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2011 will long be remembered as the flip side of 2008, as it hosted a GOP pre-season primary every bit as tough as the famous Clinton/Obama duel, but much sillier.
By allowing Bobby Montoya to be a Girl Scout, the Girl Scout leadership has fulfilled its own written laws "to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible."
Being energy independent by becoming your own distributor of electricity is an idea spreading among college campus administrators and the military.
In all the hubbub of police marching in riot gear and protestors fleeing, chroniclers of the Occupy Movement sometimes forget to remind us what's at the heart of the matter. So, here's a crib sheet for anyone writing about Occupy in 2012.
One of the most worthy aspects of skiing is that it is a lifetime sport that children can master, participate in for many decades, and pass on to their children.
With all this Tebow mania in full force, wouldn't it only make sense that the wise and mighty Tim Tebow could teach all of us an important lesson in history?
We all remember where we were when we saw it first, the hilariously dumb lyrics, the awkward singing, the cheesy effects; this was THE video of the year. Here is to Rebecca Black, for making the world laugh in 2011.
Compassion begets compassion and there's actually a synergistic relationship, not a trade-off, when we show compassion for animals and their homes.
Let's be clear about the purpose of this move. It's a naked political stunt designed to hurt the president in an election year.
Why would we voluntarily model our private behavior on the provocations of Bill O'Reilly and Chris Matthews, in our own homes, with our actual loved ones?
From those that missed the mark on the tube, to those that aimed to be holiday blockbusters at the theater but ended up being holiday busts, the one thing they all have in common is that they succeed in being bad in their own special ways.
A friend asked if I thought former Congressman Newt Gingrich could win the Republican nomination, and the answer is yes. Given our expectations of leaders and rigid expectations of Republican constituencies, this is somewhat astounding.
Every pundit that has tried to make a point, throw a punch, or declare victory should pause today to salute Christopher Hitchens.
If you're lucky enough to live in sunnier climes, you'll find plenty of local greens, including kale, at your market. And those of us in less-temperate zones can still enjoy this sort-of seasonal green all winter long.
Thanks to the Occupy Wall Street movement, there's a deeper understanding about the power that corporations wield over the great majority of us. It's not just in the financial sector, but in all facets of our lives.
One of the most inspiring real-life stories is that of Darrell Scott, the founder of Rachel's Challenge. Scott gave life to this non-profit organization after his 17-year-old daughter Rachel went down as the first student killed in one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history: Columbine.
There's hope, and then there's desperation. Often I am not sure which one is pushing me more.
Many years ago I wrote a screenplay called The War Horses. My story, telling how the Boer War of Africa was won on a ranch in the American West, was based on a document discovered in the University of Denver's library.