Also, Too, Bless Her Heart.

By: TBogg Tuesday December 20, 2011 6:21 pm

Shorter Kathleen Parker:

By her passive aggressive twitter-twatting of mean things about Mitt Romney, Callista “Not Flockhart” Gingrich has opened herself up to speculation that she is less Laura Bush and more Hillary Clinton … if Hillary Clinton were a helmet-haired home-wrecking whore with a Tiffany monkey on her back.

A Butthurt As Big As The Ritz

By: TBogg Tuesday December 20, 2011 4:32 pm

Scenes from an abused billionaires support group:

Jamie Dimon, the highest-paid chief executive officer among the heads of the six biggest U.S. banks, turned a question at an investors’ conference in New York this month into an occasion to defend wealth.

“Acting like everyone who’s been successful is bad and because you’re rich you’re bad, I don’t understand it,” the JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) CEO told an audience member who asked about hostility toward bankers. “Sometimes there’s a bad apple, yet we denigrate the whole.”

Dimon, 55, whose 2010 compensation was $23 million, joined billionaires including hedge-fund manager John Paulson and Home Depot Inc. (HD) co-founder Bernard Marcus in using speeches, open letters and television appearances to defend themselves and the richest 1 percent of the population targeted by Occupy Wall Street demonstrators.

If successful businesspeople don’t go public to share their stories and talk about their troubles, “they deserve what they’re going to get,” said Marcus, 82, a founding member of Job Creators Alliance, a Dallas-based nonprofit that develops talking points and op-ed pieces aimed at “shaping the national agenda,” according to the group’s website. He said he isn’t worried that speaking out might make him a target of protesters.

“Who gives a crap about some imbecile?” Marcus said. “Are you kidding me?”


Neither term appeared in a Nov. 28 open letter to President Barack Obama from hedge-fund manager Leon Cooperman, the Omega Advisors Inc. chairman and former CEO of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS)’s money-management unit. Capitalists “are not the scourge that they are too often made out to be” and the wealthy aren’t “a monolithic, selfish and unfeeling lot,” Cooperman wrote. They make products that “fill store shelves at Christmas” and provide health care to millions.

Cooperman, 68, said in an interview that he can’t walk through the dining room of St. Andrews Country Club in Boca Raton, Florida, without being thanked for speaking up. At least four people expressed their gratitude on Dec. 5 while he was eating an egg-white omelet, he said.

I think mentioning the “egg-white omelet” was a nice touch. It added a very human element that even an imbecile could recognize.

Sounds Like Work… Better Outsource This.

By: TBogg Monday December 19, 2011 12:03 am

In honor of the Late Great Jon Swift, Batocchio at Vagabond Scholar is once again picking up where Jon left off and asking bloggers to submit a link to what they believe was their best post of the year. Since I don’t read me because I find myself to be profane and unfair and juvenile and jejune with slight undertones of oak  and cruelty , I thought I’d let you guys make suggestions in the comments since you probably spend most of your time reading blogs while at work anyway and, besides, it’s not like anything is getting done this week  what with Christmas coming up, so you might as well spend your time doing this instead with the added bonus of providing yourself with a great feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day as opposed to the usual going home in the evening and drinking yourself unconscious in a futile attempt to escape spiraling downward into a deep pit of despair  over how all the decisions you have made up until this point have  led you to this sad and desolate place where all of your dreams and hopes lie in tatters at your feet. Darkness. Nothingness.  Why go on…

Besides, it will be fun. And fun is good.

Post-Triumph Of Evil Jock Talk

By: TBogg Sunday December 18, 2011 5:13 pm

You know what would make Tim Tebow feel better right about now? Going out and getting drunk and laid.

There Will Be Teblood: Gloria Patri-ots, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto Edition

By: TBogg Sunday December 18, 2011 12:01 am

If you thought that this years Super Bowl was going to be The Most Important Football Game Ever Played – Until They Play It Again A Year Later, well, you’re just dumb. Assuming you are reading this Sunday morning, you may well be aware that Tim “Tebow”  Tebow who is the Greatest Quarterback To Ever [...]

Genocidal Harridan Starting To Warm Up To Muslim Mudpeople

By: TBogg Saturday December 17, 2011 5:56 pm

When we last saw neo-con nutball and Jenifer Rubin’s BFF Rachel Abrams, she was still publicly working out some of the kinks for her proposed  Israeli/Palestianian two-state solution where the Israelis got to keep all of the land and the Palestinians would move to Waterworld  where they would be welcomed as shark chum(s): GILAD!!!!!!!!!! He’s [...]

I Am The Internet And The Resurrection

By: TBogg Saturday December 17, 2011 12:48 am

Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality. – Emily Dickinson First, a brief Wembley update. His blood work and everything came back just swell which means … we don’t know what is causing  his seizures. Oh yay. However we are proceeding under the assumption that it might be diet and so we’re [...]

Friday Night Random Ten

By: TBogg Friday December 16, 2011 11:15 pm

I’m only doing this because of the Shakira .gif. But here is the random ten-ish anyway since I’m already here: Pensacola – Manchester Orchestra Flowers – New Radicals New Amsterdam – Elvis Costello April Skies – Jesus & Mary Chain Milkshake & Honey – Sleater-Kinney Redbone – Cassandra Wilson Ohio – Neil Young -Live At [...]

Now Scott Walker Wants To Kill Women With Cancer

By: TBogg Friday December 16, 2011 12:53 pm

Sensing that he losing out to Rick Scott as the most horrible fucking governor in the country, Wisconsin cheesedick Scott Walker is trying to kill off some of his lady constituents because…. he’s a cheesedick: First he gutted worker’s rights, then slashed state education funding and dumbed-down sex ed. Next on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s [...]

We Are All Tim Tebow Now Except For Ron Paul

By: TBogg Thursday December 15, 2011 7:52 pm

Blogging about tonight’s 874th Republican debate, The Guardian’s Richard Adams (via Ann Laurie at Balloon Juice): 9.16pm: Asked why he is so rubbish, Rick Perry claims that like star quarterback Tim Tebow – actually not a very good quarterback but he somehow still wins games – he can be better than he looks. “I hope [...]

Toss Me A Bone
