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ron paul 2012 Elections

Why young voters love Ron

It's not because they're potheads. It's because they're sick of America's militaristic misadventures

Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney in 1994. War Room

The first time Mitt was scared of Newt

His bit part in Romney's first campaign was a sign of the polarizing national figure Gingrich was about to become

Cuba Guantanamo Guantanamo

Is Guantanamo forever?

The Senate contemplates a bipartisan bill to make permanent the failed system of indefinite detention

kaplan wapo Washington Post

A Post blogger's defense of for-profit schools

The Kaplan Company's newspaper arm says Kaplan schools aren't as horrible as everyone says

Pope John Paul II and Barney Frank War Room

How the pope made Barney Frank a star

The liberal icon is ending a national political career that wouldn't have been possible without an unlikely assist

Occupy Philly Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Philly’s noble failure

On the brink of eviction, a movement prepares to move on

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