by Greg Palast
Click on the image to watch the segment
I don't usually watch Today or any American TV because my reports appear on the British Broadcasting Corporation, a network run by highly-educated America-haters.
But there I was, last Friday, in this hotel room in Atlanta, a city pretending there's no Depression, chewing my complimentary morning donut, and Today is telling us about the "new face of American poverty." (Show me more...)
Nowhere are the ill-gotten gains of the 1% more grossly apparent than in the activities of 'debt vulture' hedge funds
by Greg Palast
as published by The Guardian America
This article is the subject of a legal complaint from Peter Grossman.
Photo by Zach Roberts © 2011
This past Sunday, a deputation from Occupy Wall Street crossed the bridge from Manhattan and brought its protest to the Brooklyn residence of one of New York's "vultures" This type of vulture doesn't roost in a tree, but in a swish brownstone.
A "vulture" is a financial speculator who, as we recently reported, gets his hands on debts owed by desperately poor nations. The Brooklyn "vulture" targeted by OWS and Friends of the Congo is Peter Grossman. Two weeks ago, the Guardian exposed him as a financier who is demanding the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the world's poorest nation, pay $100m to the hedge fund he manages, FG Hemisphere.
Grossman, tipped off about the demonstration, (Show me more...)
By Greg Palast
Special to
"So this Bishop, three priests and a comedian are locked up together in this paddy wagon and ...."
"Zach! This is NOT funny, and I do NOT want to hear the punch line."
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This holiday season, why not roast a One Percenter's chestnuts on an open fire?
Donate $60 or more to the Palast Investigative Fund, and I'll personally sign and send you and yours a gorgeously illustrated hardbound copy of the book Mitt Romney's favorite billionaire says, "Is full of errors" - Vultures' Picnic.
Oh yeah? What it's chocked full of, is the no-soap dope on Paul "The Vulture" Singer, Mitt's billion-dollar sugar daddy, on the BP petroleum pirates, on Goldman's sacks of ill-gotten gold and a lot, lot more.
Order by Monday and get it in time for Xmas or Hanukah.
There are many other gifts at the Palast Investigative Fund store for your tax-deductible donation. Films, books and gift-packs. (Show me more...)
by Greg Palast
Special to
Palast conducted a five-continent investigation of Big Oil for British TV's premier current affairs program, Dispatches, and for BBC Worldwide. This report is based on the broadcast seen prime-time worldwide—but not yet in the USA.
Whistleblowers have told Britain's "Dispatches" that the safety software on major US pipelines contains deliberate errors—and so pipelines can — and have — busted, leaked, exploded ...and killed.
Congressional Republicans are holding extended unemployment benefits hostage until President Obama agrees to speed up approval to build the XL Keystone Pipeline. XL Keystone will slice down through the entire width of the USA, moving tar-sands oil from Canada to Houston.
The oil industry promises that the Pipeline will be safe. But the pipe is only safe if the PIG inside it can squeal.
Federal law requires the industry to run a diagnostic robot PIG, a Pipeline Inspection Gauge, that will squeal when something is wrong: a crack, dangerous corrosion, anything that might lead to a spill or explosion.
But PIGs are only as good as the software that tracks and analyzes their signals. And the software used by Big Oil has been compromised—deliberately. (Show me more...)
The two-grand-a-night call girls are wandering lonely and disconsolate through the Wynn casino, victims of the recession. Badpenny, dressed full-on Bond Girl, is losing nickels in the slots and humming Elvis tunes.
Badpenny’s assigned job here is to look good and get information. She’s good at her job. A tipsy plaintiffs’ lawyer is telling her, “A woman as beautiful as you should be told she’s beautiful every five minutes.” His nose dips slowly toward her cleavage...
Introduction by Razorcakes' Chris Pepus
If you don’t read Greg Palast’s investigative reports, you don’t know what’s going on in America. Palast is the journalist who discovered election thefts in the U.S., the real reason behind Bush II’s invasion of Iraq, and other vital information on the class war that the rich wage every day.
In his new book, Vultures’ Picnic, Palast presents the inside story of how the financial elite loots public treasuries and passes the bill on to you. He also writes about recent and upcoming environmental catastrophes. In this excerpt for Razorcake, the Palast team starts investigating the 2010 British Petroleum disaster (Show me more...)
Catch Palast at the DC National Press Club.
Wednesday, 14 December
7 - 8 pm
529 14th St. NW
Washington, DC 20045
Dinner with the speaker will be at 6:30pm in the McClendon Room of the National Press Club. The voluntary but suggested donation for non-members to cover the expenses is $5.00. If you arrive after 5 p.m., parking is FREE with National Press Club dinner validation of your parking receipt from the PMI Garage on G St. NW (between 13th & 14th streets, NW).
Click here for more information.
by Greg Palast
Rick Perry's right when he says, "Something's wrong when gays can serve openly in the military but kids can't pray openly in school."
What's wrong is that they're missing their copies of Vultures' Picnic. In fact, once my twins took a copy of Vultures' Picnic to school, all the kids began praying openly — for an end to cuts in the school budget!
Want to roast Rick Perry's chestnuts on an open fire?
Then get the man a copy of Vultures' Picnic for Christmas. Make a minimum $60 tax-deductible donation to the Palast Investigative Fund (Show me more...)
by Kert Davies, Research Director, Greenpeace USA
Read the Greenpeace blog and listen to the Greenpeace Radio Podcast with Greg Palast, author of Vultures' Picnic: In pursuit of petroleum pigs, power pirates and high-finance carnivores.
Then read this. It's my soul on a plate. Then pass it on so others can taste it.
-- gp
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Greg Palast's One-Percent Tour travels this week to Houston on Thursday, Baltimore Friday and next week to Burlington VT (Monday), and Atlanta (Thursday).
Greg Palast breaks through America's Electronic Berlin Wall with a LIVE stream on C-SPAN. PODS OF THE WEBCAST AND cable broadcast available soon. Check out:
Palast brought the People's Mic directly to the halls of power in Washington DC for one night - telling the sordid secrets and strange tales of The One Percent.
If you're in the Baltimore/DC area please join Greenpeace, B-BEARD and Red Emma's at Friday Dec 9, 7PM at 2640 St. Paul St. for an evening with Greg Palast. (Show me more...)