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  • If I can shop and bank online, why can’t I vote online?

    There is widespread pressure around the country today for the introduction of some form of Internet voting in public elections that would allow people to vote online, all electronically, from their own personal computers or mobile devices. Proponents argue that Internet voting would offer greater speed and convenience, particularly for overseas and military voters and, in fact, any voters allowed to vote that way.

    However, computer and network security experts are virtually unanimous in pointing out that online voting is an exceedingly dangerous threat to the integrity of U.S. elections. There is no way to guarantee that the security, privacy, and transparency requirements for elections can all be met with any practical technology in the foreseeable future...

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    America's Voting Systems in 2010

    October 20, 2010 - Verified Voting has released a new version of the Verifier, a map of voting technology used throughout the United States and territories, along with a statistical summary of voting technology that States will use this November. The Verifier allows users to quickly search for voting equipment information by any combination of type, vendor, machine model, or paper record type. Clicking on a state in the US map displays a map of that state’s election jurisdictions. Each of these can be clicked to reveal detailed data on the local voting equipment, election officials, and number of registered voters. Click the map below to access the Verifier.

    Key facts:

    25% of the nation's registered voters will have to use paperless electronic voting machines on Election Day.

    • For
    67% of American voters, voter-marked paper ballots are the standard voting system.  37% of the voters live where paper ballots are the sole voting method and accessible ballot marking devices serve voters with disabilities; 30% live in areas where paper ballots are the standard voting system and electronic voting machines are deployed for accessibility.

    • Half the states will conduct
    manual-count audits of electronic vote tallies.  Hand-counted audits of machine tallies are essential to verified elections; without audits, paper ballots or paper records add little security value. Some planned audits will be weak audits, such as in Florida, where the audit will be conducted after the election is certified, and only one item on a large general election ballot will be chosen randomly in each county. New Mexico has strengthened its audit law, and California is planning robust risk-limiting audit pilots next year. 13 states that now have voter-verifiable paper records for all voting systems will not conduct post-election hand audits.

    • In
    11 states, paperless voting accounts for most or all Election Day ballots. Six states have paperless e-voting statewide: DE, GA, LA, MD, NJ, and SC. In five states, paperless voting counts for a heavy majority of votes: IN, PA, TX, TN, and VA. In KS, we estimate that at least 40% of the vote is paperless.

    • In 32 states, voter-marked paper ballots counted by ballot scanners will account for most or all votes. 19 states will use voter-marked paper ballots statewide.  In 13 states and DC, optical scan voting will account for the majority of ballots: AK, AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, HI, KY, MO, NC, WA, WI, and WY.

    33 states plus DC now provide a voter-verifiable paper record (VVPR) for every vote cast.  A VVPR may be a paper ballot, or it may be a printout that the voter can view before she casts her ballot on a DRE voting machine.

    • 40 states have moved toward requiring voter-verified paper records (VVPR), either through legislation or administrative decision.
    7 states will not fully implement their VVPR requirements until some time after the 2010 election: AR, CO, FL, MD, NJ, TN, and VA.

    • 4 states are now mostly or entirely paperless but have enacted laws to end the use of direct-recording electronic voting machines:  MD, NJ, TN, and VA.  Maryland's, Tennessee's, and Virginia's statutes require a transition to optically scanned paper ballots, and NJ's statute allows printer retrofits.  Maryland's statute requires the transition to begin this year, but the money was not allocated in the budget, Tennessee requires optical scan by 2012, and Virginia has banned the future purchase of any direct-recording electronic machines.

    • This year some 32 and states and DC allow military and overseas voters to return their ballots by fax, e-mail, or through a Web portal, though security concerns are starting to be heard. States such as MI, OH, and VA prohibit insecure electronic return of voted ballots. These States instead serve their military and overseas citizens by employing common-sense practices such as electronically transmitting blank ballots to voters and extending the deadline for accepting ballots from abroad.

    • The District of Columbia's pilot project for Internet voting for overseas and military voters has been scaled back to allow only electronic delivery of blank ballots to voters (though voted ballots may be e-mailed or faxed). In October 2010, DC's pilot Internet voting system for overseas and military voters was hacked in dramatic fashion by University of Michigan researchers who changed votes on submitted ballots, discovered voters' personal information – and who observed users in Iran and China attempting to break into the system. To learn more about Internet voting, please visit Verified Voting Foundation's Internet Voting Information page.

    Nationwide Voting Equipment by Registered Voters
    Equipment Type

    Number of Registered Voters

    Percentage of Registered Voters

    Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Machines with no Voter-Verifiable Paper Record



    DRE Machines with a Voter-Verifiable Paper Record



    DRE Machines With and Without Paper Record



    Voter-marked Paper Ballots/Ballot Scanners and DREs with No Paper Record



    Voter-marked Paper Ballots/Ballot Scanners and DREs with Paper Record



    Voter-marked Paper Ballots/Ballot Scanners and/or hand count***



    Punch Card Voting Systems





    *Jurisdictions are counties or cities, depending on how States organize their elections.
    ***Includes ballot-marking devices for accessibility. Approximately 1 million voters in 10 states vote in jurisdictions that count all ballots by hand.

    The Verifier Map

    What equipment do Americans use to cast ballots? See the Verifier Map for detailed information on voting systems used in each state and county.

    See information for:


    December 15, 2011
    Roadmap for the Future of California Elections
    December 5, 2011
    IN: Monroe County Approves New Voting Equipment
    December 2, 2011
    PA: Dismissed Vernango County Elections Board Files Appeal
    November 10, 2011
    Controversy over voting rules and security
    November 9, 2011
    Democracy deficit at Americans Elect?
    October 28, 2011
    South Jersey voting-machine incident makes waves
    October 24, 2011
    How Voting Equipment Varies in the U.S.
    October 24, 2011
    At Issue: Has Voting Machine Integrity Improved?
    October 4, 2011
    What it takes to make every vote count
    September 26, 2011
    MIT to host Cal/Tech Voting Technology Project Seminar
    September 3, 2011
    Report on the Estonian Internet Voting System
    July 28, 2011
    TN: Election certainty needs a put-it-on-paper foundation
    July 4, 2011
    The New New Patriotism
    July 4, 2011
    Texas Supreme Court tosses NAACP challenge of electronic voting machines
    May 6, 2011
    O.C. could see fewer election recounts
    April 29, 2011
    Online voting is risky and expensive
    April 28, 2011
    Tennessee needs reliable paper ballots
    April 26, 2011
    TN: Reliable Returns
    April 21, 2011
    Do You Think It’s Because They Liked Florida?
    April 3, 2011
    The Asymmetrical Online War

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    © Copyright 2010, Verified Voting Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved, although reprint permission granted for nonprofit purposes with attribution to Verified Voting Foundation, Inc.

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