Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kevin Levine and company rages

Kevin Levine feels that he has a good rebuttal to my article on the Museum of the Confederacy at (You can read the installments as they are published by going to this blog posting.

He also feels he has an adequate response to this posting about his attacks on my essay.

His rebuttals are blogged and can be read at this link.

So I am reviewing his rebuttal.

Levin says in the beginning, "I admit that characterizing Sebesta's essay as a 'rant' was a poor choice of words, but I maintain it is a poorly researched essay."

First thing, Levine declared that he couldn't bring himself to read the essay. So I am not sure how he knows that it is poorly researched or even knows what my arguments are. Second, not all four installments are published.

However, there is a third aspect to this specific criticism of the essay and his criticisms of the essay in general. He doesn't discuss or mention anything in the contents of the essay. The essay is bad because he doesn't like its conclusions. Kevin Levine avoids discussing the contents of the installments and I don't think he has mentioned even a single thing about the contents.

Then of course Levin likes to engage in name calling, and then as moderator allow posted more rabid name calling that might be a little unseemly if he did it himself.

The other revealing aspect of this post is Levine's establishmentarianism. In an article in the New York Times, reporter Edward Rothstein states that the Museum of the Confederacy (MOC) is changing because the president of the MOC says so. Is Rothstein even aware of my research sources? What was his research to come to his conclusions? I am not sure how anything in the article refutes the evidence in my essay. Or course these questions are irrelevant to Levine, the point is that an authority figure has an opinion that is different to mine.

Later in the essay, Levine says "In addition, while Sebesta is fond of quoting his favorite 'neo-Confederate' sources he never comes to term with the fact that the scholarly community has embraced the MOC." Levine needs to remember Carlyle's statement, "Every new idea starts with a minority of precisely one."

So it isn't about the evidence, it is about what the current conventional wisdom is, and how can Ed Sebesta think evidence is superior to conventional wisdom or the established authorities.

Kevin Levine's and Brook D. Simpson's comments are a gift since they are unabashed, unveiled, and explicit expressions of certain attitudes amongst some Civil War enthusiasts.

Levine's first hysterical denunciation after I had the first installment published is online here:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The white paternalism of Kevin Levine

Kevin Levine over at had a hysterical post when he found out that I had started to published a series on the MOC at He was so upset that he said some interesting things.

One was:

"The post includes a link to a 4-part essay that was published at the Black Commentator. I am going to leave it to you to read through as I simply do not have the patience to do it. It is an incredibly incoherent rant ... "

This is typical of Levine when he is upset with things he just engages in slander of whomever he is upset with. Levine might be upset with the paper, he might disagree with it, but it isn't incoherent, it isn't a rant. I had editorial review of the paper by a well published university professor before publishing it.

What is interesting is Levine's attitude toward Does he think they would publish a rant? Does he think they would published an incoherent paper? They have an editorial board of distinguished academics, and they have editors. I didn't just upload the paper to the website. It was submitted and reviewed by an editor before being published. It is interesting how Levine was, without pause or thought or inquiry, dismissed the competency of Black Commentator. It is revealing of his attitude towards African American scholarship.

Then there is this really revealing commentary by Levine:

"What I find most disturbing about Sebesta’s rant is that it will make the MOC’s job of reaching out to the African American community that much more difficult. They have come so far in broadening their interpretation over the past few decades and getting involved in the community around Richmond."

Are African Americans children that Ed Sebesta is leading astray? Apparently Levine thinks so. I think that African Americans can critically read essays just like anyone else. Perhaps the essay will make it more difficult for the MOC to reach out to the African American community because the article will have alerted the African American community as to what the agenda of the MOC is.

League of the South hypocrisy

This is a post of the League of the South (LOS) which really shows their hypocrisy.

It is a complaint that neo-Confederates are considered potentially violent.

However, what "Old Rebel," the LOS blogger doesn't tell you is that leaders in the LOS, like LOS president Michael Hill endorsed a book, "Heiland" written by one of the founding LOS board members Franklin Sanders. The story is about a group of rebels which overthrows the government by murdering all the people in the city. These rebels are considered the heroes in the story. Former LOS board member Rev. Steve Wilkins also endorsed the book.

