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WMUR Ch. 9 News - Dec. 28th, 2011

Dec 28, 2011

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Candidates Campaign In New Hampshire

Jon Huntsman, Fred Karger Campaign In Granite State

POSTED: 7:32 am EST December 28, 2011

UPDATED: 7:51 am EST December 28, 2011

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CONCORD, N.H. -- Republican presidential candidates Jon Huntsman and Fred Karger are campaigning in New Hampshire, while Steve Forbes campaigns on behalf of Rick Perry.

Huntsman is kicking off his “Restoring Trust” tour in New Hampshire on Wednesday. He plans to visit all 10 New Hampshire counties through Jan. 10, the date of the first-in-the-nation primary. On Wednesday, Huntsman plans to a hold a town hall meeting in Pelham, starting at 7 p.m. On Thursday, he will speak at the Laconia Rotary meeting and hold a town hall meeting in Wolfeboro. Huntsman plans to speak at the Bow Rotary meeting on Friday morning and hold a town hall meeting in Canterbury on Friday night.

Windy City Times - Dec. 28, 2011

Dec 28, 2011

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Gay Republican presidential candidate returns to Chicago

by Ross Forman, Windy City Times
For link to story, CLICK HERE

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Fred Karger returned home to Chicago Dec. 18 to meet with family, friends and supporters.

Fred Karger's "Jobs Now!" Plan

Dec 1, 2011

jobs now title

There are 3.1 million jobs available in the United States.  We must begin to immediately fill these jobs.

Watch Fred Karger's New Video, "Rick Perry Ashamed"

Dec 10, 2011

The Rick Perry "Strong" video is the most disliked video in Youtube history.  Watch Fred Karger's response below:

perry screenshot