2012 Political Red Herrings

Steve Kornacki at Salon lists the top five political red herrings of 2012 – things that will get attention but will never happen.

1. Hillary Clinton will replace Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket in 2012 in an effort to motivate the party’s base. The move would also be a way to anoint Hillary as Obama’s successor for 2016.
[agreed, will never happen]

2. Chris Christie, as a GOP running mate.
[actually, I disagree with this one. he'll be romney's running mate.]

3. Donald Trump, who flirted with a bid for the Republican nomination earlier this year, will mount a third-party bid for president in 2012.
[disagree, again. the trump-ster is like palin; when the media stops focusing on him for too long, he'll stick his ugly mug back in the picture.]

4. Tea Party Republicans, dejected by their party’s selection of Mitt Romney as its presidential nominee, end up sitting out the general election, allowing Barack Obama to win a second term.
[strongly disagree. the tea party will vote for a ham sandwich before they'd let that 'black man' (you know they're thinking of another word) back in the white house.]

5. The president will finally endorse same-sex marriage.
[sadly, agreed.]

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    Posted in Barack Obama, Barack Obama, Campaigns, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, LGBT Rights, Mitt Romney, Primaries, Sarah Palin, Tea Party | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

    Iowa Caucus Results

    Update – 2:30am est:

    Well, its been over an hour and we’re still waiting on the less-than-one-percent returns. Can’t say that I know they’re coming in yet this morning, so we’ll end with these latest  numbers from C&L. Couldn’t be much closer than 4 votes between Rick & Mitt.

    Rick Santorum
    29,968 25% 6
    Mitt Romney
    29,964 25% 6
    Ron Paul
    26,186 21% 4
    Newt Gingrich
    16,241 13% 1
    Rick Perry
    12,592 10% 1
    Michele Bachmann
    6,070 5% 0
    Jon Huntsman
    744 1% 0

    Update – 1:42am est:

    Back to C&L (turned-out they were more up-to-date than some Iowa TV stations). A few more votes were counted, but we’re still waiting on the last precincts.

    In the meantime, CSPAN reports:

    Texas Governor Rick Perry announced that he will be returning to Texas to reassess his campaign and will discuss with his staff if he will continue to campaign for the GOP presidential nomination.

    Update – 12:45pm est:

    Switching to the latest numbers from KCCI 8, Des Moines, IA:

    January 04, 2012 – 12:45AM ET
    Iowa – 1749 of 1774 Precincts Reporting – 99%
    Name Party Votes Vote %
    Santorum , Rick GOP 29,662 25%
    Romney , Mitt GOP 29,657 25%
    Paul , Ron GOP 25,926 21%
    Gingrich , Newt GOP 16,002 13%
    Perry , Rick GOP 12,442 10%
    Bachmann , Michele GOP 6,031 5%
    Huntsman , Jon GOP 734 1%
    No Preference GOP 131 0%
    Other GOP 118 0%
    Cain , Herman GOP 58 0%
    Roemer , Buddy GOP 47 0%

    Interesting to see that 249 votes went to “No Preference” or “Other”, and 58 fools voted for Cain (duh, he’s not a candidate any longer).

    Update – 12:21pm est:

    C&L: 98% reporting … almost there …

    Mitt Romney
    29,599 25% 6
    Rick Santorum
    29,537 25% 6
    Ron Paul
    25,828 21% 4
    Newt Gingrich
    15,946 13% 1
    Rick Perry
    12,371 10% 1
    Michele Bachmann
    6,011 5% 0
    Jon Huntsman
    731 1% 0

    Some have asked, “who cares?”. Its all about the “mo”; momentum and money. The result gives us a good idea of who will have the momentum to continue receiving campaign contributions from the big donors, and potentially become the gop nominee, and who may decide to drop-out.

    Update – 12:15pm est:

    Still waiting for the last few percent to report … zzzzzzzz …

    Update – 11:45pm est:

    C&L: 96% reporting. Fyi: The last column is the number of delegates they get.

