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Topics for Mon, January 2
Matt Strawn - Chairman of the Iowa Republican Party
Rick Santorum - Former Pennsylvania Senator and Presidential Candidate
Kerry Picket - Editor of the Water Cooler Blog for the Washington Times
Chris Tucker - Energy in Depth Spokesman
Domenic Sgambellone - Co- Founder of The American People's Party Movement and Author of "The America of My Dreams: A Political Manifesto"
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Topics for Mon, January 2
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Tax Solution


I try to stay as close to the middle as possible on MOST subjects. As I get older, I find that I sound more and more like my parents. My parents BOTH grew up through the Great Depression. My father was a "yellow-dog" democrat who viewed FDR as the savior of the country. He wouldn't have voted for a republican if you had held a gun to his head. My mother was a little more "liberal" in her thinking with regard to Ronald Reagan. She actually crossed the line and voted for Reagan in 1984.

Recently our country has fallen into a recession - and one can rightly point to the banks as the spark that set-off MOST of the current economic pains we are all feeling. And now comes Mr. Obama who says he wants to "tax the richest 1% of Americans" at a "higher rate!" I TOTALLY disagree with this tax policy.

On the other hand, we have these pitiful excuses for human beings in CEO and other top executive positions who are bailing out of their companies with a "golden parachute" OFTEN funded by me and you.

Now...if we can put a man on the moon, we can track a person's income through the IRS for the TOP 1% of the nation. Should be simple. Now the solution.

1) For EACH AND EVERY company that took money from the government in the form of ANY bailout, that company should be taxed at an additional 20% for the next five years. Period!
2) For EACH AND EVERY top executive in the aforementioned company...an additional 20% of their income in the form of Federal Taxes should be assessed for the rest of their life.
3) For OTHER Top Executives that fall into the Top 1% of wage earners who have taken a "golden parachute" and bailed out of a company because of their incompetence, we should get 50% of that parachute.

Now this may not be a perfect solution...but for those people who manage companies who have taken "bailouts" from you and me, WE deserve to recoup some of their windfall. It is THIS situation that sickens most Americans. These are the culprits who deserve our attention. They came to us (Joe Taxpayer) for a handout. We kept them afloat. We paid their bills for who knows how long. We deserve a goodly portion of their profits as a result.

Once collected, these funds need to be given to the PEOPLE of the USA and not the coffers of the general fund! This action would STIMULATE the economy instantaneously. And that "good feeling of fairness and equality" would also be back in the laps of the liberals!

Again...this may not be perfect, but YOU get the drift of what I am saying and I hope you can take this idea and RUN with it...improve upon it...or develop it into something your listeners can understand.

Thanks for doing what you do!

Sent by: Jim B.
Received: December 14, 2011
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I'm proud of my Dad and the buck he shot this past Thanksgiving weekend. I am unaware of what unit he was on but it...Read more
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