Frequent bus riders remember well the bus chronicles of Billy Long in his quest to be a "Member of Congress" ---
note the date he signed that piece of paper.
Frequent bus riders may also remember Springfield News Leader reporter Cory DeVera (where is she?) giving us Billy's reponse to his written answers on the 'jillions of surveys' he receives:
"That's just another out-of-state survey," said Republican candidate for 7th District Billy Long. "We get a jillion of them. There are a bunch of others I don't fill out. I've got my positions listed on my website."
There was a meeting held Wednesday night on the closing of the mail processing center in Springfield.
The Joplin Globe's Wally Kennedy wrote about it:
Workers challenge Postal Service.
Here's the money quote:
Long said it appeared to him that “this is pretty well a done deal. Is there anything we can do?”
Echoing what some others said, Long expressed the hope that the Postal Service would take into consideration the fact that Southwest Missouri is the fastest growing area of the state. He said the loss of the mail processing center to Kansas City, the loss of dozens of good-paying jobs, and the fact that mail would take several days to be delivered instead of arriving overnight would not help the region further its growth.
The Springfield News-Leader also has a story on the meeting:
Proposal to close Springfield mail processing facility met with boos. The article, written by SN-L staff, limits its account of Long's presence to this sentence: "Even Rep. Billy Long suggested the meeting should have been held at a larger site."
The Joplin Globe story contains more salient information than the Springfield News Leader story but both missed the duplicity in Long's appearance at the meeting.
In 2010 when Long was campaigning for his seat, he filled out a survey for the Citizens Against Government Waste. Not only did he sign the survey, he also added handwritten comments.
On June 19, 2010, in his signed written responses to the Citizens Against Government Waste CAGW survey, Billy Long signed his name to the survey and agreed with this statement:
"I will support legislation aimed at protecting taxpayers by privatizing government-sponsored corporations and enterprises such as the United States Postal Service, the housing government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the Tennessee Valley Authority."
Long elaborated on the statement by adding the following handwritten comment:
Entities like the USPS, Fannie and Freddie are proven economic failures that operate at losses constantly. Service and profitability would be enhanced by privatization.
Here is a facebook account of Billy Long's appearance at the meeting:
Jim Lee: Did Long have a position on this issue? I seem to recall during his campaign he was in favor of privatizing the P.O.
Midge Potts: He actually talked points which made it sound like he was against closure, but then he said an adminstrative issue, and "it is out of Congress's hands." Lol, I called him on it, specifically saying, "YOU can do something about this Congressman... Why don't you go back to DC, and submit a bill to Congress to repeal the 2006 law requiring USPS for 75 years :-D He was literally squirming in his seat!
Jim Lee: He don't like it when constituents question him, especially with questions that require more than a sound bit answer! Hot Diggity Dog!
Kathy Egli: Jim, he claimed that was all lies. Claimed he never said that. After about 4 people before him spoke and explained how repealing future retirement funds bill congress passed 6 years ago would fix the problem, he came up to the podium and passionately asked of postal management what he could do to stop this. (after he explained he had no more control over the problem than Joe citizen)
Midge Potts: 75 years of fullyfunded pension that has sucked 5.5 billion $$$ out of USPS coffers during the past half decade.
Jim Lee: Somewhere I got him on tape saying he wants to privatize the post office. But
I got so much on him on tape. He told me
he ain't afraid of nobody,,,,,except for constituents and "bloggers who are worrisome" to him.
Midge Potts: Yeah, his main talking point tonight was that he "never said" he wanted to privatize the post office ;-) Which I immediately called him on. So yeah, if you have him recorded saying the US post office should be privatized, now would be the time to dig it up, that would prove he flip-flopped his position!
Kathy Egli: @Jim, Pretty certain Midge will be the next one Billy asks the FBI to investigate as she told Billy in no uncertain terms this evening to go back to Washington, write legislation and take care of the PO problem and if he didn't follow through with that she was going to run against him and beat him in the next election. It was awesome!
Midge Potts Oh :-P I did say that, I guess... It was a heat of the moment thing, lol.
Jim Lee "I will support legislation aimed at protecting taxpayers by privatizing government-sponsored corporations and enterprises such as the United States Postal Service, the housing government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Entities like the USPS, Fannie and Freddie are proven economic failures that operate at losses constantly. Service and profitability would be enhanced by privatization." Billy Long
Jim Lee Billy Long, 6/17/2010 -- it was one of those jillion surveys that Billy got and signed.
Jim Lee screen capture
this before it disappears. I'm not technically savvy enough to do it.
I guess when Billy Long says he gets "jillions" of surveys it is easy to forget which ones he answered and how he answered them.
After all, Billy did tell us on his website that he "is not the type of Republican who will say one thing to constituents and another to liberal lobbyists and legislators..."