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Dec 28-31, 2011    Vol 2801 - Non-local reality


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...

Arrow Did either side learn anything?
Arrow Panties awad over Bill Maher
Message from the Super-rich
Arrow Perry: Have your rapist's baby
Arrow Ron Paul's lead holds in Iowa
Arrow Santorum surges, Newt 4th
Arrow The legs of Alessandra Ambrosio


Check out  http://endof

"The free flow of goods and services through the Strait of Hormuz is vital to regional and
  global prosperity. Anyone who threatens to disrupt freedom of navigation in an international
  strait is clearly outside the community of nations; any disruption will not be tolerated."
     --  a spokesperson for the US Fifth Fleet,     Link 

  In this case I think it's a good thing for Obama to make his position clear.

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Tax fight - Did either side learn anything?
The fight just ended - so we start it all over again


Congress took its impasse over payroll tax cuts and other expiring provisions to the brink of raising taxes
for some 160 million Americans, before Boehner "pulled an Obama" and caved in like the Democrats usually do.

Now, with barely a pause, it all begins again.

Both sides are assessing the fallout from a standoff that drove Congress’s approval to record low levels
 – and bumped President Obama to his highest approval ratings in 12 months.

Some 47 percent of Americans approve of the way the president is handling his job.
That’s up five points since the standoff with House Republicans over the payroll tax cut began.

By contrast, Congress wound up the year at an 11 percent approval rating – its lowest level ever.
Polls signal that the public blames Republicans more than Democrats for the dysfunction on Capitol Hill.

So to answert the question - The Barking Doigsd learned nothing.
They'll be back to shut down the government until they get what they want.

Obama, meanwhile, learned to act like a man instead of a mouse.
Well, hopefully he learned that lesson.


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"We hired somebody who turned in false signatures. We turned in 11,100 -- we needed 10,000
  —  but 1,500 of them were by one guy who, frankly, committed fraud,"
     --  Gingrich, making excuses on CNN why he didn't qualify for the Virginia ballot,

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Subject: Have the rapists baby! Says Rick Perry

With one week to go, Rick Perry declares that if a woman is raped, the government should
force her to have the rapists baby. I'm not sure what I find more disgusting; Parry's pandering,
or that there are actually people in Iowa who that appeals to.

But Perry stopped short of "going all the way", that would be demanding that the woman marry her rapist.
He must be hoping Bachmann or Santorum doesn't go there first.
 Marc Perkel

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Panties awad over Bill Maher Tweet
Let's boycott HBO - because the comic made a joke?


Even in defeat, Tim Tebow creates controversy.
Bill Maher created a firestorm over the Christmas weekend with a funny reaction to Tebow's
four interceptions in the Broncos' lopsided defeat to the Bills, Maher poked fun at the very
religious NFL star. (Warning: Bill Maher uses the language most Americans use.)
"Wow, Jesus just fucked #TimTebow bad! And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere
...Satan is tebowing,
saying to Hitler "Hey, Buffalo’s killing them," Maher tweeted.
Maher upset a number of no-sense-of-humor conservatives. Eric Bolling, a whore who's paid
to be outraged by Fox News, called Maher"disgusting vile trash," among other things.
Tebow didn't bother responding to Maher, but plenty of his fans did. Some called for a mass
cancellation of HBO subscriptions over the offensive tweet. "Real Time with Bill Maher,"
is scheduled to return January 13, 2012.

A comedian made a joke about religious hypocrisy and the religiously insane can't take it.

When Tebow wins, he says "God won this game, not me."
So when he loses, why is it not God's fault?

Of course, the truth is there is no God but many people are afraid to admit it.
They can't make it thru the day without advice from that angel on their shoulder.

Maybe that's why America is no longer the greatest country in the world.
What are we ranked these days, 45th?

The religio-crazies want it both ways.

When the plane crashes and kills all but 3, they say, "God reached down and saved those 3,"
but they never mention why got wanted the other 297 people on that plane to die.

And when will the Right learn that comedians LOVE IT when they're attacked?

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Whittier Hills Oil Watch
Working together to Preserve our Hills
We are a Non-Partisan Organization

Big Oil lackey to voters on oil fracking:

You must obey your Masters.

 “Residents of Whittier are not sophisticated or intelligent enough

to review the environmental impact report.”

See letter (October 19, 2011)

Seeing the ads puts food on my family,
PLEASE turn off your AdBlocker.

Santorum surges, Newth 4th

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Ron Paul's lead holding in Iowa

    "It's all about the timing..."