    Rick Santorum
    29,017 25% 3
    Mitt Romney
    28,908 25% 3
    Ron Paul
    25,092 21% 3
    Newt Gingrich
    15,622 13% 1
    Rick Perry
    12,111 10% 1
    Michele Bachmann
    5,916 5% 0
    Jon Huntsman
    702 1% 0

    Update – 11:32pm est:

    C&L: With 93% reporting, its too close to call. For all of the claims of extreme enthusiasm for getting rid of Obama, it appears there will actually be fewer votes cast compared to the last gop Iowa caucus. The total is 114,043 votes cast with 93% reported. In 2008, there were 119,188 votes cast. Romney got 30,021 and 25.19% of the vote in 2008, nearly identical to tonight’s result.

    Rick Santorum
    28,242 25% 0
    Mitt Romney
    28,108 25% 0
    Ron Paul
    24,321 21% 0
    Newt Gingrich
    15,205 13% 0
    Rick Perry
    11,819 10% 0
    Michele Bachmann
    5,783 5% 0
    Jon Huntsman
    671 1% 0

    Update – 10:45pm est:

    C&L: With 88% reporting, Santorum’s on top, Romney close behind, and Paul is falling further behind.

    Rick Santorum
    26,443 25% 0
    Mitt Romney
    26,398 25% 0
    Ron Paul
    22,728 21% 0
    Newt Gingrich
    14,244 13% 0
    Rick Perry
    11,099 10% 0
    Michele Bachmann
    5,496 5% 0
    Jon Huntsman
    628 1% 0

    Update – 10:23pm est:

    With 46% reporting, Romney and Santorum tied at 24% with Ron Paul in third.

    Rick Santorum
    13,594 24% 0
    Mitt Romney
    13,204 24% 0
    Ron Paul
    12,205 22% 0
    Newt Gingrich
    7,426 13% 0
    Rick Perry
    5,671 10% 0
    Michele Bachmann
    3,140 6% 0
    Jon Huntsman
    313 1% 0

    Today, Santorum said “Ron Paul is disgusting” in response to Paul campaign robocalls claiming Santorum is really pro-choice and against the second amendment (the right to bear arms).

    Update – 9:40pm est:

    It will be a couple hours before we get the final results of the caucus. Crooks & Liars is reporting these initial results:

    Mitt Romney
    7,844 24% 0
    Rick Santorum
    7,726 23% 0
    Ron Paul
    7,655 23% 0
    Newt Gingrich
    4,440 13% 0
    Rick Perry
    3,433 10% 0
    Michele Bachmann
    1,932 6% 0
    Jon Huntsman
    211 1% 0

    In the meantime, I found this interesting graph at The Nation on how the top candidates (with actual plans) plan to address income inequality through tax cuts. It shouldn’t surprise you too much to see who gets the largest percentage of the cuts …

    how the top gop candidates plan to address income inequality

    And just for fun, how about an #OWS mic check on Romney last night?

    Original post …

    Today’s the day that the radical right-wing in little ol’ Iowa will decide who is the most far-right GOP candidate for President. Cable news networks are leaning toward Rick Santorum, with Ron Paul coming-in at a close second. In a matter of hours, we’ll know who ends up in the top 3, who drops out, and who hangs-on because they have the funds to do so.

    Updates to follow …

    Some noteworthy statements from the candidates-

    Rick Santorum on President Obama’s race and pro-choice beliefs:

    I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say ‘now we are going to decide who are people and who are not people’.

    Ron Paul on the border fence:

    I think this fence business is designed and may well be used against us and keep us in. In economic turmoil, the people want to leave with their capital. And there’s capital controls and there’s people control. So, every time you think of the fence keeping all those bad people out, think about those fences maybe being used against us, keeping us in.

    Michele Bachmann on the founding fathers ending slavery (?!):

    But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. … I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forbearers who worked tirelessly — men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country.

    Newt Gingrich on “freedom”:

    A mere forty years ago, beach volleyball was just beginning. No bureaucrat would have invented it, and that’s what freedom is all about.

    Mitt Romney:

    I’m happy to learn that after I speak you’re going to hear from Ann Coulter. That’s a good thing. I think it’s important to get the views of moderates.

    Rick Perry:

    I will tell you: It’s three agencies of government, when I get there, that are gone: Commerce, Education and the — what’s the third one there? Let’s see. … OK. So Commerce, Education and the — … The third agency of government I would — I would do away with the Education, the … Commerce and — let’s see — I can’t. The third one, I can’t. Sorry. Oops.

