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Blogged by Brad on 5/31/2005 @ 2:19pm PT...

John Bolton is a Crazy Man.

Never mind the allegations that he abused his wife by forcing her to participate in group sex. Never mind the allegations that he abused his position to spy on other government officials who opposed him at various times. One might also feel inclined to ignore the 43 former U.S. ambassadors who have added their names to a letter signed earlier by 59 ex-ambassadors opposing Bolton's nomination (most of whom served in Republican administrations, according to AP.)

Never mind all of that (since the Corporate Media has been largely doing so anyway, as per their custom). If you go back to the initial criticisms of John Bolton -- that his past statements about the U.N. make him amongst the least appropriate human beings on this planet to be our U.N. Ambassador at a time when the U.S. so desperately needs cooperation from that world body -- you will likely understand immediately what a boondoggle this man's nomination is. And why it's taken so long to get him through what should have been a very friendly Congress.

As much as the actual words by which Bolton condemns the U.N. itself, it's the way in which he did so that has set off our personal alarm bells about this guy. (Though we admit that, on its own, the statement that losing ten stories today from the U.N. Building "wouldn't make a bit of difference" is troubling, to say the least, for a guy who would be our lead "diplomat" in that body!)

Give his actual statements a look in this very short Quicktime video.

Let us know if you agree that this revealing video -- all by itself -- would seem to indicate that John Bolton is, indeed, a crazy man.

More info, a TV ad, and phone numbers by which you can call your Senators are available via StopBolton.org.

Please help us to continue this important work. It cannot be done without your support! Please DONATE ONLINE TO BRAD BLOG. You can also snail mail to: Brad Friedman, 7095 Hollywood Blvd., #594 Los Angeles, CA 90028. Or create a monthly subscription for any amount you like by using the blue form on the right! THANK YOU! - BF

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"John Bolton is a Crazy Man."
(33 comments so far...)

COMMENT #1 [link]
...kira said on 5/31/2005 @ 2:37pm PT...

I had seen that clip -- he is nothing more than a little-brained, emotionally unstable, juvenile tyrant. A bottom feeder.

COMMENT #2 [link]
...Robert Lockwood Mills said on 5/31/2005 @ 3:29pm PT...

Fact: United Nations weapons inspectors were searching for WMD in Iraq.

Fact: They didn't find any.

Fact: George W. Bush invaded Iraq anyway, on the presumption the inspectors were wrong.

Fact: The inspectors were right all along.

Fact: Bush nominates a certifiable wacko, Bolton, with a mandate to "reform the U.N."

Conclusion: Bush is still pissed off because the inspectors were right and he was wrong.

COMMENT #3 [link]
...gr8gol4 said on 5/31/2005 @ 4:05pm PT...

I think GWB has a hidden agenda in getting this guy to the UN- don't know what it is but there's a reason why he wants this lunatic there. My guess would be he wants to destroy it so the US can go about domination unfettered.

COMMENT #4 [link]
...guy mingo said on 5/31/2005 @ 4:46pm PT...

The second most amazing thing about this clip, besides the fact that it confirms Bolton is deranged, is that his description of the dynamic between the U.N. and the U.S. is unwittingly frank. The U.N. has been a proxy of the U.S. for a long time and is used as a cover for an illegally aggressive foreign policy.

COMMENT #5 [link]
...guy mingo said on 5/31/2005 @ 4:46pm PT...

The second most amazing thing about this clip, besides the fact that it confirms Bolton is deranged, is that his description of the dynamic between the U.N. and the U.S. is unwittingly frank. The U.N. has been a proxy of the U.S. for a long time and is used as a cover for an illegally aggressive foreign policy.

COMMENT #6 [link]
...Bob Bilse said on 5/31/2005 @ 5:00pm PT...

Well, Bolton looks crazy, so it's no surprise to find that he is.

I believe "gr8gol4" is correct in stating that Bolton is part of a (not-so-well) hidden agenda to destroy The United Nations

COMMENT #7 [link]
...lag said on 5/31/2005 @ 5:48pm PT...

