March 29, 2011 09:00 AM
Sarah Palin Wonders Aloud if Libya Action is a "Squirmish"
Madam Malaprop, thy name is Sarah Palin. Whether by design or accident, she never fails to drop some tidbit that sends the idiocy scale off the charts. Called in by Fox News to deconstruct President Obama's speech, she wonders aloud whether the Libya action is a war, an intervention or a "squirmish".
The balance of her "opinion" is to be expected, but at the end, just after the "squirmish" drop, she goes on some weird tangent about the North Star and how it's a guide.
Just imagine this woman as your President. What a nightmare.
"Chalkdust Torture" to give up two minutes to how this c*nt squirms like an oil-coated seal in the North Sea...
"Parachutes are allowed in checked or carry-on baggage, but may not be worn in flight."
---Southwest Airlines
... sara surely needs to unlearn all the facts that she has learned...
Cue the Kabuki....
Not with that well-known librul bias!
"Parachutes are allowed in checked or carry-on baggage, but may not be worn in flight."
---Southwest Airlines
new word for the dictionary!
Or, the 'Lexicon,' which is right next to Concord!
We're going to need a brand new dictionary. The Palin-American Unabridged Dictionary, Vol. I - IV.
Love all of it. :)
squirmishes. She calls em like she sees em. Yup.
What's wrong with you m'lady?
Shakespeare, saber rattle, and tweet.
GOP support for Serial Adulterers is a Threat to Their Sanctimony on Gay Marriage
The follow-up to her best-selling U2 rip-off, Prattle and Dumb...
Includes such favs as:
-- "I Still Haven't Found What You're Looking At"
-- "Prejudice (in the Name of God)"
-- "Gold and Silver (but mostly gold from Goldline)"
-- "Bullet the Blue States"
-- "When Love (of Money) Came to Town" (aka "Jesus Just Left Wasilla")
"Parachutes are allowed in checked or carry-on baggage, but may not be worn in flight."
---Southwest Airlines
"And she's bound for Ailes jeans!"
It's best not to make too much of this. She will say that Obama is squeamish about the skirmish, that's what she meant all along. Yay, America.
"He said 'North Star' Hey, I know what that is! Obama finally said something I understand! Lets change the subject to 'North Star people! Me know about North Star"
So my choice is between spineless and evil?
what you think about the words she makes up as long as she wins the next presidential erection.
"erection". That is, for those who can.
Shakespeare thought up words too, ya know. :D
He had to. He wrote in pentameter. Maybe that's her problem, she's speaking in a pentagram...
Hey... waitaminnit...
Saint Sarah the Clueless had "witchcraft" prayed outta her... I'm not going to have the holy symbol of my religion fouled by that ignorant useless waste of skin.
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
"cackle" of reporters to translate this gibberish for us? She really is an idiot! What an embarrassment she would be as our President. She does have one thing in common with Ghadaffi, she's equally incoherent.
Leave Sarah alone! It's hard to be up there all the time cheerleading wingnuttia into a frenzy. You think she has time to go about all that book learning?
...we dodged a bullet.
Sarah might say we dodged a pullet
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
dogged a mullet.
You actually dodged a fucking artillery shell.
an artillery shill. You betcha.
"Parachutes are allowed in checked or carry-on baggage, but may not be worn in flight."
---Southwest Airlines
I'm pretty sure that's an artillery shrill.
I think it's silly to focus on pronunciation when this is really about politics, not linguistics.
We know what she meant, it's what she said that is what we are harping on.
She is of the crowd that thinks Obama is not of this country, but she can't speak the language of this country. So we are pointing out the words she mangles.
Personally I would like to see a semantic teardown of her speeches. Her off the cuff comments don't follow our grammar rules. It would be interesting to see what her sentences actually say, and not what we think we heard her say. A tear down along the lines of the book "Eats, Shoots and leaves".
