by davidswanson
December 22, 2011, 11:24am
This time of year is ideal for reflecting on the miracle of Christmas 1914, that famous temporary truce and friendship between opposing sides in the midst of a war. Here was a new type of slaughter confronted with a new type of humanism, the …more
davidswanson's Blog
by davidswanson
December 21, 2011, 9:38am
Here's audio of Lila Garrett's KPFK show "Connect the Dots" on the NDAA and Section 1031 thereof: LISTEN. …more
davidswanson's Blog
by davidswanson
December 15, 2011, 1:53pm
Person of the year: The runners up
By Courteney Stuart |
davidswanson's Blog
by davidswanson
December 13, 2011, 1:04pm
The National Defense Authorization Act, if it becomes law, will allow the U.S. president and military to lock you or anyone else up indefinitely without charge or trial. President Obama had threatened to veto, because he wanted even more power than …more
davidswanson's Blog
by davidswanson
December 08, 2011, 11:57pm
(function(){var s=function(){__flash__removeCallback=function(i,n){if(i)i[n]=null;};window.setTimeout(s,10);};s();})();
Richard Bonin tells the story of Ahmad Chalabi, whose wealthy Shiite family was exiled from Iraq after a revolution that …more
davidswanson's Blog