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Kremlin messages: President talks to the web

Dmitry Medvedev

From issues of global importance to the state’s internal policy, as well as fighting corruption, sport, Internet development and photography: Dmitry Medvedev has become the first Russian President to start his own videoblog. In October 2008, he posted the first entry on the Kremlin website. Since then, it has become immensely popular among Russian Internet users, who can also leave their comments in the presidential interactive blog. RT gives its audience a chance to read and watch Medvedev’s posts in English.

25 March, 2011, 00:50

"Russian nuclear energy standards should go global"

embed video ­The world’s attention is focused on Japan. As of this moment, over 25 thousand people have been declared dead or missing. My blog and the Russian internet in general are teeming with posts of support and condolences. Since the first days, Russia has been trying to help Japan, its neighbor and partner. You know that our rescue workers took part in clearing the debris. They are now...


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A Contrarian View of History and Events

Doug Wead

Doug Wead is a presidential historian and New York Times bestselling author.  He served in the White House of George Herbert Walker Bush and is the co-founder of Mercy Corps, a relief organization that has distributed $US 1.5 billion of food and medicine around the world.

21 December, 2011, 19:56

Ron Paul and the night before Christmas

­T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, ‘cept Ron Paul, the mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In case that Newt Gingrich decided to share. The media was tucked away in their beds, Convinced that Rick Perry was struggling with meds, That Bachman and Huntsman would not matter much, That Mitt Romney would win before they had...


20 December, 2011, 20:37
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Friendly Fire

Evgeny Khrushchev

Colonel Evgeny Khrushchev, navy brat & army lifer, is the military analyst at RT.

Contrary to the family tradition, he didn’t apply to Vladivostok Navy Academy to join the Pacific Fleet but enrolled in the Red Banner Institute special faculty Persian Team.

The dream to become a military attaché in Tehran has yet to materialize – the first foreign mission started in Afghanistan as a psyops officer of the 56th Airborne Assault Brigade in Gardez, Paktia, Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the last one was as the First Secretary of the Russian Embassy in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Other tours of duty:

19 February, 2011, 10:52

Smart power sophistry

US foreign policy mavens have plucked from obscurity and put a new spin on the Smart Power concept as the cornerstone of the US National Security Strategy. In theory and on paper, this paradigm shift is picture perfect. In practice, if seeing is believing, don’t be surprised if the much touted Smart Power turns out to be Smarting from Power. The whole idea is not just attractive – it’s simply...


6 November, 2010, 10:29
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Newshound’s Diaries

Paula Slier

Paula Slier reports for RT from the Middle East and Balkans.

In her blog she brings her audience into her world and shares her thoughts, funny anecdotes and behind-the-scenes experiences. Her blog is meant to incite reaction – it’s her view, her interpretation and her experiences of the world. From being embedded in Afghanistan to narrowly missing Qassam rockets fired from Gaza, the reader is invited to be a part of the stories shaping our reality.

9 May, 2011, 17:22

Broken promises in the Holy Land

­I reported on quite a sad story in Israel – Chinese workers who came to Israel to work in the construction industry. There are an estimated 11,000 Chinese laborers in Israel and most of them fill the gap left behind by Palestinian laborers who escaped Israel during the two Intifadas. Israel considered it unsafe to give work permits to Palestinians, as most of the terrorist activities...


8 April, 2011, 20:25
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Moscow Madness

Anna Yudina

“Sometimes I feel like my only friend is the city I live in…”

But unlike Anthony Kiedis we don’t cry together – our mutual love is fulfilling, bright, and full of surprises.

It is here that I love riding my bicycle along the boulevard ring on warm summer nights. On a chilly winter afternoon I proudly watch the amazed by-passers stare at me as I bite into my ice-cream. Even my favorite English poetry sounds even more romantic under the Moscow sky.

Moscow welcomes and sees off millions of people every day rushing through it in between their transit flights and only able to see the Kremlin and take a bit strained photo in front of St. Basil Cathedral. But as a person who has lived all her life in Moscow, I want to prove Moscow has a lot more to it than just a few notorious sites one is offered on an hour-long bus tour.

