Freedom's Phoenix -- Global Edition -- "Uncovering the Secrets and Exposing the Lies"
Freedom's Phoenix: Uncovering the Secrets & Exposing the Lies
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Friday, Dec. 9, 2011
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URGENT MESSAGE From the Troops
12-09-2011  • 
The troops have an urgent message that requires your immediate attention. Find out who U.S. military veterans and active duty soldiers overwhelmingly support for President in 2012.
Ernest Hancock
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
Ron Paul Interview Today With Megyn Kelly 12/09/11
12-09-2011  • 

Ernest Hancock
Kielsky Rike PLLC, Attorneys
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Events: Arizona
Christmas Party Saturday, December 10th, 2011 6 p.m. til ??? (Update)
11-08-2011  • 
We will have all of the workshop and activist stations open for newbies to take a tour and see our projects on display.. This year's Christmas Party will be at the home of Ernest and Donna Hancock in Glendale, AZ. Dugger will DJ and have Karaoke :
Donna Hancock
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Techno Gadgets
Startup Turns Your Cell-Phone Number into a Location Fix
12-09-2011  • 
Loc-Aid can track almost any cellular device in North America.
Donna Hancock
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Iran US RQ-170 spy plane
12-09-2011  • 
Iran: shot down advanced RQ-170 unmanned US spy plane, exclusive video
Donna Hancock
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
The Matzorian Candidate
12-09-2011  • 
At the Republican Jewish Coalition forum, Jews commemorate the miracle of incredibly religious Christian presidential candidates fighting over who loves Jews more.
Ernest Hancock
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European Union
Pay Close Attention To The WARNINGS
12-09-2011  • 
The EU summit "deal" is noise; we knew going in there would be no "grand bargain" and there isn't. Britain said "stuff it" (rightly so) along with a few others; those who went along did so pretty much at gunpoint.
Ernest Hancock
Kielsky Rike PLLC, Attorneys
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Precious Metals
Buy Silver…Now!
12-09-2011  • 
12/08/11 Silver is an amazing metal…which is why it’s likely to soar over the coming years… You see, silver has more than 10,000 uses. It’s one of the world’s best conductors of heat and electricity.
Ernest Hancock
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FL Supreme Court: We Decide When The Case Has Concluded
12-09-2011  • 
The bank appears to have tried to settle with the consumer to moot the case. That settlement may have mooted the underlying legal controversy but whether a fraud was committed upon the court is and should be an entirely separate matter.
Ernest Hancock
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Hail! NATO Expands, Again!
12-09-2011  • 
What the heck is NATO? What’s it about? What’s it for? Not many people bother to ask any more. As with many New World organizations originally created under the guise of a temporary measure (think IMF, think World Bank)
Ernest Hancock
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Off Grid Living
Building an Armed Response Kit
12-09-2011  • 
Nearly everyone into prepping have a bug out bag (BOB) the contents vary from person to person, but mainly they allow the carrier to have what they think they will need to survive at least 72 hours. If needed they will provide...
Ernest Hancock
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Economy - Economics USA
Financial Times Changes Article Headline on EU Three Times!
12-09-2011  • 
Every little headline helps. The EU has nowhere to go but up.
Donna Hancock
Kielsky Rike PLLC, Attorneys
Feature Article  •  
COLLAPSE: "It won't happen all at once,... BUT It Will Happen OVERNIGHT"
Ernest Hancock
   It's almost morning
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Space Travel and Exploration
Dragon Capsule-Falcon 9 schedules its first flight to ISS space station
12-09-2011  •  Space 
NASA gave SpaceX the go-ahead to launch its robotic Dragon spacecraft atop its Falcon 9 rocket to the space station on Feb. 7, so long as a series of final safety reviews, testing and verification is successfully completed.
Powell Gammill
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Entertainment: Movies
Bane Lets It Rip in Dark Knight Rises’ Menacing Prologue
12-09-2011  • 
Heath Ledger’s Joker blasted through the opening heist sequence of The Dark Knight with chilling conviction three years ago. Smart, scary and utterly riveting, Ledger’s character set the tone for the rest of the picture by blending ice-cold humor wit
Donna Hancock
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Economy - International
Art Cashin Explains Why Obama Is "Terrified" By A European Collapse
12-09-2011  • 
Confused why Tim Geithner has seemingly booked a weekly round trip ticket to Brussels to give the Eurocrats their weekly pep talk (much to his endless humiliation as Europe Tells Geithner To Take His Advice And Shove It reminds us)?
