No need to register — you can also use one of these links to tune in:
MP3 (iTunes/Winamp) | Windows Media Player | More choices and help |
No need to register — you can also use one of these links to tune in:
MP3 (iTunes/Winamp) | Windows Media Player | More choices and help |
We get a commission on everything you buy when you use the Amazon search box above or these links: You'll find more links on our Affiliate Merchants page. You don't need to use the link or search box for each separate purchase. Just start shopping from our links or search box — we get credit for all purchases made during that shopping session. |
You don't need to register with us in order to listen, and we don't charge subscription fees — even for our highest-fidelity streams.
Speaking of high fidelity, we pride ourselves on providing some of the best-sounding audio you'll hear anywhere. Try one of our high quality streams (192k MP3 or 128k AAC) on a good pair of headphones or a decent audio system. We think you'll be impressed. Several of the world's most respected audio engineers and producers have given RP's audio quality an enthusiastic thumbs-up.
How do we do all of this without charging subscription fees or inflicting advertising on you? The key is in those two words underneath our name at the top of the page. We do our very best to keep you entertained, and if we succeed we ask you to send a little support our way. Click the Support RP link for more information on how that works.
Popups: The "Chumby Playlist" popup gives you a preview of what the RP Playlist widget looks like on a Chumby. It's also a nice way to keep track of what's playing on RP when you can't (or don't want to) have our full site open. |