Anyway, I have finished my morning routine of journaling, reading my meditation books (which really is not meditation, but what the hell, who am I to argue about the naming of books), and drinking my cup of coffee. And yes, no cream or sugar, you heathens! Seriously, there is a level in hell reserved for people who desecrate coffee in such a vile manner.
Anyway, my next week of employment is training down in St. Paul. I even get a hotel room for the week! So, I am going to make sure I have a week worth of clothing to bring with me, as well as real coffee. We all know that hotels provide low-grade coffee grounds laced with petroleum-based preservatives in a vain attempt to retain that fresh-roasted flavor. One sip of that crude oil and I am burping for the rest of the day. Granted, I am a man and I enjoy a good burp, but not all day, and not when the flavor of crap coffee accompanies the burps. Disgusting!
Well, you all enjoy your Sunday. I have laundry to finish.