I know what I think she said, I think she knows what she thinks she said, but do they meet in reality? I think not!
Please. Please oh God, let her or Bachmann get the GOP nomination. It would be wonderful to watch Obama destroy her in a debate, just citing one stupid remark after another.
Oh well, I can always dream.
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a Lunatic Asylum. -Havelock Ellis
Her prattle is as stupid as her coined terms.
what she approximately meant though, in Sarah's case, there is generally a lot of wiggle room when it comes to figuring out precisely what she means. This is not an error of pronunciation but of knowledge. Knowledge that someone who supposedly majored in communications ought to possess. Do you not find odd that that almost any statement she cares to make on any subject usually requires further clarification? She is the Queen of Clarifications.
Hasa Diga Eebowai
Dan Quayle look like he's MENSA material. Remember how his pathetically absurd shit actually precluded any presidential run talk. Dubya shattered that glass ceiling.
Generally, I like my President to be more intelligent than I.
I don't want to have a beer with him/her. I don't want to go on fishing trips with him/her. I don't want to imagine myself with a steaming cup of coffee watching my President hash it out with the women on The View. I want them to be qualified as "braniacs" on at least some level or in some area of expertise the matters.
This snafu matters because this is yet another example of how inarticulate and unread Sarah Palin is. Her inability to converse intelligently should make her a no-branier as a non-candidate for President. The mere thought that this knuckle-dragging idiot is even considered by some to be intelligent enough to be POTUS is insulting. I'm not trying to be a snob, but just like you wouldn't send an idiot to international peace talks, so too should you refuse to even consider an ignorant woman like SP a candidate for POTUS.
There are heads of state from other countries who have a better grasp of English, politics, geography and American history than Sarah Palin could ever hope to have in several lifetimees. Do we really want this ignorant woman representing the US in a room full of these leaders? The fact that she is unable to demonstrate even the simpliest of intellectual feats, like knowing that ''squirmish'' is not a word, is stupifying to me. An average, everyday person who gets it wrong some of the time, I can forgive. However, a self-important, nationally celebrated, ego-maniacal woman who thinks she has the stuff to be POTUS but can't open her mouth without something stupid spewing out of it is sorely stretching my limits of forgiveness. Hell, I know 5th graders who are better qualified intellectually to be POTUS and I'm not being facetious.
And if you think that this opinion means that I'm being a snob, then congratulations, please read the first sentence in this post. I'm more qualified to be POTUS than SP and even I wouldn't vote for me.
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
Would you please make one intelligible sensible statement...ever?
That was in the actual leaving of the position, mind you, not in the subsequent resignation speech...
"Parachutes are allowed in checked or carry-on baggage, but may not be worn in flight."
---Southwest Airlines
With or without Sarah at the helm, our long national nightmare is just beginning.
the guy is cute so you excuse the fact that he has no table manners, manners, and can not carry on a conversation....but about 4 weeks in --it and he are no longer cute but ill mannered and greasy ! She has had her 4 weeks!
Did the twat tweet this? Or is it.."did the tweet twat this"?
Reeeead my LIPS! NO..NEW...TEXANS!
That's a scary bogeyman. "We'd better all support the Democrats or we'll get Sarah Palin. Oh noes!"
Yet that exact same reasoning can easily be used to argue for a President Palin: "Just imagine Fred Phelps as your President. What a nightmare."
And I suppose somewhere on the planet is a person scarier than Fred Phelps, and someone scarier than that person, and so on, and so on.
It's enough to make you want to squirm . . . ish. We're fed two choices, and all they have to do is make one worse than the other and there's really no limit on how far to the right they can take us.
Corruption favors the wealthy.
Well, that northern edge (or was it the western or eastern edge?) of this flat earth is rapidly approaching...
"Parachutes are allowed in checked or carry-on baggage, but may not be worn in flight."
---Southwest Airlines
totally agree
But given her current aspirations, it's worth pointing out what kind of speech SHE would give after nuking the entire Middle East.
