
The Nation

Governor Cuomo Is Still Governor One Percent

Governor Cuomo Is Still Governor One Percent

Contrary to the spin, New York’s new tax plan privileges millionaires at the expense of the 99 percent.

Posted December 21, 2011

When GOP Walks, Dems Must Move From Blame to Fight

When GOP Walks, Dems Must Move From Blame to Fight

Unless there’s a blueprint to break the Republican strategy of hostage taking, the Dems will be left trumpeting their own weakness to avoid blame.

Posted December 22, 2011

The Progressive Honor Roll of 2011

The Progressive Honor Roll of 2011

This holiday season, we celebrate the most inspiring activists, organizations and politicians who are fighting for the 99 percent.

Posted December 21, 2011

Books and the Arts

In 11/22/63, Stephen King conveys the horrors of American exceptionalism.

A case of scientific misconduct at Harvard.

Hopes for reform in Burma are starting to be fulfilled, but skepticism of its rulers is still warranted.

News and Analysis

Dollar bills

At Occupy Wall Street, an unlikely mix of students, vets, bankers, regulators and academics are planning alternative financial institutions—including an Occupy bank.

That Friedman’s self-serving feints at the truth still earn him a place of high journalistic regard is a sad commentary on the profession.

USSR flag

Twenty years later, questions endure about how and why the nation abruptly dissolved.

Christopher Hitchens

“Christopher had a twenty-five-year adventure with The Nation that I hope was as rewarding for him as it was for us, despite the political collisions.”

Santa Claus convention

Today, neither the press nor government has the authority to validate little Virginia's belief in miracles.

Communist supporters, Russia

Ever since 1991, Russians have been looking to the Soviet past for comfort and pride.

Mass demonstrations in Moscow and dozens of other cities have been the most striking display of grassroots activism since the early 1990s.

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