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January 03, 2012

A Nation At The Crossroads: America Worries Whether Keith Olbermann Will, or Will Not, Take His Very Important Anchor Desk Tonight


If Keith Olbermann doesn't show up to broadcast tonight, it could literally affect the lives of tens of dozens of fans.

Keith Olbermann, who came to Current TV this year to remake the channel and compete against his old home, MSNBC, is sitting out the biggest political nights of the season.

Olbermann has been missing from various debates, too.

These absences suggest that there may be new tension between Mr. Olbermann and the managers at Current, who are trying to create a progressive-oriented cable news channel.

In the television industry, Mr. Olbermann is well known for fights with his bosses; stories abound about his refusal to speak to managers and executives. At Current, this behavior has continued, according to four people with knowledge of the situation, one of whom described Mr. Olbermann as “disgruntled.”

Olbermann? Disgruntled? Factory setting, no?

But Olbermann promises/threatens that he will actually report to work tonight:

@KeithOlbermann So is #Countdown back tonight?

@OwensC08 Headed into the office now in fact

How girlishly dramatic is Keith Olbermann? Just girlishly dramatic enough to make the routine reporting for daily work a tumultuous swirl of speculation and recrimination.

Via Johnny Dollar.


It's a wild ride.

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Posted by Ace at 05:09 PM New Comments Thingy

Occupy Charlotte Splinters Off To Form New Group, People's Coalition of the Carolinas


If that sounds like the "People's Front of Judea" (splitters), it's unintentional; it's just that these groups always conform to the parody.

The reason for the split is optics. Some of the Occupiers were arrested for burning American flags, and this new group is supposedly against that.

We, the members of the Occupy Charlotte Movement are no longer affiliated with the camp at 600 East Trade Street. In light of the recent actions taken by a few anarchistic elements that we do not want to be associated with, we are moving on from the actual Occupation site. The flag burning incident in the early morning of December 30th does not reflect the people or the message of the movement.
Posted by Ace at 04:55 PM New Comments Thingy

For Rick Perry
(Caucus Day Bump)


Bumping: Just giving it the college try. I added Perry's closing argument ad at the end.

There are two main sorts of primary voters: Those who know too little, and those who know too much. As for the former -- there's not much I can do about them. They don't read this site, or probably too much of any political source.

Maybe they read Time. Bless their hearts.

The online community consists mainly of the latter -- we know a lot about the candidates, and are each making complicated decisions about trade-offs between electability and agenda (and likelihood of advancing that agenda).

My belief is that we know so much that the secondary and tertiary level things we know are crowding out the primary things we know. That is, that we know a bunch of second- and third- order things and knowing so much is crowding out consideration of the top-level, major bullet-point, controlling facts.

I am in favor of Rick Perry because, while I am informed about the second- and third- orders of information, I remain focused on the first order stuff.

First, biographical and character details. Much of the More Informed cohort of the party seems to be giving these factors short shrift. I would suggest to such folks that a certain type of candidate tends to prevail in elections, and that type of candidate tends to have a positive narrative in biographical and characterological traits.

Rick Perry did not marry his high school sweetheart. He married his grade school sweetheart. He has never been divorced as as far as I know there haven't been any rocky patches in his relationship.

Those who discount the importance of that, especially to women voters, are making an error, I think.

I can only say so often that the swing voters in the center of the country are among the least-informed voters on the planet. Every survey demonstrates that, despite their claims to be all about "the substance" and "the issues," they know less about the substance and the issues than partisans on either side of the aisle.

Being apolitical, they're not very interested in politics. Stands to reason. This means, then, that they don't read much about politics.

Their decision-making is very superficial. Although I do not think that Newt Gingrich's affairs/divorces history is a disqualifier, I think it cannot be entirely discounted.

Some people think that because the media stressed Obama's intellect in the last election, they will do so again, and thus it is important to have an intellectual like Gingrich as our standard-bearer.

You don't the media very well if you accuse them of consistency. Let me suggest to you that if Gingrich is the nominee, the media will not be stressing intellect and brainpower (as, in their estimation, it's a draw).

No. They will be stressing Obama's faithfulness to his wife and their two beautiful children.

The media stresses whatever attribute the Democratic candidate trumps the Republican one in. In 1992 and 1996, the media ignored the virtue of military service in Republican nominees George Bush (the elder) and Bob Dole, and suggested it was relatively unimportant, championing the greater intellect and ideological flexibility of one William Jefferson Clinton, who, as you might remember, dodged the draft, using political connections to secure a higher draft number.

And yet in 2000, Al Gore was sold as a "veteran" of Vietnam, while George W. Bush was portrayed as a draft-evader, and the same in 2004, when John Forbes Kerry announced that he was "reporting for duty."

Dan Rather did a story about Bush's supposed failure to "report for duty" at the Texas Air National Guard.

I would suggest that we should not get too hung up on fighting the last war, because the media will simply change the rules of engagement. It is true that Gingrich can go toe-to-toe with Obama on policy wonkery; it is also true that that is the very reason the media will lose all interest in intellect as a basis for comparison or qualifier for high office.

Should Gingrich be our nominee, be prepared to do a lot of double-takes as faithfulness and devotion to family suddenly becomes the key trait in a president.

The media will call Rick Perry stupid, of course. And Perry has armed them with weapons to use on this front. However, his gaffes are now several months old, and he hasn't repeated them.

Further, the media has called our candidate "stupid" in every single race where it could be argued the Democratic candidate was a singe IQ point smarter than the Republican one. We're used to that, and we've won elections despite that.

After doing poorly in college, Rick Perry joined the Air Force. Not the guard, either. The actual active-duty Air Force. He is, then, a veteran, if not a combat veteran (as far as I know he never saw any engagement or action, as he was flying big transport planes).

Barack Obama did not serve in the military. That is perhaps the most understated sentence in the history of communications, but since people are interested in drawing contrasts, consider that one.

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich did not serve in the military either. I do not wish to attack either man but both were of draftable age during Vietnam.

Both of these men are smart. And they're smarter than Perry. (They're also easily smarter than pampered princeling Barack Obama but the media will never credit them as such.)

And I cannot and will not say that brainpower is unimportant. I would however say that character matters too.

