Hey! Here's a permalink to the Daily Kos comics page!

also: Christmas is only two months away! Be sure to visit the TMW House of Shopping Fun!
Seriously, last call

If you want anything from the Cafe Press store, today’s the day to buy it. Just sayin’.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 1:37 PM | link
Hello, is anybody out there?

I have not been adding CREDO links on Tuesdays because CREDO has stopped updating my cartoon, and my contact there is not answering email. Maybe somebody who knows what’s going on will see this post and share that information with me.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 1:35 PM | link
New toon

Rugged individualists.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:37 AM | link
On site

I am at the NASA tweetup for the launch of the Mars Rover today. Will be posting here and probably tweeting more frequently (@tomtomorrow, or search #NASAtweetup). Our “twent” is near a couple of space age icons, the Vehicle Assembly Building and the same countdown clock used for the Apollo missions.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:40 AM | link
Glass eyes

Pawn shop of choice for down on their luck one-eyed Space Coasters.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:38 AM | link
Santa the occupier?

An enigmatic billboard on the road to NASA.

… a local informs me this is part of a local attorney’s ongoing ad campaign.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:36 AM | link
New toon

The myth of sexual harassment.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:34 AM | link
The power of the internet

The pepper-spray cop may be an abusive jerk unlikely to face serious consequences for his actions — but on the internet he’s a laughingstock.

So there. I guess.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:32 AM | link
Supercommittee stalemate

Who could have possibly predicted it?

Oh, wait.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:12 AM | link
Obama defends the protesters

My administration has been closely monitoring the situation… and I know that we will be learning more tomorrow when day breaks.

As the situation continues to unfold, our first concern is preventing injury or loss of life. So I want to be very clear in calling upon the… authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protesters.

The people… have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny.

There is, of course, a catch: the speech was delivered in January, 2011.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 6:43 PM | link

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