Saturday, August 27, 2011

Orcas need Salmon

Here is a message I am pasting on behalf of the salmon people posted on Orca Live;

The wild salmon people are calling out to the whale people. At the Cohen Inquiry underway in Vancouver we have learned a virus is infecting the majority of Fraser sockeye, but DFO is pulling the funding for this scientist who bravely testified as her peers backed away from her. She was escorted out of the building by large men with ear pieces. We are wrestling for a disease database, which has been given a unique status as a non-public Exhibit . If there is no problem this farm salmon disease database should be easily made public, but it is not. If you can lend the power of your presence and show up on behalf of the whales we certainly need you! 701 W. Georgia 9:30-4pm weekdays through Sept. 8
alex morton@Echo bay

Unfortunately I am not able to get to Vancouver however will pass this message on to those who can.

L90's Alleged Vessel Strike

Center for Whale Research describes the recent vessel strike as another cause for concern; pregnancy or and illness

Sending lots of love and light out to L90!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Orcas Up Close 3

Orcas Up Close 3
Originally uploaded by Crieffy.

Awesome Scottish orca sighting!

Via Flickr:
Bull Orca, with one of Simon King's nature tours in the background. Happy customers I would think!

Monday, June 06, 2011

Demand a provincial moratorium on net-cage salmon farm tenures

"With outdated and disconnected salmon farming companies – especially one willing to put an internationally recognized Biosphere Reserve at increased risk – it’s clear we need government to step in on behalf of wild salmon and the health of the Pacific Ocean. The time is long overdue to stop the expansion of net-cages and demand that the aquaculture industry adopt better practices."

If you care about orcas and their habitat then you will want to take a look at this and sign it!

Killer whale tracked making incredible journey from Arctic to Azores

Killer whale tracked making incredible journey from Arctic to Azores

Scientists zero in on culprits behind Puget Sound water problems |

Scientists zero in on culprits behind Puget Sound water problems |

Saturday, May 28, 2011