Several other bits and pieces of Rick Perry make him a central-casting type candidate -- I don't know if he grew up poor, per se, but he grew up modest, certainly. His background is that most Heartland of backgrounds -- hardscrabble farmer.

And he's America's longest-serving governor in America's second-largest state. Texas is no tiny little state. It has nearly the populace of California. He's served as governor there for 11 years (and for two years before that, as lieutenant governor).

The media and liberals (but I repeat myself) will attack Perry, predictably, as stupid, but there is a strong rebuttal to such a claim: If he can't perform the duties of Chief Executive, then how is he's been successfully performing the duties of Chief Executive?

America, and especially the Republican party, has long favored elevating governors to the presidency. Governors are, after all, the presidents of single states. They have nearly the exact same duties and functions (including even maintaining and controlling the state national guards). They have similar executive powers and set the agendas for their respective legislatures. In the case of border states such as Texas, they even require some foreign policy making duties.

No job in the world really prepares someone for the Presidency. But one job, more than any other, comes fairly close to doings so.

So Rick Perry cannot handle high executive office?

Then how is it he's been doing just that for 11 years?

(And if you want to object that Texas has a weak-governor system, with a lot of power vested in the lieutenant governor position -- well, they claimed that about George W. Bush, too. And claimed that Rick Perry actually was doing all the hard stuff in his then-position of Lieutenant Governor. So wherever the power lies in Texas, Perry has handled it, in both jobs.)

The stakes in this election are enormous. The next president may well appoint five justices the Supreme Court, essentially choosing our basic jurisprudence for the next 30 years. This will be the presidency in which we make fundamental decisions about debt, and spending, and entitlements. Decisions on those may decide our fiscal policy for the next 20 or 30 years, too.

But while those are the stakes of this election, the election will actually turn on... Jobs.

Unemployment is at 8.6%, with real unemployment around 16%. For the sake of comparison, unemployment during the Great Depression hit 25% at its high. We are not there yet, but we've consistently been at around 9% for years (with real unemployment higher).

Primary voters tend to be strongly ideological. We have very strongly held beliefs about abstract notions of government and "The Good."

But general election voters -- especially those swing voters -- do not have strong opinions about such matters. Otherwise they would be partisans for one camp or another. They tend to be pragmatic, rather than abstract, thinkers. They do not have any prevailing theory of governance, which is what gives them the flexibility to vote for George W. Bush in 2004 and then an all-but-declared socialist four years later.

They care almost entirely about results, because they have no underlying theory that might explain away failures (as Obama's endless theories explain away his failures, at least to his partisans).

I remember that, by the third debate, people were complaining that they were sick of hearing about Texas producing 45% of all jobs created in America the last two years, and sick of hearing that Texas has created one million jobs while America has lost two million plus in the last ten years.

I understand that High Information voters, who knew this before Rick Perry announced it, might be "sick" of hearing about it.

But the fact of the matter is: That should have been said more, not less. So here it is again:

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Posted by Ace at 03:55 PM New Comments Thingy

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Job Requirement of High School Diploma Might Just Violate The Americans With Disabilities Act


Lacey says this might be the stupidest thing she's ever read.

Maybe. For now. They'll do something stupider in a month. They're on a collision course with reality and they're increasing to ramming speed.

The “informal discussion letter” from the EEOC said an employer’s requirement of a high school diploma, long a standard criterion for screening potential employees, must be “job-related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity.” The letter was posted on the commission’s website on Dec. 2.

Employers could run afoul of the ADA if their requirement of a high school diploma “‘screens out’ an individual who is unable to graduate because of a learning disability that meets the ADA’s definition of ‘disability,’” the EEOC explained.

The commission’s advice, which does not carry the force of law, is raising alarms among employment-law professionals, who say it could carry far-reaching implications for businesses.

It is the nature of bureaucracy to ever seek new missions to justify its funding. And there is apparently no one in government now to push back against this pernicious tendency.

Posted by Ace at 03:31 PM New Comments Thingy

David Frum: Our Obesity Problem Invites, Nay Demands, Strong Central Planning and the Firm Steady Hand of Benevolent Government Empowered to Make You Healthy



If you as an individual want to change your weight, you must change your whole life. Likewise, to reduce obesity in modern society, we will have to alter the way society is organized.


Want to change this? It's no small project. It would involve the redesign of cities, the relocation of schools, the reinvention of our modes of eating and amusement.

First lady Michelle Obama has made healthy eating her special project. Good for her, and let's hope her efforts lead to success. But if we are to succeed, we should understand: The campaign against obesity will have to look a lot less like the campaign against smoking (which involves just one decision, to smoke or not to smoke) and much more like the generation-long campaign against highway fatalities, which required the redesign of cars, the redesign of highways, and changes in personal behavior like seat-belt use and drunk driving.

The good news is that the campaign against highway fatalities has yielded real progress: down two-thirds since the mid-1960s. The bad news is that, for most of us, it will take more than a New Year's resolution. However, if you are seriously resolved, congratulations -- and see you on the jogging path.

@bdomench points out that Frum's central claim for this call for government control over our diets and exercise regimes is wrong. Frum claims off the jump--

Yet as we talk and talk about the issue, the country only becomes fatter and fatter.

-- just isn't true:

The percentage of Americans of "normal weight" has slightly increased in the past year, but overweight and obese people still command a solid majority, according to a new study.

In the third quarter of 2011, 36.6 percent of Americans were of normal weight, compared with 35.6 percent a year ago, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index survey found.

Obese and overweight Americans combined for more than 60 percent of the population, it said.

"Although the majority of Americans are still overweight or obese, it is an encouraging sign that obesity rates are trending downward in the U.S.," the study said.

The government does have a role in this-- the government is actively promoting a theory of overweight (and weight reduction) for which there is almost no evidence, apart from a "consensus" of scientists, and which just might be the exact wrong theory, actually causing the increase in obesity it seeks to check.

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Posted by Ace at 02:49 PM New Comments Thingy

Iowa Predictions Thread


Today is the day when our quadrennial nightmare ends and Iowans can go back to doing what they do best...providing the rest of us with pork products and corn.

Here's the thumbnail version of how this works: After a year of being alternatively sucked up to and badgered by every GOP wannabe, Iowa voters go to fire houses, schools and community centers to tell us who may continue to run. Following that, the rest of us bitch about it and then turn our annoyance to New Hampshire and their primary next Tuesday.

