Cain accuser Sharon Bialek being evicted from home. Local TV report after the jump ...
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Images of Iranian 'students' storming the UK Embassy in Tehran.
Cain asks supporters for contributions to fight affair story from "troubled Atlanta business woman."
Mitt struggles to answer a question about his position on immigration ... from none other than Fox News.
Maybe it's a sign I'm getting old that I feel kind of sorry for Rick Perry when he screws up the national voting age. 18? 21? Meh, who's counting.
Eric Holder to The Daily Caller on GOP calls for his resignation: "You guys need to stop this. There's not an organic thing happening. You guys are behind this."
As long as we keep doing scientifically important and technically challenging things like this, I won't shed too many tears for the demise of the manned space program.
Mitt Romney's pro-immigration backers: What's 11 million deportations between friends?
If Herman Cain pulls the plug on his campaign amid claims of marital infidelity (and worse), Newt Gingrich stands to benefit the most politically.
More on the cool laser that the newest Mars rover will use to blast and analyze Martian rocks.
Once you open the door to ending your candidacy, it's very, very hard to close it again. But Herman Cain, according to a report in National Review, opened that door in a call with senior staff this morning.
Read More →Obama campaign testing out new TV ads as way to get supporters to sign up for the campaign.
Glover Park Group sold to London-based WPP.
Is Newt Gingrich a vehicle for the neocons' return to power?
NPR mapped it.
Retiring member of Congress Barney Frank on the House under Republican rule: "It consists half of people who think like Michele Bachmann and half of people who are afraid of losing a primary to people who think like Michele Bachmann and that leaves very little room to work things out."
I think someone needs to tell Herman Cain his lawyer is not an independent expenditure committee. They are allowed to coordinate message.
Along with kiss the babies and don't get caught cheating on your spouse, a new rule enters the politicans' handbook: Don't sic the dogs on high schoolers who snark you on twitter.
Jack Abramoff sits down with TPM to discuss ethics, Congress and his own media tour. No really ...
Barney Frank, a fixture of the House Democratic caucus for decades, is retiring.
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