Billing Abe - June 28, 2004
from the 2004 Summer Daily Nebraskan
Dick Cheney came to Lincoln and Mayor Seng billed him for the $31,000 his trip cost the city. I think this is actually the first time Mayor Seng appeared in a cartoon.
from the 2004 Summer Daily Nebraskan
Dick Cheney came to Lincoln and Mayor Seng billed him for the $31,000 his trip cost the city. I think this is actually the first time Mayor Seng appeared in a cartoon.
from the Summer 2004 Daily Nebraskan.
Dick Cheney came to Lincoln, his childhood hometown, for a 1st Congressional District fundraiser. He spoke (as he still does) about the link between Iraq and 9/11. This was about a week after the 9/11 Commission revealed that they could find no link between Iraq and 9/11.
from the Daily Nebraskan
rejected cartoon from the Omaha City Weekly
This ended up being my final submission to the paper. After initially accepting the cartoon, the powers-that-be decided at the last minute that they shouldn’t run it. That was the proverbial straw that broke an already battered camel-back, ending my career with the City Weekly. I still like this cartoon.
From the San Diego Reader
When George W. Bush came to San Diego, a giant yellow ribbon was placed on the county building. More than a year later, the ribbon remained, tattered and bleached from the elements. It has been taken down since this cartoon ran.