turn on the device, and when I drop it – turn it out». He began the check with the nearest pegs gradually moving to the farther. First everything went good, probably, because in audibility zone he commanded in voice. Troubles began when the postgraduate was out of audibility zone and the chief approached to the pegs next to us.

   Whether the chief or his assistant confused in the system of the signals. The chief raised his hand and stopped waiting. The postgraduate, in all appearances, also stopped waiting. Having waited for some time and decided that the device kept silence again the chief dropped his hand and caught the pegs. Simultaneously with him the assistant turned on the device.

   That`s when I understood what it is to be intelligent! When the soul was «got out the soul» with the help of  electric shock for the first time I did not kept silence, believe me. I said all I thought about the person that was carrying the device. And now on my eyes my chief suffered from electric shock… There was a long pause. His eyes went out, his face stoned but there was no word from him. I was just shocked with his self-control. Having taken the hands from the pegs he began to gesticulate energetically –she began to gesticulate  in answer. Having touched the electrodes cautiously he sighed with relief and began to check the contacts. Having checked the contacts he raised his hand again. And again they froze waiting. Probably, something changed in his head from the shock nut he made the same mistake again. Having dropped the hand he caught the peg and go gain the electric shock that turned him inside out. This time the chief did not kept silence. He was a real intelligent, and next to him there were subordinates that were standing and looking on him… What will you do on his place? No he did not begin to swear, he began to grumble something about negligent subordinates that cannot follow the simple instruction. However he thought better about his assistant or maybe his belieà in a human was too optimistic, in any case, having done something with contacts he raised his hand again. It looked like from the side as if he gave orders about his shooting himself.  With doomed look he waited, his hand dropped and he stretched slowly to the iron filled with electricity… That`s how illusions are broken. There was no intelligent any more. There was nothing left from that intelligent in that volcano of refined and sophisticated expressions. Some of them I heard for the first tome. But do not hurry to judge him. One time was enough for me and he was got though from the third time. What is the secret of intelligence? In bringing up –you would tell and you will be right. But the scientist will hardly be satisfied with that answer. Our nerves are material spontaneous direct shocking influence on the nervous system leads it out of control of our Mind. But our «EGO» -is superbeing and the control of  superbeing over its being is the intelligence. If I am ruled by instincts I am an animal. If I am ruled by Mind I am a human. The matter is not in education: one can graduate several high schools but not to become the intelligent. One can work as a teacher but under this vent the fury on children. Intelligence is not even the control of the Mind over the feeling åðø is their  Identity. One thing is clear one cannot be born intelligent like one cannot be corn perfect. One just can become intelligent or perfect. Superbeing is OVER the being : that’s why our «EGO» should control our body. You would tell that this «EGO» of our chief scolded his assistant. Yes, «EGO» scolded, but not intentionally, just because the emotions were out of control. In this situation the Being turned out to be OVER the superbeing and intelligence disappeared at once. That`s why the INTELLIGENCE – is the control of SUPERBEING over BEING or, in other words, SUPERBEING over the BEING,  I just told you a funny story and at the same time we talked about the nature of intelligence.



   Altai – WHITE HORSE



Altai – SPIRITUAL FORTRESS where the army of the EVIL was defeated.


11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True

12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.

13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.

15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:


 (from the Relevation of John the Divine).


«King of Kings and Lord of Lords» - is the PEOPLE whom always theose in power swore to serve (the kings and masters).


“The sharp sword coming out of his mouth”  is the LAW.


" A robe dipped in blood " testifies that it goes about the person.


But the Other World stands behind this man  - " The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean ". 




   (This work conceived earlier as totally independent contain the quotations of the main message the "Truth" which you are going to read. Although I left it as I thought it was exclusively important thing that the Truth will not be harmed by the repetitions, and "repetition", as you know – is the “mother of learning".)