I never like to invoke trolls, but where are they on this one? Is it just that you can't out troll Bolton?

COMMENT #8 [link]
...lag said on 5/31/2005 @ 5:49pm PT...

sorry...I meant to say provoke...

COMMENT #9 [link]
...Mark Lloyd Baker said on 5/31/2005 @ 5:50pm PT...

Robert #2. I have believed since it happened that the real reason the Bush admin was so bent out of shape about the weapons inspectors was they knew, or at least were afraid that there were no WMD, and that if allowed to continue, the inspectors would have borne this out, thereby undermining the Bush rationale for invasion.

COMMENT #10 [link]
...Peg C said on 5/31/2005 @ 6:15pm PT...


Did any of you catch B***'s "press conference" today? Railing about Amnesty International's report on prisoner abuse and calling their allegations "absurd," he got so carried away that he ridiculed using released prisoners as witnesses, saying "they're TRAINED to disassemble...uh...that means to lie."

I was rolling on the floor, playing over and over the footage of dozens of dutiful Middle Easterners obediently taking themselves apart.

COMMENT #11 [link]
...Peg C said on 5/31/2005 @ 6:16pm PT...

Imagined footage, that is.

COMMENT #12 [link]
...Mark Lloyd Baker said on 5/31/2005 @ 6:18pm PT...

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern's recent piece, Bolton, the Monomaniac Who Would Be Ambassador, describes the similarities between Bolton's nomination and George H. W. Bush's nomination of Robert Gates to be CIA director in 1991, and the devastating effect it had on morale at the CIA at the time.

Not only does the appointment of people willing to politicize intelligence destroy the morale of the many honest people in our intelligence agencies, it damages the integrity and hinders the ability of those agencies to do their jobs. Bolton's appointment as ambassador to the United Nations could ultimately prove to be a risk to our national security.

I hope every U.S. senator watches that QuickTime video.

COMMENT #13 [link]
...Mark Lloyd Baker said on 5/31/2005 @ 8:13pm PT...

Peg C. How fitting that the extra syllable Boosh added was "ass". It's poetic justice; a fine addition to the dyslexicon. Either that or we've misunderestimated him again and the prisoners were actually members of an advanced robotic army!

COMMENT #14 [link]
...Will4E said on 5/31/2005 @ 9:11pm PT...

Bolton does appear a bit wacky in that video, but the really wacky thing is that there are politicions who are standing behind this guy. What does this say about their ability to assess a reasonable candidate. But, then again, it continues to show an emphasis on loyalty vs quality.

COMMENT #15 [link]
...Winter Patriot said on 5/31/2005 @ 9:48pm PT...

I can see how -- from the administration's point of view -- john bolton is perfect for the job. This criminal administration, having trampled the UN nearly into oblivion, would like nothing better than to see it go away entirely. As bolton has so famously stated, he's the kind of guy who can envision it going away ten stories at a time. And if you don't like that, if you don't like that I'm sorry but that is the fact.

Will4E wants to know what this says about the ability of politicians to "assess a reasonable candidate".

They don't want "a reasonable candidate", Will4E, they want an asshole, if you'll pardon my French, and for reasons that are all too obvious, they like what they see in this guy. I don't think it's about loyalty this time -- I think in their minds he's perfectly matched for the job.

My opinion only and I could be wrong but there it is.

COMMENT #16 [link]
...Peg C said on 5/31/2005 @ 10:46pm PT...

Winter P -

That's not your opinion only. THE AGENDA is domination of the world stage, and its parts are doled out to in-your-face players on purpose, to demonstrate American bullyhood supremacy. I've got all kinds of back-up in my "wet memory," but I can't come up with the dry links at the moment.

COMMENT #17 [link]
...Hannah said on 6/1/2005 @ 12:55am PT...

GW has done his darndest to nominate some of the worst people imaginable. This whole fiasco with the judges/filibuster/nuclear option and Bolton lies directly at Bush/Cheney/Roves feet. And by extention to Dobson, Perkins and all the other nutjobs out there who are pushing this radical agenda.

