As mentioned in the Friday morning “Faith or No” panel at Yearly Kos, here are the links to the entire Wisdom of Doubt series, so far.
Part I: The religious need more than faith. They also need doubt.
Part II: Why “moral clarity” is about bullshitting yourself.
Part III: Why moral absolutists aren’t moral.
Part IV: Christopher Hitchens is a true believer.
Part V: The late Susan Sontag said religion American style was more the idea of religion than religion itself. So true.
Part VI: Authoritarian religion plus government equals big trouble.
Part VII: The “God Gap” is a myth.
Part VIII: The origins of fundamentalism.
Part IX: Fundamentalism before and after Scopes. What were they afraid of?
Part X: The Fundies strike back.
Part XI: Scripture doesn’t have to be literal to be true. . In fact, literal interpretation of scripture wrings the truth out of it.
Part XII: How to tell the difference between religious faith and fanaticism.
Other recent religion posts:
Also — moonbat’s “Escape from Fundamentalism”
I have a couple of book recommendations. Dangerous Words: Talking about God in an Age of Fundamentalism by Gary Eberle (Shambhala, 2007) is the sort of deep analysis of our current state of religion that I just love. It’s also very readable. Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor
, edited by Eugene Kennedy (New World Library, 2001) , is a short collection of essays and lectures by the late Joseph Campbell that sparked many thoughts that ended up in the Wisdom of Doubt series.