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John Kasich, Sarah Palin, and Herman Cain: When Ignorance is Bliss -- Or How to Be Both a Fool and a Knave Will GOP Red Meat Soundbite Guru Frank Luntz Hook up With Disgraced Gingrich to "Newterize" America? Mayor Bloomberg Has Perfected the Art of a Tin Horn Dictator Suppressing a Free Press Big Banks Received $13 Billion Income Gift From Government: More 1% Socialism for Wall Street Kansas High School Student Won't Apologize For Disparaging Tweet About Gov. Brownback![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- The Republicans' Farcical Candidates: A Club of Liars, Demagogues and Ignoramuses
- Mayor Bloomberg Has Perfected the Art of a Tin Horn Dictator Suppressing a Free Press -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- John Kasich, Sarah Palin, and Herman Cain: When Ignorance is Bliss -- Or How to Be Both a Fool and a Knave -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Mic Check! Occupy Is Now Part of the Popular Culture
- OWS Protestors Shout Down Wells-Fargo CEO John Stumpf at NC State University
- Mitt Romney’s Son Talks Up Family’s ‘Small’ $12 Million Home
- "At least 5 percent of the 650 dogs deployed by American forces are struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder."
- The GOP's War on Voting Comes to Washington
- Elizabeth Warren Is Pulling Ahead Of Scott Brown: Poll
- Arundhati Roy: "The people who created the crisis will not be the ones that come up with a solution"
- San Jose Man Punched, Called 'Terrorist' on Grocery Trip
- Occupy Protesters Confront NYPD Commissioner With Images Of Abuse
- Attacks on Elizabeth Warren and Occupy Wall Street a Bust?
- "And yet here we have the Congress, on a fully bipartisan basis, acting not only to re-affirm the war but to expand it even further: by formally declaring that the entire world (including the U.S.) is a battlefield and the war will essentially go on forever."
- 10 Things We Didn't Learn From Enron Scandal
- Angry Over Unfair Mortgage Practices, Churches Pull Money From Wall Street Banks
- A Final Request from Iraq Vet Who Took Own Life
- Are Iran and the West Lurching Toward War?
- Massachusetts AG Sues Major Banks over Mortgage Fraud and Unlawful Property Seizures
- Fox News Suggests Second Amendment Remedies Be Used Against OWS
- Gingrich Doubles Down On Child Labor: Poor Kids Should ‘Clean The Bathroom’
- Dec. 15th Removal Deadline Looms for Occupy Boston
- "US citizens are legitimate military targets when they take up arms with al-Qaida, top national security lawyers in the Obama administration said on Thursday."
- "The U.S. Treasury Department is investigating whether Bank of America, Wells Fargo and eight other major banks may have illegally foreclosed on about 4,500 active-duty servicemen and women."
- FOIA Documents Show FBI Illegally Collecting Intelligence Under Guise of “Community Outreach”
- Los Angeles Poised to be First American City to Call for End to Coreporate Personhood
- EXCLUSIVE: An Open Letter to the US Congress From Members of the British Parliament About Guantanamo
- ‘Spy Files’ Published by WikiLeaks Detail Massive International Surveillance Industry
- Robert Scheer: You Can Arrest an Idea
- Robert Reich: The Rebirth of Social Darwinism
- UN Puts Death Toll at 4,000 in Syria as Pressures Rise
- Harkin: "Someone once described the prospect of Newt getting the nomination, saying that, 'Imagine that you're standing in front of a door and behind that door all these suitcases are piled and you open the door and all the suitcases come tumbling out.' Of course, I didn't know what they were talking about. He said, 'Baggage, he has a lot of baggage and once he gets up there all that baggage comes tumbling out.'"
- OWS: The Media Bias No One Talks About
- How Freedom Group Became the Big Shot in Gun Industry
- Pelosi Backs Congressional Insider Trading Ban
- "Democrats, led by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), are pledging to prevent Congress from adjourning for the holidays without an extension in unemployment insurance."
