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    Images of Iranian 'students' storming the UK Embassy in Tehran.

    Josh Marshall

    The Right Stuff

    As long as we keep doing scientifically important and technically challenging things like this, I won't shed too many tears for the demise of the manned space program.

    David Kurtz

    Quote of the Day

    Retiring member of Congress Barney Frank on the House under Republican rule: "It consists half of people who think like Michele Bachmann and half of people who are afraid of losing a primary to people who think like Michele Bachmann and that leaves very little room to work things out."

    Josh Marshall

    New Rules for Politicians

    Along with kiss the babies and don't get caught cheating on your spouse, a new rule enters the politicans' handbook: Don't sic the dogs on high schoolers who snark you on twitter.

    Josh Marshall

    Frank To Retire

    Barney Frank, a fixture of the House Democratic caucus for decades, is retiring.

    Josh Marshall

    Most Recent Latest news stories from TPM reporters


    Herman Cain Asks For Donations To Combat 'Fabricated, Unsubstantiated Story'

    The last time Herman Cain's personal life made it into the press, his campaign's supporters responded with a massive windfall of donations. Now Cain is hoping conservatives will do the same once again. In an e-mail to supporters titled "Stand With Me," Cain asks for donations in order to help combat what he claims are false allegations of a 13-year affair with an Atlanta woman, Ginger White, who recently went to the local press with her story. "As you probably heard yesterday, a troubled Atlanta... Read More →

    Herman Cain's Media Base Leaves The Cain Train

    Herman Cain may be quietly reconsidering what to do next with his campaign, but some of his most ardent defenders on the right have already made up their minds. Consider Laura Ingraham, the former Clarence Thomas law clerk and conservative talker who was among the most vocal on the right attacking the women who accused Cain of sexual harassment. Here's what that sounded like: "We have seen this movie before and we know how it ends. It always ends up being an employee who can't perform or whomore... Read More →

    Durban Climate Talks Day 2: Canada Calling It Quits on Kyoto?

    EMILY GERTZ Although this year's round of global warming talks is barely two days old, Canada has already drawn a line in the sand (tar sand?). According to an unsourced report on CTV on Nov. 27, the government of Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper plans to formally withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol on curbing climate change before the end of 2011. Speaking the following day in Ottawa, Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent would not confirm the report, but did tell reporters that the Kyoto... Read More →

    Harvard Develops Soft-Bodied, Squid-Inspired Robot

    There's a new star out of Harvard University, and this one isn't human: Instead, it's a soft-bodied, squid-inspired pneumatic robot, which can perform a variety of slithering-like movements to get around and underneath obstacles, depending the order in which its four "arms" are inflated, according to a paper published recently in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "The squid is our hero, squids do incredible things," said renowned Harvard scientist George Whitesides, whoseNew. ... Read More →

    Government Ad Campaign Targets Counterfeit Goods

    Obama administration officials have launched an ad campaign across web, television and radio to discourage consumers from buying counterfeit goods. The advertisements, run by the National Crime Prevention Council in collaboration with the CauseWay Agency, are based on research that found that 80 percent of Americans would knowingly buy counterfeit or pirated products. The research found that 60 percent think law enforcement wouldn't catch them. Read More →

    More Former Bell Officials Sue Scandalized City For Benefits

    Five former administrators for the city of Bell, California, two of whom resigned following the city's salary inflation scandal, are suing the city for pensions and benefits. Luis Ramirez and Annette Peretz say that the city owes them for pensions under the supplemental retirement plan (SRP), along with medical, dental and vision benefits, Courthouse News reports. "The City of Bell is seeking to terminate plaintiffs vested rights in the SRP which were agreed to be provided as part of the plaintiffs... Read More →

    Flashback: Gingrich Championed The Mandate As '300 Million-Payer System' -- In 2005

    Newt Gingrich has attacked Mitt Romney on the issue of the individual health insurance mandate, while chalking up his own past support for the idea as an indiscretion in the 1990's. But as it turns out, those 1990's stretch all the way to 2005 -- and beyond, to 2008 -- when Gingrich gave as passionate an explanation of the mandate idea as any current supporter could ever muster. On his own web site, Gingrich's campaign explains: "In the 1990s, Newt and many other conservatives, such as the Heritage... Read More →

    Campaign In 100 Seconds: What Would The Ron Paul Revolution Look Like?

    This is the second consecutive election cycle featuring Texas Congressman Ron Paul and, according to his supporters, he is still being ignored by the media. Despite record fundraising levels, some of the most vocal supporters in the race and the backing of excitable question-asker Alex Jones, Paul is yet to go above 10% in national polls. We'd like to think that we also buck the trend when it comes to conventions, so Thomas Lane took a look at Ron Paul's stated positions and began to wonder what a Ron... Read More →

    'You Guys Are Behind This': Eric Holder Says Daily Caller Pushing For His Resignation

    Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday told a reporter with the conservative news website The Daily Caller that the news organization was ginning up calls for him to resign over ATF's botched Operation Fast and Furious. The reporter approached Holder after an event at the White House on the federal government's efforts to combat counterfeit goods. "You guys need to... you guys need to stop this," TPM heard Holder tell the reporter. "There's not an organic thing happening, you guys are behind this." Read More →