The first poll of likely Republican tossers in Iowa since Christmas shows little change.
Ron Paul (R-Half-Crazy) leads Magic Pants (24 to 20 percent), followed by Squeaker Gingrich (13),
Bachmann (11) with Rick Perry and Rick Manondog at 10 percent each.

The last poll had Paul leading Romney 23 to 20, with The Squeaker with 14 percent.

But if Paul wins, they're going to say, "Iowa means nothing."

But if that's true, why has Romney lived there since 2007?

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Marty has new stuff every day
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Marty always has good stuff.

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Subject: My Brush with Greatness


Send in YOUR brush with greatness

Sarah Palin Nude


Click here to Get "Razors and Rose Petals --The Cliff Johnson CD that Helps Bart buy Catfood.

Short issue today...

I'm having intermittent virus problems - isn't that crazy?

Last time I turned it on, it was mucho-infected so I called Jordan, my Master Tech.
He's out of town, but he said he could get to it 4 PM Thursday, but then I logged on again ...and it's fine?

So I'm posting what I can, while I can.

Have a great New Years!


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Subject: misquote of Ron Paul

Ron Paul never said, "Let 'em die",
Why do you feel it necessary to lie?
 Scott in Arizonastan

I did NOT lie, I merely took a shortcut.
The problem is Ron Paul is a goddamn coward.

In that debate, he said, "We shouldn't force people to buy insurance if they don't want it."

When Wolf asked, "So, what about the guy who shows up at the ER with no insurance, do you let him die?"

Ron Paul stood there, groping for something - anything - to say because his only answer is "Yes."
If the answer is NOT yes, then he's just flat-out crazy to say you don't need insurance if the ER
is going to treat you anyway. That's socsialism and it's 100% exactly what Paul's against..

Fortunately for Paul, while he was stammerring and trying to come up with an answer for Wolf,
some redneck teabagger in the audience yelled, "Yes!" and let Ron Paul off the hook.

If you're a Ron Paul fan, you should have some clue what the fuck he stands for
before you scream "Liar" at someone who does underastand his positions.

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Subject: Permanent Amazon link to help Bart

Hey BC, here is a better Amazon link for you:

  Brad in CA

Brad, thanks for that.
Anything that makes it easier to buy things will help a lot.

Every purchase helps The Tequila Treehouse and costs you nothing.

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Subject: fund-raising idea

Some organization collect dues from members in their birth month. 
  Karen in Indiana

Karen, thanks for that.

Born in December folks - can you spare a donation?

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Today's Mystery Car


Last issue's Mystery Car Revealed

Bart, Last issue's Mystery Car  is a 1947 Buick Estate (Woody) Wagon. These were powered
by a 4.1 liter straight 8 pushing out around 110 HP w/ a 3 speed on the column. Cost new?
About $2,300 (I thinks that’s about $23,500 in today’s dollar). The smell new was a combination
of varnish, rubber (floor mats) and canvas from the stretched canvas roof mounted over slats.

A couple years back one of them (in pristine shape) auctioned out at close to $90,000.
 Charlie R.  in Belchertown, MA

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Today's Mystery Celebrity


Last issue's Mystery Celebrity  Link 

Bart – that's William “PoPsie” Randolph, Jimi Hendrix and Wilson Pickett,
at the Prelude Club, for the Atlantic Records Release Party. May 5, 1966.


Did you ever think you'd see Jimi Hendrix in a tux?

When I get my BCR computer fixed we'll do more Mystery Songs

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Wildlife Close-up


Visiting our sponsors puts food on Bart's family...

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Today's Mystery City


Subject: last issue's mystery city

Bart, Last Issue's Mystery City is the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France
Chris from England


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Today's History Mystery



Subject: last issue's history mystery

What is last issue's History Mystery?

They are Jack Benny, Dick Powell, Ken Murray, Bing Crosby (in head-to-toe denim) on drums,
Shirley Ross. Tommy Dorsey is just out of sight on the right on the trombone. Amateur swing contest, ca. 1939.



Bing Crosby brought top shelf tequila to America.
God Bless Bing Crosby.

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Subject: donation

Thanks, Bart, you saved my sanity more times than you can know.
Without your voice I would've felt there was something wrong with me.
 Paul in Little Rock

Paul, thanks for that.
Of course, maybe there's something wrong with us both :)

If you're shopping online,
it never hurts to check Amazon's prices.

The long legs of Alessandra Ambrosio

Check out
sexy and tasteful photos of Alessandra Ambrosio in  BC Hotties

  Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties.

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Marty always has good stuff.

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