    The gang, minus the dummy:

    seven republican dwarfs

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      Politicians for SALE: Wall Street vs. Main Street

      Politicians have been selling out to the highest bidder for years. Who are the benefactors? It doesn’t take a Rhodes Scholar to figure it out. The GOP represents Wall Street; Democrats represent Main Street.   Republicans may reign supreme from time to time.  But, for many, many years–Democrats controlled congress…

      Democrats controlled the House of Representatives for 60 years between 1933-1995 (in all but four years); and, they controlled the Senate in all but ten years.  If you wanted something done, you needed the support of the Democrats.  Those were the good ol’ days- a time when Congressional leaders upheld public interest.  Somewhere, along the way, things changed:

      Republicans seized power in 1994 by raising massive amounts of campaign cash. Between 1994-1998, Republican candidates raised a record breaking $1 BILLION+ dollars (Kaiser, 2009. So Damn Much Money, p. 272).

      In 1994 (for the first time since 1954), Republicans gained control of both houses. The power shift gave the Neo-Cons a taste of how much power they stood to lose, if they didn’t keep their sponsors happy. Perhaps, this could explain why the power hungry Neo-Cons turned their collective focus away from public interest, to their corporate bedfellows.  After all, they had $1 billion+ favors to repay.  But, the Democrats would not go quietly- between 1995 and 2010, congressional power shifted as many times in fifteen years as it had in the past forty-five years (Lessig,L. 2011. Republic Lost, p.94).

      In 2008, Republicans were dumping campaign cash at any contender they thought could beat a Democrat (Hillary or Obama). It didn’t take long for Democrats to learn that in order to beat Republicans (and BIG MONEY), you’ve got to raise a lot of cash, too. Presidential Candidates – Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain – together spent more than $1 billion, an unprecedented figure.  But, Obama didn’t win because of the massive amounts of campaign cash alone, he had a message. Of course, the cash helped Obama, no doubt, but he inspired Americans at a time when many of us had had a belly full of Bush, Cheney, the Industrial Military Complex, and failed Republican policies.

      And, just when we thought we’d be able to loosen the Neo-Con stranglehold on humanity, enter the DRAGON: Citizens United.

      The Citizens United ruling in 2010, was the proverbial nail in the coffin of public interest. All hail BIG BUSINESS. The landmark decision allows corporations and unions to throw endless amounts of cash at politicians. (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S.08-205 (2010), 558 U.S., 130 S. Ct. 876 (January 21, 2010)).

      But, today, a silver lining appeared…today, Montana High Court Says ‘Citizens United’ Does Not Apply In Big Sky State. Lawyers attacking the Montana ban on direct corporate spending said the U.S. Supreme Court in its 2010 Citizens United ruling removed any barrier to corporate spending. But the Montana Supreme Court disagreed and took a more nuanced view:

      “What was true a century ago is as true today: distant corporate interests mean that corporate dominated campaigns will only work ‘in the essential interest of outsiders with local interests a very secondary consideration.”

      What does this mean? Time will tell.  I can tell you that I now hold a new affection for the Big Sky State. All things considered, it’s still safe to say that Republicans will stop at nothing to defeat Democrats, and especially, President Obama.  As the saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” Therefore, I am duty bound to open up my checkbook and throw as much cash as  possible toward QUALIFIED Democrats who do not worship at the altar of Wall Street, but work with us folks down here on Main Street.  Please feel free to do the same, Main Street depends on it.

      Cross posted on: www.definedontdefend.com and www.allthingsdemocrat.com

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        Posted in Activists, AFL-CIO, Barack Obama, Barack Obama, Bush, Campaigns, Congress, Corporations, DCCC, Debates, Debt and Budget, Democratic Caucus, Democratic Leaders, Democratic National Committee, Democrats, Dick Cheney, DLC, DNC, Economic Justice, Election, Financial Collapse, Labor Unions, Occupy WallStreet, Official Party Orgs, Oil Companies, Politics, Poverty, Presidential Candidates, Primaries, Republican Leaders, Republican Scandals, Republicans, Young Democrats of America | Tagged | Leave a comment