   TRUTH consists of three truth formating principles: PRINCIPLEÀ, PRINCIPL OF EXISTANCE and PRINCIPLE OF JUSTICE that cannot be canceled by ANYONE: on that simple reason that the IDENTITY OF THE TRUTH AND CREATIVITY IS MIND, and CONTRADICTOIN BETWEEN THE TRUTH AND CREATIVITY IS INSANITY. These three PRINCIPLES discovered scientifically (named Law of Identity of the Opposite, the Law of Qualitative Conformity of the Opposite and the Law of Evolution that negates the DISCREPANCY by its contradiction and confirm the correspondence of its identity) allow to set with objective truth three key THINGS for the Mankind:

   1. They allow to make a distinct boundary between the GOOD and the Evil:


   2. They testify about NATURAL and OBJECTIVE OF GOD EXISTANCE: AS one make  a distinct boundary between the BEING and SUPERBEING and open the nature of their ORIGIN and DEVELOPMENT.  It is very interesting and scientifically proved story but this item need to be set in details and closer consideration of  OBJECTIVE LAWS OF MIND (that`s how I name them): that`s why I pay your attention to it but do not open it.

   3. And at last the testify about the reason of appearance of Christianity, Isam and Buddism approximately at the same historical period of time, and the REASON OF MESSIANISM — is the GOD`S PROVIDENCE". You can say that the PROVIDENCE  cannot be understood by human brain. I willingly agree with you: as they tried to tell me it (it was in the state similar to dream but I am not sure that I was dreaming at that time) — to put it ready in my brain as a ready type. But it did not "fit" there. This way or another I could not remember it. I had to make mosaic by parts using the parts of  "magic" and quite essential laws. Therby- to remember -is one thing, and to UNDERSTAND — is quite another. So this knowledge is mine as I cognized it myself , as is not mine at the same time — as I cognized the said.

   For the beginning about Messiahs. The point is that they were really from God. How did I know that? Each of them brought forward the TRUTH FORMATING IDEA! And three truth formatting ideas give the idea of TRUTH, known just to GOD at that time! Buddha âûäâèíóë idea GOLDEN MEAN (IDENTITY), Mohammed - idea OF JUSTICE (EVOLUTION), and Jesus is the idea of HUMANISM (CORRESPONDENCE - " love thy neighbor as thyself "). What do we have as the result? As the result we have IDENTITY of HUMANISM AND  JUSTICE: basic PARADIGM of MODERN CIVILIZATION! What happened?! Why was there no real unification? It could not happen. Do you remember about the "forbidden fruit"? I love Bible for that GREAT METAPHOR OF GOD! For cognition of TRUTH the CONTEXTUAL – SCIENTIFIC thinking is necessary, which could not exist in the Age of Ancient Greece. But exactly in the Age of Ancient Greece the SCIENCE itself was born. I think that I should not prove that (Gerodot, Euclid, Aristotle, Socrate, Archimedes, Hippocrates etc). Science – is the NEW FORM of COGNITION OF NEW PEOPLE (THE LAW OF CONFORMITY). That`s whom Messiahs and their followers should help. It is really a long and agonizing process. The new always pushes its way through the a number of generations and once there comes the time, when all people on Earth will be NEW. Messiahs came to SAVE those people named PERFECT Mankind, that will build their PERFECT WORLD. From whom or from what should we save them? Should I explain that? Science creates contextual technologies which intrude in contextual cause-and-effect Nature, breaching not just natural ecology but also supernatural ECOLOGY OF SPIRIT. But thinking of most people remains conditional and those who is not able to orientate himself in modern reality. The danger is too high to neglect it. In its turn, THE LAW OF CONFORMITY or, in other words, PRINCIPLE COEXISTENCE forbids direct intervention of God into the Earth life. How to explain it simpler? Imagine, ÷òî CREATOR WAS DEPRIVED OF THE HAPPINESS OF CREATION AND COGNITION. To deprive him of that – is the same as to deprive hi the sense of life. It is much more serious than we think. God could not give Messiahs their KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH, but he could choose three representatives from Asia, Europe and East, that were possessed (in positive meaning of that word)  ideas of HUMMANISM, JUSTICE and, of course, their GOLDEN MEAN, as HUMMANISM without JUSTICE can lead to  Golgotha, and JUSTICE without HUMMANISM can be turned into TERROSISM. I will try to explain simply. The bird has two wings. But if it does not have one wing it will never fly. The same with Objective Laws of Mind. The one will not work without another and they together form the îáðàçóþò Truth which comes through all EXISTING, COEXISTING and DEVELOPING. Let`s take for example the rope walker. Thanks to it the saving state of BALANCE — IDENTITY is reached? It is reached thanks to IDENTITY – QUALITATIVE CONFORMITY OF OPPOSITES of the pole sides. What will happen if identity – there will be no Conformity of the sides? The CONTRADICTION arises - the Evil for rope walker and he will fall down. The present discrepancy will be objectively denied by its own contradiction. That`s how those PRINCIPLEs work and it`s all the same to them what balance it goes about – whether it is the balance of centrifugal è centripetal forces in Solar system, venous and  arterial system in the organism or a balance in micro world, with their positive and negative particles.

