Travel Tuesday-ish: Whale Watching Fail


So I don’t know if you know this: It rains a lot on the coast. People, it rains. RAINS. This week started with a lovely dusting of snow, and has ended with heaping buckets of rain. There’s flooding and pandemonium and gnashing of teeth. I’d like to think back a couple weeks, forever ago, to [...]

Travel Tuesday: Ecola State Park


You’re going to have to forgive my inarticulateness for this post, because, holy crap y’all, we finally made it to Ecola State Park. Have you been there? Have you seen this place?

Travel Tuesday: Saddle Mountain


I’m going to do what I can to not swear during this post. My usual, natural inclination is to swear. I prefer to think of swearing as colorful intensifiers, not bleating inarticulateness. More often than not, I withhold curse words because they make me feel less dainty. Right. So, Saddle Mountain. It was on our list [...]

Cape Disappointment Camping Part 2


Here is Part One from yesterday, where I actually had to search my dim memory banks about whether or not porcupines can shoot quills at you. I’ve lived in cities for far too long now. Right. So we left off in the middle of the night, with our tent being blasted by sandy gusts of wind, [...]

Travel Tuesday Sorta: Camping at Cape Disappointment


Last week, while it was in the 90s in Portland, Dave and I packed up for an after Labor Day camping trip to Cape Disappointment. And you know what was awesome about this trip? It was like, only 20 minutes from home.

Somewhat Daily Photo 8.25.11


The beautiful Oregon Coast. Again. It doesn’t suck.

Travel Tuesday: Ilwaco, Cape Disappointment and the North Jetty


You guys. Last week, we took a nice day and decided we’d go across the bridge and check out the campground at Cape Disappointment. We thought it would sort of be a quick drive and weren’t thinking the campground was going to be our style. We had driven by before, and from the road we [...]

Somewhat Daily Photo 8.21.11


Dismal Nitch. From a trip long before we decided to move to this part of the state. We joked about moving here almost three years ago to maybe open a gay porn shop.* *(might not be the truth)  

Travel Tuesday: Willapa National Wildlife Refuge


On a remarkably clear day last week, we decided to hop in the car and head north into Washington on route 101. We’ve already spent a little time on the Long Beach Peninsula all the way up to Leadbetter Point State Park.  But we’ve never gone up the coast on the east side of Willapa [...]

Somewhat Daily Photo 8.14.11


The Oregon coast is ridiculous. It hurts your brain, it’s so pretty. This was on a trip we took to the mid/south Oregon coast, down to Cape Arago. There are tons more ridiculous photos there.