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Military URGENT MESSAGE From the Troops
The troops have an urgent message that requires your immediate attention. Find out who U.S. military veterans and active duty soldiers overwhelmingly support for President in 2012.
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Events: Arizona Christmas Party Saturday, December 10th, 2011 6 p.m. til ??? (Update)
We will have all of the workshop and activist stations open for newbies to take a tour and see our projects on display.. This year's Christmas Party will be at the home of Ernest and Donna Hancock in Glendale, AZ. Dugger will DJ and have Karaoke :
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Politics: Republican Campaigns The Matzorian Candidate
At the Republican Jewish Coalition forum, Jews commemorate the miracle of incredibly religious Christian presidential candidates fighting over who loves Jews more.
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European Union Pay Close Attention To The WARNINGS
The EU summit "deal" is noise; we knew going in there would be no "grand bargain" and there isn't. Britain said "stuff it" (rightly so) along with a few others; those who went along did so pretty much at gunpoint.
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Precious Metals Buy Silver…Now!
12/08/11 Silver is an amazing metal…which is why it’s likely to soar over the coming years… You see, silver has more than 10,000 uses. It’s one of the world’s best conductors of heat and electricity.
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Housing FL Supreme Court: We Decide When The Case Has Concluded
The bank appears to have tried to settle with the consumer to moot the case. That settlement may have mooted the underlying legal controversy but whether a fraud was committed upon the court is and should be an entirely separate matter.
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NATO Hail! NATO Expands, Again!
What the heck is NATO? What’s it about? What’s it for? Not many people bother to ask any more. As with many New World organizations originally created under the guise of a temporary measure (think IMF, think World Bank)
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Off Grid Living Building an Armed Response Kit
Nearly everyone into prepping have a bug out bag (BOB) the contents vary from person to person, but mainly they allow the carrier to have what they think they will need to survive at least 72 hours. If needed they will provide...
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Entertainment: Movies Bane Lets It Rip in Dark Knight Rises’ Menacing Prologue
Heath Ledger’s Joker blasted through the opening heist sequence of The Dark Knight with chilling conviction three years ago. Smart, scary and utterly riveting, Ledger’s character set the tone for the rest of the picture by blending ice-cold humor wit
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Economy - International Art Cashin Explains Why Obama Is "Terrified" By A European Collapse
Confused why Tim Geithner has seemingly booked a weekly round trip ticket to Brussels to give the Eurocrats their weekly pep talk (much to his endless humiliation as Europe Tells Geithner To Take His Advice And Shove It reminds us)?
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Health and Physical Fitness Letter Re: How to Drain an Abscess
The letter from Lonestar Doc about skin abscesses is both appropriate and essential. I would like to add a few points that may not have been clear.
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Off Grid Living Letter Re: Western Nebraska as a Retreat Locale
The main things I find appealing, inexpensive fertile crop land, good plentiful clean water, a plethora of wildlife (Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, and Turkey) great fishing holes everywhere, and few people per square mile.
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European Union EU Leaders Forge Fiscal Pact
Wall Street Journal
European Union leaders Friday agreed to forge ahead with a new deal on economic governance without the support of the U.K., but they again balked at marshaling the large sums experts believe will be necessary to ensure financing for Italy and Spain a
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Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings Arab Spring Chooses Freedom Over US Aid
The Arab Spring has begun ousting regimes in places like Egypt, the revolutionaries are seeing the US trying to shift funding to various political groups, and are expressing concern that the lack of transparency in where US money goes
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European Union New Treaty to Save the Euro May Also Divide Europe
BRUSSELS — European leaders, meeting until the early hours of Friday, agreed to sign an intergovernmental treaty that would require them to enforce stricter fiscal and financial discipline in their future budgets.
