Monday, December 19, 2011
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Peter Schroeder and Daniel Strauss
12/18/11 07:50 PM ET
Jon Corzine’s appearances before Congress have allowed Republicans to give Democrats a taste of their own medicine.…
Josh Lederman
12/18/11 01:26 PM ET
With voters bouncing from one contender to another, it’s uncertain if support in the polls will translate into actual votes.…
Special Feature
Republicans running for the White House are starting to rack up endorsements from GOP members on Capitol Hill. The list reflects publicly committed backers of 2012 presidential hopefuls.
Jordy Yager
12/18/11 10:19 AM ET
Over the past fiscal year, 886 Border Patrol agents have been added, with the bulk deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border.…
Bob Cusack
12/18/11 05:45 AM ET
The Gingrich campaign is looking to counter the narrative that most of Gingrich’s former colleagues are working against him.…
Jeremy Herb
12/18/11 05:45 AM ET
Paul’s positions on national security remain his biggest obstacle to a realistic chance at the GOP nomination.…
Ian Swanson
12/18/11 11:40 PM ET
The White House is closely monitoring reports and said it was in touch with allies. …
Russell Berman
12/18/11 10:19 PM ET
Unless dozens of Republicans defect, the Senate’s compromise bill is expected to fail in the House.…
Alexander Bolton
12/18/11 04:53 PM ET
A McConnell spokesman Sunday endorsed Boehner’s demand that the Senate negotiate a new compromise to extend the payroll tax cut.…
Russell Berman
12/18/11 02:34 PM ET
Democrats accused Boehner of “kow-towing” to the Tea Party and risking a tax increase for American families.…
Debbie Siegelbaum
12/18/11 09:55 PM ET
The Senate failed to confirm Public Printer William Boarman to continue as head of the Government Printing Office.…
Meghashyam Mali
12/18/11 05:16 PM ET
"We're acting like Greece and like Italy, and that's what people are frustrated with," said Bachmann on Sunday.…
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