I may have cut out a few details but that's the gist.

So...get your predictions in now and be eligible for fabulous prizes* if you correctly predict the order and percentage of the field in the final results.

Also he's my position on the post-Iowa landscape: If either Perry or Newt (my guy) come in 3rd or better, supporters of the other candidate should really give the 3rd place finisher a very, very serious look.

And no, there's no "but Ron Paul doesn't count so 4th is really 3rd" exception. If neither Newt or Perry get at least a top 3, resistance is futile, we will all be assimilated into the Romney Collective.

Also: Open thread.

*There are no prizes, fabulous or otherwise.

Posted by DrewM. at 12:11 PM New Comments Thingy

DOOM! Special Edition: Locked and Loaded



The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are boned.

- Stuff Shakespeare Said, 3rd. Ed.

With the primary vote casting coming quickly upon us, here's a reminder of where we find ourselves, with a huge hat tip to coblogger emeritus Geoff.

First, we continue to make unrealistic assumptions about future GDP growth.

People talk about 4 – 5% GDP growth as if it were the norm, and they base all their budget projections on the economy returning to that sort of growth rate. Absurd.

We haven’t seen consistent 5% GDP growth for 35 years.

If it weren’t for the boom, we wouldn’t have seen consistent 4% GDP growth for 25 years. Our economy is settling in at 2 – 3% growth for the foreseeable future.

Second, even the most aggressive piece of legislation to deal with spending, the Ryan budget, is inadequate to the task of even dealing with just FY 2011's deficit, much less the additional like amount we'll run the debt up in FY 2012.

This is what the President and his crackerjack economic team have wrought. A one-year deficit that is so large that it can only be paid back if everything goes exactly right. And if everything goes exactly right, we're still looking at decades before we can get back to the debt level we had only 6 months ago.


Be sure to read the whole thing.

Since Geoff wrote the posts these graphs were culled from, we've had a few clear opportunities to address the problem. We whiffed on the FY 2011 continuing resolution showdown and the debt ceiling increase, choosing instead to punt to the "Super Committee" that failed miserably as it was designed to. Also, don't forget that we still don't have a FY 2012 budget thanks to the feckless Harry Reid.

Now the debt ceiling (and debt) has been raised to $15.2 trillion, with an additional increase of $1.2 trillion in the offing. We foolishly traded a theoretical $1.2 trillion of spending cuts over 10 years for an immediate increase in the new debt limit (ha!), and on the current path, we'll hit $16.4 trillion of debt by inauguration day 2013.

To bring these two pieces of Geoff's work together, does anyone care to hazard a guess as to the average annual GDP growth presumption in the Ryan budget? I'll save you the work; it's 4.7%. 4.7% per year for 10 years? Take a look at that first chart again and tell me how realistic that seems.

If you presume the Ryan budget achieves its spending targets on an absolute dollar basis but that revenues are a function of GDP - and then cut GDP growth to a realistic number, like, say, half of what's in his forecast - we'd add nearly $5 trillion of additional debt in the ten years over and above what's in his budget.

So the most aggressive spending reduction plan we have, that our candidates don't exactly shout their support for from the mountaintops, falls short of what's needed to keep us from ruin. And on the revenue side, everyone agrees that we have to grow our way out of the problem, but then they fudge the growth estimates beyond anything realistically achievable so they can avoid the pain of making adequate spending cuts.

But the fault lies not in the candidates; it lies in the electorate. Enough of us are content to let the cancer we know is there eat away at us because we feel o.k., if not entirely well, and will apparently continue to do so right up until the point that it kills us.

Posted by Andy at 09:50 AM New Comments Thingy

The Daily DOOM: Still on hiatus



The Daily DOOM will be remaining on hiatus until next week at the earliest due to factors beyond my control. As much as I enjoy bringing stories of financial perfidy, failure, and catastrophe to the Moron Horde, real-life work intrudes and since that gig pays my bills, it only makes financial sense to screw you guys instead.

Happy New Year, Morons.

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Posted by Monty at 08:43 AM New Comments Thingy

Top Headline Comments 1-3-12

—Gabriel Malor

Happy Tuesday. Some news stories to get you started:

Guy who shot four people at a New Year's house party on Sunday morning fled to Mt. Rainier national park, where he shot and killed a park ranger setting up a roadblock. Naturally, libtards are blaming legislation that allows guns in parks. Because survivalists who shoot people at house parties are well-known for obeying gun laws.

Okay, maybe just one news story to get you started...

Posted by Gabriel Malor at 06:52 AM New Comments Thingy

Overnight Open Thread


We're Somebody: Presenting: the 2011 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners!

So the Doug Ross 2011 awards are out and guess what - we made it:


It's a fair cop I'd say.

Meanwhile commenter Taxpayer1234 over at Legal Insurrection wrote a paper for graduate school comparing certain well-known conservative blogs and had this to say about the moron home base:

Ace of Spades’ masthead contains a quote from H.L. Mencken: “Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” This speaks to the writing style of the blog, which is sharp-tongued, sometimes vulgar, and often humorous….
Even though Ace and his equally anonymous co-bloggers often use biting satire and vulgar language, this is balanced with insightful sociopolitical analyses that earn kudos from mainstream press, professional pundits, and politicians….
Another fair cop I suppose although I don't get why writers always insist on describing us as vulgar. It's not like we curse all that fucking much.

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Posted by Maetenloch at 09:55 PM New Comments Thingy

Mark Levin: I'll Declare a Vendetta Against Rand Paul If His Father Runs 3rd Party
Plus: Levin Calls Virginia Ballot Snafu A Designed Plan To Help Romney


"Everything within my power."

Rand Paul is talking this possibility down, for what it's worth. Which is not much.

And here's Levin venting pungently at the Virginia GOP.

Posted by Ace at 07:29 PM New Comments Thingy

Steel Panther, The Greatest Band Ever
Bumped From Friday


Iowahawk mentioned on Twitter that he was ready to do some headbanging at a "Steel Panther" show.

I accused him of making it up. No heavy metal band would be so stupid to call themselves Steel Panther. It's just too dumb. Even for metal.