Then there was an article in Chronicles magazine in which Michael Hill considered the IRA terrorists the equivalent to a medieval Scottish clan.

So it seems these four would be terrorists are somewhat representative of neo-Confederate ideology.

League of the South Rubbish

There are some posts of the League of the South blog which show really what a lot of rubbish they talk.

For example there is this post:

The LOS blogger is trying to say that the Texas NAACP is hypocritical because of what a former Dallas NAACP head had said. What the LOS doesn't tell you is that Lee Alcorn, the former head of the Dallas NAACP who said these things, got kicked out of the NAACP by the NAACP shortly after making these comments for making these comments.

Then there this issue of confusing an ideology with the idea of culture. Is Maoism the same as being Chinese. Is Maoism a culture or an ideology? If I decided to reject Bolshevik symbols, does that mean I am anti-Russian? Of course it doesn't. Neo-Confederacy is an ideology.

The League of the South is composed of ranters that have a weak grasp of the facts if any grasp of the facts.


I am going to have this blog post to hold links to all four installments. That way I will have just one short link to direct people to all four installments of the article on the Museum of the Confederacy. is a pay site and these links provided in this blog are free.

The 3rd installment has gone to the publisher and the 4th installment has gone to the editor. When they are published online I will ad the link to them here in this post.

1st installment:

2nd installment:

3rd installment:

4th installment:

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Being published by Palgrave Macmillan in book on the Texas teaching standards.

It is now official, Palgrave Macmillan is publishing a book on the new and notorious Texas teaching standards to be titled, Politics and the History Curriculum: The Struggle over Standards in Texas and the Nation. I contributed a chapter on the new standards for the Civil War and Reconstruction. My chapter will be titled, Neo-Confederate Ideology in the Texas History Standards.

The link to the web page about the book is the following:

I am looking forward to reaching and communicating with a whole new audience of educators and working with them to influence how the Civil War and Reconstruction is taught to students.

Friday, September 30, 2011

2nd Installment of Expose of the Museum of the Confederacy (MOC) published/ URL corrected

The 2nd installment of the expose of the MOC can be read at this URL:

The 1st installment can be read at this URL:

I also recommend this web page on the MOC:

I am working on the 3rd installment and hope to have it finished this weekend. A lot of issues come up in the review of the MOC which needed critical and analytical treatment. I have been reading books like "Theorizing the Museum" edited by Sharon Macdonald and Gordon Fyfe and "Christian Materiality: An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe." I must have bought a dozen books or more.

As I was going over the 3rd installment I realized that there were issues beyond explicit and banal nationalism, but other issues on how museums are used to promote nationalism and how the MOC functions as a giant reliquary. Scholars contacted were supportive of my project and willing to make reading recommendations.

Even when my 3rd installment is done it will still need some review and editorial input by a colleague of mine. Then with revisions I will be submitting it to The 4th installment I think will be easy to finish up. Of course I never know until I start writing a piece, whether some aspect previously overlooked will be discovered requring reading further analysis.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Another critic of the Museum of the Confederacy.

Eric Muller wrote up his visit to the Museum of the Confederacy (MOC) and discusses the difficulty of deciding what his creepiest moment was while visiting.

In talking to Mr. Muller over the phone he told me that the MOC sent him a letter which they labeled confidential so he couldn't reveal what they said to him. This is a pernicious practice of labeling letters confidential so that that contents are covered up.

Eric Muller is the Dan K. Moore Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Development University of North Carolina School of Law.

I have requested that Mr. Muller share the essay with others who might be interested.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Civil War News" positively reviews "The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader."

A very positive review of "The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader" by Edward H. Bonekemper III in Civil War News.