- Clinton 'Encouraged' by Burma Reforms as She Meets Aung San Suu Kyi
- Rick Perry's War on Women
- Cain's Campaign Future Hinges on Meeting with His Wife
- Senate Ready for Showdown with Obama over Bill with Detainee Language
- The Newt Electability Trap: Is the right starting to deceive itself about the general election prospects of a guy whose baggage has baggage?
- A Look at America's Geography Shows That the Tea Party Is Doomed
- After Tent Cities Fade, Occupy Turns to Specifics
- Will GOP Red Meat Soundbite Guru Hook up With Disgraced Gingrich to "Newterize" America? -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Defying Police Blockade, Boston’s Occupy Builds a City
- Barack Obama Urged to Change US Stance at UN Climate Summit
- Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How it Hurts America
- Mitt’s Darkening Horizon
- Penn State Students Grill Administration on Sandusky Case
- "Lawyers for the Occupy Boston protesters and the city of Boston are facing off in court today in a hearing that could determine the future of the protesters’ Dewey Square tent city."
- Republicans Make Rare Retreat on Payroll Tax Cuts—Why?
- William Rivers Pitt | A Gut-Check Moment for Mr. Obama
- "The BBC has been forced to apologise after Jeremy Clarkson said he would like to see striking public sector workers "shot" in front of their families."
- "I'm so scared of this anti-Wall Street effort. I'm frightened to death," said Frank Luntz, a Republican strategist. "They're having an impact on what the American people think of capitalism."
- Ron Paul Hits Gingrich On "Serial Hypocrisy." I Love the Smell of GOP Infighting in the Morning.
- Romney Whines that Fox News Interview Was "Overly Aggressive." BWAH HAH HAH HAH!
- Hubris, Hubris, Hubris: Explaining Herman Cain's Downfall
- Engelhardt, Into the Whirlwind
- 6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street's "Secret Government"
- Detroit's "Big Three" to Add 33,000 Michigan Jobs by 2015
- A Banker Speaks, With Regret
- Labor Board Approves Controversial Union Election Rule in 2-1 Vote
- Governors Ask US To Ease Rules On Marijuana
- Spy Technology from US Companies Aid Repressive Governments
- For Labor, a New Majority Emerges and the Campaign’s Just Beginning
- Senate Amendment Calls for a Return to Bush-Era Torture
- Up to two million strike in U.K. over public sector cuts
- ‘We Are the 99 Percent’ Occupies the Lexicon
- Walmart's Greenwashing
- First Lawsuit Filed Against Sandusky in Penn State Child Sex Scandal
- Occupation Evicted? Occupy the Place Responsible: DC
- Fracking Pollutes Water Supply- EPA Investigates- Gas Deal Falls Thru
- Military Leaders Standing Up for Servicewomen in Support of Shaheen Amendment
- Republican Jobs Plan? Gut Workers’ Rights, Safety and Health Laws
- Fracking: How to Destroy the Earth, Make Millions
- Blair Mountain and Labor's Living History
- Support for Tea Party Falls in Strongholds, Polls Show
- Occupy LA: More Than 200 Arrested as Police Cleared Camp
- Will 2012 Be a Replay of 1968?
- Occupy LA: More Than 200 Arrested as Police Cleared Camp
- Veterans of Occupation: From Iraq to Wall Street
- How Hank Paulson Gave Hedge Funds A Heads Up During The Financial Crisis
- FCC Allows AT&T;/T-Mobile Merger Withdrawal, Publishes Damning Report
- GOPers Fear Losing Jobs Message War
- A New Shot at Mortgage Relief: Government Is Expanding the Home Affordable Refinance Program
- Chile's Student Protests Are Catching on Throughout the Region
- Attack on the Middle Class: First they came for your paycheck. Then your house. What's next?
