Learn Russian
Online course for beginners
A great way to start learning Russian – online and free. The course of 100 lessons is created specially for beginners. We believe that learning a new language should be fun and start directly from communicative situations. Start with pronunciation rather than alphabet, learn how to use grammar patterns in dialogues rather than what they are called, get short and clear explanations and test your new skills every five lessons! Register and see your progress.>>>
Russian with Hot For Words
Welcome to video lessons of Russian from Marina Orlova, known as The Sexiest Philologist in the World. Learning Russian with such a charming teacher on RT is one more opportunity to enjoy linguistics and finally find out what Russians mean when they say “Preevet!”>>>
A little bit of Russian
We bring you a unique learning experience as RT's presenters and reporters give you mini-video lessons in the Russian language. No boring books required, just sit back, watch and be taught all the basic Russian you need to go shopping for groceries, go to a clinic or a drugstore, have guests over, ask for instructions and learn many more useful words and phrases in our entertaining one-minute series on RTД.>>>