It's just the role that Sarah Palin seems to play. The shiny object/bogeyman.
Why is she always in the discussion for President? She's an unemployed grandmother with a Facebook page. Her qualifications are beyond laughable, and "aspirations" are like noses - everybody has one. She holds no office, has no significant staff nor a campaign war chest, yet she's constantly mentioned (as much, if not more so, by the left) in the context of a "serious" presidential contender. That illogical implication, if not the outright statement, is part and parcel of most every piece done about her.
But she does make other people look good by comparison.
Corruption favors the wealthy.
We love to point out the sheer idiocy of such a potential candidate, it makes the current guy preznit look much better by comparison. And in exchange The Right likes to point out how much we fear Sarah.
Well, we do fear her, but not in the same way the right believes.
When millions of Americans think Fred Phelps would make a great president, or 46 million of them have actually voted for a ticket with his name on it, then you might have a point.
Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
same speech pathology, same personality disorder, same desperate desire to be someBODY!
But only one was cheney's bitch.
Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
"some weird tangent about the North Star and how it's a guide."
I'd bet that is some of the crazy Christian code talk.
The "Blood libel" thing was intentional:
"I know that there are people who do not love their fellow
man, and I hate people like that! " ~ Tom Lehrer (1928 - )
I'm laughing too hard to make a sane comment.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
I thought it was hilarious too.
I just called my husband at his lab to share this with him. He too thought it was funny as hell. We were both sharing a humorousable moment. No sarah, that word is mine.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
Sarah is keen to head out and do a little Skirl hunting.
Hasa Diga Eebowai
I'd find it funny if it were someone else, without presidential aspirations and a mindless adoring fan club. As it is, I find it horrifying in so many ways. Don't forget, the Village Idiot re-took the WH is 2004 and left the world agape.
The people... have rights that are universal. The right to peaceful assembly and association ...right to free speech determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere. -Pres. Obama, Jan. 28
Well, if this was a sitcom, I'd be laughing. Unfortunately, it's not. This bitch, along with Bachmann, Beck, and the rest of the dumbshit Nazis are doing real damage.
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a Lunatic Asylum. -Havelock Ellis
Quit calling this loser "Governor" - when she quit she relinquished any claim to that title!
who cares what this f#cking bitch thinks or says.
Squirmish? That like...squeamish?
I think a squeamish is a female squirmish
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
Like what goes on in her underwear one week out of each month?
Reeeead my LIPS! NO..NEW...TEXANS!
eewww, I think I just squirmed after reading that LandP
is intended to be a factual statement
I gotta share this. Last night on Jon Stewart's show a guest said that some republicans have the intellect of bush, the morality of Burlusconi and the heart of Putin. I think sarah fits that description very well.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
I like that. Add: And the ruthlessness of Qadaffi.
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a Lunatic Asylum. -Havelock Ellis
Those must be the "American values" the prez said you're protecting.
The people... have rights that are universal. The right to peaceful assembly and association ...right to free speech determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere. -Pres. Obama, Jan. 28
Jesus Guppy Jeans!
Diabolus est Deus Inversus
"Just imagine this woman as your President."
We don't have to imagine it, we just finished eight years with a notoriously doltish douchebag (and his cronies) as president. And anyone who wants another era like that is too ignorant to deserve the right to vote, in my opinion. pay for all the damage done by Bush. I estimate that between the Iraq War, the financial meltdown and his worthless unstimulative tax cuts, we're looking at a total tab of $ 2 Trillion. It's not fair to me that I have to pay for the damage done by the dumbasses that voted for Bush. Here's what I propose:
Tier 1: Voted for Bush in 2000 but not in 2004: Amnesty, you were dumb but you repented.
Tier 2: Voted for Bush in 2004, after it was clear he had lied us into Iraq. Pay $X in special dumbass taxes.