I know quite a number of secrets an outsider hasn’t got a clue about. I know where to stand on the Metro platform so that the upcoming train opens its doors just in front of you. I know how to get on a bus without paying. I know where to find free newspapers and how to get into a cinema unnoticed. But you bet your boots – I‘ll never sell the information cheap.

15 June, 2011, 08:41

Extremely obscure, very authentic, unbelievably Bulgakov-ish…

­At the hour of the hot spring sunset, two citizens appeared at Patriarch's Ponds: me and my friend who helped me take the pictures. Mikhail Bulgakov house ­The destination is the so-called Mikhail Bulgakov house – the incarnation of the sinister apartment where much of the action of The Master and Margarita took place several decades ago. In order to find the place you need to arrive at...


4 April, 2011, 19:20
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The Most Beautiful Game

Kate Partridge

RT's sports presenter, Kate Partridge, gives us a week-by-week view of English Premier League football, along with the wider world of sport.

15 December, 2011, 05:42

Answering the Critics

Picture this: It's Saturday 3rd December. A packed 52,000-capacity St. James' Park. Alan Pardew's high-flying Newcastle are at home to under-pressure Andre Villas-Boas' Chelsea in the lunch-time kick-off. An emotional tribute is paid, as others will be across the nation, to late former midfielder and Wales manager, Gary Speed. The atmosphere is tense, fraught. Then, with 15 minutes gone, the...

29 November, 2011, 13:44
26 November, 2011, 10:35
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Thom Hartmann: Thom's blog

Thom Hartmann

America's #1 progressive radio show host and NY Times bestselling author of over twenty books, Thom Hartmann is also the host of The Big Picture, a daily political show on RT.

29 December, 2011, 20:35

Are the days of a free and open internet over?

There’s a backlash underway against supporters of the Stop Online Privacy Act – known as SOPA. The legislation – which is currently stalled in Congress until next month – would give the federal government – working with major entertainment industries – the power to take down websites that may be displaying copyrighted material. Domain registrar publicly supported SOPA – and now has...


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Ms. Middle America

Jenny Churchill

 Jenny Churchill is an RT producer and regular contributor to The Alyona Show. She grew up in Kentucky across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio, which provided her with a unique experience of both urban and rural life in America. She has a unique understanding of the problems and people of "Middle America." Jenny received a BA from the Ernie Pyle School of Journalism at Indiana University. Her goal is to tell the stories of those who don't have a large enough voice in the mainstream media. She believes that Middle America has been ignored for too long.

28 September, 2011, 03:09

Potatoes Aren’t Evil

­So if you saw Monday’s Happy Hour , you know that school lunches is a topic that I get quite worked up about. And while I was extremely worked up and passionate last night, I don’t feel as though I did a good enough job of representing my point of view. I have a lot of thoughts on this topic and would have loved to say more. Today I remembered that I have a blog where I can talk about whatever...


25 June, 2011, 01:21
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Full Disclosure

Sara Firth

The stories behind the news – a look at some of the thoughts and experiences encountered in the course of filming.

With additional footage and interviews, it will hopefully be a chance for people to further form their own opinions – and find out more about how a particular story came about, and was shaped.

18 November, 2011, 09:03

Out with the Old, in with the New

Here’s what happens sometimes. Things break down. The stutter, they splutter, they eventually die. And won’t you be darned it’s always at the most inappropriate of moments. Late for work and wet from the shower – hairdryer’s blown a fuse. About to settle down to a new DVD you’ve been looking forward to – TV’s copped it. At the end of a meticulously crafted text – you know the ones, you comb...


1 November, 2011, 18:10
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Freedom Fighter

Jake Diliberto

­Jake is a religious scholar, having studied at the Fuller Theological Seminary. Jake specialists in Religious Conflict and Religious Guerilla Warfare. He served as a US Marine in Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001 in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Jake is a co-founder of Veterans for Rethinking Afghanistan and a policy adviser and analyst with US based advocacy organization Rethinking Afghanistan.