- Newt Gingrich Was a Lobbyist in All But Name
- 50 Arrested at Philadelphia Occupy Camp
- Foes of "ObamaCare" Are Taking the Money to Implement It
- Scott Olsen, Iraq Vet Injured by Police at Occupy Oakland, Interviewed After Release From Hospital
- Child Poverty in Oakland Skyrockets in a 50 Percent Increase from Just Three Years Ago
- Clinton Tests Reforms on Historic Visit to Myanmar, Encourage Leaders to Sever Military and Nuclear Ties With North Korea
- Two Million State Workers Strike Over Pension Changes in a Growing Confrontation With a Deficit-Cutting Coalition Government
- Bachmann & Santorum Battle for the Batsh*t Basement in Iowa
- Barney Frank's Two Top Goals: Protecting Wall St. Reform, Social Spending
- Britain Withdraws Diplomatic Staff from Iran, Orders Iranian Embassy in London Closed
- "Newt Gingrich is adamant that he is not a lobbyist, but rather a visionary who traffics in ideas, not influence. But in the eight years since he started his health care consultancy, he has made millions of dollars while helping companies promote their services and gain access to state and federal officials."
- US Government Liable for Anthrax Attacks Big Time: "The federal government has agreed to pay $2.5 million to the widow and children of the first person killed in the anthrax letter attacks of 2001, settling a lawsuit claiming that the Army did not adequately secure its supply of the deadly pathogen."
- Foreclosure fraud whistleblower found dead
- Redistricting could end careers of tea party firebrands
- Here's How Your Senators Voted on Udall Amendment to Strip Out War and Imprisonment Power Grabs
- Feds Withholding Evidence Favorable to Bradley Manning, Lawyer Charges
- Bad News: Senate Defeats Amendment to Remove Terrorist Detainee Language
- Pepper-Spray Creator Decries Use of Chemical Agent on Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters
- Republicans Are Set To Raise Taxes On 160 Million Members of the 99%
- What Country Do We Want to Keep?
- Big Banks Received $13 Billion Income Gift From Government: More 1% Socialism for Wall Street -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- David Duke Arrested in Germany. So At Least One Good Thing Happened Today.
- Iraq Veterans Against The War Releases New Statement: The 1 Percent Is Profiting From Our Sacrifices
- The Dark Legacy Of Reaganomics
- Banks May Have Illegally Foreclosed On 5,000 Members Of The Military
- Message to the GOP: You Can't Handle the Truth -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Occupy Wall Street's Making It Harder for Banks to Recruit
- Finally, A Governor (Jerry Brown) Says: Hold The Pepper Spray
- Romney's Fading Popularity
- Democrats Needed a Poll to Tell Them Income Inequality Will Be a Big Deal in the '12 Elections. Well, They Got Their Poll...Now Let's See What They Do With It.
- The Senate’s Disastrous New Detention Bill
- "Manuel Bauer was once a neo-Nazi thug, heavily involved in far-right paramilitary organizations and guilty of numerous assaults against foreigners and immigrants in Germany. He has since turned his back on the scene -- but he can still provide a unique inside look. Authorities, he says, have long underestimated its danger."
- Biden in Baghdad to Mark End of Iraq War
- Released from Hospital, Injured ‘Occupy Oakland’ Marine Scott Olsen Calls For Justice, Peace
- Stick a Fork in Him -- Why Cain is No Longer Able
- Derp Derp Derp Perry Confuses Voting Age in NH Derp Derp Derp Derp
- Pipeline and Tanker Trouble: New report shows the impact to British Columbia's communities, rivers and Pacific coastline from tar sands oil transport
- "More than 50 members of the European parliament have signed an open letter to the US government raising concerns about the treatment of Bradley Manning, the US soldier in military detention for allegedly leaking classified US documents to the whistleblowing site WikiLeaks."
- Cain "Reassessing" His Campaign. Translation: He Might Be Quitting.