Thursday, September 15, 2011 publishes my article on the Museum of the Confederacy. UPDATE: 2nd installment published has published the first part of a four part article on the Museum of the Confederacy (MOC) I am writing. You can read online without a subscription at:

This first installment introduces the series and shows how the MOC has reverted to a Lost Cause shrine to the Confederacy headed up by a CEO who is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Though I show in the article it can be questioned if the MOC every really changed that much, but instead had two very differing faces, one for the public, one private.

Of particular interest to African American scholars would be the speech in which African American scholarship and opinion is held up to ridicule in a speech at the MOC right after the "Before Freedom Came" exhibit. In fact in this speech, the exhibit "Before Freedom Came" is praised an an antidote to the "Carol Moseley-Braun syndrome." This speech was by prominent neo-Confederate Ludwell Johnson III at the MOC upon being made a MOC fellow.

I am very pleased to be published on since it will allow me to become known by a new audience of scholars and intellectuals. Much of my work is helping out people with research and they don't know that I can help them if they don't know that I exist and what resources I have.

I have been monitoring the MOC for a very, very long time and have a very exhaustive collection of their materials. I just haven't had time to write up the material. Two other book projects and other writing projects have been delayed while I wrote up what I knew about the MOC.

It also turned out once I started writing up the MOC there really was a lot of material that needed to be brought to public light. So it became a very lengthy manuscript, that needed to be broken into installments. I didn't write up everything about the MOC since the manuscript was already over 26,000 words and I needed to get published and a writing project needs to have a finish. I think the four installments do give the reader a good understanding of what the MOC is and what it is doing.

However, like many writing projects, it has been an interesting intellectual journey. I have been reading about museums and their theoretical analyses, in particular nationalism and the museum.


This is the URL for the 2nd installment.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Michael Lind on the Tea Party Caucus in Congress and the former Confederate states

Michael Lind on had this analysis of the Tea Party caucus in Congress.

Lind is paying attention to the geography of politics.

See this blog on Michell Backmann and her neo-Confederacy.

I think the public is becoming aware of the mainstreaming of neo-Confederacy into the American conservative movement.

Obama considers Fort Monroe as a national monument

Politico has the following article about Obama considering Fort Monroe as a national monument. It is online here:

A quote form the article:

"There are few more significant sites in terms of African-American history anywhere in the country, and using the Antiquities Act to preserve this special place makes sense after the Army hands over the site next month,” Warner said in a statement.

Built between 1819 and 1834, Fort Monroe was one of the few Union military installations in the South never occupied by Confederate forces during the Civil War.

Gen. Benjamin Butler made the "Contraband Decision" there in 1861 that kept slaves from being forced to return after they crossed Union lines. Thousands of slaves came to the site, which became known as “Freedom’s Fortress.”

Another excellent article about Ft. Monroe and the effort to make it into a national monument is online at the "News and Observer" here:

Michelle Bachmann's neo-Confederacy detailed in "The New Yorker."

This article in the "New Yorker" about Michelle Backmann covers her interests in neo-Confederate ideology, but I am not sure they recognize it as being neo-Confederate per see.

The article is at this link:

Here is a quote from the article:

"While looking over Bachmann’s State Senate campaign Web site, I stumbled upon a list of book recommendations. The third book on the list, which appeared just before the Declaration of Independence and George Washington’s Farewell Address, is a 1997 biography of Robert E. Lee by J. Steven Wilkins.

Wilkins is the leading proponent of the theory that the South was an orthodox Christian nation unjustly attacked by the godless North. This revisionist take on the Civil War, known as the “theological war” thesis, had little resonance outside a small group of Southern historians until the mid-twentieth century, when Rushdoony and others began to popularize it in evangelical circles. In the book, Wilkins condemns “the radical abolitionists of New England” and writes that “most southerners strove to treat their slaves with respect and provide them with a sufficiency of goods for a comfortable, though—by modern standards—spare existence.”

African slaves brought to America, he argues, were essentially lucky: “Africa, like any other pagan country, was permeated by the cruelty and barbarism typical of unbelieving cultures.” Echoing Eidsmoe, Wilkins also approvingly cites Lee’s insistence that abolition could not come until “the sanctifying effects of Christianity” had time “to work in the black race and fit its people for freedom.”

