As has been pointed out by Josh Marshall and several others, imagine if it was Kerry who said about the "War on Terror" that "I don't think you can win it. But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world �- let's put it that way."
Think about it. What if John Kerry had said that yesterday in a speech?
Do you suppose the Republicans, and therefore their handmaidens in the Media, would condemn John Kerry for saying "we can't win the war on terror"? That this war is not about "creating conditions" to make terror "less acceptable in parts of the world"? That it's about defeating and destroying the enemy. Period! And only George W. Bush is strong enough to understand that!
Can you imagine what would have been said about John Kerry capitulating to the terrorists?!
Well, it was Bush who said it. Not Kerry. And so he and his spinners have been out all day trying to spin themselves out of this mess, even though the Media has done little to hold Bush accountable for his statements. None the less, he realizes he screwed up when he was interviewed, as one of his spinners described it, "on a moving bus". (That can be horribly confusing you know!)
But when Dubya shows up on Rush's show, as he did today, you know Dubya realizes he needs to staunch some heavy bleeding.
The hardball interview with Rush (yes, that would be "irony" for those of you Right Wingers not familiar with the concept) included this lie from Bush:
See, I think it's very important for your listeners to know, Rush, that the commander-in-chief ought to try all avenues of diplomacy prior to committing troops and we did that. And so I'm sitting in the Oval Office, and I've seen a threat. I now see that he's ignoring the demands of the free world, he had no intention of disarming, as a matter of fact was systematically deceiving inspectors, and so I made the decision, a very difficult decision.
So exactly how was Saddam "systematically deceiving inspectors"? How is it, that with no arms in the first place, as we've since discovered, Saddam had "no intention of disarming"?
I, personally, refuse --- no matter what the rules are about it --- to give up my Assault Rifle to the Authorities! Trouble is, I don't have an Assault Rifle. According to the practicalities of the "Bush Doctrine", it sounds like someone needs to throw me in jail!
It's amazing how the "Commander-in-Chief" can lie and the media says and does nothing about it. But a War Hero can tell the truth, and he's held accountable and charged with lying by the same media.
There is no more 4th Estate. There is no more investigative journalism. There are only sychophants who repeat the Press Releases of those in power. And those, like Rush and Bush, who complain about the Free Speech of Americans as expressed through the legal 30 second ads of 527's even while they have 24 hours a day of 30 seconds ads around the clock, on every radio (and virtually every television) frequency in the land where they can express any and every lie they feel like. Over and over again.
But take heart America Lovers! Don't be cowed by liars, sycophants and spinners! As Bush might cynically say, whereas I actually mean it; Have faith that Good will triumph over Evil. It will. There is no doubt. I just hope it happens by November 2nd.