        Why Iowa Shouldn’t Matter

        Ten good reasons why Iowa shouldn’t matter, courtesy of HuffPo:

        • No. 1: Caucuses don’t even pick binding convention delegates
        • No. 2: Winner’s raw vote total would fill 1/4 of an NFL stadium
        • No. 3: Only 100k of state’s 3 million residents participate
        • No. 4: Presidents Gephardt, Huckabee, Harkin, Robertson
        • No. 5: Saying its worth is “winnowing” field like family dog eating table scraps
        • No. 6: Winner gets maybe 6 unbound delegates out of more than 1,100 needed for nomination
        • No. 7: Five times more hogs there than people
        • No. 8: Ranks 30th in population, 22nd in obesity
        • No. 9: At 96.14% Caucasian, whiter than a “Justin Bieber Christmas-in-Norway Special” (courtesy Will Durst)
        • No. 10: After all this, 41% still can’t make up their minds?!?!

        I would add No. 11: Results (reportedly) tallied by Israeli defense firm (must we outsource everything???)

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          Crazy GOP Iowa Caucus Poll Results

          This graph by Ezra Klein illustrates the wacky mind of Iowa conservatives, from January to the present (you may need to zoom in to see the candidates names, but you get the idea).

          gop iowa caucus polls

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            New Year’s Wishes in 2012

            Happy New Year to everyone.

            My new year wishes would be:

            1. President Obama continues showing strength, in lieu of that ridiculous “no more politics as usual” mantra. The radical right bitch-slapped him enough over the past few years and he appears to have gotten the message. Continue supporting those who got you elected and to hell with the right-wingers.
            2. The radical right continues to show their true agenda for the nation: Screwing the working-class while stealing the nation’s resources for themselves.
            3. Scott Walker, the Koch brothers, and their ilk continue their anti-union agenda. Sooner or later, working-class Republicans will wake up and realize they’ve been working against their own interests.
            4. The Justice Department continues to block the radical right’s voter suppression efforts.
            5. The Occupy movement stops dinking-around and declares the obvious – they support Democrats! And then get out and vote for Democratic candidates.

            Add your New Year’s Wishes in the comments.

            Have a safe and prosperous new year!

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              Perry Forgets Lawrence v. Texas Anti-Sodomy Supreme Court Case

              In a meet and greet with press and potential Republican voters, Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Perry showed America yesterday that he wasn’t too familiar with the Supreme Court case Lawrence v. Texas, which is a case that struck down Texas’ anti-sodomy law and similar laws in 13 other states…while he’s been governor.

              We have to give Perry some credit, though.  I mean afterall, he bravely powered through the questions instead of backing down and somehow managing to give a two and a half minute answer about…something.

              Perry said when asked about the case in a coffee shop in Iowa:

              “I wish I could tell you I knew every Supreme Court case.  I don’t, I’m not even going to try to go through every Supreme Court case, that would be — I’m not a lawyer… We can sit here and you know play I gotcha questions on what about this Supreme Court case or whatever, but let me tell you, you know and I know that the problem in this country is spending in Washington, D.C., it’s not some Supreme Court case.”

              For someone who cited this particular case in his book, Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America From Washington, shouldn’t we be more familiar with certain Supreme Court cases or maybe we should get our advisors to help prepare us better for possible questions, especially on issues that we actually cite.  Come on now, Perry Campaign Staff…we should know and be prepared for anything during campaign season!

              Gov. Rick Perry campaigning in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Dec. 28, 2011.
              photo by: Bob Daemmrich

              When asked by Ken Herman, a columnist with the Austin American Statesman, for clarification on whether he knew what the case concerned, Perry responded with:

              “I’m not taking the bar exam…I don’t know what a lot of legal cases involve.”

              After the interview Perry called the inquiry a “gotcha” question and tried to change the subject to federal government spending.

              Read more …

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                The Internet Against Michele Bachmann

                Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has experienced a difficult past few days.  First, news broke out that her Iowa campaign director, Kent Sorenson, had defected to Camp Ron Paul.  Soon after, Bachmann lost another top staffer, her political director Wes Enos, who resigned after he publicly defended Sorenson against charges that he’d illegally accepted money from Ron Paul’s campaign.