If you want the background about Christian Reconstructionists and neo-Confederacy read the following article:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Contributing Chapter to book on the Texas Teaching Standards

I have been working very hard the last 8 months on completing a chapter for a book on the new and notorious Texas teaching standards. I was assigned to work on the neo-Confederate elements in the standards.

Last weekend I completed the revisions to the chapter and last Monday our editor sent the whole manuscript to the publisher. The chapter still goes to a reader and will come back for further revisions, but these will be minor revisions, work on footnotes, etc. My editor has been very happy with the chapter.

The working title for the volume is currently Social Studies Circus: Politics and Education in Texas and the Nation. The publisher is Palgrave Macmillan. We hope to have the volume published in time for the April 2012 American Educational Research Association conference.

Hopefully, my chapter on the Civil War and Reconstruction on the new extreme right Texas teaching standards will be a point of departure to a larger general discussion of how the Civil War and Reconstruction is taught in America. More immediatly it should help people understand how crazy the Texas State Board of Education teaching standards are and block their implementation.

Additionally, I am going to partner with an educational expert to write up lesson plans for the Civil War and Reconstruction for school teachers. I plan to sell the plans for 99 cents on It will be very inexpensive for teachers.

It is sort of a relief to have gotten the Chapter done. I had been working hard at work and on two writing projects. Now I can concentrate on the Museum of the Confederacy paper. Euan Hague has been doing editorial work and the first two installments are nearly completed. I will be going over Euan's editorial inputs today and have the next to final version sent back tomorrow, Sunday evening and off to the publisher early this week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 runs article about Texas Gov. Rick Perry's Confederate past

The online news and commentary website has an article on Texas Gov. Rick Perry's Confederate past online at:

I supplied the documentation for the story. The letter to Rick Perry asking him to oppose a Confederate license plate for the Sons of Confederate Veterans wasn't mentioned. You can read the letter online at the History News Network at this link:

To find out what the views of all the presidential candidates regarding the Confederacy and neo-Confederacy we are going to be sending them a questionnaire. We are still writing some background papers which we hope to have completed in July. You can read the questionnaire at:

We have a paper on the neo-Confederate issues that are coming up in mainstream politics, a paper on the presidents and the Confederacy, and we have a lengthy background paper on the neo-Confederate movement. These will help provide background information to journalists.

However, right now we are going to focus on the letter to Rick Perry.

Monday, July 04, 2011

History News Network Publishes Letter to Texas Gov. Rick Perry

The History News Network has put online the letter to Rick Perry asking him to oppose Confederate license plates. You can read it at:

Reader co-signatures for the letter are being solicited in the History News Network introduction to the letter.

This letter campaign is being tracked on the blog

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Letter to Texas Gov. Rick Perry asking him to oppose the proposed Sons of Confederate Veterans license plate.

We have written a letter to Texas Gov. Rick Perry asking him to oppose a proposed Sons of Confederate license plate.

We are currently gathering signatures. We have a blog about the letter and the campaign at:

One significant online media is going to have the letter online July 4th. We will have more details then.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Origin of Memorial Day by David W. Blight

There is this very interesting article by David W. Blight about the first memorial day in Charleston, South Carolina. I strongly recommend reading it. It is a very powerful essay which I think will have important ramifications.

The following is a quote from the story:

After the Confederate evacuation of Charleston black workmen went to the site, reburied the Union dead properly, and built a high fence around the cemetery.They whitewashed the fence and built an archway over an entrance on which they inscribed the words, “Martyrs of the Race Course.”

The symbolic power of this Low Country planter aristocracy’s bastion was not lost on the freedpeople, who then, in cooperation with white missionaries and teachers, staged a parade of 10,000 on the track. A New York Tribune correspondent witnessed the event, describing “a procession of friends and mourners as South Carolina and the
United States never saw before.”