   The other thing is more important here. God chose the most prominent thinkers of the key time and let the believers do not be offended: because I do not decrease their merits. I will not talk about personalities: we talk about the TRUTH now and Gods providence. The problem is that knowing that Messiahs cannot assemble three ideas (because one should know truth for that. The truth that God could not give them), and to fulfill the main thing – TO SAVE EARTH Mankind? God, of course, knew, that HUMMANISM without JUSTICE could not lead CHRIST on GOLGOTHA. That JUSTICE without HUMANISM could not lead to TERROR. À GOLDEN MEAN OF BUDDHA could not go  between the GOOD and the EVIL: because GOLDEN MEAN –is the GOOD. Without knowledge of TRUTH the EVIL PARADIGM OF THE GOOD and EVIL continued to rule the world and just TRUTH could defeat that EVIL PARADIGM. There are no any thinker on Earth who was not influenced by it and that why the best "intentions" ended tragically. Very shortly I will tell what is the sense of that EVIL PARADIGM and how it is overcome with the help of TRUTH.

   Sacramental character of the problem of the GOOD and EVIL underlines by the Bible that says about the «tree of COGNITION OF GOOD AND EVIL» and its «forbidden fruit». Of course, it went not about the maturity of the God`s fruits, but about spiritual maturity of the man himself who is ready to suppose that is the GOOD and the Evil are OPPOSITES, than there should be IDENTITY (balance) between them. This conclusion predetermined the tragic end of biblical story: as this is the way the EVIL IDENTITY appeared, and the Evil got the right for existence.

   To sort that out it is necessary in its turn to apply to the problem of   EXISTENCE and NON EXISTENCE having defined it (nonexistence), as OPPOSITES OF EXISTENCE, the person gave the definition of  NONEXISTENT OPPOSITES: as NON EXISTENCE is SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT EXIST. And if there is no OPPOSITE – there is no IDENTITY. So for example, DEATH is the OPPOSITE OF LIFE. But what is DEATH? In reality of DEATH, as ABSENCE OF LIFE there is a NONALIVE BEING which in its turn is the QUALITATIVE LOWER FORM OF EXISTENCE, and IDENTITY needs QUALITATIVE CORRESPONDENCE, that disappears. In other words, together with DEATH, THE ALIVE BECOMES NOT ALIVE, and just OBJECTIVE REALITY CAN BE NOT ALIVE. That`s why there cannot be Identity between LIFE and DEATH and, hence, between GOOD and the EvilÌ (lost GOOD). That`s why, NON EXISTENCE imply NON EXISTENT – EVIL OPPOSITE, with which just NON EXISTENT– EVIL IDENTITY can be reached. So according to the EVIL IDENTITY, rope-walker should carry the pole not in the middle but by the end balancing it with the non existing pole. But when the rope-walker carries the pole in the middle, the opposite ends of its pole exist. No OPPOSITE – no QUALITY, no QUALITY – no CONFORMITY, no CONFORMITY – no IDENTITY – it is  AXIOM. That is why biblical «the fruit from the tree of COGNITION of GOOD and EVIL» was «forbidden» some when: as just Homo Perfect, armed with CONTEXTUAL – SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, that is the KNOWLEDGE of OBJECTIVE LAWS can overcome the sacramental error.

   And several more lines that will help to understand the CONTEXTUAL — deep sense of the thing that led Jesus Christ to Golgotha.

   CONTRADICTION is ANTILAW: as CONTRADICTION – is ANTIESSENCE OF NONEXISTENCE, and there where existence stops the law stops. But NEGATION of  DISCREPANCY OF ITS CONTRADICTION, as well as AFFIRMATION of the CONFORMITY of its IDENTITYÌ, is of  natural character and that`s why – is the LAW OF EVOLUTION. 

   IDENTITY is LAW – PRINCPLE OF THE EXISTENCE: as all EXISTING is IDENTICAL and on the contrary, everything that STOPS itså EXISTENCE, is  INCONSISTENT. So for example, if the IDENTITY – BALANCE OF OPPOSITE forces (centrifugal and centripetal) was suddenly breached in the Solar system, the Solar system would stop its existence, and if one wing of the bird would oppose to another, the bird would not be able to fly.

