Archive for February, 2003

A guaranteed moneymaker - Feb 27, 2003

from the Daily Nebraskan

Kevin didn’t end up winning.

Still don’t care - Feb 21, 2003

from the Daily Nebraskan

should be read after the Feb 20, 2003 cartoon.

Dispensing logic and funds CFA style - Feb 20, 2003

from the Daily Nebraskan

This cartoon isn’t much of an exaggeration - CFA cut the rec room’s funds because they didn’t make a profit, and they cut the DN’s funds because we did. Then they went ahead and approved ASUN’s ridiculous budget, which included money for pizza parties and secretaries’ parking passes.

And for the record, the CFA person is supposed to be a Scrooge-like character. A lot of people thought he was supposed to be a leprechaun, and thus inferred that being called Irish must be some kind of insult they didn’t know about.