World News

Henry Paulson Involved In Oregon Securities Fraud Case

By Peter Apanel In recent years, media stories about questionable, ill-advised, publicly-subsidized sports stadium deals that benefit wealthy...

The Global Occupy Movement Challenges the Transnational Corporate Class Propaganda Machine

By Peter Phillips The international concentration of wealth and military power is endangering not only...

The Missing Story: Cain As Front Man for Billionaires

GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain serves as front man for the billionaire Koch brothers in...

Matthew Gould and the Plot to Attack Iran

A plea from Craig Murray over his article: Please feel free to re-use and republish...

War and Peace

US War Criminals murdered US soldiers: all US police have arrest authority

source: Carl Herman Any police officer has arrest authority for the crime of murder. Because...

Occupy endgame: arrest 1% “emperor has no clothes” obvious criminals

source: Carl Herman Occupy’s victory means peace from criminal wars based on obvious lies, economic security...

Occupy victory brings peace, economic security, technological breakthroughs

source: Carl Herman Victory will come to Occupy and 100% of humanity in a relative...


By Saul Landau In the early Spring 1982, I accompanied former US Senator Jim Abourezk...


    Order The New Project Censored Book Here

    Michigan citizens fight totalitarianism in new proposed zoning laws

     picture of the Saugatuck Dunes forest Citizens of Michigan and those following...

    Whirlwind in Sonoma and Marin

    A few months ago, I was lying in bed enjoying the morning...

    Right-Wing High Jinks and Hypocrisy: HR 2018 and the Supreme Court

      When it comes to state’s rights and the environment, the Right-wing...


    Jay Matthews of the Washington Post: Five reasons for profit colleges will survive

    On November 27th, 2011 ‘education’ writer, Jay Matthews of the Washington Post, wrote a defense...

    Teacher Quality and Accountability: A Failed Debate

    “Value-added and other types of growth models are probably the most controversial issue in education today,” argues Matthew Di Carlo in...

    Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale at Kaplan Test Prep!!!!

      For those that didn’t know it, the Washington Post’s blood bank, Kaplan, does not just run a for-profit diploma...

    Summary of some of the seedy practices of the Washington Post and Kaplan University

    The modern Washington Post Company is a publicly traded company which derives 60% (or more) of its income from Kaplan...

    “[N]ot the Time. . .to Follow the Line of Least Resistance”

    In a major journal from the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), a teacher and scholar laments the current...

    A Retro-Rocketship to the Future: Corporate Education Reform Blasts Off in Silicon Valley

    Rocketship is blasting off in Silicon Valley, with great fanfare – and no, it’s not a new tech start up,...

    Diversity and the Rise of Majority-Minority Schools

    In the “Historical Notes” conclusion of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the reader discovers through a darkly biting satire of...

    Parents Across America’s Position on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

      Posted on November 9, 2011 by seattleducation2011   Issued on November 8, 2011   Today, the national group, Parents...

    Action v. Inaction: The Scholar-Teacher Imperative

    If the disturbing details surrounding Jerry Sandusky and Penn State University’s football program prove to be true, little room will...

    My Censorship Problem with NCTE

    Preface: As members of an online forum called NCTE Connected Community Open Forum, longtime NCTE member  Steve Krashen and a...

    Poverty Not Destiny?: Masking Corporate Agendas

    Release a report, make it appear like scholarly research (include footnotes, charts, graphs, and data), and suggest something provocative such...

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