He told me to google it, so I did. At which point I suggested there was an elaborate hoax afoot, most likely some viral marketing for an energy drink or something. No one poses like that anymore. No one was even that cheesy in the 80s.

Well, they're real. They actually do shows and stuff.

The idea of the band seems to be to take Spinal Tap and Tenacious D and turn them to 11 -- and by the way, don't even bother with cheesy sexual metaphors; just write songs explicitly about "boners" and "boobs" -- and make it real.

I'm linking some of their best (and I use this word advisedly) stuff below. It's all very NSFW. Maybe for later.

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Posted by Ace at 05:22 PM New Comments Thingy

And Now An Endorsement For Ron Paul...


Ron Paul's greatest liability is Ron Paul, but his second greatest liability are his hippie-Nazi cultists. Not all of his supporters are hippie Nazis, but the aggressive ones are.

Since "Audit the Fed" wants to boost Ron Paul, I'm promoting his comments to the front page.

Quick, everyone! Get on this train before it fills up.

I call this prose poem "Jewess." It's about Elena Kagan.

Oh for Christ's sake.

She's a jewess.

AND a bulldyke.

She has no integrity whatsoever.

Chief Justice John Roberts: Epic. Fail.

I call this sonnet "Hebe Community."

I am merely observing the untidy little factoidal tautology which is that 90%+ of all jews support [enthusiastically] the bolshevik-nihilist assault on the foundations of Western Civilization.

They always have, and they always will.

Chicks like Pamela Geller are [statistically speaking] so rare in the hebe community that they might as well not exist.

And just in case your mother locked you in a cupboard your entire life: Every single word out of these bolshevik-nihilsts' mouths is a lie, including the words "and" and "the".

This one I call "Ode to Jewish Nature."

I'm a mathematician - I know exactly what the word "tautology" means.

From your link: "universal unconditioned truth, always valid".

As in, "It is a universal unconditioned truth, always valid, that 90%+ of all jews are bolshevik nihilists..."

Bolshevik-nihilism isn't some abstraction which exists independently from the jewish race; bolshevik-nihilism is merely a reflection of jewish nature.

There isn't a dime's worth of difference between an Elena Kagan and an Emma Goldman or a Rosa Luxemburg [or, for that matter, a modern-day bolshevik-nihilist terrorist, like Michelle LaVaughn Robinson's mentress at Sidley-Austin, Bernardine "Dohrn" Ohrnstein].

They're all manifestations ["instantiations" for you comp-sci geeks] of the same underlying legalistic darkness.

Here this Paul supporter mocks a commenter for pointing out that Bernadine Dohrn is, according to the rule that its one's mother who determines one's Jewishness, actually a gentile like himself. This Ron Paul supporter immediately compares that rules to Nazi classifications, and finds the Nazis wanting on that score.

I call this "Jews Are Just Like Nazis, Except I Like Nazis, And Hate Jews."

[a different commenter replying to him:]

Dohrn's father may have been chosen, but since he married a heathen,that makes her a heathen like you.

[The Ron Paul supporter now speaks:]

Boy, the Nazis sure were rank amateurs when it came to questions of eugenics, racial purity, and genealogical-determinism.

The extant Ron Paul Newsletters are now posted in a chronological format for your inspection.

So the question I have is this: If Ron Paul's not actually anti-semitic, and he didn't write his anti-semitic newsletters, why do so many anti-semites rally around him?

Why, it's almost as if they think he's lying when he claims to disavow the central points -- racism, anti-semitism, conspiracism -- that they so love.

I may go back into this solid citizen's previous comments, which I think were pretty much about how blacks are inferior and we need laws which reflect/announce this.

Audit the Fed, all of your repellent spam is now going to the front page, and promoted via Twitter as well. If you think your Stormfront agitation helps your antisemitic candidate, do continue.

If you wanted to keep your filth on the downlow, maybe reconsider the spam.

Quick everyone! Support Ron Paul! This is the company you will be joining.

Bonus: I skipped this anti-Paul ad from Jon Huntsman, as I didn't think I need to pile on, but every time a spammer comes in here to do his Stormfront Schtick, I'm going to post this.

Or any other anti-Paul videos.

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Posted by Ace at 04:24 PM New Comments Thingy

Kindle Recommendations Thread


Now that I've got a Kindle, I'm reading again. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations.

If anyone's new to Kindle, you have to watch it with cheapie collections of classics, like Poe, or Lovecraft, or Robert E. Howard, because some do not have functioning Tables of Contents -- you have to manually scroll through hellaciously long files, all stories in the same file without any links to their beginnings. I got burned on that on a $1.99 (incomplete) Conan collection.

Last night I downloaded the one Raymond Chandler book I hadn't read, Playback. I'm burning through it (reading is pretty fast on the Kindle), and, as everyone says, it's not just an inferior work by Chandler, but a truly weak one. Gone entirely is his amazing scene-setting and tough-guy poetry. It reads like someone attempting to mimic his style -- but also not trying very hard, because the bulk of it is just prose which, while clean and readable, is also without any color or vitality. He truly is not even trying in this one.

Plus, 60% of the way through the book, I'm really not sure what mystery I'm supposed to care about. A woman's being blackmailed for reasons unknown, and halfway through, we finally had our first body, but it just apparently walked off on its own, so I'm not sure anyone's even dead yet.

So consider this an anti-recommendation (at least so far). But if you haven't read it -- The Big Sleep is incredible. None of his later works really touch it. People claim The Long Goodbye is better but I just don't see it. It's longer, certainly, but I don't see that as a plus. The Big Sleep is short and zippy and just filled with gorgeous writing, which is a trick, because he writes in a Hemmingway-esque telegraphic style, so to convey a richness of color to a scene without resorting to flowery or emotional language is an exceptional thing.

Posted by Ace at 03:31 PM New Comments Thingy

2012 Winter Classic: NY Rangers vs. Philadelphia Flyers



As has become tradition here at the leading conservative hockey blog, we present the Winter Classic (3 eastern on NBC). This year's outdoor game is a typical good vs. evil match up held in the home of evil...Citizens Bank Ballpark in Philadelphia.

The two big hockey stories so far are the Flyers are starting their back-up goalie instead of the guy in the first year of a 9 year, $51 million deal. That'll end well.

For the Rangers the news is much better, they get their All-Star Defensemen Marc Staal back for his first game of the season after suffering a concussion last season.