- UC Protesters Urge Tax Reform and Delay UC Regents Meeting
- NYPD Now On Big Bank Payroll
- Illiterate Scott Walker’s Illiterate Tweet Removed By Staffers
- Herman Cain Abandoned by Conservatives
- GQ Gives the Honor of Least Influential Person Alive to Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R)
- Arizona Gun Club Lets Children Hold High-Powered Guns while Posing for Christmas Pictures
- Sure, a few patients died. The important thing is that companies have free speech rights. Because they're people just like us. Or something.
- If You Want To Be a Rebel, Be Kind
- LA Protesters Defy Eviction Efforts, Go to Court
- Take Our Children, Please! A Modest Proposal for Occupy Wall Street
- Wisconsin Recall Drive Surpasses 300,000 Signatures as Rural Counties Turn Against Anti-Labor Governor
- NRA: Buy Guns Before Obama Enslaves And Kills You
- Kasich, Koch and Big-Industry Bucks: Why Ohio Is the Next Fracking Frontier
- Everything that Rises Must Converge: Reflections on Occupy Los Angeles, Nov. 25-27
- OWS Cheers As Defiant Judge Stops Obama From Selling Immunity To Wall Street
- Supreme Court Declines to Clarify Gun Rights Question
- Greenwald: The Secrecy-Loving Mind of the US Journalist
- Is Newt Gingrich a Trojan Horse for a Neocon Return to Power? Survey Says "Yes."
- Will Republicans Shut Down The FAA Again To Help Delta's Union Busting?
- Citigroup's $285 million SEC settlement rejected Judge says truth about their financial transgressions should come out in court
- Ron Paul’s Phony Populism: The libertarian presidential candidate is a true friend of the 1 percent
- Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) Opposes Defense Authorization Bill, Calling It "Anti-Liberty." He's Right.
- "My son gave his life so we could vote." Magdi Mostafa Mohamed, whose son Tarek died in the Egyptian revolution, shares his feelings as Egypt goes to the polls
- How Zuccotti Park Became Zuccotti Prison: Creeping American Police State
- Police Brutality Experienced by OWS Is Nothing New to the Black Community
- "Mitt Romney runs for president with the eye of a venture capitalist. He sees the profit in certain positions, discards those that are no longer profitable and moves on. He was pro-choice when it did him some good, instituted a health insurance plan that he now denounces and once supported amnesty for some illegal immigrants. Richard III offered his kingdom for a horse. Romney offers his principles for some votes in Iowa."
- American Airlines Parent Company Files for Bankruptcy
- If We End Corporate Personhood We Can Define the Terms of a New Economy
- Fifty European Parliament Members Concerned About US Treatment of Bradley Manning
- Patriot Millionaires: Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire Once and for All
- Austerity Is Bad for You and It’s No Fun
- "A congressional investigative committee disclosed Monday that it has begun a wide-ranging probe into operations at the Dover Air Force Base mortuary, escalating public scrutiny of the military installation charged with handling America’s war dead."
- Lesbian Sworn In As Vermont's First Openly-Gay Supreme Court Justice
- You Won't Believe What Hank Paulson Revealed To Hedge Funders Right Before The Financial Crisis
- The People's Library of Occupy Wall Street Lives On
- Iran Protesters Storm UK Embassy in Tehran
- "When you piece it all together, Monday may have provided a potential preview of the general election."
- Conservatives Go After Gingrich On Abortion
- Allred on Cain: He's accused five women of lying
- The Democratic Promise of Occupy Wall Street
- Stand up for Voting Rights March on December 10th
- 40,000 Troops to Leave Afghanistan by End of 2012
- Hacking Scandal Said to Widen to Official Secrets: "A newspaper report accused the Murdoch media empire of hacking into the computer of a government minister."
- How WikiLeaks Has Influenced Foreign Policy, Journalism, and the First Amendment
- Michele Bachmann claims that She Never Said ‘Anything Inaccurate’ During the GOP Debates. Derp?
