Confirmed: Fracking caused Ohio earthquakes
Published: 03 January, 2012, 22:42
![Abram Loeb, a fracking opponent (Spencer Platt / Getty Images / AFP)](
Ohio lawmakers have put a temporary ban on fracking after experts say it is certain that recent fracking in the Buckeye State caused an outbreak of earthquakes.
Am I reading the Onion? What a stupid article.
Probably a paid operative of the "green" goonies of the British Elites drive to stop progress of mankind to develop it's resources. Good thing its not working anymore, their "will" will not be done.
The internet has ruined any hope of responsible reporting.Any idiot with a computer can publish a story. There is NO ban on hydraulic fracturing in Ohio, there is a ban on using wells in youngstown to dispose of waste water from oil and gas production. get your dang facts straight
Wow, let the "greeners" "achieve" their "force" upon their "universe" by "clicking" "negatively" to it.
don't drink the blue cool aid.
@ Phucktard Scott Smith
Since you are calling everybody idiot, the least I can call you is phucktard, but I would keep much longer, you name it
This ultra short video
shows how you can light fire out of your tap water in the kitchen. It is part of a documentary of a guy who lives in the area and did the research. It shows gas companies poisoning people who have been drinking water mixed with methane, cattle poisoned and dying while they get away with everything and an officer from the EPA saying that they only act if they are forced by the congress, other than that, their policy is to ignore things.
There's no need for name calling. Scott pointed out a very real problem with reporting these days - some journalists do not check their facts and blunder in to report things that may only be partially true.
Regarding the video that you link to, many of the earliest gas and oil discoveries the world over were made by people drilling for water - aquifers do not exclusively carry drinking water. The documentary is one person's interpretation on what has been happening in the area, and was not produced by someone with the geological knowledge/knowhow (as far as I am aware) to delve into the reasons behind why the man can light his tap on fire. I believe that it has since been discovered that his water well is drilled through multiple coal seams - the man basically has his own coal seam gas/coal bed methane well in his backyard that has been slowly dewatering over the years, increasing the gas content in the water until it can be lit. Fraccing activities typically occur at much greater depths than any water well is drilled to and the companies do not want the water. It's a problem for them if excess water gets into the system. Then they have to deal with it at the surface.
Please (and this goes for everyone concerned), do some research into petroleum and groundwater systems, as well as the geology of the area. It's not all as one sided as that documentary would make it seem.
There's no need for name calling. Scott pointed out a very real problem with reporting these days - some journalists do not check their facts and blunder in to report things that may only be partially true.
Regarding the video that you link to, many of the earliest gas and oil discoveries the world over were made by people drilling for water - aquifers do not exclusively carry drinking water. The documentary is one person's interpretation on what has been happening in the area, and was not produced by someone with the geological knowledge/knowhow (as far as I am aware) to delve into the reasons behind why the man can light his tap on fire. I believe that it has since been discovered that his water well is drilled through multiple coal seams - the man basically has his own coal seam gas/coal bed methane well in his backyard that has been slowly dewatering over the years, increasing the gas content in the water until it can be lit. Fraccing activities typically occur at much greater depths than any water well is drilled to and the companies do not want the water. It's a problem for them if excess water gets into the system. Then they have to deal with it at the surface.
Please (and this goes for everyone concerned), do some research into petroleum and groundwater systems, as well as the geology of the area. It's not all as one sided as that documentary would make it seem.
Mankind is getting to powerful for our own good. When will we set aside our need for self indulgence and greed and stop and look at what we are doing to each other and our home the earth.