Weather looks great and these two teams are 1 and 2 in the Eastern Conference*. Should be a great game.

If you're neutral, check out this story about Rangers Mike Rupp (number 71 on your score card). Pretty cool, right?

*Technically they aren't 1-2 in the conference but the winner of this game will be in 1st place (the Rangers are now).

Almost teams don't really have cheerleaders but some teams have skating chicks who clean the ice up during the game.

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Posted by DrewM. at 02:59 PM New Comments Thingy

Three Way

—Dave In Texas

Tie for the lead, in pickem.

I don't like three ways myself. I prefer to disappoint women one at a time.


CountryBlumkins: 143
MuleTrain2016: 143
Aristomenes from da 54301: 143

scott: 142
Honeybadger: 139
Saintsforever: 138
Moochelle's Large Butt: 138

Windowlickers and Kyles

rd brewer: 134
DrewM: 131
Gabe Malor: 130
Russ fromWinterset: 128
Ben: 122
Andy: 118
DiT: 117

I was sooo close Andrew. So close.

Many thanks again to CDR M and Ben for keeping up with the numbers. Thanks fellers.

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 02:24 PM New Comments Thingy

Rachel Maddow: FoxNews Is In The Bag For The GOP, Unlike MSNBC, Which Isn't On Anyone's Team


I'll have what she's having (vagina).

"Yeah. That’s exactly right. We are not, we, there may be liberals on TV at MSNBC, but the network is not operating with a political objective. Whereas Fox is operating with a political objective to elect Republican candidates, and particularly, to elect Republican candidates Roger Ailes likes. I think Roger Ailes is a really good TV executive, but their operation is essentially a political operation to elect Republicans."

I believe there is a slight difference, similar to what she's talking about. Roger Ailes does (if I understand correctly) send out directives to his employees instructing them as to how to tell a story in a way that does not just echo the liberal narrative. But the reason he needs to do this is that most of Fox's employees -- from junior copywriters to editors -- are actually themselves liberal, and would be incapable of thinking of any angle besides the one they heard on NPR or CNN.

Now no one has to do that at MSNBC, of course, because its most right-wing host is... Chris Matthews, and all of the staff is either liberal or communist. All MSNBC needs to do to get a hard-left viewpoint is instruct everyone --as they've done -- that they're trying to be a liberal alternative to Fox, so let the freak flags fly.

And how they've flown.

Apart from that minor distinction, which actually just underscores how liberal the whole industry is, Rachel Maddow is a big fat idiot.

Posted by Ace at 01:41 PM New Comments Thingy

Chief Justice Roberts: No Justice Is Recusing Themselves Over ObamaCare So Get Over It


A bit of a paraphrase but the headline conveys the gist of the Chief Justice's remarks.

I put this on Twitter yesterday but it's still worth noting even a day late.

Roberts said he could not comment on “ongoing debates about particular issues,” but noted that one of the original canons of judicial ethics adopted in 1924 said judges “should not be swayed by partisan demands, public clamor or considerations of personal popularity or notoriety, nor be apprehensive of unjust criticism.”

“I have complete confidence in the capability of my colleagues to determine when recusal is warranted,” Roberts wrote. “They are jurists of exceptional integrity and experience whose character and fitness have been examined through a rigorous appointment and confirmation process.”

He added: “We are all deeply committed to the common interest in preserving the court’s vital role as an impartial tribunal governed by the rule of law.”

Roberts also made an interesting argument in his remarks...Supreme Court Justices shouldn't be held to the same standards of lower court judges because you can't simply get another judge to fill in.

Roberts said the public should keep in mind a key difference between lower-court judges and Supreme Court justices: While lower-court judges can be replaced when they recuse themselves from cases, that is not the case at the “court of last resort.”

“A justice accordingly cannot withdraw from a case as a matter of convenience or simply to avoid controversy,” Roberts wrote. “Rather, each justice has an obligation to the court to be sure of the need to recuse before deciding to withdraw from a case.”

I don't think that really makes any sense. No judge should recuse themselves for frivolous reasons, if something would be a conflict for a lower court judge it should be a conflict for a Justice. Either they are compromised or they aren't, convenience should have nothing to do with it.

As far as ObamaCare goes, it's moot. No Justice is going to pass up the chance to take part a case with such potential for political and historical repercussions.

No matter what the decision, which is likely to come down late spring/early summer, is going to be a Big F'n Deal (as Joey Biden would say) in the middle of the presidential campaign.

I for one, can't wait to see how Mitt "Mandates are Conservative" Romney reacts.

Posted by DrewM. at 12:19 PM New Comments Thingy

If This Is the Best We Can Do, We Deserve To Lose


Surgin' Rick Santorum has the True Conservative hearts of Iowa all aflutter as he takes his turn as Not Mitt. Given that the economy (and avoiding the impending DOOM! Monty chronicles here on a regular basis) is a matter of national survival and a clear differentiator with the SCOAMF, I was happy to see Santorum's views on what we can do to turn things around as chronicled in the Weekly Standard:

The next piece is his economics section, but while [Santorum] sounds the same general theme as the other campaigns—too much spending and statism, and the need to cut the size of government—he spends a lot of time talking about his proposal to eliminate the corporate tax on manufacturing. The reason we need to give special status to manufacturing, he says, is that the sector is fungible. Goods can be produced anywhere, so Santorum believes we need to give those businesses special protection to keep them in America. Captive businesses—my words, not his—can be taxed at the normal rate because, he says, it’s harder to relocate those jobs. Why should florists and restaurants pay corporate taxes but not manufacturers? “Because,” Santorum says, “this restaurant isn’t moving to China, right? The florist isn’t moving to China.”

Wait. What? Sprinkle the word "green" in there a little and this quote could have come from Obama.

I thought we were against picking winners and losers via the tax code, but it seems that none of our potential candidates can resist it. Forecast: DOOM!:

Tens of millions of Americans have yet to understand that the can can no longer be kicked down the road, because we’re all out of road. The pavement ends, and there’s just a long drop into the abyss. And, even in a state-compliant car seat, you’ll land with a bump. At this stage in a critical election cycle, we ought to be arguing about how many government departments to close, how many government programs to end, how many millions of government regulations to do away with. Instead, one party remains committed to encrusting even more barnacles to America’s rusting hulk, while the other is far too wary of harshing the electorate’s mellow.

