September 11, 2010

Remembering September 11

I struggle to find the words that express how I feel about September 11.  In many ways I think I subconsciously reject finding those words, because they may just bring back the pain that I've long struggled to cope with.

This quote though, reminds me of how I felt watching the horrors of the day.

We stand, as it were, on the shore, and see multitudes of our fellow beings struggling in the water, stretching forth their arms, sinking, drowning, and we are powerless to assist them.  -Felix Adler

May 30, 2010

Memorial Day, 2010

"Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic." -- General Logan - May 5, 1868

March 02, 2010


December 07, 2009

Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941

In remembrance, The Pearl Harbor Attack, December 7, 1941.

November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving


For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

My grandfather, my father and my closest friend are veterans. Though I am not, I try to understand the sacrifices they and all veterans have made for our country.

My words are like breath on a cold day, visible only for a moment, a scattered memory. I hope my actions last longer, and truly honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

God bless you all.

September 10, 2009

September 11 - Eight Years

Eight years.

I close my eyes and the subway lumbers through time.

I am looking out the window and I see that man falling. His tie above him in vertical surrender. Then, I watched helpless and frozen. Now, I remember - still helpless, still frozen. I want so desperately to save him. I want to lift him.

I am falling with him. His face is my face. His hands are my hands. His tears are now my tears. We ask each other "why?" His answer is my answer - no answer.

He is always with me.

I don't know his name but someday, in the hereafter, I hope to.

August 12, 2009

Press Largely Ignored Incendiary Rhetoric at Bush Protest

As Captain Renault would say, "I'm shocked!"  Via Fox News

News outlets that are focusing on the incendiary rhetoric of conservatives outside President Obama's town hall meeting Tuesday ignored the incendiary rhetoric -- and even violence -- of liberals outside an appearance by former President George W. Bush in 2002.

A description of the protest from 2002 follows:

The angry protest grew so violent that the Secret Service was forced to take the highly unusual step of using a backup route for Bush's motorcade because the primary route had been compromised by protesters, one of whom pounded his fist on the president's moving limousine.

All the while, angry demonstrators brandished signs with incendiary rhetoric, such as "9/11 - YOU LET IT HAPPEN, SHRUB," and "BUSH: BASTARD CHILD OF THE SUPREME COURT." One sign read: "IMPEACH THE COURT-APPOINTED JUNTA AND THE FASCIST, EGOMANIACAL, BLOOD-SWILLING BEAST!"

Yet none of these signs were cited in the national media's coverage of the event. By contrast, the press focused extensively on over-the-top signs held by Obama critics at the president's town hall event held Tuesday in New Hampshire.

What is even more disturbing, is that some suspect the most vile of Obamacare protestors are actually Democrat plants!

July 30, 2009

Bay Ridge Fire

A fire decimated a four story building in Bay Ride last night.  I passed the scene on the way to work and it didn't look good.  Thankfully, nobody was seriously injured.

Twelve firefighters were hurt in an overnight fire in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

A massive fire ripped through a four-story building at 6805 Third Avenue. Several stores and residences were destroyed.

Fire officials are looking into the possibility the fire started in a ground floor deli.

Along with the firefighters, two residents suffered minor injuries.



July 29, 2009

Quote of the Day

Purging humankind of its supposed sins of environmental degradation has become a religion with a fanatical and often intolerant priesthood, especially among the First World urban elites.

This quote resonates with me since I've become to believe, as party of the Godless, the left tries to fill the spiritual void by worshiping the gods of Global Warming.

The Ultimate Rubber Chicken

Classic.  You can't get a better rubber chicken than this.

Facing the first real rough patch of his presidency, President Obama and his supporters are once again resorting to a tried-and-true tactic: attacking George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

In his White House press conference last week, Mr. Obama referred to the Bush era at least nine times, three times lamenting that he "inherited" a $1.3 trillion debt that has set back his administration's efforts to fix the economy.

With the former president lying low in Dallas, largely focused on crafting his memoirs, Mr. Obama has increasingly attempted to exploit Mr. Bush when discussing the weak economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the difficulty closing the military prison at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

As he took power, Mr. Obama promised a "new era of responsibility" that would transcend partisan politics.

"For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward," said former Bush deputy press secretary Tony Fratto, who has begun defending the previous administration.

But the money quote comes from Democrat strategist Liz Chadderdon:

Voters have short memories. The administration needs to remind people that things were way worse over the last four years than in the last six months.

You hear that voters, you have short memories and you need to be reminded of how bad things were.  Reminded over and over until a falsehood becomes true.