Tier 3: Voted for Bush in 2004 and any Republican candidates in congress in 2006. Pay $2X in the dumbass tax.
Tier 4: Voted for McCain/Palin in 2008. Pay $4X in dumbass taxes and your voting rights are suspended for the good of the nation and the world.
Very well done. :-)
I likey!
... on 9/18/08 or was it 9/17/08, she said: "
GOV. SARAH PALIN, ® VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That‘s exactly what we are going to do in a Palin and McCain administration."
Rachel Maddow reporting on 9/18/08
If you need funds to pay for essentials, you have a revenue problem
If you need funds to pay for frivolity, you have a spending problem
...much the same as some pre-schoolers might do while at play. Isn't she cute?
Seriously... I don't use this word directed at someone, probably ever until now, but Sarah Palin is a bimbo.
Watch her start refudiating like mad over the use of her new word salad crouton.
...that bottle of Benghazi?
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
One can only SQUIRM at hearing this unintelligent woman trying to use the English language and failing so miserably at it. She isn't even an immigrant or daughter of immigrants whose colorful malapropisms so often enriched American English. She's just an embarrassment, a product of our educational system, and she is horrifying because of that.
I think about Palin every time I see a redneck's truck with the bumper sticker , "this is America, Speak English".
is intended to be a factual statement
It is a disturbing reflection on the state of education in America that Sarah Palin majored in journalism.
I get a little 'squirmy' just thinking about it.............or is that 'wormy'?
SQUIRMISH IS NOT A WORD BIMBO!!! It's Skirmish. Although squirmish does appear in the Urban Dictionary not to far from Santorum. Maybe she can tell us what that means.
is intended to be a factual statement
Nuff said.
Squirmish - n. - skirmish for the squeamish...
Hell, I dunno... never can make sense of anything this harridan says... might as well make fun of it.
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
What's the difference between Ghadaffi and Palin?
Ghadaffi is intentionally butchering his own people while Palin unknowingly butchers the English language.
is intended to be a factual statement
Palin intentionally butchers other living creatures for her own amusement... since they're not human, it's just the amurkin way, dontcha know... wink, wink.
'scuse me while I go vomit, now.
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
A bad plastic-surgery job?
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a Lunatic Asylum. -Havelock Ellis
****deleted by myself****
I'd be banned if I posted it.
is intended to be a factual statement
Is this code? Do other folks have any idea what it means?
All hail Marx (Groucho) and Lennon (John)!
is she starting with the North Star gibberish again ... ? I can't listen to this idiot trying to sound like a pundint.
I'm Boycotting NewsCorp! Heres what not to buy:
Just like McCain, FOX will keep her around for attention. That is all she is good for. She has about as much chance of getting elected to national office as Steve McSqueem."
I've seen some stuff, man. And some thangs...
She's not on the list.
POTUS for '12 was decided in '08. He's a black Democrat.
POTUS for '16 was decided in '10. He's an Independent.
America won't need a POTUS in '17.
Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
Now I have a headache.
She's so eager to wiggle her way in amongst the rank of the most insidious spin-doctors in the Western Hemisphere that she's even committed herself to the Orwellian school of thought, by making up new words via the wonderful portmanteau technique. And then she goes off on a tangent that makes you fall asleep. That's some good presidential hopefulness right there! You bet'cha!
you can disagree with this woman, you can even loathe her (as i do) but cut out the sexist language - to see exactly how this kind of language harms ALL women, in addition to derailing the discourse please go here and read far more eloquently than i can manage this response to Bill Mahers use of just such language:
Hey, look, as far as my appellations for her... I think if one looks in Webster's Illustrated, next to "harridan" is this horrible woman's picture.
Were she male, there are plenty of appropriate names, but, as she is not, she is a harridan.
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
As an example of Bill Maher's misogyny, remember that he slept with Ann Coulter.
Doesn't that bear the possibility of a same-sex union?
Just askin'
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
Ms Palin would be an encore.