That's it in a nutshell, isn't it? Our choice is coming down to whether we want to run the car over the cliff at 120MPH with Obama or whether we want to clip along at a leisurely 60MPH with the eventual GOP nominee in the driver's seat for that final launch over the edge.

I'd be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to point out that National Review clearly has an underdeveloped sense of irony, given their soft endorsement of Santorum and offhand dismissals of more fiscally conservative candidates.

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Posted by Andy at 11:35 AM New Comments Thingy

On Virginia AG Cuccinelli's Ballot Rules Reversal

—Gabriel Malor

After the outcry of Perry and Gingrich supporters that Virginia's balloting rules are too strict, Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli dove right in by decrying Virginia's election rules and proposing legislation that would add most of the other GOP candidates to the primary ballot.

This is despite the fact that the AG is, technically, not a member of the legislature and therefore not really in a position to change Virginia's laws. Whatever. His announcement was greeted cheerfully by conservatives anxious to have options other than Romney or Paul on the Virginia ballot.

Yesterday, he suddenly reversed course. Buried in the reports on this is the real reason why:

As the state's top lawyer, it fell to Cuccinelli to defend the state's ballot-access laws against a lawsuit filed by Perry. Cuccinelli, who was among the first Virginia officials to denounce the ballot rules as unfair after Perry and Gingrich failed to qualify, insisted he would vigorously defend the very law he was criticizing.

Then on Saturday Cuccinelli announced that he would submit emergency legislation to overturn the law he said he would defend and called on lawmakers to rewrite the rules to make it easier for candidates to make the ballot.

Cuccinelli's opposition sparked concerns from the judge overseeing Perry's lawsuit, who questioned whether taking a position on the rule compromised his office's ability to defend the law in the face of a legal challenge.

Cuccinelli let his political ambitions, and boy howdy is he ambitious, get ahead of his duty as Virginia's attorney general. This is a recurring pattern from Cuccinelli (recall his subpar, but politically flashy first-in-the-nation ObamaCare lawsuit) but somehow it makes him a Tea Party hero.

I took a look at the Perry lawsuit and the talking points the campaign is circulating with it. Guys, I wouldn't get your hopes up. The party rules were clear and they were set in May. They complied with state law and the constitutional challenge is quite a stretch. Maybe Perry will get a sympathetic judge and maybe AG Cuccinelli will decline to appeal a pro-Perry ruling to the appellate courts. But it's definitely an uphill battle.

This was campaign incompetence, pure and simple. The state even provided a checklist that campaigns could use to make sure they didn't overlook any deadlines or requirements. The Perry and Gingrich campaigns couldn't get their game together. As much as I dislike only having Romney and Paul on the ballot here, they did everything right and shouldn't be punished just because the other campaigns didn't.

It's good that Cuccinelli quickly came around. It would be better if he set his ambitions aside and just did his job right in the first place.

Posted by Gabriel Malor at 10:17 AM New Comments Thingy

Monday Morning Open Thread

—Dave In Texas

Because we need a new one. And I am a giver.

Here, have another cheerleader whilst we compile the results. Also, stupid Cowboys. My long nightmare is over.

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 09:07 AM New Comments Thingy

Top Headline Comments 1-2-12


A content-free, later than hell post for your commenting pleasure.

Posted by Andy at 09:05 AM New Comments Thingy

Overnight Open Thread - Picking Up The Pieces Edition


Welcome to 2012 all.

We're still cleaning up in here. So far the ONT Lost & Found box has 3 brassieres, 5 pairs of underwear, a saddle and one artificial limb - identify them and they're yours. Oh and the good lamp got broken so expect an assessment on top of the ONT dues.


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Posted by Maetenloch at 08:57 PM New Comments Thingy

Cowboys at Giants


Essentially a playoff game a week early, as the winner takes the division, and the loser goes home.

Oh, and here's a a couple of cheerleaders (for Obama).

UPDATE [Dave]: Why We Suck

why we suck.jpg

Posted by Ace at 08:02 PM New Comments Thingy

Sunday Evening Open Thread


One actual content thread is more than enough, don't you think?

Tomorrow we'll have our annual NHL Winter Classic thread. Face off has been moved from 1pm to 3pm. This year's game pits the New York Rangers vs. The Personification of Evil from a lousy city (the Philadelphia Flyers).

The big news today is that the Flyers won't be starting Illya Bryzgalov, the guy they signed to a 9 year, $51 million contract before the start of the season. Instead they are starting Sergi Bobrovski, the guy they didn't think was good enough.

Heck of a job Flyers, heck of a job.

Sure the Bryzgalov signing seems like a huge mistake from a hockey standpoint but at least Bryz is...entertaining in other ways. There might be an F-Bomb or two, I don't remember.

Below the fold, Illya explains why you never want to...hunt a tiger in China.

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Posted by DrewM. at 05:59 PM New Comments Thingy

David Gregory Calls President Obama A Liar On Meet The Press


Well not exactly. Gregory interviewed Rick Santorum today on Meet the Press and took the role of Obama's defender.

Gregory argued against Santorum's assertion that Obama has appeased Iran saying, “There is no material difference in terms of how the Bush Administration sought to disarm Iran and what the Obama Administration has done.”

This of course is contradicted by facts and the words of one Barack Husein Obama.

President-elect Barack Obama addressed some of the most delicate foreign policy issues over the weekend, confirming that he intended to pursue a clear policy of engagement with Iran and to press immediately for peace in the Middle East.

Speaking on the ABC News program “This Week,” Mr. Obama reiterated that he wanted to work directly with Iran — a country whose president has called for Israel’s destruction — to improve relations and halt a nuclear program that Tehran describes as peaceful, but that the West believes is not.

“We are going to have to take a new approach,” he told the program’s host, George Stephanopoulos. “My belief is that engagement is the place to start.”

As President, Obama sent friendly messages to Iran that differed sharply from Bush's approach.

Obama, in a three-minute speech made available on the Internet and sent to international broadcasters, twice referred to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the country's official name, signaling an apparent break from President George W. Bush's unstated promotion of a change of leadership. Bush routinely called the Iranian government a "regime" that should not be trusted by its people and said the country was part of an "axis of evil."