    Rick Perry Forgets The Legal Voting Age

    Oops, there he goes again. Fresh from forgetting which government agency he would abolish and in which century the American Revolution took place, Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) has now forgotten the country's legal voting age. The Associated Press carried the following report on a speech he gave to a crowd at Saint Anselm college in New Hampshire: [H]e appealed to students who will be at least 21 before Election Day to vote for him. As for those younger than 21, he merely asked them to work hard on... Read More →

    Poll: Gingrich Cements His Second Place Position In NH

    A new Rasmussen Reports survey shows Mitt Romney leading the 2012 New Hampshire Republican primary by 10 points, with Newt Gingrich maintaining the second place status he has solidified in recent polling. The poll of the January 10th contest is the first since the New Hampshire Union Leader, the state's largest newspaper, issued Gingrich a high-profile endorsement on Sunday. 34% of respondents supported Romney in the poll, with 24% supporting Gingrich. Ron Paul received 14% support, Jon Huntsman 11%... Read More →

    Facebook Settles With FTC, Gets Stern Privacy Warning

    Updated 2:47 pm ET Tuesday, November 29 Facebook has settled a lengthy privacy complaint with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission after the agency's two year investigation found wrongdoing on the part of the company, according to a release from the FTC on Tuesday morning. The settlement tentatively requires Facebook to stop sharing user information with advertisers without consent and to undergo two decades of privacy audits every two years, among other drastic measures designed to reign-in the world's... Read More →

    Will Iowa Evangelicals Embrace Newt Gingrich?

    The most recent polls from Iowa all show Newt Gingrich on the rise. The latest, conducted by Insider Advantage for the conservative site has the former House Speaker with a sudden towering lead, commanding 28.1 percent of the vote. In that poll he's followed by Ron Paul with 13.3 percent and Mitt Romney with 11.5 percent. But even with these numbers, Iowa's often-critical evangelicals still don't seem convinced that Newt Gingrich is their guy. The Des Moines Register reports that... Read More →

    Kasich: 'My Life Is A Lot Better' Without Newspapers

    Newspapers really are a bummer, aren't they? Always informing readers of news from far-away places, of local legislatures and even governors, like Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who it turns out couldn't care less. "I don't read newspapers in the state of Ohio," Kasich said Monday at a college in Columbus. "Very rarely do I read a newspaper. Because ... reading newspapers does not give you an uplifting experience. ... I have found my life is a lot better if I don't get aggravated by what I read in the... Read More →

    Bye-Bye Cain -- And Hello Newt?

    So if Herman Cain were to drop out of the race, which candidate would benefit from the remainder of his support base? The answer at this point appears to be none other than the surging Newt Gingrich -- or at the very least, the general category of Anybody-But-Romney, and whoever its champion of the moment might be. As we have often seen throughout the race, the Republican contest has gone through a cycle of one candidate or another gaining a sudden, massive amount of support against Romney, only tonot... Read More →

    Mars Curiosity Rover's Laser Power On Par With Anti-Missile System

    After a picture perfect blast-off on Saturday, NASA's Mars Curiosity rover is now well on its way to the Red Planet for an expected landing in August 2012. When it reaches the surface, the rover will begin the most comprehensive survey of the Martian geology to date, including searching for evidence that Mars supported, or can support, life. But to do that, the rover will be relying on a buffet of scientific instruments, including "ChemCam," the Chemistry and Camera instrument, a combination... Read More →

    Hardliner Romney Wins Over Immigration Moderates

    Mitt Romney may think providing a path to permanent residency for illegal immigrants is "amnesty" and a "magnet" for more border crossings, but the policy's primary supporters in the GOP seem to be flocking towards his campaign anyway. On Tuesday, Romney named three prominent Cuban-American Florida pols: Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, and former Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart as foreign policy advisers on his Latin American Working Group. All three are original co-sponsors of the DREAM... Read More →

    The Strange Case Of The FBI's Second Schaeffer Cox Informant

    Remember when Republican senate candidate Joe Miller hired a security team for that ill-fated campaign event at a public school last fall? Well, as it turns out, the head of the security team was moonlighting as a confidential informant infiltrating the Alaska militia movement for the FBI, in an effort that eventually helped lead to the arrest of Schaeffer Cox and his followers on weapons charges and an alleged plot to kill state officials. Read More →

    End Of The Line For The Cain Train?

    We may not have Herman Cain to kick around anymore. This morning, the one-time Republican presidential frontrunner told his staff that he's "reassessing" his campaign in the wake of a woman coming forward and claiming she had a 13-year affair with Cain. Cain has survived a lot, from gaffes to Gloria Allred, so it's possible he'll stick it out once he's done reevaluating his position this time. But reports of the Cain team conference call this morning suggest Cain is taking a serious look at his... Read More →

    Three Accused In $1 Million Toilet Paper Scam

    That's a lot of money down the toilet. The Miami Herald reports that three people in south Florida allegedly conned elderly customers into buying more than 70 years-worth of toilet paper in a $1 million scam involving dozens across the country. The accused -- Christopher Lincoln, Mary Moore and Joseph Nouerand -- worked for the home maintenance company FBK Products and told customers that they needed special toilet paper to avoid ruining their septic tanks. Customers were also told they needed special... Read More →

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