Open Thread
Via iOwnTheWorld, on a tip from TED. Hat tip: The Right Reasons.
There really is nothing beneath Democrat hack Alan Colmes – not even ridiculing the way Rick Santorum and his family dealt with the death of a child. Fortunately Rich Lowry was on hand to speak up for decency:
Santorum was gracious enough to accept Colmes’s apology, despite the unlikelihood of it being sincere.
This is only a foretaste of how the moonbat establishment will react if he continues to rise in the polls.
On a tip from Shawn. Via
Fox News took a New Years look back at 2011 moonbattery with this short retrospective on the repugnant collectivist vermin comprising the Occupy Wall Street infestations:
On a tip from IslandLifer.
Here’s one they forgot to run during the New Years Twilight Zone marathon:
On a tip from Shawn.
The three sides are Academia, Media, and the Moonbat Messiah:
B. Hussein shouldn’t let the affection go to his head. All it takes to win the love of academia and the establishment media is to push coercive statism a little further than the next guy. But being the offspring of an African communist sure doesn’t hurt.
On a tip from Gerry.
Want to see something even scarier than Michelle Obama’s latest ensemble? Check out the List of US Federal Government Funding Programs available from IDILOGIC. Here’s all I could fit in a screen cap:
It goes on for miles like this, shoveling away mountain after mountain of other people’s money, yet only accounting for $1,974,042,215,000, which is a small percentage of Big Government’s massive waste. Virtually none of the spending bears any relation to the legitimate constitutional functions of the federal government.
Even unhobbled by excessive regulation, no economy could carry this parasitical burden without crumbling under the strain. This is why deepening economic malaise will not improve until our rogue kleptocracy is brought under control.
On a tip from The Only Other Conservative in Seattle.
Anyone familiar with Obama’s background with the voter fraud outfit ACORN or the way Eric Holder has been exploiting the Justice Department to impose racial “payback” politics will be unsurprised to hear that groundwork is being laid for massive fraud in the 2012 elections. Preventing South Carolina from confirming the identity of voters provides an example of just how far our rulers will push the Audacity of Arrogance to stay in power:
Mr. Holder argues that voter ID laws disproportionately discriminate against poor blacks and Hispanics — citizens who cannot afford to acquire a driver’s license, passport or other form of photo identification. The latest victim is South Carolina; its voter ID law has been blocked by the Justice Department. Liberal Democrats — taking their cue from the White House — are portraying the national movement for election reform as an authoritarian assault upon civil liberties. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has even petitioned the United Nations, asking it to declare states’ voter ID laws human rights abuses. …
This would be comical if the consequences were not so serious. South Carolina’s legislation provides for free ID cards to be given to anyone who needs it. Not one person — white, black or brown — is discriminated against or discouraged from casting a vote at the ballot box. Moreover, the Supreme Court already has ruled on the issue — upholding state voter ID laws. In the 2008 Crawford v. Marion County Election Board decision, the high court held that an Indiana law mandating photo identification at the voting booth was indeed constitutional.
It isn’t only about cheating; the strategy also involves manipulating the electorate with race warfare demagoguery.
The administration is trying to whip up minority frenzy, propagating the myth of widespread ballot suppression. The goal is to foster a sense of racial persecution of blacks, intending to maximize voter turnout in November. The results, however, will be to poison race relations further.
What did you expect, integrity? Obama climbed up through the infamously corrupt sewer of Chicago machine politics.
In Chicago, local elections are often marred by ballot stuffing and multiple voting – including by false voters who use the names of deceased individuals. … Stealing an election is not beyond this administration. After all, it’s the Chicago Way.
It comes back to Obama’s political alma mater, ACORN:
For years, community activist groups, such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, have engaged in massive electoral fraud – registering illegal aliens, offering bribes to numerous politically disinterested people in the inner cities as inducements to vote and pushing underage and multiple voting. Election reform, therefore, is a stake aimed at the heart of Democratic corruption and ACORN’s power. Clean up the voter rolls and Mr. Obama’s re-election is in serious jeopardy.