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WAR Pakistani Editorial Says Nuclear War with India “Inevitable” as Water Dispute Continues
Nawa-e Waqt bluntly commented on India’s Kashmiri water polices and Islamabad’s failure up to now to stop New Delhi’s efforts to construct hydroelectric dams in Kashmir, “India should be forcibly prevented from constructing these dams. If it fails to
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WAR: About that War Today on - Friday December 9th 2011
What If the Real Target of the War on Terror Is You?, - Andrew Napolitano / Banks, Wars, Nightsticks / Worshipping the Prince of War / Give the Gift of Preparedness / Want to Escape America? / What Question Is the Trumpster Dying To Ask Ron Paul?
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Afghanistan Mercs May Run Air Missions on Afghan-Pakistan Border
Barely two weeks after a NATO helicopter disaster killed 24 Pakistani troops, the skies above the Afghanistan-Pakistan border may get even more dangerous.
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China China's Solar Industry
Behind the scenes at Suntech Power, the world’s largest solar manufacturer.
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Activism Websense Joins Goohoosoft’s Fight For Human Rights
When large enterprises like Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft join forces, you can be fairly certain politics are involved. Typically, this translates to some sort of lobbying effort, but if we’re lucky, the issue is human rights.
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Media: Internet What Moore’s Law Means for the Future of the Cloud
So what’s going on here? Is renting transistors in the cloud cheaper than owning them, or is it more expensive? And if cloud is cheaper for some users and not for others, then why is that the case?
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Economy - International Wary European CEOs Move Cash to Germany
Grupo Gowex (GOW), a Spanish provider of Wi-Fi wireless services, is moving funds to Germany because it expects Spain to exit the euro. German machinery maker GEA Group AG is setting maximum amounts held at any one bank.
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Economy - International The $1.4 Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Crisis; & Growing
Richard Nixon took the USA off the gold standard in 1973. Bill Clinton got rid of Glass Steagull in 1999, which took down the separation between the activities of Investment Banks (non-secured) and activities of Commercial Banks (FDIC Secured - tax p
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Economy - International Deleverage the World
Capitalism is supposed to be a system of profit and loss, but in recent years, central bankers and central planners seem to have forgotten the part about losses. The strategy cannot work over the long term. Economic law, eventually, prevails.
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Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings Foment OWS Terror, Open Camps?
The conspiracy to run the world seems to emanate from a small group of banking families that control central banks along with their associates and enablers. This group creates war and chaos in order to build their longed-for new world order.
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New World Order Rothschilds Give Formal Support to US Direct Democracy?
It's the "people versus the elites," as it always is. And the elites, as they always do, are attempting to provide tools that seemingly empower middle classes but actually only build up bigger and bigger government. Elites LOVE big government because
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Criminal Justice System Criminal And Civil Law In Free-Market Justice
Natural rights begin with the idea that a human being is a form of property. The question becomes “who is the owner?” There are three possible alternatives: each person is a self-owner; someone else owns him (slavery); or he is an unclaimed good.
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Philosophy: Anarchism In Praise of Parallel Institutions
• by by Wendy McElroy, December 8, 2011
As long as the association is voluntary, social harmony is preserved and rights are promoted. Moreover, in a desire to compete, institutions become more efficient at satisfying customers' needs. In short, choice promotes both social harmony and a hig
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European Union Euro Countries Reach a Deal, but Britain Stands Apart
European leaders, meeting until the early hours of Friday, agreed to sign an intergovernmental treaty that would require them to enforce stricter fiscal and financial discipline in their future budgets.
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Police State Drones Are Coming to a Theater Near You
“The UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, are coming.” So says Candice Miller, the Republican congresswoman from northern Michigan borderlands.
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WAR Washington’s Secret Wars
Following the widely reported Iranian government plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington and alarming new reports of civilian deaths in Syria, the White House has issued several findings to the intelligence community authorizing steppe
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Politics STOCK Act halted in its tracks WITH bipartisan support!
The Political Commentator
What's that you say? Bipartisan support for something in Congress? That's great news for the American people right?
The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) is stopped!
Now that Congressional Republicans and Democrats are working i
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Energy Could War Flare Again Between Iraq and Kuwait?
While Iraq and Kuwait are now at peace, many of the border issues that led to conflict two decades ago remain, which no amount of diplomatic bonhomie can completely paper over.