The procession was led by 3,000 black schoolchildren carrying armloads of roses and singing the Union marching song “John Brown’s Body.” Several hundred black women followed with baskets of flowers, wreaths and crosses. Then came black men marching in cadence, followed by contingents of Union infantrymen. Within the cemetery enclosure a black children’s choir sang “We’ll Rally Around the Flag,” the “Star-Spangled Banner” and spirituals before a series of black ministers read from the Bible.

So what is Obama doing today, sending a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument.

The History News Network did run the 2009 letter today, but not the 2010 or 2011 letters.

I suggest people read Blight's essay in the New York Times then read our letters to Obama at:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Postings on neo-Confederate homophobia in new blog. UPDATED

I have started a blog to reach out to the Lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender communities about neo-Confederate homophobia at this blog.

It will happen that I will read about some homophobe and recognize their involvement or connection to neo-Confederacy and I need some convenient way to make this information available.

Also there are those in the LGBT community who have "Gone With the Wind" attitudes towards the Confederacy and I think with education will give up the Confederacy.

UPDATE: 5/28/11

I have gotten three different posts published on the blog now. One documents neo-Confederacy in the conservative wing of the Anglican church in the United States.

Incidentally, if you see something of interest for this new blog let me know.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Favorable review in the Tennessee Historical Commission publication "The Courier."

The review of "The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader" is at this link:

The review is on page 7 of the publication, right most column.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Manuscript on the Museum of the Confederacy in the editing phase

I have a publisher for an essay on the Museum of the Confederacy. I have extensive records on the Museum of the Confederacy going back to the early 1990s. When you index the Southern Partisan, it is amazing what you will find you have indexed. Similarly when you have the Confederate Veteran and UDC Magazine indexed.

I am writing it for a major African American website for scholars, activists, intellectuals, etc. They have expressed an interest. There is a lot of material on the Museum of the Confederacy so my essay is over 26,000 words long so the editing is going to take some time. I had planned on just 5-6,000 words, but as I went through my records I really did come across a lot of interesting material.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Winter Institute of the Univ. of Mississippi has link to ConfederatePastPresent

If you go to either the main page of the Winter Institute here, and this page also. I think the website will receive a whole new audience. I will have to get more material online this coming summer after I get a couple writing assignments done.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Article on Jefferson Davis Highway published by Cambridge University Press

The article, "The Jefferson Davis Highway: Contesting the Confederacy in the Pacific Northwest," has been published by the Journal of American Studies at Cambridge University Press. The link to the abstract is:

We have another lengthy paper on the Jefferson Davis Highway which we hope to get published elsewhere.

My tentative title for the book is, "The Lost Highway to White Supremacy."

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Civil War News" Praises "Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader."

Civil War News, one of the major, if not the major Civil War publication, in their book review praises the "Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader." You can read the review at this link:

A quote from Edward H. Bonekemper III:

"In the same vein, this book contains documents and arguments reflecting a “neo-Confederate” ideology of racism that emerged during Reconstruction, came to the fore during the “Nadir,” and continued to affect Americans’ thinking at least through the civil rights movement and the civil rights legislation of the 1960s.

This thought-provoking tome should be required reading for all teachers of American and Civil War history. Its contents reflect a long and shameful history of racism in America — a major reason for continuing controversies about the causes, nature and impacts of the Civil War."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

James Loewen is co-signer for 2011 Letter to the President

James Loewen is a co-signer for the 2011 Letter to the President.

Co-signatures are coming in.

Michael Phillips, co-signer of Letter to Obama quoted in "Texas Observer"

Michael Phillips, a co-signer of the Letter to Obama, is quoted at this article.

It is about neo-Confederate white washing of Civil War history. Good article.

Incidentally, the link to the 2011 Letter to Obama is the following:

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Manisha Sinha "New York Times" article, "The Strange Victory of the Palmetto State," about SC's secessionism's eventual triumph.

Manisha Sinha, a co-signer of the 2009, 2010, and 2011 letters to Obama to not send a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument has an article recently published in the New York Times, titled, "The Strange Victory of the Palmetto State." It is about how South Carolina's advocacy of secession for decades did not get much support outside South Carolina, but eventually it had the support many of the slave states and South Carolina eventually triumphed.