July 24, 2009

Rush: The Press Has Met Their Waterloo and It's Obama

Via Hot Air



July 23, 2009

Quote of the Day

Here is a well-meaning government official who so fails to grasp the problem in health care that he can present such absurd oversimplifications and suggest that this sort of thing is the real problem -- doctors simply lack the common sense to make obvious medical decisions. President Obama wants us to solve this problem by putting himself and other government officials in charge of rescuing medicine from the medical profession. If medical doctors with a decade of schooling cannot distinguish between good cures and ineffective ones that must be discontinued, then by gosh, we're lucky that the good folks from the government can.

July 10, 2009

Tell Us Something We Don't Know

Suddenly, now that it looks like they've successfully destroyed Sarah Palin, some in the MSM are owning up to their dirty work.

In the 2008 election, we took sides, straight and simple, particularly with regard to the vice presidential race. I don't know that we played a decisive role in that campaign, and I'm not saying the better side lost. What I am saying is that we simply didn't hold Joe Biden to the same standard as Sarah Palin, and for me, the real loser in this sordid tale is my chosen profession.

Deceiving in it's sincerity.  Insulting in it's obviousness.  Like commenter motherbelt states, "now that the damage has been done, [Cannon] thinks he can score points by appearing to be critical of himself and his buddies."

July 09, 2009

Not Too Far Off

New Live Poll Allows Pundits To Pander To Viewers In Real Time

July 04, 2009

Independence Day

“I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding Generations as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by Solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” - John Adams

Enjoy the day. God bless America.


June 28, 2009

Review: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

"Holy crap, Marie!"

Is the phrase that comes to mind when I think of this movie. Unfortunately, It was just that... crap. Being a fan of Generation 1 and Beast Wars, I found that these movies are just 2 hour commercials for merchandise. This movie was sorely lacking story, I mean real story. It looks like Michael Bay just grabbed the script on top of the pile and said "Throw in some explosions and we're set" It starts out Sam (Shia LaBeouf) is off to collage because he wants to be "normal" (sorry, you live with a transforming robot, "normal" is out the window!) and is not allowed to have his car, Bumblebee, the Autobot who transforms into a 2008 concept Camaro. Yeah, what 19 year old wouldn't want to take that to college?!?! Hot car like that, a kid will FIND away to bring it. Anyway, Sam finds a piece of the All Spark (from the first film) in his clothes and it turns the kitchen appliances (ugh!) into robots. Insanity ensues. Action was abundant, explosions, fighting robots you can't tell where 1 robot ends and another begins.

The Autobots

They brought back Peter Cullen (the Original Cartoon Prime) which is always a pleasure, after all to me he IS Prime. The introduction of new characters (barely!) Sideswipe, a concept Corvette and Arcee ...sisters(?) 3 motorcycles? But these characters were very brief.  Instead of using the afore mentioned Transformers, Bay decides to waste time (ours and in the story) with Mudflap and Skidz. These 'bots were the Transformers equivalent to Jar Jar Binks (More like Jar Jar Bots!) They were the writers way to try and connect with a younger crowd, not a bad thing but it was done poorly. I've read online that some people saw these two were robots in black face, and that may not be as accurate a statement.  in my opinion this may be a case of some old guy trying to speak street and failing miserably.  ( Nothing worse than a ageing hipster!) Also, Jetfire made his movie debut, and going the other direction, made this character some old, crotchety 'bot that farted fire, had a cane, and sported some sort of metal beard. Really trying to reach those 90+ Trans-fans!

As for the Decepticons...

Hugo Weaving (Matrix, Lord of the Rings) Returns as Megatron, and we find out he isn't the real Leader.  Some guy named The Fallen (HUH?) is.  Bay did however manage to throw in genius voice actor, Frank Welker, (who was the original Megatron, Soundwave, Rumble, Etc.  Check him out on IMDB, I guarantee you'll know some of his work) as wasted character Soundwave. This guy sat in orbit and stole Earth's Defense Satellite...Boring!  Constructicons (robots who combine to form a giant robot, Devastator) make their appearance as well.  Apparently the depiction of Devastator is only to get off a bad joke.  Devastator has... balls. Yes, I said balls.

I know I didn't mention all the robots, and be thankful. They really aren't worth mentioning. And worse, the less that's said about the human cast, the better. As my boss, John, would say; "They were about as useful as tits on a bull". Hot girls, crazy parents, and army guys. They all seem pretty faceless.

All in all, it was 77% action+3% lackluster story+3% love story+6% bad/useless characters+1% Devastator balls= 1 typical Michael Bay film.