Obama has also cut aid to Iranian dissident groups and in general have taken a softer stand on the Iranian government.

Unlike the Bush administration, neither Obama nor his chief advisers have accused the Iranian government of arming the anti-American insurgencies in those countries, nor have they highlighted Tehran's links with foreign terrorist movements. As president, Obama also dropped the rhetoric of regime change. In his March 2009 Norwuz message, he explicitly referred to "the Islamic Republic of Iran" and stated that his administration would seek "engagement that is honest and grounded in mutual respect." Obama has sent two personal letters to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the hopes of initiating a dialogue at the highest level. In addition to its declaratory statements, the administration also arranged for senior American diplomats to meet with their Iranian counterparts in various multilateral settings and made a generous offer of nuclear collaboration regarding Iran's medical reactor.

The Obama administration also released members of Iran's Qods Force captured in Iraq.

When faced with the violent crackdown on anti-regime protesters this was the response of the Obama Administration.

The State Department strongly rejected claims that the U.S. was interfering in the disputed June 12 election, pointing out that diplomats from other countries had also been summoned.

"I suspect we are in good company. As the president has said, we are not interfering in the debate that Iranians are having about their election and its aftermath," said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley. "This is not about the United States."

Mowing down peaceful protesters in the streets of Tehran and around Iran is a "debate" according to Obama's team.

The funniest thing about Gregory's full throated defense of his candidate isn't that "journalists" are still willing to go to the mattresses for Obama, it's that their defense of Obama is..."he's just like George Bush!".

Second look at Cowboy Diplomacy?

Posted by DrewM. at 02:19 PM New Comments Thingy

Sunday Football Thread

—Dave In Texas

I get to wait all day to watch two really crappy teams play each other in New York for the Division title, and the right to get beaten in the first round of the playoffs. Yay.

Anyway, it's a new year, and I hope your livers aren't snarling at you from some corner of the room. Here's to 2012.

Week 17.jpg

By the way, CDR M tells me he reactivated the league here for the playoffs. I don't remember how it works, but you should have gotten an email invite if you were in it last year. The league password if you want to sign up is "valurite". I'll ask him what the league id is. I'm really crappy at picks so I want to keep going.

Posted by Dave In Texas at 12:55 PM New Comments Thingy

Sunday Book Thread


Happy 2012, Morons! (2012? We're now 11 years past 2001 and we still don't have a moonbase or missions to Jupiter or a weird alien monolith turning astronauts into cosmic babies? What the hell, man? Where's the future I was promised? I want my alien artifacts and domed cities and jetcars and moonbases, and I want them now, dammit!)

I have a confession to make: I've been on vacation for the past two weeks, and I haven't read so much as the back of a box of corn flakes. Zip. Nada. This isn't due to lack of time so much as a complete lack of motivation. There is an old Far Side cartoon where a kid asks to be excused from class because his brain is full; that's how I feel. Too much going on at work and at home, too many things weighing on poor Monty's noodle. So for my vacation I gave the life of the mind the heave-ho and just vegged out -- slept in until noon, sat around in my underwear all day eating cereal and watching cartoons; it was like being nine again!

So, assuming that you Morons were better stewards of the literary art than me in the past week...what have you been reading?

PSA: I have several more books written by Morons (or by friends/significant others of Morons) to post, and I'll make sure to get them into next week's thread. Keep those tips coming! If you're an author, or you know an author who'd like a mention in the Sunday book thread, just send me an email at aoshqbookthread AT gmail DOT com.

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Posted by Monty at 10:26 AM New Comments Thingy

Morning Open Thread


Happy New Year everyone! Hope y'all had a good time last night.

Looks like earthquakes are already ringing in the New Year as Japan had a 6.8 one and even Ohio had a second quake this week at 4.0. Damn Mayans.

This might be handy for some of you. How To Cure A Hangover.

5. Eat mineral rich food like pickles or canned fish.
6. In Poland, drinking pickle juice is a common remedy.

So what are some of your hangover remedies?

Posted by CDR M at 09:10 AM New Comments Thingy

Overnight Open Thread-New Year's Eve Edition


Happy New Year Moron Nation!! I don't know about you guys, but I'm so glad 2011 is over. Now on to 2012 where we all know we have a role to play in the Election of All Elections. Get involved. Some way, some how. Just do it.

Now here is your PSA for the evening. There is always a lot of focus on drunk driving but there is something else just as dangerous if not more so. The Perils Of Drunk Walking. Be very careful when you get your swerve on and stumble home.

For every mile walked drunk, turns out to be eight times more dangerous than the mile driven drunk. To put it simply, if you need to walk a mile from a party to your home, you’re eight times more likely to die doing that than if you jump behind the wheel and drive your car that same mile.

Video of the greatest Drunk Walk ever caught on video below the fold.

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Posted by CDR M at 09:32 PM New Comments Thingy

Happy Godzilla New Year's Eve

—Dave In Texas

Does it make sense? No. Is it awesome?


My favorite Christmas tree ornament packed away today.

Happy New Year you dorks. It's been a great year. 2012 will be even better because you'll still have me.

BOC, under the fold..

ALSO! Pick your football picks, you dummies. I hate you all and I can't wait to hate you even more in 2012. Be safe dear goofballs.

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 06:38 PM New Comments Thingy

Freshy-Fresh New Year's Post


So fresh, this story is from tomorrow!
Australia has already seen the New Year. So it will be old and slimy and covered with the webs of poisonous spiders by the time it gets to us. Bastards!

On the other hand, it takes four people to subdue a snake there. Yeesh.

"It was like any other night, half an hour of playtime before bed," Ms Sullivan told The Sunday Mail.

"We were throwing a ball to each other and it rolled behind me, so Kye went to pick it up.

"He then let out that horrible scream where you know something is very, very wrong.

"By the time I got to him, and we are talking a second or two, the snake had latched on to his foot."

The foiled snake then turned on the kid's father and neighbors had to help extricate him.

Kye was then transported to Cairns Base Hospital but he began throwing up, his heart rate dropped and he stopped breathing during the one-hour trip. He was revived using oxygen and was wrapped in a heat blanket.