Or just hell as the closing credits...
Say good night, Gracie...
(at least Gracie Allen only played the part, and was a truly brilliant person with a rapier wit)
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU mentally ill.
You can see the progression of her deteriorating mental health in every subsequent Fox News appearance.
She simply looks like she's declining rapidly.
Just 'Cos You Got the Power...THAT DON'T MEAN YOU GOT THE RIGHT!
"That woman is an idiot!"
I've never seen change without a fire
Please, you stupid bitch. Please stop offending my 6th-grade English teacher.
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a Lunatic Asylum. -Havelock Ellis
Another new Palin word for Webster, "Squirmish" as in to squirm-isihly
Sarah Palin, former Governor, best selling author, TV star, ridiculously hot milf, leader of millions of Americans versus snarky web commenters on a blog. You do the math.
The Farce is strong in this one...
In the marketplace of ideas, too many people shop in the bargain basement.
-- Thunder BlueRose
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
How old is she? How long will she keep the looks that weirdos want to fuck and call 'ridiculously hot?' The only thing 'ridculous' about that statement is that someone is using 'hot' to describe her.
And she's actually a Grandma, so as soon as you guys start realizing you need to be calling her a 'GILF' and the ick factor creeps in, finally...
As for the 'Best Selling Author' shit...look into how conservatives shoot to the top of those lists by buying mass amounts of those books to pulp them (that means 'destroy') and/or give them away at the drop of a hat.
For the myopic, the imprisoned, and possibly the Viagra dependent, "gilf" is about the best she can do.
Corruption favors the wealthy.
miss_kitty beat me to it again :)
Corruption favors the wealthy.
Apparently it can't be said enough. I've pointed it out numerous times.
Goes to show the cognitive dissonance in these people--Bristol is famous for being her [unwed mother] daughter who's been into preaching abstinence long before she was in the club. How do they 'forget' she's a grandma?
Not to mention the quick fading of her youthful glow, due probably to all the stress she's under, trying to remember words and shit.
Swing and a miss.
Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
...but the former cut and run half-Governor, self-important author, reality TV-star (nuf said) will always be ignorant and unread. As for doing the math, what...she couldn't get someone else to do that for her too? Man, what a stupid...stupid woman.
I'll do the math, as long as she doesn't do the spelling.
Yeah, maybe, if you're a 16- to 25-year old Republican douchebag.
Here's how the MILF/GILF thing works: Women of your mother's or grandmother's generation are allowed the title. If you're 21 and you know a hot woman who's 21 who happens to be a mother, she isn't a MILF to you, but possibly to your kids.
So to someone like me, Palin is still just that witch from the class a year ahead of mine, the one I didn't invite to parties because she spent her time at my previous party being a total psychopath for a couple of hours, then spent the next three hours puking up her vodka and Tab.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
She's not an ignoramous, is she?
As in "Listening to Sarah Palin makes me feel squirmish?" Very useful word.
A big question we use the term squirmish? No, it's not proper english, except to one who does not know english. Therefore the real question is Is Sarah Palin an american or a kanuk? She's such a fucking idiot.
There isnt much more to say about the matter. The fact that she is a paid commentator on Fox says volumes about Fox "news".
For all the sane people here, please consider joining the Facebook community page "Help Sarah Palin Trademark the Term Dunce" at
The least we can do is show that there are enough people who see through this facade of an American to give hope to others....
OK, there's Squrming, Squeamish and Skirmish.
How mushmouth Palin managed to malaprop all three has got to be a world record for ditz-ery.