This is why Holder’s Injustice Department has explicitly refused to enforce the cleaning up of voter roles that is required by law.
To state the obvious:
It is perverse to have a society that requires a photo ID to go through airport security, drive a car, purchase expensive consumer goods using Mastercard or Visa (as happened to me recently when I bought a stack of DVDs and the cashier asked for my driver’s license to check against credit card theft) or get a simple library card, but not to cast a ballot — the most sacred act of citizenship in a deliberative democracy.
This begs the question of whether America really is still a democracy, or whether allowing lowlifes like Obama and Holder to run the government has so corrupted our system that election results are determined in advance.
Barack Hussein Obama embraces his African heritage, most conspicuously in his ghost-written memoirs Dreams From My Father and by adopting his polygamous communist father’s anticolonial (i.e., anti-Western) ideology. Unfortunately he wouldn’t embrace it so closely as to actually live in Kenya, where effeminate men without job skills end up as sex slaves:
Identity, a gay magazine in Kenya, reveals that gay Kenyan men are being trafficked into the Gulf as sex slaves for the wealthy.
The report alleges that gay and bisexual men are lured from university campuses — particularly from Kenyatta University — with promises of high-paying jobs and then transported to labor as sex workers for men in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
According to the magazine, due to Kenya’s soaring unemployment rate, the men are easily fooled into this trap.
Countries run by Kenyans do tend to have a problem with unemployment. But Kenya’s export solution isn’t likely to be applied in the USA, where uselessness is considered a qualification and homosexual proclivities assure privileged status.
On tips from Smorfia48 and Just TheTip. Hat tip: The Astute Bloggers.
Women convinced by the magazines for sale at the supermarket checkout that Michelle Obama is a fashion genius have often wondered where she gets the ideas for her outfits. The pictures below reveal the answer:
Of course, children’s Halloween costumes were never meant to be that scary.
Compliments of Mary.
The authoritarian do-gooders who rule us still have not plumbed the farthest depths of insanity enabled by the worst piece of legislation ever passed prior to ObamaCare — Bob Dole’s Americans With Disabilities Act. Now it seems that even requiring job applicants to have so much as a high school diploma is a violation of the demented ADA:
Employers are facing more uncertainty in the wake of a letter from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission warning them that requiring a high school diploma from a job applicant might violate the Americans with Disabilities Act. …
The “informal discussion letter” from the EEOC said an employer’s requirement of a high school diploma, long a standard criterion for screening potential employees, must be “job-related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity.” The letter was posted on the commission’s website on Dec. 2.
Employers could run afoul of the ADA if their requirement of a high school diploma “‘screens out’ an individual who is unable to graduate because of a learning disability that meets the ADA’s definition of ‘disability,’” the EEOC explained.
Here the unintended consequences that accompany all Big Government thuggery will include a debasing of the value of education. As lawyer Mary Theresa Metzler notes,
“There will be less incentive for the general public to obtain a high school diploma if many employers eliminate that requirement for job applicants in their workplace.”
Why work to achieve credentials when the ultimate qualification, counting for even more than sexual depravity and racial correctness, is to be too “disabled” to qualify?
It isn’t a New Years Twilight Zone marathon carried over into reality; it’s reality warped beyond recognition by coercive liberalism.
Ms. Metzler said the policy could lead the EEOC to bring claims against employers or encourage applicants who have failed to gain employment to raise the issue.
That is, employers had better choose the applicant who was too lazy, stupid, or irresponsible to graduate from high school if they don’t want to get bankrupted by a lawsuit.
This totalitarian moonbattery was made inevitable the moment we allowed the federal government to dictate whom private companies must hire.
On a tip from Rob Banks.
Granny Jan looks back on some of the great video moments provided by our self-proclaimed fourth-best president:
No doubt 2012 will provide plenty more of the same. With any luck 2013 won’t.
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