Hey! Here's a permalink to the Daily Kos comics page! AND just in time for Christmas check out our new GLOW IN THE DARK SHIRTS!

There are a few copies of The Very Silly Mayor available at the new store. They are signed!

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 2:44 PM | link
Rick Santorum says no one ever died from lack of health insurance

Seriously. He said that.

He should talk to Ron Paul.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:21 AM | link
State of the art

My friends and long-time patrons at CREDO (formerly Working Assets) have pulled the plug and will no longer be featuring my cartoons. This is what you would call a friendly breakup, and came as no big surprise. They’ve been moving steadily away from content to focus on activism for quite awhile now — my cartoon was basically the last remnant of their old blog. They were enormously supportive for a long time, and I thank them for that, and hope to work together in some other capacity in the future.

Overall the cartoon is still doing better than I have any right to expect, given the state of the economy and the publishing industry (I even added a couple papers this year), but these incremental losses do take their toll.

On the bright side–and if I’m known for anything, it’s my ability to look at the bright side!– I am grateful beyond words for the support of the many newspapers which continue to run the strip, not to mention Truthout and, of course, my online flagship, The Great Orange Satan. Cumulatively they keep me afloat.

… adding: if you want to support the strip and still read it in a newspaper, it’s especially important to let them know you enjoy it — that kind of feedback helps keep me off the chopping block when it’s time to cut the budget again. And if you want, you could buy a shirt.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 2:04 PM | link
Bumpity bump

(Keeping this post at the top of the page for awhile, for obvious reasons.)

I am pleased to announce a new partnership with the artist-friendly t-shirt and swagmeisters at Topatoco. Our first offering is the “Tron Sparky” shirt”, featuring your favorite cranky penguin’s visage in the traditional colors of the War on Christmas season, red and black — and as if that weren’t enough, it GLOWS IN THE DARK! Yes, this shirt can literally be used as an emergency lighting source in the event of a power outage!* These are silk screened onto American Apparel shirts, which means you don’t have to tug at the neck all the time. Or am I the only one who does that? At any rate, if there’s a better gift available for the Tom Tomorrow fan in your life, I myself am unaware of it.

*usefulness as an emergency lighting source is highly speculative and not guaranteed.

ALSO: first person who sends me a photo of him or herself wearing their new Sparky shirt gets a free signed print.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:23 AM | link
The Gingrinch

Newt GIngrich is back in the news? At Christmastime? Set the Wayback Machine for 1994, because it’s clearly time for another cartoon flashback…

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:30 PM | link

I have an extra 17×22 print of the ‘Rugged Individualist‘ cartoon from last week, printed on fine art paper. I had to reprint it because a printer glitch left a small white spot above Biff’s head in the third panel — really not much bigger than a pinpoint, but that’s how quality control is around here. Anyway, first $50 plus $5 shipping takes it (usual price for this size is $100). UPDATE: sold.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 10:47 AM | link
Hello, is anybody out there?

I have not been adding CREDO links on Tuesdays because CREDO has stopped updating my cartoon, and my contact there is not answering email. Maybe somebody who knows what’s going on will see this post and share that information with me.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 1:35 PM | link
New toon

Rugged individualists.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:37 AM | link
On site

I am at the NASA tweetup for the launch of the Mars Rover today. Will be posting here and probably tweeting more frequently (@tomtomorrow, or search #NASAtweetup). Our “twent” is near a couple of space age icons, the Vehicle Assembly Building and the same countdown clock used for the Apollo missions.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:40 AM | link
Glass eyes

Pawn shop of choice for down on their luck one-eyed Space Coasters.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:38 AM | link

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