Cairns doctors took swabs of Kye's wounds and did X-rays to ensure the python's vice-like grip hadn't broken any ribs. Both tests came back negative. Kye was discharged the next day, nursing four bite marks and bruising on his lower left leg.

"We didn't spend that first night at home," Ms Sullivan said. "We stopped in to get clothes but the kids wouldn't get out of the car, so we stayed at my mum's."

Yeah, no kidding. If I lived in Australia I'd probably do that 'don't let your feet ever touch the ground' game that a lot of house cats play.

If you go to the article link, you'll see that this story has an unhappy ending.

Posted by LauraW. at 04:23 PM New Comments Thingy

New Year's Resolutions


Top ten New Year's resolutions from

  • Spend more time with family and friends.
  • Fit in fitness.
  • Tame the bulge.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Enjoy life more.
  • Quit drinking.
  • Get out of debt.
  • Learn something new.
  • Help others.
  • Get organized.

Posted by rdbrewer at 01:14 PM New Comments Thingy

Morning Open Thread


Well, the ONT thread was getting a bit stale so here's a new one. Since it is the last day of the year and there will be a lot of drinking tonight, here are 12 Tips For Every Drinker. I can already think of a few changes though.

Staying in or going out tonight?

Posted by CDR M at 09:42 AM New Comments Thingy

Overnight Open Thread


So. 2012 is nearly upon us and that usually means a plethora of new laws go into effect. What does your state have in store for you? Here's a taste of some of those new 2012 Laws. mpfs informs me that in CA, you will now be required to get a doctors prescription for cough syrup. WTF? That'll go over well.

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Posted by CDR M at 09:50 PM New Comments Thingy

The Greatest Band Ever?


I know Ace believes he has found the greatest band ever, but that's just because he hasn't heard the goth-rock stylings of New Zealand's best, Lori Watt.

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Posted by rdbrewer at 08:27 PM New Comments Thingy

Who Really Earns Income? [Truman North]

—Open Blogger

In considering tax policy, the dominant school of thought in federal income taxation policy is that of a progressive tax structure—that is, those who are able to create the most wealth are subject to greater taxation than those who are unable to do so. (While income from investment and inheritance has been called “unearned” income, it is more appropriate to call this “non-labor” income. The nature of the question presumes facts not in evidence about the very concept of earning itself. Certainly and in any case, someone “earned” the income at some point.) This taxation goes to fund federal government actions authorized by the several branches and the vast and growing administrative state of the federal government, each with its own agenda and laws and regulations.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 06:45 PM New Comments Thingy

Rick Santorum?


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Posted by Ace at 04:53 PM New Comments Thingy

Afternoon Open Thread


I got nothin'.

Posted by Ace at 03:32 PM New Comments Thingy

Early Afternoon Open [Truman North]

—Open Blogger

If you're on Facebook, it may be time to erase any personal info that might link it to you and sign off for good. In case you really need to be there, make a new account and beware: They are about to make everything you ever posted completely searchable with common search engines.

UPDATE: Alex in the comments: Well, no, not really.

Below the fold: A funny Internet video.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 12:18 PM New Comments Thingy

Top Headlines
100-watt incandescent lightbulbs outlawed after 12/31 are nonperishable - buy 'em by the gross! Also, be sure to visit the HQ's new Amazon store.
Supersized Saddles Find Home On The Range As Americans Fatten.
Poor horses. These people should be walkin' not ridin'. [CDR M]
World-First Hybrid Shark Found Off Australia.
Of course they say it's due to climate change. Won't be long before Sharktopus shows up. [CDR M]
Chinese official arrested after 'poisonous cat stew plot' Corruption, murder, and bitter-tasting pussy. [stuiec]

Frum: We're Getting Fatter
We? Who's this "we"? Added: From Reuters, US Obesity Rates Decline, Study Finds. (Thanks to Ben Domenech.) [rdbrewer]
12,000 Killed In Mexico In 2011.
No word on how many were killed with Fast & Furious weapons. [CDR M]
Iran Warns U.S. Over Aircraft Carrier
More saber rattling. Surprised they didn't add don't call my bluff like SCOAMF does. [CDR M]

And people say Romney has movie star looks.
Liberal Douchebag At the WaPo Wants To Win An AK-47 Via the Acebook page, everyone pile on in comments and make sure this sneering jerk gets the full Moron Horde experience. (tmi3rd)
"Paul’s views are not just libertarian. He is not simply concerned that “an overreaching military presence around the world is inconsistent with small, constitutional government at home,” as Edward Crane recently suggested. Paul goes further, blaming the U.S. for attacks against it, both foreign and domestic. That is a posture typically associated with the radical left." [Truman North]
Virginia School Board Defends Having Third-Graders Sing Occupy Indoctrination Song, Claims The Kids Wrote The Lyrics. In other news, all these wads of hundred dollar bills just fell off the back of some truck, I swear. [Truman]
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Michael Moore Goes on Lunchtime Manhattan Death-Spree
Milestone: Oliver Willis Posts 400th "Fake News Article" Referencing Britney Spears
Liberal Economists Rue a "New Decade of Greed"
Artificial Insouciance: Maureen Dowd's Word Processor Revolts Against Her Numbing Imbecility
Intelligence Officials Eye Blogs for Tips
They Done Found Us Out, Cletus: Intrepid Internet Detective Figures Out Our Master Plan
Shock: Josh Marshall Almost Mentions Sarin Discovery in Iraq
Leather-Clad Biker Freaks Terrorize Australian Town
When Clinton Was President, Torture Was Cool
What Wonkette Means When She Explains What Tina Brown Means
Wonkette's Stand-Up Act
Wankette HQ Gay-Rumors Du Jour
Here's What's Bugging Me: Goose and Slider
My Own Micah Wright Style Confession of Dishonesty
Outraged "Conservatives" React to the FMA
An On-Line Impression of Dennis Miller Having Sex with a Kodiak Bear
The Story the Rightwing Media Refuses to Report!
Our Lunch with David "Glengarry Glen Ross" Mamet
The House of Love: Paul Krugman
A Michael Moore Mystery (TM)
The Dowd-O-Matic!
Liberal Consistency and Other Myths
Kepler's Laws of Liberal Media Bias
John Kerry-- The Splunge! Candidate
"Divisive" Politics & "Attacks on Patriotism" (very long)
The Donkey ("The Raven" parody)