                So what did Bachmann blame all this horrible news on?  Well, America’s greatest evil of course:  the Internet.

                While Bachmann was speaking on an Iowa radio show, a caller named Jonathan made the following statement:

                “Michele Bachmann is up against not only the other candidates, but up against President Obama, who has Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube in its back pocket. I believe that helped him win the last election. No president should have the monopoly of those companies in their back pocket.”

                Huh?  Okay…?  Well, let’s take a look at how Bachmann responded:

                “I absolutely agree, Jonathan. We have seen, whether it is the head of Facebook or Google, it is clear there is an alliance with the Obama administration, as well as with NBC.”

                Now, last time I checked, there were hundreds of complaints about the Obama Administrations on Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other social networking websites.  Maybe there’s something I’m missing here and this is just another case of worldwide cyber-bullying for Ms. Michelle Bachmann.

                Full story at TPM …

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                  Self-Promotion Weekend

                  In the comments to this post you can promote one, two or three of your excellent posts from the current week (fyi: more than 3 links triggers the anti-spam software and your post will require moderation by the admin).

                  Be sure to include a link to your post.

                  Thanks for sharing your work with the online Democratic community!

                  (No spammers, please.)

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                    Rick Perry’s Fox-Hen-Congress Logic-O-Rama

                    Rick Perry’s newest video entitled “Fox”:

                    Problem #1: Grammar. Rife. With. Errors. Pain. Hurts.

                    Problem #2: “Fox”? Anything that could be construed as relevant to Fox News should not only not be given a negative connotation, but treated like the Virgin Mary’s Big Money Honey Hole that Fox News actually is to most conservatives in the media.

                    Problem #3: As POTUS, you will actually have to rely on “Congress to fix America” because you are neither king nor deity. You need them to write the bills you might want to sign into law. You’ll never actually be president, Rick, but don’t equate what would be your “team” to your commercial villain, which is apparently also an unnamed cable news station. I sense a misdirected pattern here.

                    Problem #4: Congressional salaries, while they might be considered a little high, are the least of our problems when it comes to all the stupid that actually burdens US taxpayers.

                    Problem #5: Rick, if you’re personally – right now – exploiting a loophole to collect $85,000 in pension income on top of your $150,000 salary on the backs of Texans while actively ignoring your post in order to campaign for the Republican nomination, knocking congressional salaries is probably not the tack you want to take.

                    Problem #6: So you went through all these non-issues and misdirections and your coup d’etat is aimed at your misguided rant about a part-time congress? You really want 535 elected officials who vote on their own salaries up, who depend on their time in DC to network and influence and get influenced by lobbyists to cut their own pay in half? You want a congress that cannot get anything done full-time to go part-time?

                    Rick Perry, you are a damn fool. I’m just glad we have your commercials to confirm that every week or two.

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                      PERRY: Rape Is No Reason for Abortion…

                      Perry Shifts His Stance on Abortion
                      by Morgan Smith, The Texas Tribune

                      OSCEOLA, Iowa — At a town hall meeting tonight, Gov. Rick Perry said he no longer supported abortion in cases of rape and incest.

                      As he responded to a question from the audience, Perry said he had undergone a “transformation” after viewing the film The Gift of Life, narrated by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, and talking with Rebecca Kiessling, who was conceived during a rape. “She looked me in the eye and said, ‘I am the product of a rape,’ and she said, ‘My life has worth,’” Perry said.

                      Joshua Verwers, a Sheraton pastor, asked the governor to reconcile what he had told him in November at the Iowa Faith and Freedom dinner — that he was against abortion, except in cases of rape, incest or when it was necessary to save the life of the mother — with his signature on a pledge from the anti-abortion group Personhood USA that bans abortion under any circumstances.

                      After the meeting, Verwers said that Perry’s answer was “perfect” and “from the heart.” He said it particularly moved him that the governor had shifted his beliefs after speaking with someone who had been born from rape. Perry’s wife, Anita, has been a fundraiser for the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault since 2003 and has devoted her efforts to supporting other causes that work to prevent violence against women.

                      During a Personhood USA teleconference tonight, Perry reiterated his change of beliefs and elaborated on why he decided to sign the pledge: “As I signed that document I will suggest to you that, all I can say to you, was that God was working out of my heart.”