Donna Hancock
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Health and Physical Fitness
Letter Re: How to Drain an Abscess
12-09-2011  • 
The letter from Lonestar Doc about skin abscesses is both appropriate and essential. I would like to add a few points that may not have been clear.
Donna Hancock
Kielsky Rike PLLC, Attorneys
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Off Grid Living
Letter Re: Western Nebraska as a Retreat Locale
12-09-2011  • 
The main things I find appealing, inexpensive fertile crop land, good plentiful clean water, a plethora of wildlife (Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, and Turkey) great fishing holes everywhere, and few people per square mile.
Donna Hancock
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Law Enforcers or Peace Officers
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories
12-09-2011  • 
It’s prison guards gone wild this week, plus a really sleazy deputy gets a sweet deal and a ‘roided cop takes a plea deal. Let’s get to it:
Ernest Hancock
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European Union
EU Leaders Forge Fiscal Pact
12-09-2011  •  Wall Street Journal 
European Union leaders Friday agreed to forge ahead with a new deal on economic governance without the support of the U.K., but they again balked at marshaling the large sums experts believe will be necessary to ensure financing for Italy and Spain a
Donna Hancock
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
Trump might cancel GOP debate after Bachmann snub
12-09-2011  • 
A pouting Donald Trump said Friday that he may cancel his Republican presidential debate altogether after all but two candidates refused to participate.
Ernest Hancock
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Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
Arab Spring Chooses Freedom Over US Aid
12-09-2011  • 
The Arab Spring has begun ousting regimes in places like Egypt, the revolutionaries are seeing the US trying to shift funding to various political groups, and are expressing concern that the lack of transparency in where US money goes
Ernest Hancock
escape irs
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European Union
New Treaty to Save the Euro May Also Divide Europe
12-09-2011  • 
BRUSSELS — European leaders, meeting until the early hours of Friday, agreed to sign an intergovernmental treaty that would require them to enforce stricter fiscal and financial discipline in their future budgets.
Ernest Hancock
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Pakistani Editorial Says Nuclear War with India “Inevitable” as Water Dispute Continues
12-09-2011  • 
Nawa-e Waqt bluntly commented on India’s Kashmiri water polices and Islamabad’s failure up to now to stop New Delhi’s efforts to construct hydroelectric dams in Kashmir, “India should be forcibly prevented from constructing these dams. If it fails to
James Stafford
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WAR: About that War
Today on - Friday December 9th 2011
12-09-2011  • 
What If the Real Target of the War on Terror Is You?, - Andrew Napolitano / Banks, Wars, Nightsticks / Worshipping the Prince of War / Give the Gift of Preparedness / Want to Escape America? / What Question Is the Trumpster Dying To Ask Ron Paul?
Ernest Hancock
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Economy - International
Lobbyists Have Wrote US Laws That Have Set Up The Biggest Robbery In World History, And It Could Hap
12-09-2011  •  Jim March 
You read a lot about the enormous transnational casino called "derivatives" on FreedomsPhoenix, but did you know that the banks invented a special "Chapter 15" bankruptcy process in 2005 that is only for "international financial institutions",
Jim March
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Mercs May Run Air Missions on Afghan-Pakistan Border
12-09-2011  • 
Barely two weeks after a NATO helicopter disaster killed 24 Pakistani troops, the skies above the Afghanistan-Pakistan border may get even more dangerous.
Donna Hancock
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China's Solar Industry
12-09-2011  • 
Behind the scenes at Suntech Power, the world’s largest solar manufacturer.
Donna Hancock
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Websense Joins Goohoosoft’s Fight For Human Rights
12-09-2011  • 
When large enterprises like Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft join forces, you can be fairly certain politics are involved. Typically, this translates to some sort of lobbying effort, but if we’re lucky, the issue is human rights.
Donna Hancock
Casey Biotech
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Media: Internet
What Moore’s Law Means for the Future of the Cloud
12-09-2011  • 
So what’s going on here? Is renting transistors in the cloud cheaper than owning them, or is it more expensive? And if cloud is cheaper for some users and not for others, then why is that the case?