- The Cain Affair: Where There's Smoke, There's....
- Now Is the Time to Fight the Keystone Pipeline
- Secret Bill To Be Voted On Today Would Allow The Military To Sweep Up US Citizens At Home Or Abroad
- Representative Barney Frank Won't Seek Re-election
- Senate Democrat Seeks Investigation of Obama’s No-Bid Contract for Smallpox Drug
- No Free Speech at Mr. Jefferson’s Library
- Greg Palast: BP on Trial at the Occupation
- George Lakoff for Truthout: Occupy Elections, With a Simple Message
- New York City Judge Rejects $285M SEC-Citigroup Agreement
- Altered Political Environment Gives Democrats New Ability to Tout "Spreading the Wealth"
- Inside the Student Movement: Undeterred by Crackdown, Activists Around the Country Gear Up for Bigger Actions
- From Mobile, Alabama, to Chicago: Lessons on the Importance of Holding "Occupied" Territory
- Kansas High School Student Won't Apologize For Disparaging Tweet About Gov. Brownback -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Student Loan Racket: For-profit enrollment growth surged by 225 percent in last decade.
- Corporations Are Patenting Human Genes and Tissues -- Here's Why That's Terrifying
- Egypt's Tense Waiting Game: What's at Stake in the Elections
- Five Things To Know About the Durban Climate Talks That Begin This Week
- Another Class Action Lawsuit Against Walmart Warehouse
- International Climate Talks Open, Focus on Emissions Cuts, Finding $100 Billion for Poor
- All Is Calm as Deadline Passes for Occupy Philadelphia
- New York's Ardour for Michael Bloomberg Cools - Mayor has turned police on Occupy protesters, opposes a $10 an hour minimum wage and says bankers are patriotic.
- GOP Tries to Limit Voting in Michigan
- Support your indie bookstore! Where you spend your money matters.
- Paul Krugman: "The supercommittee was a superdud — and we should be glad. Nonetheless, at some point we’ll have to rein in budget deficits. And when we do, here’s a thought: How about making increased revenue an important part of the deal?"
- Teen Tweeter Won't Apologize to Kansas Governor
- Occupy LA Deadline Passes, Protesters Remain At City Hall Encampment
- Syracuse basketball coach fired amid sex abuse investigation.
- A Man Out of Work Finds Community at Occupy Wall Street: "Ray Kachel took a bus from Seattle to join O.W.S."
- DNC Hits Romney With Television Ads in Five Swing States
- Police arrest Occupy LA protesters who blocked traffic
- Barney Frank Not Seeking Re-Election in 2012
- Nation of Consumerism Update: Black Friday weekend 2011 sees record turnout Approximately 226 million shoppers visited stores and websites as spending also rose. Now the pundits will crawl out of the woodwork about an economy on the "rebound"! "There is Nothing Like a Sale, Nothing Like a Sale!"
- LA Times: Co-ops may be a path out of poverty From Spain to California. The Biggest Threat to Wall Street. Jobs Created by the People for the People.
- Can There Be Solidarity Between Movement Activists and Police Officers?
- Only 15 People Showed Up For Michele Bachmann's Book Signing Saturday
- Greg Palast: "Vulture's Picnic" in Chicago Monday and Tuesday night. Check Tour Schedule for Other Cities.
- Will War Ever End?
- Policy-Making Billionaires Privatizing Public Policy
- Walker appointee says workplace harassment of gays is legal
- If the Tea Party Reps Believe God Runs the Government, Why are We Paying Them Good Salaries for Whining? -- Steve Jonas for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Newt Gingrich is a "a Stupid Man's Idea of What a Smart Man Sounds Like"-- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Limerick Ode To Gaffe-Prone Perry
- Twenty-One Festive Uses for Pepper Spray
- Newt to Jesus: "Get a Job After Taking a Bath"