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Fox Shows

December 8, 2011

Fox's War On Christmas Bomb Defused?

In reporting on the oh-so-cute Fox "War on Christmas" cartoon, Aunty Em noticed that at the end of the video, after Santa pops up, a bomb with a burning fuse appears. As Aunty Em observed, the "phony war on Christmas now has a militaristic symbol" which isn't surprising given that Fox is waging a perpetual culture war that is reinforced by apocalyptic rhetoric and visuals that emphasize combat. But inquiring minds want to know if those in the war room at Fox News read News Hounds because the bursting bomb has morphed into a more benign red Christmas ornament which is more in keeping with the season. Hmmm.....

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November 30, 2011

Some Light Reading About Fox News On The Web - UPDATED & CORRECTED

When surfing the net, it’s incredibly easy to find articles charging Fox “News” with bias for not being true to its “Fair and Balanced” slogan. Occasionally News Hounds finds these gems and pass the savings along to you!!! * Today News Hounds examines two recently published articles which our readers may have overlooked.

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November 29, 2011

Jon Stewart Roasts Fox Turkeys - Including Fr. Jonathan Morris!

On last night's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took aim at the right wing Fox News enabled "outrage" over President Obama not having mentioned "God" in his You Tube Thanksgiving address - or, as Stewart expressed it, "Much Ado About Stuffing." Towards the end of the segment, our favorite (and only) official Fox News right wing spiritual advisor, Fr. Jonathan Morris, appeared during the part of his Fox & Friends interview when he was just oh-so-pissy about how Obama talked about reflecting on our good fortune rather than thanking supply-side Jesus for said good fortune. Stewart joked that the president doesn't have to obey a priest because Obama is a Muslim. And, taking a page from your humble correspondent, he opined that this is yet another opportunity for Fox to turn a holiday into a "Christian persecution, culture war type thing." And while yours truly has snarked about Fox News being America's Christian Newsroom, Stewart jokingly asked when Fox became the "700 Club." True that! You go Stewart!

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November 27, 2011

The Fox News “Happy Holidays” Hypocrisy Thread – Constantly Updated With Your Help

Every year at this time Fox News dusts off and cranks up its Phony War On Christmas machine. Between now and the holidays Christmas, Fox Faux Fury™ will increase exponentially in preparation for Baby Jesus’ Big Birthday Bash™. For the next month the so-called “news” network will go on its Christian Crusade against businesses that have the unmitigated audacity to be inclusive by saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Make no mistake: The Fox “News” Phony War On Christmas is nothing more than a Real War On Other Cultures: all of those which don’t worship the Christ; despite the fact that He never said “Merry Christmas” in his lifetime. However, in the last number of years News Hounds has noticed that Fox “News” is selective in how it enforces this jihad. The network seems blind to how many of its own advertisers, segments on its own station, and/or articles on its own web sites, that eschew “Merry Christmas” for the far more benevolent “Happy Holiday.” News Hounds is here to stop that and ensure that everyone who uses “Happy Holidays” is noticed by Fox “News.” That’s where you come in, gentle readers: Since we can’t be everywhere—at all times—if you see someone getting away with “Happy Holidays,” it is your RELIGIOUS duty to report them to News Hounds so we can report them to Fox. Tell us the date, time, and a short description and we’ll attempt to verify. The best submission will win a midnite Mass date with Bill O'Reilly and some figgy pudding.

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Reported by Guest Blogger at 1:03 PM

November 21, 2011

David Frum Claims He Was Blacklisted From Fox “News” For Criticizing Rush Limbaugh

David Frum, who has been a Republican all his adult life, as he says in a recent New York Magazine article, called “When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality?” answers the titular question by laying much of the blame for that at the feet of Fox “News.”

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Fox News Successful Hatemongering? , reported by Priscilla,
Sarah Palin To Work For Fox News, reported by Priscilla,
Hannah Giles – Who’s Her Daddy?, reported by Priscilla,
Ted Kennedy And Three Cable Networks, reported by Priscilla,
Seth MacFarlane Discusses Fox News, reported by Priscilla,
Angry Townhaller Praises Fox News, reported by Priscilla,
What's Not On Fox News, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Racism, reported by Priscilla,
One Nation under Newt, reported by Ellen,