"COST OF WAR: The Words of U.S. Army Specialist Douglas Barber..."
(34 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 1/18/2006 @ 11:38 am PT...
A-men Seargent Barber!!!!! A-fucking men.
It will go out to every single person I know, the message will spread.
Doug E.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
descendent of Korean & WWII Vets
said on 1/18/2006 @ 12:33 pm PT...
YES!!! Please expose these hypocrites who have never served!!! Chickenhawks need to enlist, NOW!!
It sounds like this soldier saw the truth, but it was too much for him to handle. The only reason others are still hanging in there is due, in part, to massive self-deception and denial mechanisms c/o the Bush Admin. Our whole society has been living in our peril...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 1:08 pm PT...
Cried yesterday reading about U.S. Army Specialist Douglas Barber ...all I could think of was an old saying ..."War dogs" ...used then Abandoned ...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 1:15 pm PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 1:47 pm PT...
Pardon me, but I can't help thinking of some network offices that SHOULD have been targeted, but they aren't in the Mideast.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Jeff McTiernan
said on 1/18/2006 @ 1:58 pm PT...
It's too bad that there isn't a way to link the MSM to all the scandals going on right now. It is definetly way too partisan. Some people are getting fat checks for pushing propaganda and and peddling lies. They deserve to go down with Bushco just as badly.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 2:24 pm PT...
The whole lower class is being used by a media who is promoting the war as entertainment. No prominate Americans want to jeopardize their bussiness to speak out ,rather they continue to clap.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
peter garayt
said on 1/18/2006 @ 2:44 pm PT...
The 'who served' list of repulsives and democraps
tells all.
Sorry I forget where I saw it, maybe Buzzflash.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
peter garayt
said on 1/18/2006 @ 2:46 pm PT...
The 'who served' list of repulsives and democraps
tells all.
Sorry I forget where I saw it, maybe Buzzflash.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
a sysadmin
said on 1/18/2006 @ 3:58 pm PT...
FYI: You can enter a "contest" at Foxnews to debate O'reilly on his show on the topic of your choosing:,2933,181845,00.html
I hate to give anybody over at Foxnews a free plug, but this looks to be a good chance for people to get opposing view points on the air.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 4:21 pm PT...
These bastards!
My nephew is experiencing PTSD and it scares the hell out of his mother, my wife and me.
He was so disgusted he got out after 8 years.
Will he get help? Does he even want help? Who the hell knows!
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 4:31 pm PT...
dirt under his boots for sure. RIP
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 4:45 pm PT...
Nothing more to say, he said it all
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 5:21 pm PT...
436 Google News Hits for Impeach bush Today. Go 500 Then 1000 . . .
All These GOP Bastards Must be held ACCOUNTABLE !
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 1/18/2006 @ 5:33 pm PT...
Guys like Bill O'Reilly perportrating Bushit lies and defending these corrupt cowards should be spit on in a street stockade. They are as guilty as the Bushit Administration for spreading deceptions and creating controversy to mislead Americans. I would give up a weeks pay to get in the ring with this piece of shit and beat his head in. He doesn't want to debate the truth. He's waiting for the unmarked check in the mail from the White House. Don't get me wrong Bill. I'm into non-violent protest but yellow bastards like you with your bullhorns blasting damage control cover up have done so much damage to confuse Americans I just want to kick your ass and any of your NEOCON broadcasting friends. Frigin Rusters.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
A Concerned Citizen
said on 1/18/2006 @ 5:35 pm PT...
My son served an entire year in Ramadi mainly, but also Fallujah and Baghdad at the end of 2003 to 2004. He was extremely lucky and came home physically okay. Cheated death or injury 3 times that I know of so far in the humvee and a couple times from incoming mortars at his base. He just barely missed going back another full year recently, thank God, cancelled at the last minute. He suffers from PTSD however, they all do. Luckily, his symptoms haven't included violence.
Facing another year there didn't help this last year for him recovering, I'm sure. They've been training extremely hard all year getting ready to go back. Now that he knows he doesn't have to go back to that hell hole and can get out of the service, I'm hoping he can begin the true healing. His wife says he's doing good on a daily basis, so he's doing much better than most so far I guess.
He's been stationed 12 hours away since coming home to America, so I haven't been able to see him all that much or talk to him in depth yet about what he went through on the visits we've had. I say "yet" because I will in time, I just wanted him to heal a little first, so I haven't asked about much at all. What I have heard so far though, is not pretty. He comes home for good in mid-March, so I can't wait. (Cutoff for the stop-loss and another year in Iraq was the end of April!) (Could that be from everyone's good wishes???? I am thinking so. THANK YOU.)
First of all, we know they never have had enough troops, some are on their 3rd and 4th trips over, but what I don't read about or hear anyone talk about is how they slave them while there. During the year over there, they worked them 12 hours on and 12 hours off for WEEKS on end without ONE day of rest. With the extreme physical demands, together with the constant fear of death and stress they're under, that would fry anyone's sane brain. Yes, I know it's a war, but that's bullshit for a solid year and made me angry when he told me (after coming home).