June 24, 2009

Hot Dog Diplomacy


Obama's Loveletter to the Ayatollah Rubuffed

So much for engaging in a dialogue.

Prior to this month's disputed presidential election in Iran, the Obama administration sent a letter to the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling for an improvement in relations, according to interviews and the leader himself.

Ayatollah Khamenei confirmed the letter toward the end of a lengthy sermon last week, in which he accused the United States of fomenting protests in his country in the aftermath of the disputed June 12 presidential election.

Obama attempts to contact these thugs and they promptly rig an election, murder people in the streets, and laugh in our faces about it.  Yeah, just the types you want to negotiate with.

No word yet if they've been uninvited to the 4th of July barbecue.

June 16, 2009

The Arab/Israeli Conflict

The Arab/Israeli Conflict

The root causes of the Israel-Arab conflict are a U.N. resolution, Jew hatred and that Arab leaders created, but refused to absorb Palestinian refugees.

The U.N. Resolution

  • The historical fact is that, wrongly or rightly, the U.N. created the Jewish state in November 1947.

Jew hatred

  • Most Arab and Muslim nations, as well as non-government groups, have officially refused to recognize, and continue to deny, Israel's right to exist. Some have even declared their intention to destroy Israel.
  • Egyptian President Mubarak said on June 14, 2009, "Netanyahu's demand that Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state is ruining the chance for peace … Not Egypt nor any other Arab country would support Netanyahu's approach."
  • Would a sane person hope for peace with someone threatening to kill them and their children?

The Creation of Unassimilated Arab Refugees:

  • Wrongly or rightly, Arab leaders refused to accept the U.N. resolution, threatened (and carried out) war and demanded that Arabs leave Palestine.
  • Wrongly or rightly, in the meantime, Jewish leaders urged Arabs to remain in Palestine. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of Arabs voluntarily left to become refugees in Arab-controlled areas.
  • Unlike many other nations that humanitarianly assimilate refugee families and children into their citizenry, economy and culture, encouraging them to thrive and prosper, the surrounding Arab nations instead forced their brother Arabs into internment camps and fed them on "Jew" hatred.

What Might Have Been

Had the Arab states instead assimilated the Palestinian refugees, today's turmoil would not exist. Better yet, had the Arabs accepted the 1947 U.N. resolution, there would have been no Palestinian Arab refugees and an independent Arab state would now exist alongside Israel.

What Might Still Happen

America accepts refugees of all races and religions and doesn't express plans to annihilate our enemies. Do you think that if the Arabs recanted their wish to destroy Israel, the climate of the peace discussions would improve?

June 12, 2009

Friday Funny Freaky!



June 08, 2009

Rubber Chicken Alert: Megan Fox

I know, I know.  I haven't posted anything in a while.  While I have been busy, I'll confess it more laziness or perhaps a case of the blogging blahs.  But what could be better help you snap out of a funk than a good 'ole Rubber Chicken!

If memory serves, this is the first post-Bush rubber chicken entry.  Not that there haven't been any, (just turn on the television or read a paper) but I suppose the definition has changed slightly.

During the Bush presidency, just mentioning his name in a disparaging way was enough to get your rubber chicken waving but now some of the alternative targets have come front and center to take the heat.  Transformers star Megan Fox covers most of them in a recent interview (via Newsbusters):

When asked how she would stop the ruthless Megatron from demolishing the world, Fox first said that she would “barter with him.” She then, however, went on to say, “... and instead of the entire planet, can you just take out all of the white trash, hillbilly, anti-gay, super bible-beating people in Middle America?"

Wait, was that before or after they purchase tickets to Transformers 2?

According to IMDB, Megan Fox was born in Tennessee and, at the age of 10, moved to Florida.  Maybe those 10 years in Tennessee were awful?  Sounds like a girl who hates where she came from and couldn't wait to run off to Hollywood.

Either way, a rubber chicken indeed.

May 25, 2009

Memorial Day, 2009

"Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic." -- General Logan - May 5, 1868

May 21, 2009

Parachute Jump Scheduled for May 21

FYI, so we don't have any repeat freak-outs.

On Thursday May 21, 2009 at approximately 9:45 a.m. members of the United States Army "Golden Knights" parachute team will be conducting an ariel demonstration (jump) over Liberty State Park.

This demonstration will involve several military aircraft flying at low altitudes in preparation for the ariel demonstration. This ariel demonstration will be visible from Jersey City and Manhattan. The demonstration is scheduled to end at approximately 11:30 a.m.



