Remember Ari Fleischer? Bush-the Lessor’s first press secretary? The one who decimated all the lies that lead to the illegal invasion of Iraq? He preceded Simple Scottie McClellan and Doublemint Dana? Bald guy, glasses . . . remember? Well, the pencil-necked geek is back in front of the cameras, tidying up the nasty bits of bloody history crafted by his crime bosses (bush/Cheney/Rummy) and painting the Bush years with patriotic banners and glorified images of America standing strong ans safe against Her enemies. Ari-the-liar is still faithful to his masters, after all of these years, explaining to the political pundits why the current crop of GOP candidate-clowns are avoiding Bush/Cheney like the plague, defending these killers as leaders who protected America 9more or less) from those swarthy evildoers.
He neglects to explain why America had these enemies, how they were created, why some – like Saddam – turned evil after they were installed by the US to begin with, why some – like the bin Ladens – were Bush’s former business partners. Join Mike for a little retrospective of our descent into Fascism on the program tonight!
Also, why Rush “Deaf by Temptation” Limbaugh may have good reason to celebrate.
Listen up, Bay-area Truthseekers! Tonight is our last LIVE evening on 960 AM! Get ready to set your alarm clocks, because the Mike Malloy show moves to 1 AM on Wednesday January 4. If you tune in at 6PM (the current timeslot), you can listen to “Market Wrap” on KNEW 960 AM, the station for News, Opinion, and Finance. You can listen online LIVE here on the site, or subscribe to the podcasts and listen commercial-free on your schedule!
Join us around the campfire at 9PM ET LIVE tonight for three hours of flying-monkey-free fun and frivolity! 877-996-2256!