                      Fellow candidates Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich also participated in the call.

                      This article (shared with permission via website) originally appeared in The Texas Tribune at http://www.texastribune.org/texas-politics/2012-presidential-election/perry-shifts-his-views-abortion/.


                      Photo and other great stuff available at: http://mariopiperni.com/abortion/the-uterus-of-the-united-states-of-america.php


                      “Let Women Die” Bill, H.R.358

                      On October 13, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.358, an extreme anti-choice bill.

                      The bill would allow a hospital to refuse a woman life-saving, emergency abortion care even if she will die without it. On top of that, it effectively would ban insurance coverage of abortion in state health-insurance exchanges, denying abortion coverage to millions of women (Via NARAL).


                      The Conservative agenda to deny Abortion services to women (even at their own expense) should be supported by NO-COST Birth Control for all WOMEN (But, alas, it is NOT!).

                      Whether you are Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, it stands to reason that No-Cost Birth Control for all WOMEN, makes sense (doesn’t it?!)

                      White House: Support No-Cost Birth Control for All Women

                      The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) adopted medical experts’
                      recommendation that newly issued insurance plans cover birth control without
                      copays. Women will feel the magnitude of this decision every time they go to the
                      pharmacy counter and pick up their birth control without paying a copay.

                      This is such a tremendous leap forward. However, women who work for a
                      religious institution, like a Catholic hospital or university that opposes birth
                      control, are at risk of not being included under this new policy.

                      Anti-birth-control forces, including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,
                      are leading the fight. They have launched a massive campaign to allow religious
                      employers to opt out of the new requirement (via NARAL).

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                        Posted in Campaigns, Debates, Democratic Leaders, Democrats, Healthcare, Neocons, Politics, Religion, Rick Perry | Tagged | Leave a comment

                        THE PROTESTER…Person of the Year

                        It started with a single, frustrated Tunisian named Mohamed Bouazizi, a man that just wanted to be able to feed his family, in the only manner he had available to him in a nation ruled by a dictator for decades..selling fruit on a street corner. This year, Time did get it right. (Full story & companion links here).

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                          Posted in Activists, Debt and Budget, Democratic Leaders, Democrats, Economic Justice, Election Fraud, Employment, Financial Collapse, Healthcare, LGBT Rights, Move Your Money, Occupy WallStreet, Politics, Poverty, Studio Occupy | Leave a comment

                          Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays

                          From all of us at All Things Democrat.

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                          Democrats Are Job Creators, Republicans Are Job Shippers

                          New jobs are created and existing jobs are saved based on demand for products and services. Without demand, any workers hired by the so-called “job creators” would have nothing to do and would be layed-off or fired. The majority of demand comes from the working-class. Democratic tax policy that favors the working-class gives them the discretionary income required to create demand. Democratic support for education, housing, unemployment benefits, child care and nutrition assistance gives the working-class more discretionary income to create more demand. Democrats support policies that increase demand for the majority of Americans and, therefore, Democrats are most responsible for creating jobs.

                          anti-suicide nets for Chinese worker dormitoriesDemocrats work to save American jobs while Republicans work to destroy American jobs. The majority of today’s jobs created by Republicans are actually created overseas, predominately in China and India. According to a 2011 article by the conservative Wall Street Journal, U.S. Commerce Department data shows that companies cut their work forces in the U.S. by 2.9 million during the 2000s while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million. Its a race to the bottom; to the lowest possible wages in the worst possible conditions. As I reported on earlier, much of the work is done by child labor or slave labor. Conditions are so bad in some locations that workers were committing suicide, so authorities have strung-up nets around worker dormitories to catch jumpers. Republicans alone are responsible for shipping jobs overseas to be worked at extremely low wages, or no wages, under inhumane conditions.

                          Republicans, the self-labeled “job creators” are primarily job “shippers”.

                          Its time to change labels, and tax policy, to reflect the facts. Democrats are job creators. Republicans are job shippers.

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                            Friday Funnies

                            From Evil GOP Bastards-

                            evil gop bastard romney

                            Via DIRECT-

                            voter suppression

                            payroll tax bill tug of war

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