The other significant thing that made me angry was how nobody spoke to my son, as a group - or in private, before flying him home and dumping him back into his house. Nobody. The week they spent in Kuwait before coming home, when I thought they were "debriefing" him and making sure he was okay, they spent sleeping. Nobody spoke to him. They fly them back to the hangar and then they go home from the hangar with their families for 3 days, before reporting back in. Nobody makes sure they are okay, and then society wonders why they come home and commit suicide and/or murder. I asked him this question specifically first hand, the day he came home. Did I mention nobody makes sure they are okay??? Damn.
Anyways, sorry to ramble, but with this in mind, this thread and Doug Barber's writings just ripped my heart out. Very informative and very precise. I'm so saddened that he's gone, we lost a wonderful fellow American. I do hope that his words were not in vain and wake some people up. Bless his heart.
Our government is/has been treating our service people and veterans like total crap. They now have to put our tax dollars into huge bonuses to trick/bribe greedy and desparate people into signing or resigning up, but then don't give a damn about them afterwards. If they'd just realize a promise of no more bullshit wars, a decent pay raise, humane treatment, no torture, and respect afterwards would have plenty of good non-greedy people again wanting to sign up without the bribes. You know, to serve their country with pride, like generations have before the Bush kingdom took over.
Rest in peace Specialist Barber. I'm sorry our country let you down.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 6:28 pm PT...
PTSD and Emotional Illness ARE Physical Illness. The Mind is part of the BODY !
When they are not Treated Effectively . . . They will manifest Physically, Socially and Spiritually.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 6:46 pm PT...
Concerned Citizen your son has a great start to return to a normal life because he has a Concerned Mom and family.Wishing you all well.And hope the fall of the bush empire is a tonic to you all.mick
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 6:50 pm PT...
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 6:56 pm PT...
Bush in Bed with Homosexuals
By now, we have a clear record on the Bush administration in regard
to homosexuality. The record reveals that President Bush is more than
sympathetic to the homosexual agenda. One could even argue that
Bush has become (or always was) a proud promoter of that agenda.
Here is the record; you judge for yourself.
Follow the yellow link road ...
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/18/2006 @ 7:12 pm PT...
What about Depleted Uranium (DU)? Studies have shown that tens-of-thousands of American soldiers died or are now disabled, who came home from Bush War I (BWI) perfectly healthy. That's a fact! Do some research. Look up "depleted uranium (DU)" on the internet. The American Free Press has done extensive reporting on this for years. It's politically correct for our "for the troops" politicians to lump this under PTSD. Sorry, for those who were in BWI or II, who didn't know this. Don't kill the messenger.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/18/2006 @ 7:19 pm PT...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 7:24 pm PT...
nu kul ar war .
rest of the world = 0
USA = 3
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Dianne C. Foster
said on 1/18/2006 @ 8:51 pm PT...
I am really, really sorry that Mr. Barber died before he could heal from the mental wounds of war. He would, I think, have gotten so much better over time, as PTSD victims do.
Whenever anyone talks about the mental trauma of war, all these voices of propaganda come up and sort of drown it out - both pro-war and anti-.
But I would just observe that the "Greatest Generation" had this advantage: they seemed to be fighting a necessary war, which Vietnam and the Iraq War aren't. Oh, sure, they'll say it's about prestige and security and all that. But it isn't what the other real war was. It's a creation more of us than of the enemy, some enemy like Hitler. And it is sold as a Hitler-preventive, which is nonsense.
The men and women coming home have been attacked when they were told they'd be greeted as liberators. They've lost close friends, they have some survivor guilt I'll bet. Plus, the actual trauma of losing limbs when you are still young, having disfiguring scars when you used to turn the heads of the girls or boys, and finally, coming home to resume the life of deprivation which may have sent you into the military in the first place.
The "Greatest Generation" was given a leg up financially when they came home. These guys are returning to a heedless, hedonistic scene where they are like ghosts (at least to the Bush Twins and everyone of their ilk - forget USO nights at the Stage Door Canteen with debutantes offering glasses of punch!).
To the men and women who want to end it, I will beg of you that you hang on with your last tooth to this life. You may need to fight your hardest fight here. Please don't go!!! And finally, you must testify to how it all was, how it is. You must help us to see better. We are the ones who are blind and deaf. Wake us up. Be strong. Peace.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 1/18/2006 @ 9:45 pm PT...
Douglas mentioned during his interview with Doug Basham that, due to Bush "I-support-the-troops" cutbacks at the VA, he was only allotted 10 minutes per visit with the psychiatrist! The preferred method of treatment for PTSD at the VA is drugs, even though common sense points to the necessity of counseling the sufferer to help change his way of thinking and reacting to stress. Bush's idea of supporting the troops is akin to giving them a push into the grave...substandard and defective armor--if they get ANY--leading to a major increase in injuries and deaths, reduced health benefits, extended tours of duty, using reserves instead of regulars, no help in remerging into society upon return, etc....and the cuts would have been deeper if Bush had his way with the budget. THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION'S SUPPORT FOR THE TROOPS IS ALL TALK...WHEN THEY'RE NOT TALKING, THEY'RE DOING ALL THEY CAN TO SHOVE THEM INTO AN EARLY GRAVE!! Douglas tried to fight the system...but dead men don't talk.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 1/18/2006 @ 10:49 pm PT...