That's for playing Sarah, we'd give you the dimbulb prize, but you seem to have collected that trophy a long time ago
Democratic Party progressive, Vietnam veteran and proud Union member for 41 years
she sounds as if she just got done running two miles. I think its the wildly inconsistent tone of her voice and the rambling add on's when she should have already made her point or shut up is what ultimately doom any chance she might have of convincing anyone of reasonable intelligence of anything, irregardless of whether she is accurate in her analysis or not, and it's convincingly usually not
Radix Omnium Malorum Avaritia
Can this woman please just get back on her spaceship and go home to the North Star or wherever the hell she came from? And as far as calling her ****, twat, bimbo, etc, that is no different than calling cheney a dick or supporters of the koch brothers kochsuckers. She is a person of the female persuasion, so the context of calling her a euphemism for her lady parts is, as far as I'm concerned, appropriate and if it's considered demeaning it is no less so than how she demeans all thinking women.
OK, so she lights up like a little Alaskan firefly as she goes off about the North Star and how it's their version of GPS...ACK! Disregarding the fact that Polaris can be seen from anywhere in North America with a clear view of the northern horizon, on any clear night of the year, the fact is this: the further north one is, the higher it appears in the sky and the less useful it is as an aid to navigation. Perhaps this explains why she rambles so much.
Bringing up those damn pesky facts. They got a librul bias, ya know? Gotcha journalism just tryin to make a real Amerkun look bad.
North Star is Palin & entourage's secret service code name. It's her LLC. It's also used to describe Alaska by Alaskans to those Outside. It's also occasionally used to describe God.
No legit Vanity Fair snobs here? For shame:
From Michael Joseph Gross himself:
"Palin is on the way to making North Star a personal brand. If she ever does run for president, it might well serve as her Secret Service code name."
Apple-F "north star" to find all the references.. ("Fist of the North Star" is my fave)
Excerpt from Timothy Bancroft-Hinchley"s article in Pravda:
"If anything is a threat to the national security of the United States of America, it is this screaming, unrefined oaf with as much class as a searing release of flatulence followed by hysterical giggling at a state banquet. Is this what the people of the USA deserve?"
Link to article:
Sounds like Palin needs a new strategery to me or a refund on that botched lobotomy that is a requirement for the Teahadists.
"We will find fulfillment not in the goods that we have, but in the good we can do for each other."
Robert F. Kennedy
Nah, a squirmish is a Palin interview during which she is asked unscreened, unscripted, thought-provoking questions and her naive, banal responses are challenged with follow-up questions.
Not exactly a state secret that Sarah Palin is a moron whose command of the English language is abysmal.
At any rate, it puzzles me why the last little part of her nonsense isn't getting more attention. She states that Qaddafi has to go but she advocates killing him or capturing him. Well the murder of foreign leaders is actually against US policy. Executive Order 12333 issued by President Ronald Reagan and itself a reissue of earlier EOs by Presidents Gerald R Ford and Jimmy Carter bans the assassination of foreign officials, either directly or indirectly, by US forces.
Why is Sarah Palin being given a pass on this?
Squirmish: A verbal stoush between two or more parties that is so petty, pointless, misinformed or ill-conceived that it makes witnesses wince with embarrassment.......
Fox seems to have a lot of Squearmishes that are one sided. Or maybe sometimes amongst themselves.
at Concord, New Hampshire and fired the shot heard round the world. That is how World War Two began and the slaves were freed. Isn't America great?
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For her and her buds, it is a perfect word. They have to attack Obama, just because, but they have to squirm to justify any attack point. They like wars. They like defense spending. They like attacking Muslims. They like oil. They like contributions from France.
Unless things go real bad, this is a squirmish. And I note, my iPad spell checker did not suggest it isn't a word.
Squirmish is perfect for this mess that is Obama's very own war.... we squirm every time we think about the mess this idiotic Obama has gotten the US into. 1,000 rebels total and they tell us that there are 1000 jihadists in Libya. Well, isn't that great... and then we are helping them? might give them arm? when did Islamic jihadists and the Muslim Brotherhood become our allies? Yahoo for the women of Libya.. just like Yahoo for the women of Egypt now. Sharia law is a coming and get ready for a free for all in the raping category and the wife beating rules.
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