The link to the article is here:

Thursday, February 03, 2011

2011 Letter to President Barack Obama Concerning the Arlington Confederate Monument Now Online

The 2011 Letter to President Obama concerning federal government support of neo-Confederacy and sending a wreath to the Arlington Confederate Monument is online at:

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The racism of the persons who the UDC names its awards to the U.S. Military service academy students


The following was posted at the Arlington Confederate Monument Report.

The following is about the racism of the individuals who the UDC names the awards that they give to the U.S. Military service academy students.

Wade Hampton, was the leader of the Red Shirts who conducted a violent and successful campaign to restore white supremacy in South Carolina ending the multiracial democracy of Reconstruction. Wade Hampton is a hero to the UDC South Carolina Division precisely because he restored white supremacy to South Carolina and overthrew Reconstruction.[i]

The UDC South Carolina Division issued a publication with the cover, “United Daughters of the Confederacy, South Carolina Division: Golden Anniversary 1896-1946.” In it on page 13 is an article titled, “Oakley Park, Edgefield’s Red Shirt Shrine.” Oakley Park is an old Plantation house which the South Carolina UDC division had decided in October 1944 to restore. The importance of this house for restoration is stated in the article, “Oakley Park was the home of General Martin Witherspoon Gary, who with his Red Shirts, in 1876, did so much to restore white supremacy in South Carolina.”

The article explains further:

The “Red Shirts” were largely ex-Confederate soldiers under the leadership of their one-time military commanders. Forbidden to organize into military companies and regarding the gray uniform of the Confederacy as inappropriate, the men arrayed themselves in red shirts and formed mounted bands which patrolled the State in the interest of the Democratic nominee for Governor, which was Hampton, against the Republican nominee, Chamberlain. “A white man’s government”, they said. Then followed a long struggle for control. The Republicans held the State House, and were sustained by United States troops. Conditions were desperate! The Democrats were determined to get the government back into the hands of the white people.

The Red Shirts, who gathered at Oakley Park and rode out from there were a great factor in achieving this, and in the election of Hampton in 1876, and thus was accomplished the overthrow of that “blackest abomination” – The Radical Government of South Carolina.”

In the 21st century the UDC continues to promote the “Red Shirt Shrine,” the UDC run Oakley Park Museum in Edgefield, South Carolina. In the June/July 2001 issue of UDC Magazine, the cover illustration is a photo of the Oakley Park plantation house for an article in the issue about it. .[i] The UDC raised money for this museum in the 1940s and has promoted them as heroes over the years, including the aforementioned Wade Hampton sabre award.

Raphael Semmes erected a tombstone in Mexico with the inscription “In memoriam of Abraham Lincoln, President of the late United States, who died of nigger on the brain, 1st January 1863,” is somehow honored with an award given to an exemplary cadet of the U.S. Coast Guard academy.

Professor Gerald Horne, in his book, “The Deepest South: The United States, Brazil, and the African Slave Trade,” discusses the obsessive racism of Semmes. Brazilian society displeased Semmes because of racial antipathies. Horne quotes Semmes in his rejection of post-war colonization of Brazil as follows:

‘The effete Portuguese race,’ he sputtered, ‘has been ingrafted [sic]upon a stupid, stolid Indian stock in that country … this might be a suitable field enough for the New England schoolma’am and carpet-bagger, but no Southern gentleman should think of mixing his blood or casting his lot with such a race of people.’

Horne explains that while Semmes, as a Confederate naval officer during the Civil War, was hosted and feted by Brazilian society he was obsessed with their racial composition. Horne writes:

He was disgusted with “amalgamation” in Brazil, thinking it provided a poor example for North America, as it was leading to “mongrel set of curs” that would “cover the whole land.” He was more pleased with South Africa where “the African has met the usual fate of the savage, when he comes in contact with civilized man. He had been thrust aside, and was only to be seen as a straggler and stranger in his native land.” As he saw it, “the inhabitants of the Cape Colony seemed to resemble our own people” in their penchant for white supremacy.

