What does 2012 have in store for giving, especially the impact-driven approach to it we call "philanthrocapitalism"? Having peered into our philanthrocrystal ball, we see giving becoming more dangerous, more controversial, and more political, among other things, as philanthrocapitalists find themselves at the center of some of the year's biggest news stories. Here are our 10 predictions for the coming year.
The Republican presidential race actually begins Tuesday night. It is worth remembering that this is the first time we will hear from the voters.
For seven days I didn't have salt, meat or CNN. My mornings began without Morning Joe or Morning Edition; I saw sunrise on a mountain hike, not with a clicker in my hand. There's nothing like a little media fast to remind you how little it costs to be a bit out of it.
I'm at a loss to see any real difference between the manner in which Sharia law penalizes women who are raped and the efforts of Perry and his Personhood cohorts to penalize American rape survivors with a nonconsensual pregnancy.
I loved the woman who ended my parents' marriage. She was not a bitch or a whore
My wife's 103-year-old grandmother lived in a third floor walk-up apartment in New York City. The exercise she got on those stairs and errands may not only have protected her heart so she could live past 100, it may also have protected her brain.
Have a question about air travel or airfares? We answer as many as we can, including these about cheap destinations and what to do when your bag goes missing.
Let's be honest. Many children -- especially post-pubescent boys -- are interested in what we commonly call "porn." You might not like the idea that some kids are looking at these images, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a pretty common occurrence.
This year we'll only be offering up picks for the Republican side all year, until we get to the general election. So, let's wipe the slate clean, dust off the crystal ball, and dive right into the 2012 election cycle!
As the Republican primaries begin, a foundering Newt Gingrich has announced he will publish eight never-before-released books, adding to his already impressive body of policy treatises, polemics and alternative history novels. The new books are summarized here by the author.
Tom Cruise has become sane, and this is a sign from the gods. The year 2012 -- which those who channel Mayans for a living tell us will be trulyincomprehensible and unpleasant -- will be nothing of the sort: It's going to make sense. And it's going to be a blast.
For his running mate, Mitt Romney will choose Marco Rubio. Romney will need a right-winger to calm and woo the Republican right. Tea Partiers are attracted to Rubio -- an evangelical Christian committed to reducing taxes and shrinking government.
We have reached the point when politicians and media commentators eager for a sound bite on the evening news think nothing of exploiting the Holocaust and Nazi terminology, and apparently the crasser the better.
After overindulging during the holidays, many of us have resolved to eat a healthier diet in the new year. But doing so means choosing the right foods, and too often misleading food labels prompt us to purchase items that we think are good for us but really aren't.
If being spiritual can make people healthier and bring them together, then it wouldn't matter if God was in our genes or up in the sky, it would be the act of believing itself that was important.
When we make a New Year's Resolution to make a change in our behavior, we are doing something quite significant, and quite worthy of celebration. I intend to celebrate any and all resolutions my friends and I shall make with festive glasses of champagne!
I feel pretty bad about myself today because if Rick Santorum can have a surge, anybody can get one -- right? Yet even after watching all 456 Republican debates in 2011, I've still got nothing to show for it according to the latest polls.
Check out this powerful video and see why you should make it your New Year's resolution to move your money out of a "too big to fail bank" and into a community bank.
While the No. 1 seed -- Romney -- is a good bet, he is no sure thing. He needs to see if he can take a beating under the boards, and if he can win in a higher-scoring shootout. Ya gotta love this game
For 2012, here are my predictions of what will change in the marketing world. You can either choose to adapt, or die.
The Republicans handed Obama a tactical victory when they agreed to extend the payroll tax cut on Obama's terms. But maybe it's Democrats who've set themselves a trap. What if the president's partisan victory is actually hollow?
If we want to create jobs, a more competitive dollar provides an excellent alternative to the Keystone Pipeline. It can create many more jobs and it won't threaten the environment.
The statistics for maternal mortality have improved by 34 percent. That means a woman is no longer dying every minute, but one woman is still dying every minute and a half.
To Democrats, George W. Bush is the Voldemort of American politics, an evil force. But even to Republicans, he is He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, someone you dare not talk about as you try to win the votes of conservative Iowans.
As long as Kim Jong Il's policies remain in force, the North's future remains dismal. The U.S. should watch for glimmers of reform while backing away, allowing South Korea to deal with whatever emerges in Pyongyang.
We are beginning a new year, and the silence in Congress is still deafening. Will there ever be a debate about what should be done to deal with climate change?