Donna Hancock
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Economy - International
Wary European CEOs Move Cash to Germany
12-09-2011  • 
Grupo Gowex (GOW), a Spanish provider of Wi-Fi wireless services, is moving funds to Germany because it expects Spain to exit the euro. German machinery maker GEA Group AG is setting maximum amounts held at any one bank.
Ernest Hancock
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Economy - International
The $1.4 Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Crisis; & Growing
12-09-2011  • 
Richard Nixon took the USA off the gold standard in 1973. Bill Clinton got rid of Glass Steagull in 1999, which took down the separation between the activities of Investment Banks (non-secured) and activities of Commercial Banks (FDIC Secured - tax p
Donna Hancock
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Economy - International
Deleverage the World
12-09-2011  • 
Capitalism is supposed to be a system of profit and loss, but in recent years, central bankers and central planners seem to have forgotten the part about losses. The strategy cannot work over the long term. Economic law, eventually, prevails.
Ernest Hancock
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What's The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate
12-09-2011  As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly.
Donna Hancock
Kielsky Rike PLLC, Attorneys
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Police State
Stewart Rhodes: Feds Demand Customer Lists From Storable Food Facility
12-09-2011  • 
“A fellow veteran contacted me concerning a new and disturbing development. He had been utilizing a Mormon cannery near his home to purchase bulk food supplies.
Donna Hancock
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Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
Foment OWS Terror, Open Camps?
12-09-2011  • 
The conspiracy to run the world seems to emanate from a small group of banking families that control central banks along with their associates and enablers. This group creates war and chaos in order to build their longed-for new world order.
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  
The Banks Purposely and Strategically defaulted on America in 2008...
Ernest Hancock
   Now it's our time to strategically 'non-default' back on them, by quit paying this week! - Occupy Your Home And Regain Financial Independence
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New World Order
Rothschilds Give Formal Support to US Direct Democracy?
12-09-2011  • 
It's the "people versus the elites," as it always is. And the elites, as they always do, are attempting to provide tools that seemingly empower middle classes but actually only build up bigger and bigger government. Elites LOVE big government because
Donna Hancock
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Criminal Justice System
Criminal And Civil Law In Free-Market Justice
12-09-2011  • 
Natural rights begin with the idea that a human being is a form of property. The question becomes “who is the owner?” There are three possible alternatives: each person is a self-owner; someone else owns him (slavery); or he is an unclaimed good.
Ernest Hancock
escape irs
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Philosophy: Anarchism
In Praise of Parallel Institutions
12-09-2011  • by by Wendy McElroy, December 8, 2011 
As long as the association is voluntary, social harmony is preserved and rights are promoted. Moreover, in a desire to compete, institutions become more efficient at satisfying customers' needs. In short, choice promotes both social harmony and a hig
Ernest Hancock
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European Union
Euro Countries Reach a Deal, but Britain Stands Apart
12-09-2011  • 
European leaders, meeting until the early hours of Friday, agreed to sign an intergovernmental treaty that would require them to enforce stricter fiscal and financial discipline in their future budgets.
Donna Hancock
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Just For Fun!
MythBusters’ ‘Cannonball Run’ Gets Taiwanese Animation Treatment (video added)
12-09-2011  • 
Taiwanese studio Next Media Animation has blasted its re-creation of the MythBusters cannonball misfire onto the web, with a blow-by-blow video account of Tuesday’s bizarre incident.
Ernest Hancock
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European Union
Analysis: Sarkozy, Draghi winners in EU rift, Cameron loses
12-09-2011  • 
Napoleon dreamed of it, De Gaulle fought for it, but Nicolas Sarkozy may have achieved it -- a Europe of Nations with France in the cockpit and Britain on the sidelines.
Donna Hancock
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American History
Shocking Charts And Statistics That Prove That America Is No Longer A Wealthy Nation
12-09-2011  • 
How do you decide whether you are wealthy or not? Do you determine that by how much money you spend at the stores? Of course not.
Donna Hancock
escape irs
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Police State
Drones Are Coming to a Theater Near You
12-09-2011  • 
“The UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, are coming.” So says Candice Miller, the Republican congresswoman from northern Michigan borderlands.