May 08, 2009

Friday Funny



May 03, 2009

Global Warming: This Time With Explosions and Car Chases!

Ever go and see a movie and while you're walking out, sometimes as much as fifty dollars poorer, you think to yourself, "wow, that really sucked. It looked so much better in the trailer."

The trailer had explosions, a car chase, a bad guy who had some witty evil line , a good guy with the rah-rah line, the hot chick in her underwear, robots, a cute dog, the funny parents, a grouchy old guy who seems to know everything, and time travel! How could this go wrong?

But it does.

People get paid a lot of money to make sure trailers look awesome. They pick all the parts and use all the lines that they know will grab the viewer's attention. Then they test them out and tweak them to make sure they will be 100% effective. All designed to make a good movie sell itself and a crap movie look awesome.

And that is exactly what I thought of when I read that ecoAmerica, a nonprofit environmental marketing and messaging firm in Washington, had conducted research on the best was to present global warming to a country that is becoming increasing skeptical of its validity and the intentions of those promoting it.

Seems the term "global warming" is a turnoff all by itself.

Environmental issues consistently rate near the bottom of public worry, according to many public opinion polls. A Pew Research Center poll released in January found global warming last among 20 voter concerns; it trailed issues like addressing moral decline and decreasing the influence of lobbyists. "We know why it's lowest," said Mr. Perkowitz, a marketer of outdoor clothing and home furnishings before he started ecoAmerica, whose activities are financed by corporations, foundations and individuals. "When someone thinks of global warming, they think of a politicized, polarized argument. When you say 'global warming,' a certain group of Americans think that's a code word for progressive liberals, gay marriage and other such issues."

The answer, Mr. Perkowitz said in his presentation at the briefing, is to reframe the issue using different language. "Energy efficiency" makes people think of shivering in the dark. Instead, it is more effective to speak of "saving money for a more prosperous future." In fact, the group's surveys and focus groups found, it is time to drop the term "the environment" and talk about "the air we breathe, the water our children drink."

"Another key finding: remember to speak in TALKING POINTS aspirational language about shared American ideals, like freedom, prosperity, independence and self-sufficiency while avoiding jargon and details about policy, science, economics or technology," said the e-mail account of the group's study.

Obviously this is nothing new.  Opinion polls and focus groups are a part of life now.  But when a group has to change its whole presentation just to get people to listen, you might want to be weary of that turkey you’re about to pay admission for.

April 30, 2009

That's One Way to Get Out of Jury Duty...

I think I may have taken a more subtle approach.

There are probably better ways to avoid jury duty than the approach recently taken by a Montana man. After Erik Slye, 36, received a jury notice earlier this year, he filed a notarized affidavit seeking to be excused from serving on a District Court panel in Gallatin County. Slye's caustic affidavit, which he prepared with help from his wife Jennifer, can be found below.

Click here to read the affidavit.

April 28, 2009

Turkey Drop

To apologize for the recent fly over in NYC the Obama administration has a special plan for New Yorkers.



As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.


Quote of the Day

It's like someone coming up to you, sticking a gun to your head for 15 seconds, walking away and hearing 20 minutes later it was an undercover cop posing for a photo.

April 27, 2009

747 + 2 F-16s + Lower Manhattan = Freak Out

Hey, let's circle a 747 and two F-16s really low around lower Manhattan and not tell anyone.  What could happen?

First day back at work from vacation and I'm already stressed and freaked out.

A plane circling Lower Manhattan escorted by two fighter jets is part of a “photo op,” said Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Jim Peters. The event caused some evacuations of office buildings in Lower Manhattan and Jersey City, N.J., on Monday morning.

Mr. Peters said the Defense Department is conducting a photo op that involves deploying two F-16s and escorting a Boeing 747 in the vicinity of Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. He said the maneuver is not an emergency and was coordinated in advance with the FAA and state and local officials.

Photo op?  Are you kidding me?

Sitting at my desk I hear jet engine increasing in volume from an already uncomfortable level.  Looking out the window I can see the reflecting of a large commercial jet in the building across from me.  It was very low and very close.  A few minutes later the same noise but even louder!

No notification, no warnings, no nothing!  So basically the FAA caused a panic in NYC that could have easily been prevented.  I hope nobody was hurt and I feel badly for anyone who may have had flashbacks to 9-11.  I know I did.

**Update** has video.



This video was linked at Hot Air and truly captures why this scared so many people.


To this day that sound instills fear in me.


Great stones they lay upon his chest until he plead aye or nay. They say he give them but two words. ‘More weight’...

September 2010

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