30 December, 2011, 21:23

Iraq: A Marine Corp-Machine Gun View from the Turret

Jake Diliberto in Iraq ­ What I know about Iraq comes from my observations from the Marine Corps Humvee. Yes, I have Masters degree in Middle Eastern Studies, and yes I am almost done with a PhD from one of England’s finest Universities, but all of that is irrelevant compared to what I learned on the desert sand of Iraq. On May 1, 2003, I was just outside of Nasariya, Iraq. It was a blistering...


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Stories from the bottom of the planet

Sean Thomas

­Seals, icebergs, extreme weather, glaciers, presidents, scientific exploration and, of course, penguins; these are all a part of a day in the life of the Antarctic explorer. Since the very discovery of the Antarctic continent, Russia's tradition of icy exploration of the region has been a strong one. Traveling for RT, Sean Thomas is officially registered as part of the Russian Antarctic Expedition stationed at the Bellingshausen Base on King George Island. Here Sean writes about daily life around the base, the important research being undertaken there now and some extra bits from behind the scenes that may surprise you.

4 March, 2011, 17:47

Three explorers, one discovery and a treaty!

If you ask representatives from three different countries, the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia who discovered Antarctica you are most certainly going to get three different answers. If you are to believe the folks from the US, a captain of a whaling ship, Nathaniel Palmer first discovered this southern-most land in November of 1820. A Brit would counter that assertion with the fact...

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26 February, 2011, 21:19
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Capital letters

Jacob Greaves

­From the State Duma, to the center of the country's economy, as a Moscow-based correspondent Jacob Greaves is in a position to track day-to-day happenings in Russia.  Here he gives a more in-depth analysis of the major issues shaping the country – all from the vantage point of where the key decisions are being taken.

6 November, 2011, 15:53

Knowing what’s right

­Around 7,000 angry ultra-nationalists marched through Moscow on Friday and Russian politicians are partly to blame. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Neo-Nazi’s have often hijacked November the 4th, celebrated as Russia’s Day of Unity. It’s a problem that isn’t going away in Moscow, or Russia at large, and amidst the pre- election hype there are some telling reasons why. This is not to...


23 September, 2011, 16:58
25 February, 2011, 16:55
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Trends Forcaster

Gerald Celente

­Gerald Celente has earned his reputation as "The most trusted name in trends" by accurately forecasting hundreds of social, business, consumer, environmental, economic, political, entertainment, and technology trends. Gerald Celente, a Close Combat practitioner and black belt trainer, well understands the importance of proacting rather than reacting: "The first rule of Close Combat is to attack the attacker. Action is faster than reaction. The same holds true for the future. You know the future is coming … attack it before it attacks you."

21 December, 2011, 19:40

Top 12 trends 2012

­After a tumultuous 2011 in which many of the trends we had forecast became headline news around the world, we are now forewarning of an even more tumultuous year to come. While it would give us great pleasure to forecast a 2012 of joy and prosperity – all brought about by the wisdom and benevolence of our fearless leaders – since we are not running for office or looking to profit by gulling the...

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Oriental Express

Naida Azizova


Naida Azizova,  Russia Today Correspondent, born in Makhachkala, USSR.

As a college student Naida studied the History of the Arab World. She holds a MA in Oriental Studies and a PhD in Ethnography and Anthropology from St. Petersburg State University  in Russia. Her thesis was on the Arab component in the culture of the North Caucasus people. Naida also spent a year as a visiting scholar to the University of Oxford (UK), and lectured at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

While starting as a freelancer for RT in 2006, Naida first gained notice for her reports on terrorist activity in Dagestan. A year later she joined the staff as a full-time correspondent. Reporting took her to many conflict zones – Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  and Nagorno-Karabagh -just to name a few. A twist in her career occurred in August 2008 when Naida was assigned to cover the war in South Ossetia. She brought the first RT report on the event from the region on the spot.

Later on Naida was appointed the chief of RT’s bureau in the Caucasus – the first such bureau ever established by Russian or Western media in Tskhinval, South Ossetia. Though based there she has also been covering Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, and Northern Ossetia and won many exclusives.

Having joinedTV nearly 20 years ago Naida is a journalist with extensive professional experience.Apart from Avar – her native language – and English, she is fluent in Russian and Arabic. Naida also speaks Persian, French and Hebrew.

