
Don’t cut the budgets for troops’ healthcare, weapons
From Andrew Langer, president of the Institute for Liberty - 12/14/11 07:57 PM ET

Re: “Boehner calls on Obama to help Congress alter automatic cuts,” Dec. 2, 

Don’t paint all lobbyists with the same brush, Jack
Paul Miller and Dave Wenhold, former presidents of the American League of Lobbyists - 12/06/11 08:08 PM ET

We continue to be disappointed by everyone giving disgraced felon Jack Abramoff the limelight yet again. Why is it that we reward corruption? Mr. Abramoff has written a book and is now looking to dupe the American people into believing “he found himself.” What he found was another angle to be in the spotlight and make millions selling his dirty corrupt practices. He has even said he thought he was one of the moral lobbyists. Really? 

Rogue websites a real threat
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee - 11/29/11 06:31 PM ET

Two recent reports by The Hill draw misleading conclusions about the Stop Online Piracy Act, a bill to help stop the flow of revenue to websites that steal and sell America’s intellectual property and keep the profits for themselves.  

Foreign aid cuts hurt poor while barely denting debt
Erica Bettwy - 11/15/11 07:24 PM ET

For decades, the generosity of the American people has shone forth through the humanitarian and development assistance we’ve sent to help the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world.

Simple Return Act critics look to profit off taxpayers
Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) - 11/14/11 07:43 PM ET

A recent op-ed in The Hill by Ryan Young (“A backdoor tax on the poor,” Nov. 9) deserves a response.

Worker verification system has strong support in GOP
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee - 11/08/11 08:29 PM ET

A recent article in The Hill, “Immigration bill splits House GOP,” (Nov. 3) doesn’t tell the whole story.

Defense cuts must not risk nation’s military advantage
former Air Force Sgt. Adrian Cronauer - 11/01/11 06:20 PM ET

While Republicans have been sounding the alarm about defense cuts for months, the chorus of Democrats joining in is a welcome surprise. From Hillary Clinton to Leon Panetta and now Washington Rep. Adam Smith (“Dem: ‘Defense is going to get crucified,’” Oct. 27), opposing further cuts to America’s military might be the most bipartisan position in Washington today.

Obama has no magic wand to solve the housing crisis
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) - 10/27/11 06:19 PM ET

In The Hill’s “California Dems intensify pressure on Obama to tackle foreclosures” article (Oct 12), several of my fellow Democrats publicly attacked President Obama for his handling of the housing crisis. 

Right-wing politicians again standing up for Big Business
Kimberly Freeman Brown - 10/17/11 07:10 PM ET

Congress has effectively killed the president’s plan to create nearly 2 million new jobs and jump-start the economy.

Hydraulic fracturing has been done safely for years
Tom Amontree, executive vice president at America’s Natural Gas Alliance - 10/13/11 06:11 PM ET

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar left out a key point about hydraulic fracturing when he said it “can be” done safely and in an environmentally responsible way. The facts clearly show that it is being done safely in communities across this country every day. (“Interior could unveil gas ‘fracking’ rules within weeks,” Oct. 5). 

Current and Previous Articles

10/10/11 06:41 PM ET Protect homeland missile defense from budget cuts
10/03/11 06:55 PM ET Empty campaign promises cheapen political process
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08/09/11 06:22 PM ET Ending the page program is a disservice to America
08/02/11 06:41 PM ET Politicians’ attitude leaves D.C. ripe for third party
07/27/11 06:03 PM ET Focusing on drug courts is counterproductive
07/26/11 06:14 PM ET Cutting staffers’ loan help will chase away top talent
07/25/11 07:16 PM ET Taxing the wealthy affects people of all income levels
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07/14/11 05:43 PM ET Cuts to farm subsidies will not open up global markets
07/12/11 06:31 PM ET Mr. Speaker, please don’t agree to any tax increases
07/11/11 06:32 PM ET Americans for Tax Reform should look into MEADS
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06/27/11 05:44 PM ET Decision to protect Grand Canyon was the right one
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06/13/11 06:11 PM ET Media’s slant on ‘us versus them’ in politics is wrong
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05/02/11 06:44 PM ET Trump can’t be serious
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04/05/11 06:30 PM ET Dick Morris gets it wrong on America’s foreign aid
03/31/11 02:58 PM ET Enforcement the way forward on immigration
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