Donna Hancock
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Protests and Protesters
Occupy Wall Street, Re-energized: A Leaderless Movement Plots a Comeback
12-09-2011  • 
In a society in which we're used to taking direction from Presidents and CEOs, captains and quarterbacks, Occupy Wall Street's leaderless structure seems like a formula for chaos.
Donna Hancock
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Washington’s Secret Wars
12-09-2011  • 
Following the widely reported Iranian government plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington and alarming new reports of civilian deaths in Syria, the White House has issued several findings to the intelligence community authorizing steppe
Donna Hancock
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STOCK Act halted in its tracks WITH bipartisan support!
12-09-2011  •  The Political Commentator 
What's that you say? Bipartisan support for something in Congress? That's great news for the American people right? The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) is stopped! Now that Congressional Republicans and Democrats are working i
Michael Haltman
Radio/TV  •  Activism
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Video
Host: Ernest Hancock
Ian Freeman - Host of Free Talk Live and LRN.FM - How to run your own radio station.
Program Date:  2010-12-15
   Ian Freeman - Host of Free Talk Live and Program Director of LRN.FM and Blogger on - How to run your own radio station.
escape irs
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Could War Flare Again Between Iraq and Kuwait?
12-09-2011  • 
While Iraq and Kuwait are now at peace, many of the border issues that led to conflict two decades ago remain, which no amount of diplomatic bonhomie can completely paper over.
James Stafford

  Page Two    Contents by Subject    Articles    Opinions    Letters    More News 

Radio/TV Show   •   Oklahoma City Bombing 1995
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
December 8th - Interview with James Lane and Chris Emery, 'A Noble Lie'
Radio/TV Show   •   Economy - Economics USA
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
December 8th, 2011 - Gerald Celente - Focus on Economy and MF Global
Kielsky Rike PLLC, Attorneys
Feature Article  •  More about Economy - International
Understanding How Screwed We All Are "The Greatest Depression" – by Ernest Hancock (Part 2
Ernest Hancock
Feature Article  •  More about Tutorials on Freedom's Phoenix
Freedoms Phoenix Tutorial (lots of new Subscribers... Here's your answers!)
Ernest Hancock
Letters to the Editor   •  More about Government
Written by: Jim Arft
Read Letter
Feature Article  •  More about Energy
Mexico - Rising Natural Gas Superstate?
James Stafford
Feature Article  •  More about Casey Research Articles
Start Thinking in Terms of Gold Price
Jeff Clark
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Feature Article  •  More about New World Order
The Road to Tyranny: Let Me Count the Ways
Dave Hodges
Opinion  •  More about Environment
Part 1 of 3: Responding to critics’ attacks about human overpopulation in America
Frosty Wooldridge
Opinion  •  More about Fascism/Corporatism
Human Rights Day
December 8, 2011
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about Israel - Palestine
Denying Palestinians Fair Access to Water
Stephen Lendman
Radio/TV Show   •   Drug War
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Dec 6th, 2011 - Howard Wooldridge - Drug Prohibition w/ focus on Fed Prohibition of Marijuana
escape irs
Radio/TV Show   •   Politics: Independent and Other Campaigns
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Dec. 6th, 2011 - Ernest interviews Tisha Casida - Ind. Colorado - Congressional Candidate
Letters to the Editor   •  More about Racism
why anglo's can't be represented as an american group
Written by: brian griffith
Read Letter
Opinion  •  More about Politics: Republican Campaigns
Donald Trump and Sean Hannity: partners in baloney
Menckens Ghost
Feature Article  •  More about MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
Russia Bashing
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about Israel
New Report on Israel Restricting Free Expression and Assembly
Stephen Lendman
escape irs
Feature Article  •  More about Casey Research Articles
The US's Education Bubble
Doug Hornig
Feature Article  •  More about Events: Arizona
Bill of Rights Day - December 15 - A Celebration Invite
Powell Gammill
Feature Article  •  More about Ron Paul Says...
Euro Crisis Destabilizing the Dollar - by Ron Paul
Powell Gammill

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Ernest Hancock, 4886 W Port Au Prince Ln, Glendale, AZ 85306 USA.

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