19 October, 2011, 20:24

We were not born into the right family

­I was preparing for a trip to Baltimore, Maryland, as for one to a war zone. Everyone told me not to go there alone, as it was too risky for a white person and especially a woman. So, I took my mobile and $ 40 in cash, and went there. Alone. To be honest, the place gave me rather mixed impressions. On the one hand, there are all the luxurious apartments and the fabulous skyline at the Inner...


14 June, 2011, 23:58
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OldTimeR's corner


Welcome visitor! Forget about plastic food, banking, bailouts and economic crisis! Also, leave behind all of your sad thoughts like salary cuts or overdue loan payments. Here we talk fun. A specific sort that is closely associated with “heavy metal things”. Cars. Motorcycles. Outdoor activities. Weapons. Hunting & fishing, probably. Small human pleasures of the past and many more.

History, when attached to technical progress in certain related areas. You know what? One can’t separate technical progress from history and the evolution of human society – well, prove that I‘m wrong! Weapons, cars and other tech stuff appear when people need and want change, when civilization makes another leap forward.

Why OldTimeR? Well, let me explain – the term “old-timer“ is used when speaking of a car made in the past. Okay, I’m probably like one – made in the past, living in the present, heading for the future. And the “Time” part starting with a capital “T” may have its own explanation – being part of history, a “time” category is essential to understanding events when put within certain context of a historical era.

Capital “R” may stand for “Russian”…well, there’s yet one more explanation – other spelling versions were probably all taken – leaving only THAT ONE free! I guess you may take any description you like…or invent your own …but don’t forget some of the areas of human interest or hobbies I intend to cover might not be, well, “fancy” in the 21st century.

6 May, 2011, 21:04

V-Day and Saint Anger

May 9th. Victory Day in Russia. A date to remember, even for those who never went to war. So much blood spilled, so many lives lost. The pride and the grief of my nation. Veterans and memories are still alive. But what’s next? History lessons and books are not enough, I guess. “The web-age” doesn’t add much to the genetic memories of a nation, unless a nation wants it. Yes, we remember. We...

6 May, 2011, 14:50
3 May, 2011, 19:40
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Stories from the heart of Europe

Aleksey Yaroshevsky

­Aleksey Yaroshevsky is RT's reporter in Eastern Europe. He is currently based in Kiev, Ukraine. From there he covers stories all across the Eastern part of Europe, and brings the most interesting details to this blog.

14 April, 2011, 14:10

Day 5 – Ups and downs

Our fifth day in the zone started with something I’d been relishing for many years. For the first time in so many trips beyond the fence of the exclusion zone, we came across a big herd of Przhevalsky horses. A few were brought here after the fallout as an experiment to see how they survive the effects of radiation. It is clear now that the invisible enemy has been no match for them, as they...


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Exploring the Caucasus

Madina Kochenova

­Madina Kochenova is an RT correspondent working in Russia`s North Caucasus. In her blog she tells of life’s mysteries down in Russia’s own Deep South. From the secrets of traditional cuisine to the echoes of recent conflicts, no stone is left unturned. As she travels across the region with an RT film crew, she challenges many of the stereotypes that persist – both within and outside Russia – leading, hopefully, to an increased understanding of this wonderful and fascinating part of the country.

31 October, 2011, 14:53

Caucasian holiday?

­The mountains catch your eye wherever you are in the Caucasus. Even when you travel from one region to another, the picturesque view of Mount Elbrus and Mount Kazbek hardly leaves the horizon. Sometimes on a clear day, even the small hills that flank these mountains are visible from far away. Right now it’s raining in the lowlands, and the peaks are already covered with white snow. The beauty...

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It's time, my friend: it's time!

Juha Molari

Juha Molari has worked for more than 20 years as a priest in an Evangelical-Lutheran church in Finland, but a conflict arose with his church because he strongly criticized a few legal anti-Russian organizations in Finland. Molari is a doctor of theology; his dissertation was a psycho-historical study about religious extremism and war trauma. For his second degree, in business education, Molari studied in Helsinki and in St. Petersburg. He has also worked as a journalist. He enjoys sport, especially long-distance running and going to the gym.

3 January, 2012, 17:10

Can human rights and terrorism go hand in hand? Easily!