Were W to consult with all parties and choose reasonable conservatives, there would be no problem getting them confirmed. He seems intent on confrontation, on getting his way, on destroying our system of three separate but equal branches of government, of our system of checks and balances. All for ultimate power. He doesn't give a flying fig about our country and neither do his followers. It's all about winning.

I admit to not being a student of history, but will say anyway: this has got to be one of the most corrupt administrations in US history.

Thank God for people like Conyers, Boxer, Reid, Durbin etc. for fighting back.

COMMENT #18 [link]
...Robert Lockwood Mills said on 6/1/2005 @ 6:23am PT...

Of course, the word Bush meant to use is "dissemble," which means "to falsify." The word "dissassemble" means "to take apart." We can't expect a guy who can't pronounce "nuclear" to know the difference, though.

The problem is, Bush is such an ignoramus that it's hard to know when he's just being dumb and when he's lying for effect. If the press were doing its job (ha ha), a reporter would have come back at him with, "Mr. President, what about the innocent detainees we sent back to their countries because we couldn't find evidence against them? Are they trained as liars, too? Why would a terrorist regime bother to train a non-terrorist to lie?"

COMMENT #19 [link]
...Phil said on 6/1/2005 @ 10:47am PT...

Will, what I find most difficult to understand or come to terms with is Lugar's passionate support for Bolton. Here's a guy who not too long ago made a name for himself as a champion of investing in diplomacy and other non-military means of developing international relations. Now he's drooling over the nomination of someone who could be described as the anti-diplomat, someone who does not appear to have any meaningful notion
of international relations.

It's nauseating, really, to watch Republican after Republican get down on bended knee to policies that surely cause inner revulsion for some of them at least.

My hat is off to Voinovich.

COMMENT #20 [link]
...Cole... said on 6/1/2005 @ 11:26am PT...

Dissemble, disassemble --neither word works. As you pointed out disasseble means 'to take apart', and dissesmble means to 'conceal or to disguise'-which in some oblique manner points to falsify.

The use of the word and the pause after use followed by the 'explanation' was a Rove-ian inspiration--to transform george from a language slaughtering dolt to a 'Teacher".

He (george) has no concern for 'true or false' and has no basic understanding of either. His only mission is for results to fall in line behind his wants.
Bolton 'will deliver' the U.N. to george or he will disassemble it. Either or both.

COMMENT #21 [link]
...Cole... said on 6/1/2005 @ 11:36am PT...

Sorry Phil, #19 the only thing I can take off for Vionovich is my barf bag.

The big V. had his golden opportunity to stand tall and vote against him and put the nomination to bed.
But the V. would not vote with democrats.
Now, he 'thinks of his kids and grandkids' like it is a new inspiration that Bolton is a nutcase? Now, he sheds tears and actually expects the Repub block vote to listen?

There is a single word for Vionovich ---Schmuck!

COMMENT #22 [link]
...Leslie said on 6/1/2005 @ 11:57am PT...

Ah well, dissemble, disassemble. Right, he probably doesn't know the difference.

But worse than that, some of the media took it upon themselves to correct the quote and use the word "dissemble". I thought quote meant exact quote. Sigh.

(A google search on the corrected quote exposed them.)

COMMENT #23 [link]
...Savantster said on 6/1/2005 @ 12:24pm PT...

Well, Bolton is a -perfect- example of exactly what is wrong with this country today. That being mostly the near-psychotic belief that American's are some how 'ordanded' better than everyone else in the country. It's what feeds Corperate America, and what they feed the masses to keep them consuming. It's what has the U.S., only 7% of the world population, consuming over 50% of all the raw resources on the planet.. It's what has someone spend $100,000 on an SUV they will never take off-road, it's what has people spend $3,000,000 on a toilet (Opra bought Liberachi's (sp) gold laced toilet a few years back).. and it's what has people piss in the faces of billions of people around the world, then becoming confused when those people get angry about it.