A Concerned Citizen #16
Your last comment was so right, and I think that is what we are all feeling, and have known from the very start of this war: "I'm sorry our country let you down."
As a HS teacher, I am trying desperately to have my school district recognize the dangers of having military recruiters on campus, preying on kids who are not particularly good students, or who come from already troubled backgrounds. I presented my case to them in September, and because my school is in a pretty upper-middle class whitey neighborhood, many of whose constituents work in defense contracting (particularly Boeing) my plea was rejected. (I was going for 2 things: Emphasize the Opt-out option - most students and parents still don't know about this, and allow a counterpresence to recruiters on campus, who actually tell the truth about the military.) The district didn't want to have a PR crisis with the community because they are trying to pass a levy.
I am going to pass on Spc Barber's story to all of the members of the school board, and to my principal, and to the superintendent. If we continue to allow the military to lie to students about military service, then we are as complicit as the federal government in the tragic deaths of soldiers like Barber, and all those who have been unnecessarily killed in Iraq these past 3 years.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 1/19/2006 @ 5:27 am PT...
Thanks for the link to the IAVA. I will be donating to them. The story of Douglas Barber really hit me hard. I hope those who return know that we really do care about them and want to help....
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 1/19/2006 @ 7:24 am PT...
Has anyone else read that the military is now refusing to let the troops wear a new and better body armor called Dragon Skin. They are told if found to be wearing this better body armor and killed their insurance may not be honored.
The soldiers are buying this armor which costs about $6,000 themselves. It has been proven to be better than what the Army is issuing. And in fact 9 Generals are "testing" this armor.
However on Friday a mother from Rhode Island told that her son was told he could not wear it.
What the hell is going on? If it is about money, 1) the soldiers are buying it themselves 2) if we have less wounded the VA doesn't have to provide medical care. How is it not a win, win situation.
Please enlighten me someone.
Thank you
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 1/19/2006 @ 7:49 am PT...
I can vouch for the fact that the VA is strapped big time. We can barely take care of all our old clients and new ones are trying to get in. We tell patients to come in to the VA hospital through the emergency room when they are ill, just so they can establish themselves in the system. Waiting lists are long and intake is restricted. Even priority patients are waiting a long time. It is not as bad as Vietnam yet, because we don't have patients in the hallways on gurneys like we did then ( I visited VA hospitals with my family members, I was a teenager at the time). Care is being restricted and many people are not getting care.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
Ted Smith
said on 1/19/2006 @ 3:19 pm PT...
The Web: Alito a blank slate on technology
CHICAGO, Jan. 18 (UPI) --- Judge Samuel Alito seems destined to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate to the Supreme Court of the United States in the coming weeks and will likely be faced with an assortment of major technology cases as a new justice, but legal experts tell UPI's The Web that as an appeals-court judge for the last 15 years his experience with technology cases has been quite limited.
Alito has been an appeals-court judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in New Jersey and has heard one major copyright case and a number of contract cases involving technology companies like Nextel, but he has had no experience with patent cases, experts said. By Gene Koprowski
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 1/20/2006 @ 5:25 am PT...
I've been trying for three days to decide what I want to say about Doug Barber. I tried to write about him on my blog, but no matter what I say, all of my words just feel inadequate.
So I'll just say, Rest in Peace, Doug Barber - and rest assured that you will not be forgotten.
We'll keep fighting, for all of the soldiers who answered when their government called, who believed in the cause and gave their all, only to be cast aside when they returned home.
We can't let this story die.
Anybody sent a copy of his letter to the White House yet? Not that anyone there would care....
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 1/21/2006 @ 3:59 pm PT...
This is a reply to comment #28.... TEXASLADY..........
The answer is sad and EVIL!!
The guy that owns the company that makes the inferior
body armour made a substantial contribution to the buSh campaign.
I was listening to Bob Kincaid on his "Move On" show, streaming on 1/20/06 3P.M. and he read off the name of the person and the amount of his pay off. It is also true that if a soldier gets killed and they are wearing dragon skin they will lose their death bennifits. This buSh administration is so disgusting, I have run out of cuss words that are bad enough to call them. The Generals who are wearing the dragon body armour are doing so because it's better. Not because they are testing it.
You can also listen to another interview with SPECIALIST DOUG BARBER on
...go to archives, then, 12/16/05. It's apprx 2 hours.
( I broke down a couple of times)
This WAR is so FU---NG WRONG. buSh and his crime
family are following the exact paths of Hitler and Mussilini. I hope they end up they end up the exact
same way!
PawlDoug Barber1/20/06 :crazy: :crazy:
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2006 @ 9:33 pm PT...
rest in peace my love Doug's ex-wife
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2006 @ 6:08 pm PT...
im 17 and in the army i havnt been overseas yet but like my friend before me i know i will change but thats just a part of life with out death and war there is no peace