   CORRESPONDENCE is the LAW – PRINCIPLE OF COEXISTENCE which implies the IDENTITY OF OPPOSITE thanks to which the IDENTITY – BALANCE OF OPPOSITES is reached. So for example, MAN AND WOMAN – are people, centrifugal and centripetal are forces, à rope-walker, who balances over the abyss and is trying to keep the state of saving balance with  the help of the equal weight of the ends of its pole. But the brightest example that testifies  about the LAW OF  CONFORMITY is the SYMMETRY which reigns in the surrounding world. And let no one be embarrassed with asymmetrical fragment of some stone: as one should not forget how asymmetrical its crystal lattice.


   Here `s starts the most interesting. The Truth cannot be given ("forbidden fruit"), until the man, being the CREATOR OF OWN WORLD, does not cognize it himself. One cannot abolish the Truth: as the abolishment of TRUTH means the abolishment of MIND. And the very TRUTH (PRINCIPLE OF JUSTICE) says: the one who "does not judge" the CRIMINAL becomes the BANDER of his crimes. This is the TRUTH FORMATING PRINCIPLE. And if it is cancelled the TRUTH is canceled. Other TRUTH FORMATING PRINCIPLE will not work without that. Who is the killer? The killer – is the CRIMINAL AGAINST MIND, and CRIME AGAINST MIND – is the CRIME AGAINST THE CREATOR OF THE OTHER WORLD. There is no more serious crime. And here on Earth appears the ONE who appeal to the world with the sermon of PURE HUMMANISM and even call not to "judge" the killer! Christ will not negate JUSTICE. It transfers the justice into the hands of God. And it would be good is the TRUTH does not have one propriety that cannot be canceled without cancellation of the TRUTH. The TRUTH IS OBJECTIVE (!!!) and IGNORANCE OF TRUTH WILL NOT RELEASE FROM OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY. That is if you do not "judge" the killer who has insane urge to  mockery over his victims — share his destiny!

   Understand me right! Having understood that I was shocked but I knew that there should be the answer. Forewarned is forearmed. Christ – is God for sure: as TOGETHER with other Messiahs, he declared the Truth. So one have to make mosaic, but how to make it if TRUTH IS OBJECTIVE, and not to  "judge" the killer — is to become the BANDER of the MOST SERIOUS CRIME after which One cannot be saved. Why? Because the CRIME against the creator of the OTHER WORLD deprive him for the right for his creation. Someone can say that the CREATOR will forgive the one whom he elected. I agree but under one condition that this criminal or a accomplice SHOULD BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW. People get used to deal with the laws that they in\vented themselves. These laws can be canceled or improved. The TRUTH is quite other thing. It is not possible to cancel it. The objective law cannot be deceived and the law will not deceive also. The Truth comes through the all BEING, and the one who KNOWS the Truth gets spiritual sight (sight of MIND) WHICH SEES EVERYTHING EXISTING. We know the Truth and that`s why we are capable to understand that the GOD SAVED JESUS CHRIST FOR THE OTHER WORLD HAVING MADE HIN THE SAVIOUR ON EARTH!!!

   Yes, Jesus "took other people`s sins on himself" and that`s why his way laid to Golgotha but thanks to that together with other Messiahs he created the SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATION OF BELIEF – RELIGION which saved and continue to save people from INSANITY. Golgotha – is not a pointless in its cruelty EXECUTION, but à severe LESSON filled with TRUTH LESSON which future Mankind should learn. There are LAWS that cannot be cancelled even by God and the responsibility cannot be avoided by the Son`s of God. You can ask how in this case the religion can save some one? The answer is evident. One is not born perfect and on the way to KNOWLEDGE we are supported by BELIEF, and on the way to Truth - RELIGION - REAL SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATION capable to give the REAL SPIRITUAL HELP. Real sense of RELIGION is not in slavery worship of  God, but in saving of your MIND (your soul) from INSANITY: as INSANITY — is SPIRITUAL DEATH. Understanding that we  SAVE the SAVIOR in our heart: as according the OBJECTIVE LAW OF MIND,  the one w ho SAVE deserves the SALVATION.

   So in our heart we saver the SAVIOR for HE saves us, but how to OWN WORLD with the help of TRUTH!

   I will not take much of your time. Listen!