Arrogance and Ignorance to hand in hand, and this country is full of stupid snobs.. and now they are ready to pounce on the rest of the world ala Bolton.. Funny (not ha ha) thing is, every time in history that a government gets "too big for it's britches", it gets torn apart (either from within or without).. guess where we're headed when Bolton, Mr. "the U.S. is the -only- legitimate power on the planet", get's to the U.N... *takes cover*

COMMENT #24 [link]
...Robert Lockwood Mills said on 6/1/2005 @ 1:00pm PT...

Assuming Bolton is confirmed, here's how I envision his first day on the job.

Kofi Annan: "Mr. Bolton, let me introduce myself. I am Secretary-General Annan."

Bolton: "I know who you are, shithead."

Sudanese Ambassador: "Sir, we have been waiting for your position on a Darfur resolution."

Bolton: "Why are you wearing that stupid thing on top of your head? Don't you know only women wear hats indoors?"

Annan: "Mr. Bolton, is President Bush planning to arrange for an American ambassador in Baghdad?"

Bolton: "If and when he's ready to, fuckface. And it's none of your business to begin with. What gives you the idea that Iraq is any of your business? We saved that place. We'll run it. Do you hear me?"

French Ambassador: "Monsieur Bolton...we are haveeng a reeception for all zee new ambassadors at our headquarters. Pleeze come zee us."

Bolton: "Listen, you wine-sipping, brie-munching cocksucker...we saved your country's ass in two wars, and you told Coca-Cola to take a hike just because you believe in that 19th century concept about antitrust. Now you take a hike! O.K?"

Annan: "Mr. Bolton, please watch your language. It's considered bad form at the United Nations."

Bolton: "Do you think I came here to conform to your rules, pipsqueak? Don't you know who I am?"

Reporter from BBC: "We're speaking with Mr. John Bolton, newly installed ambassador from the United States. Thank you for speaking with us, sir."

Bolton: "Who said I would, asshole?"

Bolton's Aide: "The White House is on the line, Mr. Ambassador. Will you take the call?"

Bolton: "If it's the main man, yes. Otherwise tell whoever it is I'm sipping wine with some faggot from France, and I'll call back later."

Aide: "Sir, the faggot just left with a guy named James Guckert. I think that's what the White House might be calling about. It's a crisis, sir."

Bolton: "Crisis, my ass. There are queers all over the White House. Grow up, sonny boy."

Something like that, anyway.

COMMENT #25 [link]
...kira said on 6/1/2005 @ 1:48pm PT...

You guys ... I ran across some information last night and haven't put it into my own words yet. You all may be familiar with this stuff and it's something I "knew" without really "knowing." These sites provide the evidence.

According to this research, the radical part of the Republican party today (including the pResident & his pack + the christian coalition) has close connections with something called the "Christian Identity Movement." They are a hate group and have close ties to the White Supremacists. I'm providing some of the links I've found that shine a beacon of bright light into the dark side of the group spreading the rhetoric of HATE and FEAR so prevalent among those who are in full attack mode today.

Just take a look:

Rush, Newspeak and Fascism
@@This takes you to chapter VI because it came up on my google search. It's a great read & informative about this subject -- but there are 15 chapters to this work. I'm reading them now.

Manifestations of Hate

News of Religious Intolerance and Conflict

1998 CNN report: Shadowy threat of extremist hate groups quietly growing

Inside the Christian Identity Movement

In my opinion, this poses a very serious threat to humanity and explains a lot of the hate rhetoric that we hear.

COMMENT #26 [link]
...viczeba said on 6/1/2005 @ 7:01pm PT...

Bolton is a key player in the global domination plan envisioned by the authors of the Project for the New American Century (www.newamericancentury.org).

This seems to have become the project specification for everything that's been happening since the neocons took over. And Bolton was a signatory, or worse a contributor. So he needs to be involved.

Read it and, literally, weep for our country. It ties together the whole concept of 9/11 being a "new Pearl Harbor" (written in 2000) that can catalyze a global military conquest beginning in the Middle East.

COMMENT #27 [link]
...kira said on 6/2/2005 @ 1:10am PT...