­What links an NGO stating that it is promoting political rights and fair elections with an online media outlet carrying statements by terrorists from Russia’s Caucasus? The identity of their Washington paymaster. In 2011, NED (the National Endowment of Democracy, a US organization sponsored by Congress, which has a habit of boosting opposition to regimes unfriendly to America) supported both...

18 December, 2011, 18:52
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From turmoil of uncertainty to certainty of turmoil

Katia Zatuliveter

­Katia Zatuliveter is a former parliamentary researcher in the British Parliament accused by MI5 of espionage activities and is now fighting this allegation in a British court. She received her Bachelor’s degree in European Studies from St. Petersburg School of International Relations and her master’s in conflict resolution from the University of Bradford, UK. She went on to work on the issues of freedom of expression in the human rights NGO Article 19 in London.  Zatuliveter later worked on European defense issues in the European Security and Defence Assembly in Paris. During her time as a parliamentary researcher in the House of Commons, she has also contributed to the blog of the UK Defence Forum and helped the international production company Brook Lapping with their documentary on Russian-Western relations. She has a strong interest in international relations, defense and conflict resolution, especially in the Caucasus region where she was born and raised.

20 November, 2011, 17:39

Non user-friendly Egyptian elections

Just days before parliamentary elections, Egyptians are back on Tahrir Square. And can you blame them? Hosni Mubarak is gone, but not his ways of ruling the country. Notwithstanding multiple protests, the Mubarak-era politicians were allowed by a court to stand in upcoming elections. But this is not the only problem with these parliamentary elections. They are so complicated it is unclear...


17 November, 2011, 13:00
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Tom tells a story

Tom Barton

I’m Tom Barton, a news correspondent for RT. I travel all over Russia, the former Soviet Union and beyond meeting fascinating people and telling their stories. Here I’ll be telling you about things everyday and extraordinary, about tragedy and triumph across this vast space. I’ll give you an insight into the themes and personalities that inhabit this part of our not-so-small world.

24 August, 2011, 11:09

Portrait of a Russian: Lyubov Komary - grief and democracy

­As we enter Lyubov’s flat she comes to greet us with smiling informality and launches straight away into chatting. The smell of incense is hanging in the air and a cat scurries about from room to room. One room has a large cabinet across one wall, stacked with books of all kinds. In the main room, on two tables are laid out photos from August 1991. Larger prints are propped up against the wall...

Debunking official myths, starting with our own

Lode Vanoost

­Lode Vanoost is a former Deputy Speaker of Belgium’s House of Representatives. Since 2004, he has worked as a consultant on parliamentary methodology to international institutions in post-conflict countries and emerging democracies. Concern over crimes against humanity committed by our opponents is fake, he believes, when matched by silence over or denial/approval of those same crimes, committed by ourselves or our allies. Lode Vanost considers it a moral duty to write about our own crimes first. These are his personal opinions on a wide range of international issues. He publishes regularly on the Dutch-language Belgian news sites and

18 December, 2011, 20:08

Another African democrat that never stood a chance

Western powers never supported South African leader Steve Biko, just as they do not support democracy in Libya, Bahrain and Saudi-Arabia today. Last 8 October I wrote “Why true African leaders never stand a chance” about Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso and also referred to Patrice Lumumba. In that blog I denounced the complicity of Western former colonial powers in the repression of Africa, from...


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A view from Oakland

Christopher Petrella

­Christopher Petrella is a doctoral candidate in the African American Studies Department at the University of California, Berkeley. He writes a weekly column for NationOfChange and teaches at San Quentin State Prison. In addition to his regular contributions to NationOfChange, he has written for Monthly Review, Truthout, Axis of Logic, and The Real Cost of Prisons. Christopher holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Bates College and an M.A. from Harvard University in Religion, Ethics, and Politics. He lives in Oakland, CA with his partner

19 December, 2011, 20:52

Financing our freedoms

What to the debtor is freedom? During his 1941 State of the Union Address—known most commonly as his Four Freedoms Speech— President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first enunciated his aspiration to secure a country whose citizens “are free from want.” That is, FDR aimed to advance a nation whose citizenry held the right to an adequate standard of living, one that would establish a minimum threshold...

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