   According to the LAW OF CONFORMITY, each people of the Earth that will reach social and economic maturity have the right for STATE SELF-DETERMINATION. That`s why to decide international problems it is necessary to create  International Parliament (territory organ), Government of the World (professional organ) and International Army of Peace which will abolish  separate state armies and guarantee the peace on Earth.

  According to the LAW OF IDENTITY each state should adopt the LAW about PRIVATE and STATE PROPERTY which will PRIVATIZE THE PRIVATE GOODS PROPERTY and NATIONALIZE the PUBLIC - RAW MATERIAL PROPERTY. This LAW will decide the problem of DOMESTIC PRODUCTION AND STATE BUDGET: as it will not allow the criminal personal gain at the account of  conversion of public property and direct the personal creativity of the person into the production of PRIVATE – GOODS PTOPERRTY.

  Touching on the question about the land it is necessary to know for sure that the TERRITORYOF THE STATE which belong to its citizens cannot be bought or sold especially to the citizens of other states. The state should not sell the land to the private property: as selling the land it sells the territory, and the TRADE OF THE TERRITORY is –the TRADE OF THE MOTHERLAND. But the state should give the land for private property selling just raw material necessary for production. NATIONALIZATION OF THE PUBLIC PROPERTY in its turn will the release the producer from the taxes: as the one who pay for the raw materials should not pay the tax.

   Also one should adopt the LAW about the PERSONAL and PUBLIC POWER: as SOCIAL IDENTITY OF THE PERSONALITY AND THE SOPCIETY implies POLITICAL IDENTITY OF the government, elected on the professional base, and the  PARLIAMENT, elected on the territorial base. This  LAW will close the access to the power for  careerists: as  MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, as well as the MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT cannot be assigned as just specialists and the territories themselves know who is better by them. The candidates should not run – be imposed to the elector and should appear in the course of election. That is each elector has the right to run his own candidate. The government should be headed  by the CHAIRMAN OF THE PARLIAMENT elected by nation-wide voting  (if to allow the MEMEBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT to elect the CHAIRMAN  – as people representatives, the PRINCIPLE OF DEMOCRACY will not suffer from that and the process of election will be facilitated). THE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIONS should headed by the MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT elected in regions (one from the region). It will allow them PERSONALLY to carry into life the decisions taken COLLECTIVELY together with best professionals.

   As the LAW OF CONFORMITY forbid the DOMINANCY of the PERSONALITY OVER THE SOCIETY, the CHIEF OF PARLIAMENT should fulfill the obligations of PARLIAMENT COORDINATOR without the decisive voice. It will deprive the system of MASTER, and the  POWER itself, as it is, will move from up to down. In other words, the closer to the people –the more power. This is the PRINCIPLE OF DEMOCRACY.

   The system based on social and economic IDENTITY OF PERSONALITY and SOCIETY, PRIVATE and STATE PROPERTY should be called, HUMANISM: as IDENTITY OF THE OPPOSITE is the GOOD.



   The gift from the God or foreword to the Truth


   I entered the foyer of the huge ultra-modern building and saw a big gathering of people who were ascending and descending the spiral stairs. Very familiar faces were blinking among them but I cannot remember them until I recognize the actress of the American soap film “Santa Barbara” among one of the nice ladies.  She greeted me friendly as if we were good old friends. I am in perplexity and felt so as if I took part in one of mysterious theatre show. Everyone gathered here are united with something and the behaved as if they knew each other. At the same time I am aware that it is not so. At last something became clear. In a vast and light hall along the walls with mysterious doors there were tables with examination lists. Each table symbolizes the specified subject and near each table appears the line. I stood in a line to find my surname in a long list but someone already found it and exclaimed with sincere joy: "Look, you have got five!" And I really saw my surname and the number opposite it. I was led to the next table and the story repeated again- “five” again. In this way we went around all tables and there were invariable “five” against my surname. I felt amazing but the most amazing thing was waiting for me ahead. Somehow I turned out to be in the center of the hall and all the attention now was attached to me. In the center of the hall on the special pedestal meant for solemn cases there was the symbol of Supermind. While I was curiously examined it the statuette raised from the pedestal and following someone`s invisible will turned to be in my arms. At its foot I read a short sign: "To the best pupil".
   You would ask: "What did I get my “fives” for?" The only answer is – for the test of the message "Truth".


Way to the tree 

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