Horne also questions Semmes being considered a hero and writes:

The “damage done by Raphael Semmes to the commerce of the United States” amounted to “ten millions of dollars.” Yet despite this mayhem he inflicted on the U.S. during the course of his treasonous revolt, after the war his “statue” was placed prominently on “Mobile’s busiest thoroughfare, standing near the sea he so long loved and dominated.”[ii]

Following the defeat of the Confederacy, Matthew Fontaine Maury attempted to recreate the slave-era Old South in Mexico. As noted by Gaines M. Foster in his book, “Ghosts of the Confederacy,” Maury and his comrades planned to:

Bring with them a proportional number of “negro skilled laborers in agriculture” who would enter the country as “peons” – a concession that caused Maury to consider himself an abolitionist. Together, the best families and faithful peons would build a “New Virginia” in a part of Mexico that reminded Maury of the Valley of the Shenandoah.[iii]

Maury also worked at length for a scheme to colonize the Amazon basin of Brazil with African- American slaves. Maury’s contempt for Brazilians and his plans for this slave expansion are shown in these excerpts in a letter of instruction to Herndon who he sent to Brazil as a scout for his scheme:

Who shall people the Great Valley of this Mighty Amazon? Shall it be peopled with an imbecile and an indolent people or by a go ahead race that has energy and enterprise equal to subdue the forest and to develop and bring forth the vast resources that lie hidden here?

… That valley is to [be] the safety valve for our Southern States, when they become over-populated with slaves, the African Slave Trade will be stopped, and they will send their slaves to the Amazon. Just as the Mississippi Valley has been the escape valve for the slaves of the Northern, now free, States, so will the Amazon be to that of the Mississippi.

To further promote this expansion of slavery Maury resorted to the fear mongering of race war, in De Bow’s Review in an article advocating the transfer of African American slaves to the Amazon.[v]

A columnist in the UDC Magazine in 1958 writing about an article praising Maury, lists this as an example of Maury accomplished intellect. Further the columnist quotes Maury writing to his cousin that transferring African American slaves to the Amazon “…would be relieving our own country of the slaves, it would be hastening the time of our deliverance, and if it would be putting off indefinitely, the horrows [sic] of that war of races, which without an escape is surely to come."[vi]

Despite his iconic status in the South, Robert E. Lee was a racist who worked against African Americans after the Civil War. His attitudes are best described by his son Robert E. Lee Jr. The 1904 book Recollections and Letters of General Lee, written by his son, R.E. Lee, Jr., includes the following remark by General Lee:

I have always observed that wherever you find the negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving.

Robert E. Lee wrote the notorious White Sulphur Manifesto to undermine and oppose the Republican Party civil rights policies in the presidential election of 1868. In this letter Lee wrote:

It is true that the people of the South, in common with a large majority of the people of the North and West, are, for obvious reasons, inflexibly opposed to any system of laws that would place the political power of the country in the hands of the negro race. But this opposition springs from no feeling of enmity, but from a deep-seated conviction that, at present, the negroes have neither the intelligence nor the other qualifications which are necessary to make them safe depositories of political power. They would inevitably become the victims of demagogues, who, for selfish purposes, would mislead them to the serious injury of the public.

At the Congressional hearings on Reconstruction Lee expressed support of slavery and believing that Virginia would be better off without African Americans.[vii]

[i] “United Daughters of the Confederacy, South Carolina Division: Golden Anniversary 1896-1946,” no author. Also, Harris, Donna, “Oakley Park: Only Shrine of its Kind,” page 23-24, United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine, Vol. 64 No. 6, June/July 2001.
[ii] Gerald Horne, “The Deepest South: The United States, Brazil, and the African Slave Trade,” pp. 190-91, New York University Press, New York, 2007.
[iii] Foster, Gaines M., “Ghosts of the Confederacy,” page 16, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
[iv] Gerald Horne, “The Deepest South: The United States, Brazil, and the African Slave Trade,” pp. 113-16, New York University Press, New York, 2007. Maury’s plan is discussed from page 112 to 127.
[v] The fact must be obvious to the far-reaching minds of our statesmen, that unless some means of relief be devised, some channel afforded, by which the South can, when the time comes, get rid of the excess of her slave population, that she will be ultimately found, with regard to this institution, in the predicament of the man with the wolf by the ears—too dangerous to hold on any longer, and equally dangerous to let go.