Truthout has a 5-part Editorial Series:

America's Religious Right - Saints or Subversives?.

By Steve Weissman
t r u t h o u t Investigation

Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism
Part II: Hang Ten and Fight!
Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life
Part IV: Pie in the Sky
Part V: "The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers"

Part I:

[snip] ... When Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin boasted that his God was bigger than Islam's, many people demanded his scalp. But, as angry as his critics were, they dismissed what he said as little more than military machismo, political insensitivity, and bone-headed public relations. How could we possibly win Muslim hearts and minds when this highly decorated Crusader so callously belittled Allah?

Few critics asked the tougher question: What did Gen. Boykin's remarks mean for the U.S. Constitution, which he had sworn to support and defend, and which - in the very first words of the First Amendment - forbids any "establishment of religion?"

Dressed in full military uniform with his spit-polished paratroop boots, Boykin spoke to at least 23 evangelical groups around the country, proclaiming that America was "a Christian nation."

"We in the army of God, in the house of God, kingdom of God have been raised for such a time as this," he declared. "[Our] spiritual enemy will only be defeated if we come against them in the name of Jesus."

Defending Boykin, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld carefully cast the issue as one of free speech and religious freedom, both of which the First Amendment guarantees.

"There are a lot of things that are said by people that are their views," said Rumsfeld, "and that's the way we live. We are free people and that's the wonderful thing about our country, and I think for anyone to run around and think that can be managed or controlled is probably wrong."

But, in expressing his beliefs, Gen. Boykin spoke as a high-ranking official. A former commander and 13-year veteran of the top-secret Delta Force, he had recently become deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, the Pentagon's top uniformed spook. In that post, he helped expand American torture at Abu Ghraib and currently oversees the Pentagon's worldwide covert operations, including the widely reported "death squads."

Nor was Gen. Boykin simply passing comment on the religious and cultural heritage of his fellows Americans. Instead, the evangelical general directly challenged the plain language of the Constitution and over 200 years of Supreme Court decisions maintaining what Thomas Jefferson called "the separation of church and state." [snip] **MORE**

A veteran of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and the New Left monthly Ramparts, Steve Weissman lived for many years in London, working as a magazine writer and television producer. He now lives and works in France, where he writes for t r u t h o u t.

COMMENT #28 [link]
...BigTobacco said on 6/2/2005 @ 9:39am PT...

If the paper would ever publish a satirical letter for Bolton it would go like this:

Dear Editor,

In the early 80s, John Bolton took his wife to Plato's Retreat and forced her to service all her friends, even though she said, "No!"

If he will do this to his wife, just imagine what he'll do at the UN. Peoples of all nations must be made to serve our vital national interests in a variety of postures and capacities. And we'd like to take pictures.


Big Tobacco

COMMENT #29 [link]
...Dam, Hoover said on 6/15/2005 @ 9:35am PT...

There is no hope left.

COMMENT #30 [link]
...Dam, Hoover said on 6/15/2005 @ 9:35am PT...

There is no hope left.

COMMENT #31 [link]
...SHO said on 8/1/2005 @ 2:28pm PT...

Hey, nominating Bolton is going right along with what The Project for the New American Century has been preaching. Their ideology is becoming true and someone has to stop them before we all go up in smoke.

COMMENT #32 [link]
...davek said on 8/1/2005 @ 3:01pm PT...

I used to work with a bunch of ex military rightwingnuts and they all felt the same way (which is frighteningly similar to another fascist movement we all know of): we are the chosen ones, the only rational beings on the planet, and besides we have a kick-ass military so what we say goes. These guys had zero respect for other countries - greed and selfishness are things they are proud of, I can only hope they are a dying breed. Even if their numbers dwindle, it only takes a few to have the power to control everything. Help.

COMMENT #33 [link]
...old usa 100 said on 8/2/2005 @ 10:06am PT...

Hey Guys. I'm the guy who's hosting the video. The bandwidth pull is killing me. If you are willing, you can help us out buy buying something from the POAC store. Aside from the occaisional donation, it's our only source of funding.

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