Fun With Self Employed Health Insurance

I’m good at worrying. Did you know this about me? I don’t feel like a complete person unless I’m worried about something. If they had an Olympics for worriers, I could melt down all the gold medals I’d win and make myself a gilded helmet to protect my crazy, anxious brain. When we quit our jobs and terminated [...]

I’m Working Over Here


So we lead a fairly frugal lifestyle. We don’t discomfort ourselves by any means, but we run a tight ship. We began the summer with a nice cushion of savings and it allowed us to get settled into small town living, and get our bearings for what we wanted to do next. No matter how [...]

Pain In The Ass People

For a time in 2007, I lived in Hawaii and I worked at Starbucks. I had just quit my relatively well paying job in Hollywood and moved to the Big Island to open a coffee shop with some friends. I didn’t know a thing about running a coffee shop. Though we were living in Kona, [...]

Working. Or What I Call Work, Anyway

Yes, work. We do that sometimes, even though we don’t have employers. I have lists and lists and lists and lists of stuff filled with various things in multiple forms of media. I have no less than 6 lists on my desk written on paper. In neat little writing with red ink, because I like [...]

I Don’t Even Do Drugs

Not having a job means I get to stay home more, I get to create my own hours, and it also means I have a lot more time to myself. I’m not going to lie. It’s fucking awesome. I like spending time alone. Solitude helps me slow down and stop and to hear my own [...]

Bye Bye, Employment

Last day today. Off to “do my own thing.” Excited and scared shitless. I’m keeping my stapler. It’s red.

I Tried to Quit My Job

I gave my notice at my job a few weeks ago. I sat across from my boss, took a deep breath, and told him I was leaving. Unlike a lot of people, I actually sort of like my job. I like my coworkers, the environment is nice, and my boss is a sweetie pie. I [...]

Zen and the Art Of Leaf Blowing

I work in an office. I shuffle papers around. I make phone calls, I send emails, I occasionally talk to people. I have nine hours a day to think about what my work “means.” What it means In The Grand Scheme Of The Universe. It’s not always obvious or apparent, but like an abundance of office [...]

Where’s Your Bottom?

No, not your butt. Where do you hit bottom? Where do you hit bottom and decide you’ve had enough? Enough of whatever. Usually work, but it can be anything. School, a sour relationship, housework, an evil boss. At what point do you decide that the pain of your current routine no longer outweighs the fear [...]

Let’s Talk About Crazy People

Specifically, let’s talk about crazy bosses. Have you had a crazy boss? Mercifully, thankfully, praise be to the unicorns, I am not currently dealing with a crazy boss. My current boss is an absolute peach. But it was not always so. I’ve had some crazy, evil bosses in the past. And currently, someone really important [...]