Archive for October, 2009

A plea to the holdouts

from Eschaton:

Dear fence-sitters (aka Lieberman, Nelson, Landrieu et al),

Forget all the talk about the public option for a second and ignore your political consultants who are cautioning you about the imaginary negative repercussions of a “government takeover.” The reality is this debate really isn’t about politics, it’s about health care. It’s not left or right, it’s about all of us.

People need help. They can’t afford their health care bills. People are dying. The crazy health care expenses are hurting businesses. Please don’t turn your back on these people. If you join with the Republicans and block health care reform, you’re basically saying to the American people – go f*** yourselves.

h/t DougJ

Do-No-Wrong Dave - Oct 25, 2009

from the Lincoln Journal Star

beatrice state developmental center bsdc save haven tecumseh fugitive governor dave heineman

I think this was my first six-panel cartoon since the DN days.

My 24 Hour Comic

Sorry the posting has been pretty sparse here lately. I’ll try to get caught up this weekend, posting a few overdue cartoons and the Top 10 Rejects of September.

But in the meantime, I’d like to share my 24 Hour Comic with you. I participated in the international writing and drawing event again this year, and you can view my creation HERE. I had a lot of fun again, and thanks to the kind people at Krypton Comics for hosting the event again this past weekend.

You can also check out last year’s comic HERE.

…And the bad news is… - Oct 8, 2009

from the San Diego Reader

illegal immigrants immigration

This was inspired by a lot of the commenters on San Diego news websites. It never ceases to amaze me how some people can blame illegal immigrants for every problem imaginable.