To our mind, the event is as certain to happen as any event is [sic] which dependents on the contingencies of the future, viz.: that unless means be devised for gradually relieving the slave states from the undue pressure of this class upon them—unless some way be opened by which they may be rid of their surplus black population,—the time will come—it may not be in the next nor in the succeeding generation—but, sooner or later, come it will, and come it must—when the two races will join in the death struggle for the mastery,” from Matthew Fontaine Maury, “Direct Foreign Trade of the South,” De Bow’s Review, Vol. 12 No. 2 Feb. 1852, pp. 147.
[vi] Col. John C. Lawton, “Matthew Fontaine Maury,” UDC Magazine, Vol. 21 No. 3, March 1958, pp. 6-7, 10, 17.
[vii] Robert E. Lee, “Memoranda on the Civil War,” Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Vol. 36 No. 4, August. 1888, 600-01 for his views on slavery; ---, Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction at the First Session Thirty-Ninth Congress, (Washington: GPO, 1866), 135-36 for his views of ridding Virginia of African Americans.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Information on the United Daughters of the Confederacy and their support of white supremacy posted at the Arlington Confederate Monument Report blog

The link to the post is:

The draft of the letter to Obama is being worked on. We have the too long letter and we are shortening it. However, a lot of material in the letter is good back ground information.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011 Letter to the President concerning the Arlington Confederate Monument almost ready.

The letter is going through a final review for small errors. I hope to have it up at by Sunday night.

I think we have much better prospects this year than last year.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

James Loewen writes on the responses to his "Washington Post" essay on "5 Myths about Why the South Seceded"

The link to the article is:

What is interesting is that a lot of people who were initially hostile decided to get the book and read the primary documents for themselves.

Also, the Washington Post article went viral and had over a half a million viewers. This is the link in case you missed the article.

It was commented on almost 4,000 sites from Forbes to The Times of India.

January 2011 isn't even over and we have already begun to significantly change the public opinion regarding the Lost Cause rationalizations of history. I think that even before the end of this year the Lost Cause (neo-Confederate) view of history will be seriously discredited with the general public and an object of mirth.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Does Criticism by the Sons of Confederate Veterans Help a Politician?

A very interesting article in the Washington Post argues that the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) did George Allen and Virginia Gov. R. F. McDonnell a favor by very publicly criticizing them. The article asserts that by being criticized by the SCV both Allen and McDonnell look good. McDonnell after his problem with declaring a Confederate history month and Allen with his image problems over the infamous "macaca" incident will find criticism invaluable to rehabilitate their images.

This is the link:

This again shows that there has been a real shift in public opinion against the Confederacy and so-called Confederate "heritage."

I suspect that the SCV believes their own propaganda in the "Southern Mercury" that they caused the defeat of many politicians who didn't favor Confederate symbols.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

James Loewen on Black Agenda Report

This is the link to an audio file. James Loewen is talking at 30:58 into the podcast. The link is:

With this podcast we are reaching a great many African American community leaders, activists, and scholars with the information they need to refute neo-Confederate nonsense.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Excellent Essay at Forbes magazine website,

The title of the essay is, "Time to Lose the Confederate Flag: Some Heresies for the Civil War Sesquicentennial," by Craig Silver. The link is:

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Why Florida seceded, it seems to be something about slavery.

This is an article at a TV station in Tampa, Florida:

What is interesting is that it reviews the historical record showing that Florida seceded over the issue of slavery.

The Sesquicentennial is going to be about the historical record and the recognition that the slave states seceded over slavery. Persons who are in denial over this will be seen as cranks or members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Friday, January 07, 2011